The Growing Importance of Chemical Studies in Medical Edu- cation and in Medical Research. Vaughan.. The Treatment of the First Stage of Acute Lobar Pneumonia. The Treatment of Spasmodic Asthma. Jenkins. Some Clinical Experiences with Eucalyptol. Brainerd. Antiseptics. Corson. 71 85 115 123 Two Interesting Cases of Forced Respiration. Fell Method. Fell. 143 The Report of a Case of Fatty Urine Accompanying an Abscess in the Right Iliac Fossa. Recovery. Connelly. Tuberculin Its Value as a Scientific Discovery, Apart from its Therapeutic Importance; Together with a Consideration of 193 THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF CHEM ICAL STUDIES IN MEDICAL EDU CATION AND IN MEDICAL Chairman's Address delivered before the Section of the Practice of BY VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, M.D., Gentlemen of the Section:-The object which I have in view in the selection of this subject is to call your attention to the present importance of chemical studies in the elucidation of medical problems. Chemical theories and discoveries have frequently in the past been of service to medicine, but they offer much greater promises for the future. With the past services you are familiar, and I desire to point out some of the most important problems which are now being investigated or which only await careful study. The Chemistry of the Animal Cell.-With the form and size of the various cells of the animal body, both in health and in disease, we are fairly acquainted, but we must remember that these ultimate entities of life have also a physiological and a chemical history. Their function, as well as |