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" The Tomb of Alexander, a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus, brought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum. "
Aischulou Agamemnōn. Æschyli Agamemnon, emendavit, notas et glossarium ... - Side 322
af Aeschylus - 1818
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The Universal magazine, Bind 3

1805 - 632 sider
...by I). L. Lambert. 5s. boards. The Second Report of the Patriotic Fund Committee at Lloyd's. 2s. The Tomb of Alexander, a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus,...from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum, by ED Clarke, LL.D. 4lo. 18s. boards. Onsuria Literaria, containing Titles, Attracts, and Characters of...
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The Universal Magazine, Bind 3

1805 - 634 sider
...Islands, by DL Lambert. 5s. boards. The Second Report of the Patriotic Fund Committee at Lloyd's. 2s. The Tomb of Alexander, a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus, brought from Alexandria, and now in the Brit! -!i Museum, by EI). Clarke, LL.D. 4to. IBs. boards. Censiiria Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts-,...
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Englische Miscellen, Bind 17–20

Johann Christian Hüttner - 1804 - 802 sider
...promote and simplify the Study of Astronomy to Persons of all Ages; with numerous Copper-plates , 45. The Tomb of Alexander , a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus brought from Alexandria and nr.w in the British Museum; by Kdward Daniel Clarke, LLD 410 with Encravings. iSs. hoards. A complete...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], Bind 1,Del 1

1805 - 506 sider
...constant vigilance is requisite, to prevent its advancement toward the goal of absurdity. Art. IV. The Tomb of Alexander ; a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus...the British Museum. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. Deighton, Cambridge; Mawman, London. 4to. pp. lO'l. Frke 18s. J605....
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

1805 - 570 sider
...and hospitable attention from the inhabitants. ART. VII. — The Tomb of Alexander. A Dissertation un the Sarcophagus brought from Alexandria, -and now in the British Museum. By fcdœard Daniel Clarke, LLD Fitlow of Jesus College, Cambridge. 4to. 18». Mawraan. 1805. WHEN we first...
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The Present State of Turkey: Or, A Description of the Political ..., Bind 2

Thomas Thornton - 1809 - 520 sider
...January, 1801. By David Macpherson. Neatly printed on medium Paper, in 4 large Vols, 4to. Price Si. SE. in Boards. TOMB of ALEXANDER. A Dissertation on the Sarcophagus...in 4to. with five beautiful Plates by Medland, 18s. Boards. ~ G. Woodfall, "Printer, Patcrnofter row, London. 71 349 AAA 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN...
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The Present State of Turkey; Or,: A Description of the Political ..., Del 2

Thomas Thornton - 1809 - 508 sider
...Vols. 4to. Price Si. 8s. in Boards. TOMB of ALEX AN DER. A Dissertation on the Sarcophagus biought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum, by...in 4to. with five beautiful Plates by Medland, 18s. Boards. G. Woodfall, Priater, Paternoftcr row, London. i'S***V • -t * "ii UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA...
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Essays on the Picturesque, as Compared with the Sublime and the ..., Bind 1

Sir Uvedale Price - 1810 - 444 sider
...HOLLINSHED's, HALL'*, and GRAFTON's CHRONICLES of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND; 9 Vols. 4to. 191 19s. boards. TOMB of ALEXANDER. A Dissertation on the Sarcophagus...now in the British Museum. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL. D. Handsomely printed in Quarto, with five beautiful Plates, by Medland, 18s. boards. PLUTARCH'S...
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A catalogue of the library

London Surrey inst - 1811 - 220 sider
...Herculaneum ; with Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Antients, 8vo. Lond. 1756 CLARKE (ED) The Tomb of Alexander; a Dissertation on the Sarcophagus...brought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum, 4to. Lond. 180$ •f CHANDLER (R.) Inscriptiones antiquae, pleraeque nondum editae : in Asia Minpri...
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A Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Company, Bind 2,Del 1

Library Company of Philadelphia - 1813 - 140 sider
...Africa. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LLD Part 1st, Russia, Turkey, Tartary. Philadelphia, 1811. 1528, Q. The Tomb of Alexander ; a dissertation on the Sarcophagus...in the British museum. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LLD Cambridge, 1805. — — See Voyages and Travels, 3817, O. Vol. 6. • - 3978, O. Authentic and interesting...
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