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Dr. Fisher remarked that in the east it had not been uncommon to send phthisical patients to Montreal. He wanted to know if any one present had ever heard of a sailor having asthma.

Dr. Adams answered that he had treated sailors repeatedly for asthma.

Dr. Gorham said he had spent two years of his professional life in Cheyenne, which is 100 miles north of Denver, and while there had had three patients in his care who had suffered with asthma, one of whom being a gentleman living east of Chicago. He was relieved almost immediately, but on returning home each time was again seized, to find relief only at Cheyenne.

Other members took part in the discussion, so that the interesting proceedings were not adjourned until 7 o'clock.

The Bureau of Psychological Medicine was presided over by Dr. Selden Talcott, in the absence of the chairman. The papers heretofore read in general session by Drs. Talcott and Buck were then taken up and exhaustively discussed.

The Bureau of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology was under the chairmanship of Dr. J. C. Morgan. "Malarial Pathology" was the subject for discussion.

The evening was given up to the social element, the Assembly hall having been cleared and made ready for Terpsichorean exercises. The banquet promised in the program failed of materialization-there being in its stead what under the circumstances was far preferable, a bounteous lunch which remained spread for the Institute members and their ladies until midnight.

The retiring president, Dr. F. H. Orme, of Atlanta, Ga,, and Mrs. Orme held a reception in the parlor of the Grand Union, where the individual members and guests were presented.


Notwithstanding the lateness of the hour when the social feature adjourned last night (or this morning) a fair number of members put in their appearance when the President called the Institute to order.

During the first "Miscellaneous Business" hour the Board of Censors made its final report and the Institute elected the following candidates:

Lyman A. Clark, Cambridge, N. Y.; J. Arthur Bullard, Wilkesbarre, Pa.; Eugene H. Porter, New York; Mary F. Munson, Los Angeles, Cal.

This making a total of eighty-one new members added to the rolls during this session.

Dr. J. B. Gregg Custis, of Washington, D. C., presented the report of the Committee on Medical Legislation showing that in many states Homoeopathy still lingered in bondage while in others it was doing well. On the whole the outlook was promising.

Dr. Cowperthwaite, presented the report of the committee on railroad fares, suggesting that members should utilize return certificates to a greater degree than formerly, and not rely on round trip tickets, thus aiding very materially the committee on railroad fares.

On motion the executive committee was given authority to change the next place of meeting, should circumstances seem to justify it, and Drs. A. R. Wright, D. G. Wilcox, E. S. Coburn, Phil Porter and E. H. Wolcott were appointed the local committee of arrangements.

On motion, it was resolved that hereafter papers in general or sectional meeting shall not consume more than fifteen minutes in the reading.

That not more than one-half of the time allotted to the report of the bureau shall be taken up in the reading of papers; papers whose authors are present, being read first, the other papers to be read only at the pleasure of the meeting.

A report of the special committee on transactions recommended that the present form be continued.

The committee on a testimonial to Dr. J. C. Burgher reported as follows:

WHEREAS, John C. Burgher, M. D., has rendered faithful and efficient service as secretary of the American Institute of Homœopathy for the past seven years.

Resolved, That on his retirement from this office, the Institute desires to place on record its high appreciation of the laborious work thus accomplished; its recognition of the uniform courtesy extended to its members, and the promptness in performance of the various duties of his office.

Resolved, That these resolutions, properly engrossed, be sent to Dr. Burgher.




Henry D. Paine, M. D., necrologist, presented his report mentioning the deaths of the following members:

C. Theo. Liebold, New York; R. Sargent, Philadelphia; J. P. Dake, Jr., Nashville; Henry Detwiler, Easton, Pa.; A. E. Small, Chicago; H. B. Easton, Rockford, Me.; R. R. Gregg, Buffalo; David Cowley, Pittsburgh; Chas. Bossert, New York.

Dr. Kinne moved the following resolution:

That the hearty thanks of this institute are due our esteemed president for his uniform courtesy, justice and decision in presiding over our deliberations, and we assure him that through life we shall carry memories of our pleasant meeting and follow him with our prayers for his continued health and life.

Adopted by a rising vote.

Dr. T. F. Smith referred to the death of Drs. Detwiler and Bossert.

Dr. George S. Norton delivered a glowing panegyric upon Dr. C. T. Liebold, of New York City.

Remarks were also made by Drs. Morgan, D. S. Smith, D. H. Beckwith, A. R. Wright, J. B. G. Custis and R. Ludlam.

Resolutions of thanks were extended to the proprietor of the hotel for the care and courtesy extended to the members of the Institute, and to the press for its full and more than usually accurate reports.

Dr. Orme expressed his deep appreciation of the courtesy of the Institute in their action of last year in electing

him president while detained at home on account of sickness, and for their renewed expressions of kindness and good will shown to him during the present session as presiding officer.

Whereupon, no further business appearing for this session, the Fortieth Annual Session of the American Institute of Homoeopathy was adjourned sine die.


[Reported by FRANK KRAFT, M. D.]


The Eighth Annual Session of this Association was held at Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, N. J., on June 21st, 22d and 23d.

The meeting was called to order by the President, who thereupon read his Annual Address, which was referred to a committee consisting of Drs. Lee, Butler and Sawyer.

The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and approved; the latter reporting the receipt from all sources of $331.17, and expenditure of $230.52; against the balance of $100.65, however, there was an indebtedness of $164.15.

Dr. Rushmore reported his appointment as delegate from the N. J. Hom. State Society, and stated that a strong reaction had taken place in that Society in favor of unmixed Homœopathy.

Dr. Sawyer made a similar report from his (the Indiana) State Society.

A number of letters were read from absent members, one of whom, Dr. Thos. Skinner, of England, accompanying his regrets with a substantial token of regard.

On motion of Dr. Butler the resignation of Dr. Samuel Swan was made the first order of business for to-morrow.

Dr. Wesselhoft read the report of the Committee on By-Laws with several proposed alterations. Their consideration was postponed until to-morrow.

The Board of Censors made a partial report, and the Secretary attempted to show that Dr. Frank Powel had

not been elected last year, the published Transactions to the contrary notwithstanding; but he was corrected by Dr. Lee who explained how it had occurred.

On motion it was ordered that the Board of Censors report no names to the Association upon whom they were not prepared to report favorably. The following names were then read and elected:

Drs. Geo. H. Carr, Bradford LeB. Baylies, E. T. Adams, Harriett H. Cobb, Chas. E. Chase, Theodore S. Keith, Flora A. Waddell, Joseph D. Tyrrell, Samuel L. Eaton, W. J. H. Emory, Morris P. Wheeler, Jas. W. Thomson, John V. Allen, Frank Powel, Nathan Cash, W. H. Baker.


The first paper read in the Bureau of Materia Medica was by Ad. Lippe, M. D., on "Progressive Materia Medica: How it is Developed." Following this came "Errors in Drug Proving," by P. P. Wells, M. D.; "Homoeopathy and its Relations to the Germ Theory," by Harlyn Hitchcock, M. D.; "Tissue Remedies," by E. B. Nash, M. D.; each of which received thorough and instructive discussion.


The Auditing Committee on the Treasurer's accounts reported and report received and adopted.

Dr. Lee suggested that the Proceedings be hereafter published as a monthly journal, under the editorial management of the Secretary.

Drs. Bell and Nash suggested that it be published as a supplement to the ADVANCE.

The subject was finally referred to a committee consisting of Drs. Custis, Butler and Bell.

The special order for considering the resignation of Dr. Swan was then re-considered and the Association went into a Committee of the Whole, which recommended that the resignation be accepted.


In a letter to the Association Dr. Tyrrell suggested that a new translation of the Organon be brought out under the

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