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that time. This accounts for their being more susceptible at one time than another. And, dear reader or International, do not waste valuable time in giving Anacardium, Belladonna, Bryonia, Rhus tox., high or low, or any of the many recommended remedies or the local appliances for Ivy or Sumac poisoning, except a strongly saturated solution of the crystals of hypo-sulphite of sodium. This preparation if used at the onset or soon thereafter, frequently applied, will cure the patient in from one to three days, quicker than by internal medication and the poisoning will not reappear, except from a renewal of the cause.

Dr. Daly, Pittsburgh, Penn., reported three cases of hay asthma cured, two of which were cases of hypertrophy of the nasal mucous membrane, and one, a case of polypus; the cure in each case being obtained by removing the morbid condition in the nasal cavity.

Dr. F. H. Bosworth, of New York, says: "Of the sixty cases of hay-fever which I have personally examined, I have seen none in which there was not notable obstructive lesion in the nasal cavities."

Hay-fever is not prevalent in those localities where catarrhal diseases prevail.

The treatment of hay-fever resolves into two forms, viz.: First, palliation, cure, or prevention of the existing attack. Second, cure during the interim of attacks by a removal of abnormal growths, and other organic changes, as far as possible and practicable, allowing free nasal respiration, and restoring the diseased condition of the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucous membranes to their pristine state, whereby pollen and other irritants will not excite an attack.

Prevention of an attack by a removal to a sanitary resort, -among which are, the White Mountain region; Lake Chautauqua; Put in Bay; Fire Island; the Island of Mackinaw; the shores of Lake Superior; Cobbs Island; the summits of the Alleghanies and Adirondacks; Lookout Mountain; Roane Mountain; Colorado Springs; the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountain country, as well as other elevated regions, and a sea voyage-gives immunity from the disease by virtue of the absence of pollen and other irri

tants, and of the rarefied and pure condition of the atmosphere, wherein pollen, etc., are not carried, and an absence of various emanations in contradistinction to the humid atmosphere of the residence of the victim wherein all the above mentioned irritants float and other exciting causes operate. To a Homoeopathist, with a knowledge of the causes, diseased conditions, the proper local and general measures and the correct simillimum, there is no necessity of making refugees of hay-fever patients. Palliation and cure of the existing attack, is sometimes difficult, owing to the existence of the prime cause and the irritants constantly operating to renew the attacks, but in a majority of cases it can be accomplished.

Naphthalin. This medicine is a substance distilled from the coal-tar oil. Dr. von Grauvogl used it in emphysema pulmonum, bronchial catarrh, and bronchial asthma. This remedy is applicable to more cases of hayfever, and better results are obtained from its use in all stages, than from any other remedy. In the early stages it generally aborts or cuts short the disease. It is sometimes necessary to repeat the dose occasionally thereafter. I introduced its use to the profession in hay-fever, in 1885, and have had the gratification of having many physicians bear testimony of their success with it. From clinical verifications the indications for its use are: Fullness, pressure, stuffed up and aching feeling in frontal sinus and forehead, with itching in the mouth, nose, ears and eyes, severe paroxysms of sneezing, profuse coryza and lachrymation, irritating the anterior nares, causing redness, heat, swelling and soreness of the nose; stuffed-up, raw feeling in frontal sinus; the coryza so abundant that it drips from the nose; frequent sneezing with sensation as though one might sneeze at any moment. In the majority of cases of Rose cold I use no other remedy. In some forms of asthma, as well as the asthmatic form of hay-fever, I have found it curative where there was labored inspiration; desire to have doors and windows open; tendency to throw off bed clothing on account of feeling too warm; a bloated, full feeling with tenderness in epigastric region so that no

weight or pressure can be borne there; stuffed-up, oppressed feeling in chest, more especially on left side and in region of sternum; tendency to unloosen clothing around abdomen on account of tenderness, fullness and oppression.

Arsenicum iod. is by some considered a prophylactic. Its prophylactic powers lie in its ability to remove the preexisting diseased condition and pre-disposing cause. I have but little faith in the prophylactic powers of any drug in this disease, except upon these grounds. It is indicated in persons of pale, delicate complexion, prone to glandular enlargements, puffiness of eyelids; burning sensation in nostrils and throat, sneezing, profuse coryza, the discharge thin and acrid; difficult breathing through the nose, worse in the morning and after meals; lachrymation, itching of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears; eyes and nose red; rawness and dryness of throat with hoarseness and asthmatic breathing.

Sabadilla.-Great itching and irritation of the schneiderian membrane, with violent paroxysms of sneezing; copious, watery discharge from the nose and eyes; fever; severe frontal headache; lachrymation in the open air, and when looking at a bright light; redness of the eyelids; dryness of the mouth without thirst; muffled cough, worse on lying down; dry, spasmodic cough; chilliness with heat of the face; painful lameness in the knee joints; heaviness and pain in the limbs towards mid-day and in the evening; great sensibility to cool air; agitated, unrefreshing sleep. Dr. Bayes has used it with success.

Aralia rac.-Frequent sneezing; copious, watery, acrid discharge, excoriating the nasal passages; smarting soreness of the posterior nares and ale nasi; suffocative catarrh with extreme sensitiveness to a draft, the least current of air causing sneezing; warm, salty taste in the mouth; awakens with suffocative breathing; inability to lie down; dry, wheezing respiration with rapidly increasing dyspnoea; loud whistling breathing, worse during inspiration; relief of the asthma by bending forward with elbows on the knees; dry, wheezing cough ejecting yellow thread like

pieces of tough mucus; sensitiveness to slight changes of temperature.

Kali bich.-Sneezing; fluent acrid discharge, excoriating the mucous membrane from nostrils to throat; pinching pain across the bridge of the nose, relieved by hard pressure; headache in left supra orbital ridge; hoarseness and oppressed breathing; wheezing cough, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus; cough excited by eating or drinking; loss of smell.

Kali hyd.-Incessant sneezing for an hour or more every morning on rising; aching, heavy, pressing pain between the eyes; lachrymation when sneezing; at night nose became stopped up, feels sore to touch. This trouble had appeared two years consecutively at the same time. Kali hyd. 1x trit., one powder every four hours, cured in a week and there was no return of the attacks. By J. H. Lowrey, M. D., Neola, Iowa. I would add; burning, corrosive, watery discharge from nostrils; swelling and redness of nose; purulent discharge from the eyes, corrosive tears, swelling of the eyelids; painful throbbing in frontal region; oppression of breathing; violent suffocative cough; hoarseness, rawness and burning in the nasal and respiratory organs; wheezing breathing; choking sensation when awaking; profuse, white, frothy and stringy expectoration; general aching and frontal headache.

Sanguinaria cun.-Frequent sneezing aggravated by odors; watery acrid discharge with much burning; depraved smell; pain in frontal sinuses; dry cough; oppres-. sion, pain and soreness in upper part of chest with difficult, wheezing breathing; wheezy, whistling cough; asthma with inclination to take a deep breath during the paroxysm; cough worse at night.

Euphorbium off.-Sneezing; cough; chilliness and heat alternating; inflamed eyelids glued together at night; dryness of the mouth and throat; oppression of the chest; dry, deep, hollow, hoarse cough, with irritation of the larynx; general prostration with desire to sit or lie down; worse from draft of air or dust.

The above medicines are given in the order of their

prominence and are the principal ones, coupled with local and general measures to meet the exigencies of the case, with which to relieve an attack. The following medicines: Acon., Ars. alb., Arum tri., Camph., Cepa, Cocaine, Euphr., Gels., Graph., Grind. rob., Hydr., Ipec., Lob., Mer. prot., Merc. sol., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sang. nit., Spig., Sticta and Sulph., I have used for complications that arose, or as intercurrents, or for conditions that presented when I first saw the patient.

To prevent a recurrence of attacks, it is necessary to examine carefully, to ascertain the character and extent of any abnormal conditions of the nasal and naso-pharyngeal cavities at a time when the victim is free from hay-fever and its effects, and to treat the same with the purpose of restoring these cavities to a normal state. Various measures are required, the treatment depending upon the individuality of each case. Among the measures useful are electricity, removal of growths and other abnormal conditions with the knife, or cautery, or local applications of Iodine, Glycerine, Fluid Hydrastis, Pinus canadensis, Tannin, Hyposulphate of Sodium, etc.

These local and general measures are frequently useful and essential, but without internal medication we cannot hope to cure. Kali bich., Merc. prot., Sang. can., Hydrastis, Ars. iod., Graphites and Corall. rub., are the remedies suited to the majority of cases; and there are other remedies suited to catarrhal conditions which may be required.


W. HOYT, M. D., Hillsboro, Ohio.

CASE I.--TINNITUS AURIUM: Sulphur.-May 27, '87. Mr. H―, an attorney-at-law, presented himself for treatment, whereupon I collected the following symptoms. Has been troubled with a rumbling and roaring in left ear as of a train of cars while running, at a great distance. Has been afflicted thus for six months, and until about six weeks ago it troubled him only after retiring, but during

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