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Dr. Shep A. Rogers, Prof. Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, Memphis Hospital Medical College, assisted by Doctors Watlington and Brooks, the latter late physician in charge of Hot Springs., Ark., Keeley Institute, made a test of the Tri-Elixiria Opium Antidote.

Tri-Elixiria has been widely and favorably mentioned by the leading medical journals of the world, and is being successfully used by a large number of physicians in their practice. It is prepared under an open formula, which enables physicians to prescribe it intelligently:

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DOSE-One (1) teaspoonful in fourth (4) of a glass of water eight (8) times a day for opium and its preparations, as morphine, laudanum, etc., and for other drug addictions.

The test patient had taken the Keeley and Dr. Stephens treatments without any permanent relief, in fact he claims that after he was "off" of these treatments he suffered so with nervousness and consequent restlessness and morphine pains, that there was nothing for him to do but to fly to the drug for relief. His case was, therefore, deemed a suitable test, and when his treatment was completed the following report was made:


Beginning treatment in this case on November 10, 1896. The whisky cure was given first. His physical condition was considered average, taking into consideration surrounding circumstances.

From November 10 to November 14 he drank whisky continually, until on the morning of the 15th he would not drink any more, being very much disgusted with it. Considering him cured of this habit we decided to put him under the treatment for the morphine habit. Notwithstanding his continued hard drinking for several days and nights he suffered absolutely nothing from nervousness, neither did his circulation receive that shock that is always consequent upon a sudden let-up on whisky after a prolonged drunk.

This was considered by us as most remarkable, reasoning from analogy. This extreme nervousness in connection with these serious cardiac symptoms

are pathognomonic symptoms following a withdrawal of stimulants by all other whisky cures. Indeed, these symptoms are of so common occurrence and so distressing that in most cases they are compelled to call in the aid of a little more whisky, as it is considered the best and only sedative in such cases. This, happily, is not the case in the treatment for dipsomania with Tri-Elixiria.

After having been put on the morphine treatment his general system underwent a complete change. His appetite improved, he slept better the first night, and continuously night after night thereafter until he now enjoys perfect rest.

The patient never suffered a pain while under the treatment for the morphine habit. Contrary to the general condition of a morphine habitue on treatment, this man's recovery was progressive and rapid from the beginning of his treatment. His eyes and skin lost that yellow, parchment color, his bowels became regular, his circulation improved, he felt every day the increasing symptoms of returning manhood. He never suffered a minute with that indescribable, half-insane feeling, "melaise," with which all opium habitues are familiar. His general condition we now considered first-class. He has now been without drug stimulants for over seventy-two hours and has no desire for the drug and shows no signs of debility. This cure was accomplished without the aid of emetics or purgatives or unpleasant treatment; in fact, we consider it a rational, humane and scientific treatment.


The physicians signing the above report are competent judges. They have seen a great number of patients under treatment at other sanitariums and pronounce the cure effected in Mr. B.'s case as one which it would have been hard for them to have believed could be accomplished, but having entire control of the patient, remedies and diet, they experienced little trouble in accomplishing this result.

Tri-Elixiria is manufactured by the Tri-Elixiria Remedy Co., manufacturing chemists, Memphis, Tenn., and judging from the above and a recent report made by the Entomological Bureau, Westfield, N. J., it is a remedy to favor.

A full size bottle will be sent FREE to any practicing physician, who wishes to test it, if he will send 50 cents in stamps, postal or money order, to pay packing and shipping charges. Retail price of bottle sent [FREE] is $3.25.

It will not be necessary to give any information as to quantity of the drug the patient is using.



BLOOD, AND BLOOD ALONE, is physiologically ascertained to be the essential and fundamental Principle of Healing, of Defense, and of Repair, in the human system; and this Principle is now proved, by constant clinical experience, to be practically available to the system in all cases, to any extent, and wherever needed, internally or externally. And the same overwhelming clinical demonstrations have also proved that the Vitality and Power of Bovine Showing the Blood-corpuscles Intact. Blood can be and are PRESERVED, unim


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by Prof. R. R. Andrews, M.D.

paired, in a portable and durable preparation, sold by all druggists, and known as Bovinine. Microscopic examination of a film of Bovinine will show the LIVING BLOOD CORPUSCLES filling the field, in all their integrity, fullness, and energy; ready for direct transfusion into the system by any and every mode of access known to medical and surgical practice; alimentary, rectal, hypodermical, or topical.

In short, it is now an established fact, that if Nature fails to make good blood, we can introduce it. Nothing of disease, so far, has seemed to stand before it.

Apart from private considerations, these facts are too momentous to mankind, and now too well established, to allow any further reserve or hesitation in asserting them to the fullest extent.

We have already duly waited, for three years; allowing professional experimentation to go on, far and near, through the disinterested enthusiasm which the subject had awakened in a number of able physicians and surgeons, and these daily reinforced by others, through correspondence, and by comparison and accumulation of their experiences in a single medical medium adopted for that provisional purpose.

It is now laid upon the conscience of every physician, surgeon, and medical instructor, to ascertain for himself whether these things are so; and if so, to develope, practise and propagate the great medical evangel, without reserve. They may use our Bovinine for their investigations, if they cannot do better, and we will cheerfully afford every assistance, through samples, together with a profusion of authentic clinical precedents, given in detail, for their instruction in the philosophy, methods and technique of the New Treatment of all kinds of disease by Bovine Blood, so far as now or hereafter developed.

Among the formidable diseases overcome by the Blood Treatment, in cases hitherto desperate of cure, may be mentioned: Advanced Consumption; Typhoid Fever; Pernicious Anæmia; Cholera Infantum, Inanition, etc.; Hæmorrhagic Collapse; Ulcers of many years standing, all kinds; Abscesses: Fistulas; Gangrene; Gonorrhoea, etc.; Blood-poisoning; Crushed or Decayed Bones; Mangled Flesh, and great Burns, with Skin-propagation from 'points' of skin; etc., etc.

N. B. Bovinine is not intended to be, and cannot be made, an article of popular self-prescription. As it is not a stimulant, its extended employment in the past has been, and the universal employment to which it is destined will be, dependent altogether on the express authority of attending physicians.




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