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REVIEW.-Modern Immersion not Scripture Baptism. By William Thorn. 12mo. p. 382. Holdsworth. London.



THE Baptist controversy may be considered as comparatively of ancient date. above expression comprehends much more than the mode and subject. A considerable number of men, professed teachers of the christian faith, but who, on all the vital points of genuine religion, give an accommodating interpretation to the holy scriptures, view baptism by water, and regeneration, as synonymous. They admit of no regeneration but that of the administration of baptism :-a doctrine more pernicious and deadly never was taught even by an infidel.

Men of principle and piety have, we regret to say, differed very widely on the mode and subject of baptism. This topic has greatly divided the church of Christ, and has contributed as much, if not more than any other point, to cool the affections of disciples to each other. Many works of considerable merit have been published by both parties, and, of late, more enlightened views, as we conceive, of the design of christian baptism have been entertained.

The present work, by Mr. Thorn, is confined to one point, namely, the mode of baptism. That he has done justice to this department of the subject, as far as reading, research, and universal application are concerned, even those who differ from him in sentiment cannot but allow. Mr. Thorn sets out with the assertion, that plunging is not christian baptism. He then proceeds to establish this position. He has examined the works of all the men of eminence of the Baptist denomination on this subject; and if ever a writer made his opponents destroy their own fortification, Mr. Thorn is that very man. It is a question with us, if any mau, living or dead, has examined the Baptist library with more keenness and good effect. It is indeed astonishing, how he has culled every thing which the body has to say in favour of immersion; and, from the ablest pens of this body, he has formidably assailed their position.

He has in like manner examined the works of the most learned men who maintain pouring as the mode of baptism. He has brought both classes into the open field; and we cannot but think that the impartial will maintain that, as a general in this warfare, he has displayed splendid talents.

We have neither time nor room to make quotations from the body of the treatise;

neither would brief quotations do justice to the writer. We recommend a careful and speedy perusal of Mr. Thorn's book to all inquiring minds on the subject of baptism. To students of divinity, and pastors of churches, it is an invaluable treasure. The former should not enter on the duties of the ministry until they have made themselves masters of the leading sentiments of the treatise.

As a respectable author, Mr. Thorn has appeared before the public prior to the present work. His book on the Sabbath contains a vast body of useful information: and his late treatise on Tithes, proves him to be a man of great reading. His masterpiece, however, is his work on Baptism. In the republic of letters his name must be permanent, and he has placed the church of God under an obligation, on this subject, which few other men have done. We trust it will have a universal sale.

REVIEW.-Three Discourses on Practical Subjects. By the late Rev. Richard Cecil, A.M. 12mo. pp. 120. Crofts. London. 1832.


THE Rev. Richard Cecil was well known in the christian world during his life, and since his death his valuable writings have kept his name in continual remembrance. These three discourses, we are told in the titlepage, are now first published;" but why they were withheld from the press, no information is given. It could not have been through the want of intrinsic merit, either as compositions, or as inculcating unsound doctrine. They are founded on "The Repentance of Peter," "The Death of John the Baptist," and the unavailing reflection of "The Rich Man in Torment.”

These discourses are characterized by a familiar energy, both in language and sentiment, and the topics of discussion are exhibited in so luminous a manner, that readers may readily make an application of their import to themselves under similar circumstances.

From the simple sources of the texts, the author draws forth many important subjects, which he elucidates with clearness, and applies with fidelity. The eanestness and affection which breathe throughout the whole evince that "he was serious in a serious cause." In all his delineations the hand of a master is visible; and no one, we think, can read these sermons without feeling compunction, apprehension, and a solicitude for grace to help in time of need.

REVIEW.-Hints to Five Classes:-Opposers of the Truth; those who neither oppose nor embrace it; Hypocrites; Weak and Inconsistent Christians; Humble, Devout, and Holy Christians. 12mo. pp. 114. Seeley. London. 1832.

THERE is a great degree of earnestness in these hints; and the appeals made to scripture authority, are both numerous and appropriate. The method adopted by the author is chiefly hortative, and we give him the fullest credit for his sincerity. The greater part, however, of what he has advanced, will be influential only on those persons who profess to believe in revelation, and to be governed by its unerring dictates. Against such as oppose the truth by denying the inspiration of the scriptures, these hints furnish but a scanty supply of argument. By them, all that the author has advanced will be resolved into dogmatism; and, secure in this subterfuge, promises, threatenings, exhortations, and expostulation will be permitted to plead in vain.

The case, however, will be very different with those who acknowledge the authenticity of the scriptures. To nominal professors, whether indifferent to the experience and practice of the truths they admit, grown weary in well-doing, or retaining the form of godliness without its power, these hints are likely to prove advantageous. There is an awakening heart-stirring spirit, to such as these, running throughout the whole; and, if read with seriousness, and a desire to be benefited, we doubt not that this little volume will prove a blessing.

REVIEW.-Mental Recreation; or, Select Maxims, &c. from Philosophers, Statesmen, Divines, &c., chosen from one hundred Authors. 12mo. pp. 349. Longman. London. 1832.

By whom these selections were made, we presume not to guess; the preface being without a signature, and the title-page without a name. This is, however, of less consequence to the reader, than to know what kind of maxims this volume contains.

Selected from Grecians, Romans, ancient fathers of the church, Arabians, Chinese, Hindoos, English, French, Scotch, Spanish, and Italians, the variety is great; and very numerous are the subjects on which these maxims are brought to bear. Some few among them are of a very questionable character, and others are attributed to men who are not their authors-but the greater portion is good; and many, if treasured up

in the memory, would be a valuable acquisition in the journey of life. Of these maxims we now present a few to our readers, and refer them to the volume whence these specimens have been selected :—

"Ancestry and Pedigree."-" Some men by ancestry are only the shadow of a mighty name."-Lucan. It is a wretched thing to live on the fame of others."-Juvenal.

"Philosophy does not look into pedigree: she did not adopt Plato as noble, but she made him such."-Seneca.

"Seek not for a good man's pedigree."-Spanish Proverb.

"The man who prides himself on a long list of ancestry, without personal merit, may be ludicrously, though justly, compared to a potato plant, the best part of which is underground."-B,

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Extravagance and Prodigality."-" He that will not economize will have to agonize."-Chinese Proverb. Prodigality and dissipation at last bring a man to the want of the necessaries of life; he falls into poverty, misery, and abject disgrace; so that even his acquaintance, fearful of being obliged to restore to him what he has squandered with them or upon them, fly from him as a debtor from his creditors, and he is left abandoned by all the world "- Volney. "Never spend Michaelmas rent in Midsummer


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REVIEW.-Sermons on various interesting occasions, adapted for Families and Villages. By W. Dransfield. 2 vols.


pp. 256-273. Simpkin and Marshall. London. 1831.

If the great mass of English population are not pious, their irreligion cannot be attributed to the want of sermons. At all seasons of the year, both in town and country, in all shapes, and at all prices, in which books appear, they continue to swarm from the press. Out of this accumulated and accumulating aggregate, many are worthless, many are useless, and many are pernicious; but it is pleasing to add, that a decent proportion contain intrinsic excellencies, and inculcate doctrines and precepts which merit the reader's most serious consideration and practical regard.

The two volumes now on our desk were published at different times; and so favourably have they been received, that one has passed through four editions, and the other through two. This circumstance speaks strongly in favour of these discourses; and when it is considered that they are neither time-serving nor temporizing, we cannot but infer, that evangelical truth has still a triumphant number of genuine friends.

The subjects are greatly diversified; but even when they are historical and specula

tive, practical utility is always kept in view. Designed for families and villages, the language is plain and expressive. Its sentences are rarely wrapped in obscurity, and no one need read them twice to comprehend their meaning. Without being coarse or vulgar, the author seems to have used plain words for plain people, and throughout his volumes to have furnished evidence, that the sublime truths of Christianity may be communicated in terms of familiar import, simply expressed, and easily understood. Even these are no contemptible excellencies; but we feel per. suaded, that the author would find a higher gratification in learning that the sublime truths which he inculcates are cordially received, and uniformly practised, by all who may read his discourses.

REVIEW.-Family Classical Library. Vols. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. 12mo. Valpy. London. SEVERAL of the preceding volumes in this series, we have already noticed in terms of well-merited approbation. Those now before us follow in the ranks, and bring before the reading public additional compositions of classic antiquity in an English dress. The three former include the works of Thucydides, and the two latter enter on those of Plutarch. The fame of these venerable authors is so extensively known, so well founded, and so justly appreciated, as to preclude all necessity for comment or recommendation. The former is from a translation by Dr. William Smith, dean of Chester, and the latter by John and William Langhorne.

In drawing these standard compositions from their silent retreats in the libraries of the wealthy and learned, and throwing them into an extensive circulation, Mr. Valpy has acted with much literary patriotism; and we cannot for a moment doubt, that his liberal exertions to diffuse classical knowledge throughout the country, will receive that patronage which he so justly merits. It is possible that some diminutive beauty in elegance of expression, some evanescent sparkling of thought, discernible in the originals, may have evaporated in the translation; but whoever compares them together, will readily allow, that nothing of moment has been suffered to disappear.

Prefixed to these works is an interesting memoir of their respective authors, stating the age in which they lived, and the occasion of their writings. The sketches, indeed, are condensed; but as all the prominent features are preserved, and dates are associated with events and occurrences, 2D. SERIES, NO. 14.-VOL. II.

they will prove of incalculable value to the English student, who improves this opportunity of making himself acquainted with these literary treasures of antiquity.

We do not mean to insinuate that this is the first time in which these authors have appeared in an English dress. But we feel no hesitation in asserting, that this is the first time in which they have assumed such an inviting aspect, or have been presented in the garb of uniformity, at a price so low as to silence all pecuniary objections. It will be almost needless to add, that these are works of sterling value, with which many celebrated productions of the present day can bear no comparison. They have stood the test of ages, and will retain their rank in the great republic of letters, when meretricious ornament and artificial fascination shall cease to captivate. Works like these, bearing their venerable authors' names, bring with them their own recommendation.

REVIEW.-Lardner's Cabinet Library, Vols. IV. V. VI. VII. 12mo. Longman. London. 1831.

THE well-earned reputation of Dr. Lardner's Cyclopedia, and also of his Cabinet Library, in many respects a kindred work, is so firmly established, and so generally allowed, that many remarks on the present volumes will be wholly unnecessary.

The fourth volume is an annual retrospect of public affairs for 1831; it ranges over the kingdoms of Europe, and furnishes a compendium of all that is most interesting and important, both at home and abroad. The miseries inflicted by the Russians on the unfortunate Poles, cannot be read without the mingled emotions of pity and indignation.

Volume five is a continuation of the Life of George IV., which, with one that has preceded, and one that is to follow, comprises the whole biography of this illustrious monarch. This volume extends over the eventful period which lies between 1803 and 1814, and is rendered particularly interesting by the great vicissitudes of the war, the abdication of Napoleon, and the visit paid to England by the foreign sove. reigns.

The sixth and seventh volumes are devoted to the history of the Bourbons, whose names and destinies are so closely connected with the history of France, that an entire separation between them is totally impracticable. Delineating the character of an illustrious dynasty, these sketches are very amusing and instructive; but in many cases we have nothing more than 138.-VOL. XIV.


a closely condensed compendium, which but barely connects the monarch with the multifarious events of his reign. Enough, however, appears in the early history of this royal tribe, to evince, that, with few exceptions, their reigns were disfigured with every species of despotism; with wantonness that triumphed in the miseries it inflicted, and cruelties which human nature should both shudder and blush to


It is not until we reach the tremendous but purifying tempest of the evermemorable revolution, that the morning of liberty begins to dawn, and even this frequently appears enveloped in clouds which threaten even a darker night. The scum, however, which had been gathering for ages, was broken by this eventful hurricane; and recent occurrences tell the world, that it is only on condition of being transformed from tyrants into men, that the Bourbons can hope to retain the throne of regenerated France.

REVIEW.-Fables, and other Pieces, in Verse.

By Mary Maria Colling. With some Account of the Author, in Letters to Robert Southey, Esq., by Mrs. Bray. 8vo. pp. 198. Longman. London. 1831.

A VARIETY of concurring circumstances render this publication one of the most interesting that we have seen for many years. Mary Maria Colling, the author, is a servant girl residing in Tavistock, Devonshire, and who, without ambition to be known in the world, composed these fables for her own amusement, while attending on the duties of her station, and quietly pursuing "the noiseless tenor of her way." Genuine talents, however, cannot long be concealed; some favourable circumstances will occur to bring the possessor of them into notice; 66 an insuppressive spring will toss him up in spite of fortune's load," and give to sterling merit an opportunity of being advantageously known.

Fortunately for Mary Colling, she lived in the vicinity of Mrs. Bray, a lady well known, and deservedly celebrated, in the literary world, as the author of "The Talba,"

," "De Foix," "The White Hoods," "The Protestant," "Fitz of Fitzford," and other works, from which she has gathered lasting renown.

Mrs. Bray, taking this humble but meritorious girl under her patronage, has, in some letters, addressed to Robert Southey, Esq., and which are prefixed to the fables, given an outline of her biography, which,

we presume, no person can read without feeling a lively interest in her future welfare. The account is written in a pleasing and animated strain. It is an animation, however, arising from the facts which the narrative supplies, and, without any artificial effort to solicit favour, is admirably calculated to disarm criticism of severity, and to place the fables, and their unpresuming author, in an amiable light. As a specimen of her talents in writing fables, we insert one, founded on the following circumstance :

"Some servant girls had a holiday given them, that they might go and see their friends at Plymouth. They left Tavistock in their natural character; but on the road contrived to trick themselves out in some cast-off finery, and paraded Plymouth in the assumed character of ladies. They were met by a person who knew them, and who justly reproved their folly. Mary Colling heard the story, and it gave occasion to her fable of

"The Turkeys and the Gander.
"Three turkeys once, ambitious grown,
Went travelling where they were not known;
And each in hopes to be admired,
His tail with peacock's plumes attired.
While thus the journey they pursued,
Their borrowed beauties oft they viewed:
But, lo! by chance, to their regret,
They soon a neighbouring gander met.
The latter, although much surprised,
His neighbours quickly recognized:

My friends,' said he, bow strange the sight,
Your tails are grown so fine since night!"
The turkeys each assumed an air :
One said, You don't know who we are;
And 'tis beneath ns, when we wander,
To claim acquaintance with a gander.'
The gander answered, Though you're cross,
And I am really at a loss

What names to call you, now you roam,
I'm sure you're turkeys when at home.""

P. 66.

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tered over the face of the earth. On each map we find a multitude of figures which refer to an opposite page, where a brief explanation of the part is given.

The first map presents to the eye at one view, all the principal mountains in the world. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, has each its distinct range, and by the scale of elevation graduated in the margin, the real and comparative height of all can be seen at a single glance. This is exceedingly valuable as an article of reference, on all occasions that may require such information. Of these mountains, the margin contains the names, and also that of the country in which they are situated, accompanied with figures which denote their respective elevations.

On another map, immediately facing the preceding, the principal rivers in the world are delineated in a similar manner. Of these, the general courses are marked, and also the extent of country is displayed through which they flow, while the names of such large towns and cities are given, as have been erected on the banks by which they pass.

The next map presents to us the principal lakes in the world, each occupying an extent in proportion to its real magnitude. The marginal references give, though brief, the necessary information.

The whole surface of the globe, including both land and water, next appears before us in various positions, presenting three distinct aspects under which islands, continents, and oceans may be contemplated. These general views despatched, the work proceeds in its regular order, and thus exhibits in detail the nations and em

pires that display the most conspicuous figures on the globe.

That this must have been a work of great labour and expense, can no more be doubted, than the permanency of its practical utility can be called in question. The artist must have laboured with diligence and persevering assiduity; but he will have the satisfaction of reflecting, that his work will endure for years to come, and retain its value when the caprices of fashion shall have introduced new fluctuations in floating literature.

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we are not aware that these twenty-four discourses contain in general any superlative excellencies, to entitle them to this honourable distinction. They inculcate wholesome truths, both in doctrine and precept; and those among them that are occasional, are adapted to the subjects to which they apply.

The fifteenth sermon, however, by Joseph Kinghorne, on the separate state in which spirits exist, we must consider as an exception to the above general remark. It is argumentative, philosophical, and rational, and the steps by which the author advances to his ultimate conclusion, need not shrink from the most rigorous investigation. Thoughts like these are worthy of preservation, and deserving of that extensive circulation which is acquired through the instrumentality of the press.

There can be no doubt, that the tastes, views, and habits of thinking, of persons into whose hands this volume will fall, are exceedingly diversified, so that, what will please one will not gratify another. It is only, perhaps, to a few selected from the many, that Mr. Kinghorne's sermon will appear in all its value. A much greater number will find themselves at home in perusing what marches along the common road. To these, the greater part of this volume will prove an acquisition. With sermons of this description, the religious world is deluged; and this, among other reasons, is one, why, instead of being estimated according to their intrinsic worth, they are neglected, unread, and forgotten.

REVIEW.-The Wesleyan Preacher. Sher

wood and Co. London.

THIS is a new periodical, which seems to have started into existence in October, 1831, since which time it has been regularly issued in weekly numbers at three-pence, and in monthly parts at one shilling, each. In point of character, it bears a strong resemblance to another publication, entitled "The British Preacher," both being devoted to the service of the sanctuary. There is, however, this difference; "The British Preacher" is supplied by the voluntary contributions of the dissenting ministers, while "The Wesleyan Preacher" is composed entirely of sermons taken from the lips of the respective speakers.

The work before us, as its title imports, is exclusively confined to the discourses of the Wesleyan Methodist preachers, which being extemporaneous effusions, may be considered as exhibiting fair and unva

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