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liquid bed. Again, how appalling the tremendous storm, when the wind, skimming fearfully along the surface, raises it into immense waves, the fail bark rises to the summit, and is then engulfed in the abyss. Anon the vivid lightning glares, the dread ful thunder rolls in awful peals, and the tempest, arriving at its utmost fury, the helpless mariners are terrified with the dreadful prospect before them, and their efforts to save themselves from approaching destruction are paralyzed with fear. See, the fury of the contending elements has destroyed their floating habitation; it sepa. rates into a thousand fragments; they sink in the overwhelming flood, and none are left to tell the dreadful tale; nor will any light be thrown on such afflictive incidents, until the earth shall disclose her slain, and the ocean shall give up her dead.

For the rural, magnificent, and terrific appearances that we have just glanced at, we are indebted to the useful class of gases, as before noticed; for, although the verdure of the rural landscape is produced by the soil in which the plants contributing thereto are found, yet without the assistance of these substances there would be no vitality, and consequently no verdure. This in a most beautiful manner illustrates the dependence of one part of nature on another.

In the existence of a single plant, how many substances enter into its constitution; the showers, descending from the clouds above, and consisting of some of the gaseous elements in a combined state, moisten the earth, and reduce to a liquid form the various minerals, and other substances, that are dispersed therein, and which they are capable of acting on by the process of solution. This solution enters the vessels of the root, and ascends through the stem to the leaves, where it is presented to the action of the air. Here it is fitted for the purpose of nourishing the plant, and returns by a set of vessels to the root, distributing in its course a due portion to every part by which the individual is augmented, and the principle of vitality kept up. In this circulation of the juices we perceive the necessity of the agency of the gases, both by conveying solid particles of nourishment into the plant, and elaborating the sap when presented to their action in the leaves.

But all these active agents are only instruments under the control and guidance of a superior power. The primitive agency of the varied phenomena which the world exhibits, can only be found in the great and eternal God.

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Those great orbs that shine in the celestial regions, of all the objects of nature, seem as if they were created to remain unaltered for ages after ages, or at least we can perceive no difference by the earliest accounts of them; they, for ought we know, shine with the same splendour as they did several thousand years ago. But, reader, consider, the magnitudes of the celestial bodies are so great, that very considerable changes and alterations may be taking place on their surfaces, and yet be quite imperceptible to us, on account of their great distances; for ought we know, they may be hastening to destruction as fast as the bodies on the surface of the earth. Perhaps the sun and fixed stars may be huge fires made of some substance proper for such a purpose, best known to the all-wise Creator of all things; they may be burning or consuming away in the same manner as bodies on the surface of the earth, yet by reason of their vast magnitudes no alteration in bulk can be perceived.

To explain these things more clearly, I took a small cord of cotton, four inches in length, and about the eighth of an inch in diameter, and setting fire to one end, the whole was consumed away, by burning to the other end, in the space of twenty-four minutes. Now, suppose the sun to be a great globe of cotton, of the same compactness or density of the cord, whose semidiameter is 443,236 miles, and suppose its surface to be in a state of ignition, or burning, (not in flame,) in the same manner as the end of the cord, and if it burn with the same velocity towards the centre, it is evident that four inches of the semidiameter will be consumed away in twenty-four minutes. There are 525,960 minutes in a Julian year; hence 525960


36 X 1760 miles, the part of the semidiameter consumed in a year, and 44326 divided by 1.38 gives 321185.8 the number of years in which the whole would be consumed away. If we reckon about 6000 years since the creation of the world, but a very

small part of this great mass would be wasted away; and since the improvements of science, so as to determine the dimensions of the sun with accuracy, the quantity consumed would scarcely have been per ceived.

That the sun and stars are made of a substance more durable than cotton, there is no doubt; but the experiment fully proves, that, for any thing we know, they may be wasting away as fast as any other bodies, and yet their bulk remain for ages apparently unaltered. This way of considering the sun seems very agreeable to observation, though it appears to take away the idea of its being inhabited. The spots on its surface may be harder matter, that may resist the action of the fire for a long time; their beginning, manner of increasing, decreasing, and vanishing away, all agree to this.

A planetary system may also absorb fluids from the æthereal space in which it is situated; and the bodies of which it is composed may every year be increased considerably, and yet not be perceived, and the medium of space not made much rarer by such absorption, as I have shown in my discourse. I have there computed that the space allotted to a sphere of solid matter, whose diameter is one inch, is more than 300 miles in diameter. Now, from that simple experiment with a lighted candle and phial, called analyzing air, it is well known that a considerable current of oxygen must flow to bodies in a state of combustion.

To obtain some idea of the effect of absorption in rarefying space, admit that the surface of the earth contains 199,000,000 of square miles, this multiplied by 50, the height of the atmosphere,gives9,950,000,000 solid miles for the contents of the atmosphere, nearly; and this product divided by the cube of 300, gives 3685; hence it appears, that a mass of matter containing 368.5 cubic inches, in a state of combustion, would be no more in danger of exhausting the atmosphere of oxygen, than the sun and planetary system are of exhausting the fluid medium of the space assigned to them. We well know, that all the fires in the world make no perceptible difference in the atmosphere: though it must be allowed that the deficiency is supplied, and philosophy can show how; and if so great a deficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere can be supplied, how easily may the deficiency of space be supplied, either from the planetary bodies, or from denser media, seeing it may be so little, comparatively, with the absorption of combustibles.

That such slow changes take place in the planetary systems of the universe, there is no doubt; and that such changes taking place in the bodies with which we are acquainted on the surface of the earth, are evidently the causes of their alterations and destructions: hence it may be inferred, that similar alterations and destructions are slowly carrying on in them, and in many ages they may come to an end; and hence, also, we may infer that they have not existed from eternity, which is agreeable to the account of scripture. The wise Creator has, no doubt, created the systems of the universe of such a nature that they will endure as long as he shall think fit; and we must admit that his power and wisdom are unlimited, and therefore he can bring them to an end at any time, according to his will and pleasure. THOMAS COOKE.

Draycott, near Derby.


(Second Series.)

In the order of Divine revelation, we now proceed to the fifth day of creation: "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day." Or, as it may be rendered, Elohim commanded, Let the fluids become prolific, abundantly teeming with life, the creatures of motion; and let winged fowl fly above the terraqueous, in the face of the expanse of heaven. And Elohim created huge amphibious animals; and every living creature of motion which the fluids teemed forth abundantly, according to their varieties; and every moving creature, winged according to his kind. And Elohim surveyed the whole, and, behold, it was beautifully perfect. And Elohim blessed them, pronouncing, Be ye prolific, multiply, fill the fluids of the oceans, and, ye winged, become multitudes in the terraqueous.

The evening was and the morning was, the fifth day.

In the progress of creation, we behold, at every stage, a development of the powers

of the Creator, in the advances of His work, the combinations of His matter, the curious disposition of its parts, the life and vigour of its several creatures, and the facility with which their duplicates are produced, and re-produced, and multiplied, from a single pair to millions of millions. Here we behold a variety in creation, distinct from every thing which heretofore presented itself; viz. an animal-a locomotion, possessing within itself the powers of perception and volition; a creature organized throughout, with every organ subservient to the wants and instinctive enjoyments of its possessor. Thus are we introduced to a modification of matter superior to crystallization and vegetation, indeed to matter in its otherwise most exalted state-animated matter-matter that lives, and moves at will.

To breathe, to eat, to drink, to digest its food, and appropriate the nutritive portion thereof to the replenishing of its exhausted and impaired part, and to evacuate the refuse, to move, to sleep, to perceive through the medium of senses, to will, to love, to exercise endearments, to procreate its species, and rear its young, are properties of an animal, and these pertain to it wherever it goes. We know thus much, and more also, because animals of every variety are placed within the scope of our observation from time to time; and our own experience teaches us, being ourselves animals, what pertains to animation. But although the manner is so obvious that we cannot but behold it, the power which induces animal action, and directs animal instinct is as completely hidden from us as any or all the other created agents of action throughout the universe. No wonder need exist at our ignorance of the nature and mode of action of things foreign to ourselves; behold, we are strangers at home; we know not the power which enables us to exercise all the functions of an animal-which causes us to differ through life from the clods of the earth!

The inspired writer here makes record of the creation of a variety of animals, genial with the fluids of this sphere; and amongst these we note amphibious, aqueous, and airy, each of which demands our attention.

"Elohim created huge amphibious animals. Of these, which can live in air and in water, we behold three classes. First, those which live in the waters continually. Secondly, those which generally reside on land. Thirdly, those which frequent either land or water. Of the first class are the huge levithan of the ocean which we call

whales. These enormous animals live altogether in the ocean, but, although they live therein, they cannot remain below the surface during more than a short period at any one time, being obliged to arise frequently, in order to breathe thus they are rather divers into, than residents amidst the abyss of waters. Of these vast animals, the largest in creation, there are several varieties, as well as others of the same class, to us witnesses of the great power of the Creator. Of the second class are the seals. These animals exist in multitudes amidst the ice and along the shores of the ocean, varying in size from two feet long to twentyfive feet, and from one hundred to nearly two thousand pounds in weight. They sleep or bask in the sun upon the ice or the strand, yet feed upon fish beneath the surface of the ocean. The crocodile and the hippopotamus possess also similar capabilities. Of these, and amphibia of the same order, great varieties exist, to us exhibiting the wisdom and power of Him who formed all things. Of the third class are the eels and water serpents.A mucus, which exudes from their skins keeps their bodies supple a considerable time in the long grass on the margins of water, where they move with ease, and feed on earth-worms, &c. their form being admirably suited to the species of locomotion they practise on land and in the water.

"And every living creature of motion, which the fluids teemed forth abundantly, according to their varieties. These all arose into being, at the command of Elohim, on this day. The fish of the sea, of the rivers, and pools of water; fish with continuous skins, with scales, or with shells; certain of these more minute than the finger of a child, and others huger than the forest lion; of every grade, of every form, inhabiting the depths of the ocean, the shallow waters of the sand-banks, the placid stream, the impetuous torrent, roaring down the mountain's height; insulated lake, the wide-stretched gulf, and even the surface of the turbulent ocean, every where, and on all sides, above and beneath do the waters, even unto this day teem with life.

The amphibious of the first and second classes breathe through the medium of lungs, but differ from mere land animals in that the oval aperture (common to the fœtus) between the right and left auricles of the heart, remains open during life, (whereas in land animals it closes,) and this aperture permits the circulation of the blood to go on during a short period while the lungs cease to play, on the animal's diving beneath the water. The amphibious of the third

class have the organs of respiration well covered from the external drying air, and, as already noted, a mucus exudes from their skins; which keeps their bodies supple, and thus are they enabled to live either in the air or in the water. The fish, which live in the waters, in general have lungs and hearts similar to the amphibia, and are also furnished with gills, through which a great number of blood-vessels pass, and these being always wet, and in incessant action, pass forward the current of blood, which, circulating through every part, maintains life in the fathomless ocean, equally as do the lungs in the expanse of air.

"And every moving creature, winged according to his variety." As the preceding varieties of living animals were created to people the waters, so the winged were created to throng the air. There we behold the huge condor, floating amidst the atmosphere, the stately swan rowing over the liquid surface, the majestic eagle soaring his dazzling height, the irised peacock, the flamingo, the bird of paradise, the golden pheasant, the silver dove, social as she is lovely, the flitting swallow, the soaring lark, thrilling, as he ascends, his matin praise; with birds of every plume, from the vast condor to the humming tribes, small as the honey-bee. All these, and families unnamed, arose at His command, who, fraught with wisdom as with power, clothed them with plumed majesty, and furnished them with powers ordained to wing the ambient air, or swim the surface of the briny main; to feed and gambol, and enjoy delights amidst the sunbeams, or the foliaged shade. The birds of song, also, with melody delight the ear, early as the day-dawn, at mid-day, and at even; and the nightingale, even at midnight, sings her lovely music floating o'er the ear more sweet than concerts of the revelling tribes, by art attuned lascivious; for innocence is there, simplicity, and love.

The peculiar structure of birds renders them specifically lighter than water, therefore they float thereon, and the aquatic tribes, furnished with webbed feet, swim with celerity, and gambol therein with joy; and although birds are somewhat heavier than the atmosphere, they are borne aloft by the action of expanded wings, while their own gravity gives them facilities of descent at will. The swiftness of birds is proverbial; for we say of a very fleet animal, or the wind, it flies. The ease with which the various feathered tribes fly thus swiftly through the air, arises out of the facility with which, by means of air-bladders dis

persed throughout their bodies, and even within their bones, they enlarge their bulk, and thus become buoyant; which relieves the wings from the labour that must otherwise be expended in bearing them up, and thus leaves the whole effort of the muscles at liberty to urge their flight.

The winged insects are included in the varieties which arose this day into being at the command of Elohim. These minute creatures receive the name of insects, because their bodies are separated into two parts, which parts are united by a small ligature, as we behold in the bee, the common fly, &c. &c. With extensive varieties of these, we are all acquainted; the moth, the butterfly, the beetle, the house-fly, the bee, the wasp, &c. &c. branching out into tribes far too numerous to be individually dwelt upon in this short article, are daily before our eyes. The variegated beauties exhibited by this class of winged beings, minute as they are, either as they float in the ethereal and reflect the solar rays, or as they rest in the sequestered shade, inspire our minds with high ideas of infinite wisdom, and, in the creature, display the lovely to high perfection in that mind which formed all these minute, yet perfect in their parts, and beauteous, with splendour winged and fed on odoriferous sweets, from flowers of every hue, and plants herba


The economy of the bee, which during the summer months wings, arduous wings his way over many a flowery mead and gay parterre, and culls from these materials for his hive, wherein he builds, with extracted wax, cells for the purposes of store and incubation. and, summer gone, abides intrenched midst chosen honey and his waxen walls, rearing his progeny for summer's swarms, is a living memorial to man, from age to age afforded, of wisdom, in the high instinct infused by the Creator, in this day's work, into so minute a form.


"And Elohim surveyed the whole, and, behold, it was beautifully perfect. Elohim blessed them, pronouncing, Be ye prolific, multiply, fill the fluids of the oceans, and, ye winged, become multitudes in the terraqueous." All this assemblage of animation, pronounced beautifully perfect on being surveyed by the great Creator, was not intended to be so evanescent as to perish on the day of its creation, like the splendid exhibitions wrought up as fetes by men; no, it was created for perpetuity. Be ye prolific, multiply, fill the fluids of the oceans, and, ye winged, become multitudes in the terraqueous, was the blessing of Elohim on that day; and to this day,

behold, it stands fast; and the promise of fecundity, as to futurity, is as hale as the original blessing.

In fish we notice the prolific to the greatest perfection, because we can detach the pregnant roe, and examine it at leisure. Three hundred and fifty thousand eggs have been counted in the roe of a large carp; and M. Lieuwenhoek enumerated upwards of nine millions in the roe of a cod. It is quite easy at any time, on examining the roes of the fish which we consume for food, to perceive that thousands of their progeny are destroyed in their destruction; and that in cooking one fish, we frequently destroy multitudes. In herrings and on shrimps, the multitudes we destroy are so obvious, that we cannot but notice them, more or less, whenever we feed upon the parent fish. The winged insects are also exceedingly prolific; and the waters abound with animalculæ, which are so minute, that thousands of individuals are contained in a single drop. Thus has the blessing of the great Creator rendered the waters prolific-they teem with life, and are an inexhaustible nursery of being from generation to generation.

The instinct necessary for the preservation and increase of the species is as observable throughout the varieties we have already enumerated, as in any species of land animals we can refer to. Self-preservation is evidently the first law of nature, in the whale equally with the sprat; and even in the whale, the mother shines with a parent's fondness, so obviously, that the very fishermen note its operation, even while they are engaged in the destruction of both parent and progeny. In the provision of birds for depositing their eggs, during the lengthened act of incubation, and in the rearing of their young, parental feelings are developed; and the mother shines forth with equal perfection, from the condor to the humming-bird. Self-preservation, with maternal fondness, reigns, twinborn laws, even in the insect tribes; they are included in the original blessing, multiply, and they subserve its purpose from age to age, equally as on their primal day.

"The evening was and the morning was, the fifth day."

As the fluids received existence previous to the solids, so the fluids, in the order of creation, are first stored with life; the crown is first placed upon them; and all the volatile of wing and fin, joy in the sunbeams, while, yet in their prime, they diffuse light throughout the terraqueous. Every day of creation beholds its novelty; yet not one thing is destroyed to make room for new 2D. SERIES, NO. 22.-VOL. II.

creations, but each eventful day beholds its addition to the mighty works of the Creator -each an addition, and a growing up into a lovely whole. "O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable. There is that leviathan, whom Thou hast made to play therein. These all wait upon Thee, that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season." W. COLDWEll.

King Square, July 23, 1832.


Ambiguity of the ancient Oracles. CREESUS, king of Lydia, after endeavouring to render Apollo propitious by the most magnificent sacrifices, sent costly presents to his oracle at Delphos, amounting in value to nearly a million sterling of our money. His messengers were at the same time instructed to demand of the god, whether the war Croesus was meditating against Cyrus and the Persian nation would be prosperous or not. The answer of the Pythoness was very short: "If Croesus undertakes war against the Persians, he will destroy a great nation." Highly pleased with this answer, Croesus sent other presents, and again demanded of the god, whether his dynasty should be of long duration. The answer was as follows: "When a mule shall be king of the Medes, fly, effeminate Lydian, from the banks of the Hermus; resist, not, nor blush at thy cowardice." This answer gave Creesus more pleasure than the last, for being fully sure that it was not possible for a mule to sit upon the throne of Media, he believed that the god promised the empire of Lydia to him and his descendants for ever.

The result of his attack upon the Persians is well known; his army was destroyed, the empire of Lydia overthrown, and he narrowly escaped being sacrificed by the victor on a burning pile.

Being afterwards admitted to the friendship of Cyrus, he begged as a great favour of this prince, that he might be permitted to send to the oracle of Delphos, to reproach the god with his ingratitude: leave being given, Croesus sent his attendants to Delphos, and ordered them to lay his fetters on the threshold of the temple, as a present to the god, and demand of Apollo, if he were not ashamed at having by his oracles excited so true a worshipper to his own destruction?

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