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Lesson 130.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

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History. Write and Learn.-HOUSE OF HANOVER.



George I., great grandson of James I., reigned from 1714 to 1727. He
favoured the Whigs, and imprisoned some of the chief Tories because
they acknowledged the claims of James Stuart, the "Old Pretender,"
to the throne.

Those who favoured James were called Jacobites, from Jacobus, the
Latin name for James.

The Whigs generally were the representatives of the people, and advo-
cated religious liberty to Dissenters.

The Tories were opposed to sweeping changes in the laws and government, and upheld the church and king.

1715 On account of the enmity between the Whigs and Tories, the former passed the "Riot Act," to prevent meetings of their opponents. It enacted that when twelve or more persons met, and refused to go home at the end of an hour when commanded to do so by a magistrate, they should be guilty of felony. This Act is still in force.


Lesson 131.-Monday Morning. Learn.

PSALM CII., Verses 19-28; OR ELSE LEARN—

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172. Feet which ought to do so; that is, "walk the studious cloister. 173. A place enclosed and shut in. A covered walk in a monastery or college where people could walk and study. 174. A boundary, a limit, an enclosure. 175. With high arches. 176. Öld, ancient. 177. Very strong. 178. Painted with pictures representing some story. 179. Decorated. 180. A chorus or band of singers. 181. As "high mass," &c. 182. A sacred song. 183. Such as. 184. A feeling of great joy and happiness. 185. That is, in imagination only.

Lesson 132.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 27-ON THE EAST COAST.-Belfast, on the R. Lag'an, is the chief town in Ulster, and the seat of the principal manufactures, especially of linen. Dublin, on the Liffey, is the capital. It is a beautiful city, and has many splendid public buildings. Kings'town is the port of Dublin. Wexford, on the Slaney, has trade in cattle.

IN THE BASIN OF THE BARROW AND SUIR.-Kil-ken-ny, the second city of Leinster, has valuable quarries of black marble. Wa-ter'-ford, on the Suir, exports provisions.

IN THE BASIN OF THE LEE AND BLACKWATER.-Youghal (yaul) exports provisions. Sir W. Raleigh first introduced the potato here from South America. Cork, the principal city in Munster, and the third city in Ireland. It has considerable shipbuilding. Queenstown, on "Great Island," in Cork barbour, is the place at which the Atlantic steamers call to receive and land the mails.


B 27-CLIMATE AND PRODUCTION.-The climate varies with the nature of the country. The land is chiefly pasture, about one-sixth is forest. Watches and jewellery are made in the west, and silks and cottons in the north. The commerce with surrounding countries is great,

The POPULATION is about 2 millions, above half of whom are Protestants. The GOVERNMENT is a Federal Republic.

The Swiss are all a "well-educated people, and very patriotic. They have no language of their own, but French is spoken in the west, German in the north and east, and Italian in the south.

CHIEF TOWNS.-Berne, on the R. Aar, the seat of the Federal "diet" or parliament, is the capital. Basie (bahl), on the Rhine, has great trade. Ge-ne'-va, on Lake Geneva, the largest city, is noted for watches and jewellery. Zü'-rich, has manufactures of silk and cotton.

THE SEAS, &c., OF NORTH AMERICA-(Continued).

C 27-(4) THE CAR-IB-BE-AN SEA and the GULF OF MEXICO are separated from the Atlantic by the West India Islands. These islands are divided into three groups-the Greater An-til-les, the Lesser An-til'-les, and the Ba-ha'-mas.

Ja-mai-ca, in the Greater Antilles, all the Ba-ha'-mas, and most of the Lesser Antilles, belong to England.

(5) THE PACIFIC receives only a few rivers, most of which are short. The Fra'-ser, in British Columbia, the Co-lum'-bia, in the United States, and the Rio Co-lo-ra-do (rē'-ō ko-lo-rah'-do), into the Gulf of California, are the chief. CLIMATE, SOIL, AND PRODUCTIONS.-The north is very cold, the centre temperate, and the south very hot. The soil is generally fertile. Gold and silver are found, as well as iron, copper, and lead, the last two near L. Superior. Coal and iron are found in the Alleghanies. There are very large forests. The great plains towards the west are covered with grass, with few trees, and are called prai-ries (prā-riz).

Bears, wolves, and bisons are among the wild animals.

Lesson 133.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

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Lesson 134.—Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 73. Analyse and Parse--

Stranger, perchance,

Therefore the stream move slowly to thine eye
Will glide along, and to the summer gale

The woods wave more melodious.-(Southey).

Ex. 74. Make the following adjectives into nouns.-Sweet, humble, wise, broad, pure, perfect.

Ex. 75. COMPOSITION. A Rainy Day: Appearance; the cause of rain; its discomforts; necessity for rain, and its benefits. We should not repine at God's blessings.

Lesson 135.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Divide 0234 by 1687; 5-610, 9.70101.

(2) Divide 0007 by 002; 0201; 00009.

*(3) If the rent of an estate of 266 4 acres is £500, what is that per acre?

History. Write and Learn.—George I.


Rebellion in Scotland, in favour of James, the "old Pretender.' 1715 The Earl of Mar, who headed the insurrection, was defeated by the

Duke of Argyle at Sheriffmuir, in Perthshire. The same day another part of the army, which had advanced into England as far as Preston, in Lancashire, under the Earl of Derwentwater, was defeated by the royal troops. Lords Derwentwater and Kenmuir were beheaded, and above 1,000 persons were transported.

1716 The Septennial Act passed, which extended the duration of parliament from three to seven years.

1718 The Spaniards were defeated by Sir George Byng.

1720 The South Sea Scheme, which was formed to buy up the National Debt, ruined thousands. Robert Walpole became the chancellor of the exchequer, and by his skill and discretion succeeded in restoring public credit.


Lesson 136.—Monday Morning. Learn.

IL PENSEROSO-(Continued).

And may at last my weary age

Find out the peaceful hermitage. 186
The hairy gown187 and mossy cell,188
(170) Where I may sit and rightly spell189
Of every star that heaven doth show,
And every herb that sips190 the dew;
Till old experience do attain

To something like prophetic strain. 191

(175) These pleasures Melancholy give,

And I with thee will choose to live.

186. The dwelling of a hermit, one who lives apart from his fellow men. 187. A robe made of coarse hair, such as hermits wear.

188. A small cave hid by the moss and plants. 189. Study. 190. Drinks in. 191. Speech. These two lines mean, until by long study of the stars, plants, &c., I can tell what is going to happen.

JOHN MILTON (born 1608, died 1674), after Shakespeare, our greatest poet. (See Standard V., Lesson 206).

Lesson 137.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn. IRELAND-POLITICAL.

A 28-IN THE BASIN OF THE SHANNON.-Lim'-er-ick, the fourth city in Ireland, has great export and inland trade. Athlone, near L. Ree, is the principal military station in the west of Ireland.

ON THE WEST AND NORTH COAST.-Gal'way, Sli'go, Don'-e-gal, Lon'-donder'-ry are all ports having considerable trade.

IN THE INTERIOR.-Mul-lin-gar', in West-meath, noted for wool and cattle markets. Bal-lin-as'-loe, in Galway, on the R. Suck, a tributary of the Shannon, has the largest cattle fair in Ireland.

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS. In religion most of the people are Roman Catholics, but Ulster is in general a Protestant province.

The whole country is well supplied with schools.

The governor, called the Lord-Lieutenant (lef-ten'-ant), rules for the Queen. In 1800 the parliament of Ireland was united with that of England. Twentyeight peers, elected for life, have seats in the House of Lords, and 105 members are sent to the House of Commons


B 28-BOUNDARIES.-Spain and Portugal form one vast peninsula, having France and the Bay of Biscay on the north, the Atlantic on the west and south, and the Mediterranean on the east.

SURFACE -The peninsula consists of a high tableland crossed by several ranges of mountains, and sloping to the Atlantic. The Pyr-en-ees separate it from France; and the Si-er'-ra Mo-re'-na, the Mountains of To-le'-do, and the Sierra Ne-va'-da run across the country, the latter in the south.

RIVERS.-There are numerous rivers, but they are of little importance, since they flow in deep rocky valleys. The Min'-ho (meen'-yo) separates Portugal from Spain on the north, the Dou'-ro (doo'-ro), the Ta'-gus, the Guad-i-a-na (gwad-e-ah'-na), and the Guad-al-qui'-ver (gwad-al-kee'-ver) flow into the Atlantic, and the E'-bro flows into the Mediterranean.


Countries of North Capitals and Chief

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Rivers, &c., they Stand

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R. St. John.

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E. Coast.

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Greenland belongs to Denmark. It is high, rocky, and sterile, and covered with perpetual snow. It produces seal and whale oil, fox skins, and eider down,

Canada and the United States are the most important countries,

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Lesson 138.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) 1·75 + (10·5 — 2·1)} × (2·4 ÷ 35).

(2) {16·5 + (7·7 — '011)} × ('48÷·063).
(3) 75.02(17·4 + 16·005)} x(·35 ÷ 17·5).

*(4) İf 3-25lb. tea cost 9.75 shill., what is the value of 4·45lbs. ?

Lesson 139.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 76. Analyse and Parse." The orator harangued Pope Clement the Sixth, and conversed with Petrarch, a congenial mind; but his aspiring hopes were chilled by disgrace and poverty; and the patriot was reduced to a single garment and the charity of the hospital."-(Gibbon.)

Ex. 77. Form the following nouns into adjectives.-Snow, grace, brother, sense, fool, wood.

Ex. 78. COMPOSITION.-Write a letter about anything you like. Lesson 140.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

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History.-Write and Learn.—GEORGE II.

A. D.

1727 George II. (1727-1760). His reign is noted for wars at home and abroad. 1739 Admiral Vernon defeated the Spaniards in South America. 1741 War with France, called the War of the Austrian Succession.

The English supported the claims of Maria Theresa, queen of Hungary, in opposition to the Elector of Hanover, who was favoured by the French.

1743 George led the army, and defeated the French at the battle of Dettingen, on the R. Maine. Two years after (1745) the French, under Marshal Saxe, defeated the Duke of Cumberland at Fontenoy, in Belgium.

1748 This war with France was terminated at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. The treaty provided that there should be a mutual restitution of all conquests in every part of the world.


Lesson 141.-Monday Morning. Learn.


Attend all ye who list2 to hear our noble England's praise;
I tell of the thrice famous deeds she wrought in ancient days,
When that great fleet invincible against her bores in vain-
The richest spoils of Mexico, the stoutest hearts of Spain.

1. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1588) Philip II., of Spain, fitted out an immense fleet of ships to invade England in order to crush the power of the Protestants. It was led by the Duke of Me-di'-na-Si-do'-nia, and was called "The Invincible Armada," that is, "the unconquerable fleet of armed ships, or men-of-war." The English, under Admirals Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher, attacked and set on fire single ships as the fleet sailed up the channel. It attempted to get round Scotland, and so back home, but a storm arose, and only a few ships ever returned to Spain. 2. Wish. 3. Worked, accomplished. 4. Days long since passed. 5. Bore down, that is, attempted to overthrow or crush by force. 6. Anything taken by force in war. 7. Mexico, in South America, had been conquered by Cor-těz, a Spanish adventurer, 1519-21, in the reign of Charles V., father of Philip II. The immense spoil of gold and riches had greatly increased the power and ambition of Spain. 8. Bravest.


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