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LESSON 82-Continued.

Tibet and Mongolia are mountainous, and lie between the desert of Gobi or Samo.

China Proper is a beautiful well cultivated country, and very densely populated.

Pe-kin', in the north, on the R. Pei-ho' (pay-ho') is the capital.

The productions are coal and porcelain clay. Agriculture is the chief occupation of the people. Rice on the low lands, and tea on the mountain slopes in the south-east, with tobacco and cotton in the middle portions, being the chief objects of culture.

There are now several ports open to foreigners; Can-ton', on Canton River, A-moy', Foo-choo', Ning-po', Shanghai' (shang-hi'), at the mouth of the R. Yang-tse-krang, and Tein-tsin (teen-sing), the port of Pekin, on the Pei-ko. Population, 400 millions. Religion, Buddhism. Government, Despotic.

Lesson 83.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

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Lesson 84.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 43. Analyse and Parse fully

"With fire and sword the country round

Was wasted far and wide,

And many a tender mother then
And new-born infant died:

But things like that, you know, must be

At every glorious victory.

Ex. 44. COMPOSITION.-Write about the place you live in, stating its name, the county it is in, the river, &c., it is on, or anything remarkable about its situation, size, public buildings, and the trade or manufactures. Ex. 45. What is a pronoun? Write out a table of the personal pronouns.

Lesson 85.—Friday Morning.


Work these Sums.

[blocks in formation]

History.-Write and Learn.-THE RESTORATION.

A. D. After Richard Cromwell resigned the Protectorship, a COMMITTEE OF 1658 SAFETY was formed, but the government of the country was really in the hands of the soldiers. 1660 At length General Monk, whom Cromwell had left in command of the army in Scotland, marched towards London with 7,000 men. A new parliament, called the Convention Parliament, was assembled ; and as the wish for a settled form of government was very general, Monk prevailed upon it to ask Prince Charles to become king. By the Declaration of Breda, Charles promised to leave Parliament to settle all questions of liberty, conscience, and affairs of the army. 1660 Charles made a triumphal entry into London, May 29th, and was proclaimed king in Westminster Hall,


Lesson 86.-Monday Morning. Learn.

IL PENSEROSO-(Continued).

Sweet bird, that shun'st80 the noise of folly,
Most musical, most melancholy 182

Thee, chauntress,83 oft, the woods among,
I woo,84 to hear thy even-song,'


(65) And missing thee I walk unseen
On the dry smooth-shaven greense
To behold the wandering moon
Riding near her highest noon87
Like one that had been let astray,

(70) Through the heaven's wide pathless way,
And oft, as if her head she bow'd,

Stooping through a fleecy cloud, 88


79. Bird of sweet song. 80. Avoids. 81. Noise of day. 82. Most of the poet's describe the nigtingale song as sweet but plaintive and melancholy. 83. Songstress, singer. 84. Look and listen for. 85. Song in the evening. 86. The green pasture fields, or the grass lawns of a garden. 87. The time when the moon is highest in the heavens, which varies daily. 88. Referring to the little clouds which the wind drives across the moon's face.

Lesson 87.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 18-BOUNDARIES AND EXTENT. - Ireland is a compact island, lying in the Atlantic to the west of Great Britain, from which it is separated by St. George's Channel, the Irish Sea, and the North Channel. In the nearest part it is 14 miles from Scotland, and 45 from England. It is surrounded on the north, west, and south by the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 300 miles long, 180 broad, and contains 32,000 square miles. It is therefore a little larger than Scotland.

The number of inhabitants is 5,400,000, or about one-sixth of the United Kingdom. The population is gradually decreasing, and is now only about three-fourths of what it was 40 years since. The people either come to England, or emigrate to the United States. Famines, and the unsettled state of the country, have tended to cause this emigration.


B 18-MANUFACTURES.-The manufactures are woollen, linen, cotton, and lace in the north and west, and hardware and cutlery in the south and east.

The COMMERCE is considerable. Great quantities of coal are sent to France. Next to England, Belgium is the greatest coal country in Europe. Belgium has a thick POPULATION, numbering about 5 millions. The government is a limited monarchy, similar to our own. Most of the people are Roman Catholic, but all sects are tolerated.

CHIEF TOWNS.-Brus-sels', the capital, on the Senne (sen), a tributary of the Scheldt, is famous for its lace and carpets. To the south is Water-loo', where Wellington and Blücher defeated Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815. Ghent (g hard), on the Scheldt, has a fine cathedral, and is the chief seat of the cotton trade. Ant'-werp, on the Scheldt, is the chief commercial city. Li-ege' (lee-azh) on the Meuse, is the "Birmingham of the Continent." Mech'-lin (měk'-lin) or Ma-lines' (ma-leen') is noted for its lace manufactures.


C 18-Japan consists of a group of islands in the Pacific, off the North-east of Asia, of which the principal are Ni'phon, Si'kok, Ki-u'-si-u' (kee-oo'-zē-ōō'), and Yes'so. These islands are rugged and irregular. A chain of mountains runs through the whole of them. Fu'-si, in Niphon, 12,000 feet high, being the highest peak. All the islands contain active volcanoes, and earthquakes are frequent, doing great injury.

The Cow and a small buffalo are used as beasts of burden. The people do not use milk and butter.

Agriculture is largely followed, rice, tea, cotton, and silk being produced, but the minerals form the great wealth of the country, gold and copper being very abundant.

The manufactures silk, cotton, and porcelain are excellent.

The Japanese are a clever intelligent people, and are gradually assuming the manners and customs of Western Europe. They have now Railways, Telegraphs, Post-offices, Police, and Soldiers, similar to us, and our own and the French language are taught in all the principal schools.

The government is despotic, under an emperor, called the Ty'coon. A kind of feudal system prevails. The country is divided among princes called Da-i-mi-ōs, who owe duty to the emperor. The capital is Yed'do, on the east coast of NIPHON. Hak-o-da-di, in YESSO, and Naga-sa’ki, in KIUSIU, are important ports.

Till 1858 the British were not allowed to visit the country, the Dutch being the only foreigners permitted to carry on trade.

Lesson 88.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

Find the value of-

(1) £, £, £11, 7cr., & of 14s. 6d., guinea.


cwt., mile, of 8 of 5lb. 18dwt.

Lesson 89.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn.
Ex. 46. Analyse and Parse.-

"O senseless man! that murmurs still
For happiness, and does not know,
Even though he might enjoy his will,

What he would have to make him so."-(Cotton).

Ex. 47. COMPOSITION.-A steel pen; what it is; where and how made; and its uses.

Ex. 48. Give the possessive plural of-Woman, house, eye, hoof, scholar, calf, goose, sire, thief.

Lesson 90.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

What is the value of

(1) of a pound; § of a shilling; of a crown; of a day? (2) of a guinea; of a yd.; 1 of a lb., tr.; 18 of a lb. avoir.? History. Write and Learn.-HOUSE OF STUART-RESTORED

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Lesson 91.-Monday Morning. Learn.

IL PENSEROSO-(Continued).
Oft on a plats of rising ground
I hear the far-off curfew sound

(75) Over some wide-water'd shore,
Swinging slow with sullen roar :91
Or, if the air will not permit, 92
Some still removed 3 place will fit,
Where glowing embers through the room
(80) Teach light to counterfeit a gloom ;95
Far from all resorts of mirth,

Save the cricket on the hearth,

Or the bellman's drowsy charm9

To bless the doors from nightly harm.

89. A plot, or a piece of flat ground. 90. Now written curfew (F. couvre-feu cover fire). A bell rung at eight o'clock in the evening, in Norman times, to warn people to cover, or put out all fires and lights. Here means "the evening bell," which is still rung in many places. 91. Sad sound. 92. That is, permit the curfew to be heard. 93. Quiet, private, and remote. 94. Red-hot ashes, the remains of a fire. 95. To show the darkness. 96. A place where there are many assembled. 97. Referring to the watchman in the olden times with his bell and lantern going his rounds. He used often to repeat certain verses for the deliverance of the houses from ghos'-tly dangers as he passed along. Lesson 92.—Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn. A 19-CAPES. On the north, Fair Head, in "An'trim, and Mal'in Head, in Don'egal. On the west, Slyne Head, in Galway, and Loop Head, in Clare On the south, Miz-en Head, Cape Clear, in Cork, and Carn'-sore Point, in Wer'ford. On the east, Wick'-low Head, in Wicklow, and Howth Head, in Dublin. MALIN HEAD is the most northerly, and MIZEN HEAD the most southerly point of Ireland. FAIR HEAD is the nearest point to Great Britain, being only 13 miles from the Mull of Cantyre. PARTS OF THE SEA.-On the north, Lough* Foyle and Lough Swilly. On the west, Don'-e-gal Bay, Clew Bay, Gal'way Bay, and Mouth of the Shannon, Din'gle Bay, and Ken'mare Bay. On the south, Ban'try Bay, Cork Harbour, and Water-ford Harbour. On the east, Dublin Bay and Belfast Lough.

Lough in Ireland, like Loch in Scotland, is applied both to an arm of the sea and to a lake.

[blocks in formation]

B 19-MANUFACTURES.-The manufactures are not important, shipbuilding and the distilling of spirits being the chief. Dairy farming is largely followed.

The COMMERCE is very considerable, and extends to all parts of the world. The exports are mainly butter, cheese, cattle, spirits, and colonial produce.

Next to England, Holland is the wealthiest country of Europe. The POPULATION is about 3 millions. The people are noted for their courage, industry, and cleanliness, and are well educated. The government is a limited monarchy, and the religion is chiefly Protestant. The FOREIGN POSSESSIONS include most of the East India Islands, Dutch Gui-a'-na (gee-ah'-na) in S. America, and several West India Islands.

CHIEF TOWNS.-Am-ster-dam, the capital, is built on piles of wood, and is intersected by_canals. Rot-ter-dam, on the Meuse, is the second important city. The Hague (hag) is the seat of government. Ley'-den is noted for its university. U-trecht (ōō-trekt), on the Old Rhine, is famous for its treaties signed here.

*The proper pronunciation of Lough is "loh," (with stress on the “h”) or "lok" luf, as it is often called, is a very incorrect pronunciation.


C 19 (1) Turkey in Asia (capital SMYR'-NA) consists of several provinces in the extreme west. The Tau-rus Mts. run along the shores of the Mediterranean. There are numerous bleak tablelands, but the valleys are beautiful and fruitful.

Figs, raisins, and rice are exported from Smyr-na, in the Archipelago, and Bey'-rout (bay'root), in Syria. Si'-nope (sin-oop') and Treb ́-i-zond, on the Black Sea, and Bas'-ră, on the Euphrates, are noted ports.

(2) Arabia (capital MEC'-CA) consists of an elevated tableland, most of which is desert, intersected by ranges of mountains. Round the coast are few fertile tracts. Ye'-men, in the south-west, grows excellent coffee.

The climate is the driest in the world. Coffee, gums and dates, drugs and pearls are exported.

Mus'-cat, on the north-east, A'-den and Moc'-ha, on the Red Sea, are ports. (3) Persia (capital TEHE-RAN), a tableland containing several salt and sandy deserts, intersected by mountains, occupies most of the country.

Silks, carpets, and jewellery are the chief manufactures. The people are exceedingly polite, and some of them are also very learned. The bulk of the nation is of the Mahometan religion. The government is despotic, under a Shah. Gam'-boon, on the Persian Gulf, and As-tra-bad', on the Caspian, are the chief ports. Is-pa-han', in the interior, is the chief town.

In Arabia and Persia there are many "nomadic" tribes, and most of the trade is carried on by "caravans.' The stores or shops are called "bazaars."

Lesson 93.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

Find the value of

of £1; 1 of 12/-; † of £2 of 1 G.; of 18/9.
of 100 G.; 1




of £1;

of £100.

of 10 guineas.

Lesson 94.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 49. Analyse and Parse fully.—

"Hail to thee, blithe spirit!
Bird thou never wert,

That from Heaven, or near it,
Pourest thy full heart

In profuse strain of unpremeditated art."-(Shelley).

Ex. 50. COMPOSITION.-Bread; what it is; how made and from what made, and its uses.

Ex. 51. Give the imperative, infinitive, and participles of grunt, bask, crack, bubble, stand.

Lesson 95.-Friday Morning.—Work these Sums.

[blocks in formation]

(3) £9 2s. 44d. × 19

(4) 8 tons 3cwt. 2qrs. x 18 (5) lcwt. 2qrs. 9lbs. 34 (6) 144yds.÷18

Is often improperly pronounced Sin'-ō-pě.

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