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LESSON 72-Continued.

ON THE EAST COAST.-Mont'rose, on the R. Esk, imports a great quantity of corn, and has flax-spinning and shipbuilding. Ab'er-deen, between the mouths of the Dee and Don, is the fourth largest city in Scotland. It is the seat of a university, has valuable granite quarries, and numerous shipyards. Bal'moral (bal'-mō-ral), a residence of the Queen, lies 45 miles to the west of Aberdeen. In-ver-ness', at the mouth of the Caledonian Canal, is often called the capital of the Highlands. Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, was defeated at Culloden Moor (cul'-lo-den), near Inverness, in 1746. Wick, on the N.E. coast, in Caithness, is the chief seat of the herring fishery.


B 15-MANUFACTURES.-France ranks next to England as a manufacturing and commercial country.

The important manufactures are wine and brandy, silk, cotton, woollen, and linen, hardware, and jewellery.

Champagne (sham-pane) and Burgundy wines are grown in the eastern districts about the sources of the Rivers Meuse, Seine, and Saone; and Claret near Bordeaux (bor-dō). The town of Cognac (kõne-yak) on the R. Charente, is famous for brandy.

Lyons, on the R. Rhone, and Paris are noted for silk manufacture.

Cotton, woollen, and linen are made in the north-east, at Lille (lēēl) and Rouen (rōō-en).

The POPULATION is about thirty-six millions, and the GOVERNMENT at present is a Republic under a president. The religion is Roman Catholic, but all forms are tolerated.

The most important foreign possessions of France are Al-ge'-ria, in the north of Africa, the chief town of which is Al-giers'; and Bour-bon or Re'-union, an island to the east of Madagascar. France has also small possessions in Hindostan, Cochin China, the West Indies, South America, and Oceania.

THE SEAS, &c., OF ASIA-(Continued).

C 15-(7) The China Sea is separated from the Indian Ocean by Si-am', the Malay Peninsula, the islands of Sum-a-tra, and Ja'-va, and from the Pacific by Bor-ne-o and the Phil'-ip-pine Is. It receives the R. Me'-kon. (8) The Yellow Sea receives the Ho-hang Ho, and the Yang-tse-kiang', the largest river in Asia, 3,200 miles long.

(9) The Sea of Ok'-otsk receives the R. A-moor', which rises south of the Al-ta'-i Mts.

CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS.-The north is very cold, the central parts are generally cold and dry, and the south hot. In the centre and west are large deserts, and in Si-be-ri-a is much barren land, but the south is fertile. Gold, silver, lead, and copper are got from the Altai Mts., and diamonds are found in India. Coal is found in India, China, and Siberia.

Tea is got from China and India, and coffee from Arabia. The elephant, the lion, and the tiger are found in the south.

There are more than 600 millions of people in Asia, or about half the people in the world, China having the greatest number.

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Lesson 74.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn.

Ex. 37. Analyse and Parse fully

And may at last my weary age
Find out the peaceful hermitage,
The hairy gown and mossy cell,
Where I may sit and rightly spell

Of every star that heaven doth show,

And every herb that sips the dew.-/Milton.-See Less. 136). Ex. 38. COMPOSITION.-Gold: where and how found; its value; properties, and use; why used for money.

Ex. 39. Write the plurals of Goose, die, lady, knife, calf, ox, radius.

Lesson 75.-Friday Morning.

Find the PRODUCT of

Work these Sums.

(1) of × 4 (2) 16 x 3 of 2 (4) (71 + 1) × (71

(5) (611

(3) 2 × 8 × 5 x 3 of 5 2) × (6 +31) History.-Write and Learn.—CHARLES I—(Continued).

A.D. 1642

To protect the five members whom Charles wanted to arrest, the
citizens of London took up arms. Charles gathered his army at
Nottingham, and an indecisive battle was fought at Edge Hill.
The followers of the King were called Royalists, or Cavaliers. The
parliamentarians were called Roundheads.

Many battles were fought. The most noted are

MARSTON MOOR (Yorkshire)-Prince Rupert was defeated by the Roundheads (1644). NASEBY (Northamptonshire)-Oliver Cromwell defeated the Royalists (1645).

1646 The king surrendered himself to the Scots, who were at Newark. They gave him up to the parliament for £400,000. He was charged with treason, for making war on his subjects, and was condemned and executed (1649).


Lesson 76.-Monday Morning. Learn.


IL PENSEROSO-(Continued)

There, held in holy passions still,
Forget thyself to marble, 57 till,

With a sad leaden58 downward cast,59
Thou fix themeo on the earth as fast:

(45) And join with thee, calm Peace, and Quiet;
Spare fast, that oft with gods doth diet, 62
And hear the Muses63 in a ring

Aye round about Jove's altar sing:
And add to these retired Leisure, 65

(50) That in trimes gardens takes his pleasure:

56. Ecstacy. 57. Become fixed as marble in thy thoughts. 58. Dull, sad. 59. Casting or looking downwards with the eyes. 60. The eyes. 61. Scanty food. 62. Live. 63. The nine Greek goddesses who presided over arts and sciences. 64. Always, for ever. 65. (Pronounce lezh-ur. The most proper pronunciation now is lee'-zhur). 66. Orderly, tidy, well-arranged.

Lesson 77.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 16-The Scotch are generally industrious, and well educated.
The Lowlanders are the same race as the English.

The Highlanders are a Keltic race, and their language is called Gaelic or Erse They all used to wear a peculiar dress, and some of them do so yet. Iron and coal are the most important minerals. Granite and slate are found in the Highlands, especially near Aberdeen.

Until 1603 Scotland was a separate kingdom under kings of its own, but on the death of our Queen Elizabeth, James VI. of Scotland became our king, and since then the two countries have been united.

The Scotch are nearly all Protestants, and the established form of religion is Pres-by-te'-rian.

Scotland sends 16 peers, chosen for each Parliament, to the House of Lords, and 60 members to the House of Commons.


B 16-CHIEF Towns.-Paris, the capital, is the most splendid city in the world, and the largest city in Europe after London.

On the NORTH and EAST coast are the towns of Cal'-ais (kal'-ay), Bou'-logne (bōō-long), Dieppe (děpp), Ha'v-re, all ports; Cher-bourg (share-bourg), a strong fortress; Brest, a naval station. Nantes, at the mouth of the Loire, has great trade. Bor-deaux' (bor-dō) is the second largest port.

On the Mediterranean are Marseilles (mar-sales'), the chief port, and Tou-lon (too-long), the chief naval station. Nice (nees) is a noted place for invalids, having a delightful climate.

Rheims (rēēms), on a tributary of the Seine, has a famous cathedral, where the kings of France were formerly crowned. It is a great depôt (da-po') for wines. Or'-le-ans, on the R. Loire, was besieged by the English in 1428, and delivered by Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans. Tou-louse (too-looz'), on the Garonne, is the largest city in the south of France.

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Of Burmah, Siam, and Anam, we know very little, but their productions are similar to those of India. Turkestan is an immense plain inhabited by wandering tribes. Trade is carried on by caravans, between RUSSIA and PERSIA.

Lesson 78.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

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Lesson 79.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 40. Analyse and Parse fully

"And when above the surges

They saw his crest appear,

All Rome sent forth a rapturous cry,
And even the ranks of Tuscany

Could scarce forbear to cheer."-(Macaulay).

Ex. 41. COMPOSITION.-Pottery: what it is; how made, and what from; where made; kinds, and their uses.

Ex. 42. When are verbs called regular and when irregular? Give six examples of each,

Lesson 80.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

Find the QUOTIENT of—

(1) (1 of 8) (17 of 31) (2) (21 of 34) ÷ (11 of 31) (3) ÷ (1 of 31 (4) (71 + 43) ÷ (412-21) (5) (6 – 31) ÷ (4} + 67) History.-Write and Learn.-THE COMMONWEALTH (1649-1660). A.D. After Charles was executed, the Rump Parliament, as it was called, abolished the House of Lords, and appointed 42 persons, called the Council of State, to govern the country. The celebrated John Milton was foreign secretary, and Cromwell and Fairfax were in command of the army. Both the Irish and Scotch proclaimed Prince Charles, son of the late king, but Cromwell suppressed the Irish, and then defeated the Scotch at Dunbar.


1651 The Scotch crowned Prince Charles. He raised an army and invaded England, was defeated by Cromwell at Worcester, and after much danger escaped to France.

1652 War commenced with the Dutch, principally caused through jealousy. The English gained many victories.

1653 Cromwell dissolved the Long Parliament, and was soon made "LORD PROTECTOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF ENGLAND.

1658 Cromwell died. He was a clever man, but stern and severe. Richard Cromwell succeeded him, but he only reigned 5 months.


Lesson 81.-Monday Morning. Learn.
IL PENSEROSO-(Continued).

But first, and chiefest, with thee bring
Him that yon soars on golden wing,
Guiding the fiery-wheeled throne,
The cherubes Con-tem-pla'-ti-on;69


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67. Yonder. 68. A Hebrew word which means "Spirit of Love.' heavenly spirit. 69. (Pronounce in five syllables). Milton is supposed to refer to the vision of the fiery-wheeled throne guided by Cherubims in Ezekiel x. 70. Silence which is not broken by any sound. 71. Go quietly, keep silence. Here bid silence come quietly with you. 72. Unless. 73. The Nightingale. 74. Condescend to sing. 75. Style, manner. 76. The moon. The twin sister of Apollo, and goddess of the moon and of hunting. 77. A team of dragons. Milton here supposes the moon to be in a chariot drawn by dragons. 78. The oak under which she used, when hunting, to pull up her car to alight or to rest.

Lesson 82.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn. A 17-RAILWAYS OF SCOTLAND.-The railways centre in the two chief towns, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

(1) The North British. The chief lines run from Edinburgh to Berwick and Glasgow, to Dundee, to Perth, and to Stirling.

(2) The Caledonian joins Carlisle, Glasgow, and Edinburgh with Aberdeen, through Stirling, Perth, Forfar, and Stonehaven,

(3) The Glasgow and South Western runs to Carlisle by Kilmarnock and Dumfries.

(4) The Highland Line, joining Perth with Inverness by Blair Athol, Kin-guis'-sie, and For'res.

THE NETH-ER-LANDS: HOL-LAND, AND BEL-GI-UM.-PHYSICAL. B 17-BOUNDARIES.-North-west by the North Sea, south by France, and the west by the German Empire.

SURFACE. The entire surface of Hol'-land is flat, and a great part is below the level of the sea, which is kept out by means of dykes or embankments, and sand-hills or dunes. The sea sometimes breaks in and does great damage. The south-east of Bel'-gi-um is hilly, and covered with large forests. This part is rich in minerals, as coal, iron, copper, lead, and building stone. RIVERS.-The mouth of the R. Rhine, and the R. Meuse or Maas, and the Scheldt (sheld or skelt).

When the Rhine enters Holland from Prussia, it is 2,000 feet wide. It soon forms a large delta, dividing into a great many branches. CLIMATE AMD PRODUCTIONS.-The climate is cold, foggy, and damp; unhealthy near the sea. The south-east is the most temperate. The winters in Holland are often severe. The soil is fertile, and well cultivated. There is much pasture, and great attention is paid to the rearing of cattle. Ordinary English crops, together with hemp, beet-root, from which sugar is made, chicory, and tobacco are cultivated.


C 17-This Empire, one of the largest in the world, consists of China, Co-re-a, Tib-et, Man-choo-ria, Mon-go'-li-a, and the Loo'-Choo' Islands, and includes a great part of the centre and east of ASIA.

China Proper is the chief division, the rest, though having native rulers, are all dependent upon the Emperor of China, who sanctions their laws or imposes tribute.

The Chinese dislike foreigners, and we therefore know little about the interior of the country.

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