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Lesson 39.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn.


The Adjective sentence occupies the place of an adjective, and may therefore be joined to

(1) The SUBJECT.

The man who lived here died recently." Who lived here' is an adjective sentence qualifying the subject man.

(2) The OBJECT.

"I remember the house where I was born.' The object, house, has the adjective sentence, where I was born,' qualifying it.

(3) ANY NOUN in the sentence.

"I put the horse in the stable which I built." The noun, stable, is qualified by the adjective sentence, which I built.'

The adjective sentence is often introduced by a RELATIVE PRONOUN.

Ex. 19.-Divide into sentences telling the KIND.-Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. The very house where I was born is pulled down. I have a

book which I prize very much. They that fly may fight again, which he can never do that's slain. Towards the west lies the fertile shore that stretches along the Adriatic. Show me the man who did it.

Ex. 20.-Parse.-The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,

The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea."-(Grey.)

Lesson 40.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

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History. Write and Learn.—EDWARD VI.

A. D. 1547

Edward VI. (1547-1553) only son of Henry VIII., by his third wife, Jane Seymour, was only nine years old when he began to reign. A war with Scotland was caused by the refusal of the Scots to marry their young Queen Mary to Edward. The Scots were defeated at the battle of Pinkie, after which Queen Mary was taken to France. 1549 Insurrections in West of England, caused by changes in religion. 1550 Peace concluded with France and Scotland. Two years after, Somerset, who was Regent during the King's minority, was beheaded for treason. Duke of Northumberland made protector in his place, and he induced the King to settle the crown on Lady Jane Grey. Edward was very learned, pious, and attentive to the affairs of state.


Lesson 41.-Monday Morning. Learn.
And how felt he, the wretched man
Reclining there-while memory ran
O'er many a year of guilt and strife,67
(100) Flew o'er the dark flood of his life,
Nor found one sunny resting-place,

Nor brought him back one branch of grace !68
"There was a time," he said, in mild,
Heart-humbled tones,-"thou blessèd child!
(105) When young, and haply pure as thou,
I look'd and pray'd like thee-but now-"


65. Resting.

LESSON 41-Continued:

He hung his head-each nobler aim,70
And hope, and feeling, which had slept
From boyhood's hour, that instant came
Fresh o'er him, and he wept-he wept!

66. Sin. 67. Quarrelling. 68. A reference to a branch of the olive tree, which is an emblem of peace. The meaning is His conscience gave him no peace as he remembered his former sinful life. 69. Perhaps. 70. Good intention.

Lesson 42.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A9.-LAKES.-Scotland is a land of Lakes and Mountains. The lakes abound especially in the middle and northern parts of the country. They are generally long and narrow, and situated in deep valleys, and are mostly surrounded by beautiful scenery. The best known lakes are Loch Lo'-mond, Loch Ka'-trine, Loch Awe (oh), Loch Le'-ven, Loch Locky, and Loch Ness. Loch Lo-mond, to the west of Ben Lomond, is about 24 miles long, and is the largest lake in Great Britain. It contains several beautiful islands, and its waters are discharged into the Clyde by the R. Leven.

Loch Ka'-trinet lies to the east of Ben Lomond. It is about nine
miles long and very deep. Towards the east is the beautiful
district of the Trossachs, made famous in Sir Walter Scott's poem
of the "Lady of the Lake." It is emptied by the Teith into the
R. Forth. Glasgow is supplied with water from this lake.


B 9-The Great Plain occupies more than two-thirds of Europe. includes all Russia and the greater part of the countries lying round the Baltic and the North Sea.

In the south of Russia the district is called the Steppes (steps).
The Plain of Hun'-gă-ry, in Austria, south of the Carpathians.

The Plain of Rou-ma-nia (roo-ma'-ne-ă), in Turkey, on each bank of the Danube.

The Plain of Lom'-băr-dy in North Italy, a very fruitful plain. PLATEAUS.-The Central Plateau of Spain; the Plateau of Ba-va'-ria in South Germany; the Plateau of Bo-he'-mia in the north-west of Austria. CLIMATE, SOIL, &c.-The northern parts are cold, the centre of moderate temperature, and the south warm: the soil is generally fertile. There are large forests in Russia, Germany, and Norway and Sweden. Bears, wolves, and boars are found in the large forests.


C 9-(1) The Atlantic Ocean lies between the Old and the New World. It is bounded by Europe and Africa on the east, and by North and South America on the west. It is about 9,000 miles long.

The principal seas that are connected with the Atlantic in the Old World are, the Bal'-tic Sea, the North Sea, and the Me-di-ter-ra'-ne-an Sea. In the New World the principal seas are, Baf-fin's Bay, Da-vis' Strait, Hud-son's Bay, Gulf of St. Law'-rence, Gulf of Mex-i'-co, and the Car-ib-be-an Sea.

The Atlantic is remarkable for a current called the Gulf Stream, which flows out of the Gulf of Mexico and across to the shores of Europe.

Many of the great rivers of the world flow into the Atlantic. Some parts are very deep.

The principal islands are British Isles, Ice'-land, New-found ́-land, and the West Indies.

This name is properly pronounced Kā'-trăn, though it is frequently called Kăt'-rin.

Lesson 43.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

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Lesson 44.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Be careful to distinguish between adjective sentences and noun sentences, thus

Show me who told you (noun sent.)
Show me the boy who told you (adj. sent.)
Tell me when he will come (noun sent.)

Tell me the time when he will come (adj. sent.)

Ex. 21.-Analyse, telling the KIND OF SENTENCE. I know a bank whereon the wild thyme grows. Columbus was the first European, it is believed, who set foot in the new world which he had discovered. Spring is the time when blossoms come.

Ex. 22. Parse." An icy gale, oft shifting o'er the pool,

Breathes a blue film, and in its mid career
Arrests the bickering stream.-(Thomson.)

Ex. 23. COMPOSITION.--Ink.-The various colours. How black ink is made, and its uses. State the various things people used to write with instead of ink, in old times.

Lesson 45.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.


(1) 2315 (2) 10211 (3) 14417 (4) 195127 (6) 579188 (7) 83,982


(5) 235111

(8) 14889 (9) 36613

History. Write and Learn.—MARY.


A.D. Mary, and daughter of Henry VIII., reigned from 1553-1558. Lady Jane Grey proclaimed queen, but the people supported Mary, and Lady Jane Grey and her husband were committed to the Tower for treason. They were beheaded next year. Mary re-established the Roman Catholic religion in England.

1555 Persecution for religious opinions commenced. The first martyr was Rogers, of St. Paul's. Next followed Bishops Hooper, Latimer, and Ridley; and the year after Archbishop Cranmer was burned at the stake.

1557 War with France to aid Philip of Spain, Mary's husband. Next year, Calais taken by the French, after being in our possession more than two centuries.


Lesson 46.-Monday Morning. Learn.

Blest tears of soul-felt penitence!71


In whose benign, 72 redeeming flow

Is felt the first, the only sense

Of guiltless joy73 that guilt can know.




LESSON 46-Continued.

(115) And now-behold him kneeling there
By the child's side, in humble prayer,
While the same sunbeam shines upon
The guilty and the guiltless one,75
And hymns of joy proclaim

through heaven

(120) The triumph of a soul forgiven!

73. Feeling of pure

75. "The

71. Sorrow for sin. 72. Gentle, good by nature. innocent joy and happiness. 74. "The man of crime" (line 72). fair child" (line 65). 76. Make known, tell. 77. Joy for success in anything. Here the successful victory, by penitence, over a life of sin.

Lesson 47.—Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 10.-All the important lakes are situated in the Highlands. Loch Leven is the largest lake not belonging to that district. The rivers in connection with the lakes form numerous beautiful waterfalls. The most noted is the Falls of Fy'-ers, 277 feet in height, on the east of Loch Ness. The Falls of the Clyde, near Lan'-ark, are also celebrated.

Loch Awe, in Argyle, is the next lake in size to Loch Lomond.

It is

long and narrow, and is emptied into Loch Et-ive', an arm of Loch Lin-nhe.

Loch Le'-ven, in Kinross, is a small oval lake, and is chiefly interesting for its castle, on an island, in which Mary Queen of Scots was kept prisoner, and from which she escaped in 1568.

Lochs Locky and Ness are situated in Glenmore. They form part of the Caledonian Canal, which extends from Moray Firth and Inverness on the east, to Loch Eil (eel) on the west, about 60 miles. It was begun in 1805 and opened in 1822, and was intended to obviate the passage of ships round the north coast; but it is shallow in parts and is little used.


B 10-Europe is well watered.

About two-thirds of the rivers empty them

selves into the inland seas (White Sea, Baltic, and Mediterranean).

The Vol-ga, flowing into the Caspian Sea.

The Don, into the Sea of Azof.

The Dnie-per (nee'-per) Dnies'-ter (nees'-ter), and Dan'-ube, into the Black Sea.

The North Dwi'-na, into the White Sea.

The Dwi'-na, Vis'-tu-la, and O'-der, into the Baltic.

The Elbe, We'-ser (vā'-zer), and Rhine, into the German Ocean.

The Seine (sane) into the English Channel, the Loire (lwōr) and Gă-ronne into the Bay of Biscay, and the Rhone into the Gulf of Lyons, all flowing through France.

The Dou'-ro (dōō'-ro), Ta'-gus, Guad-i-a'-na (gwad-e-ah'-na), Guadalqui'-ver (gwad-al-kee'-ver) into the Atlantic, and the E'-bro into the Mediterranean, all draining the Spanish peninsula.

The Po into the Gulf of Venice, and the Ti'-ber into the Mediterranean.

The largest rivers of Europe are the Volga (2,200 miles), the Danube (1,700 miles), the Dnieper, the Don, and the Rhine (700 miles).


C 10-(2) The Pacific Ocean is the largest of all the oceans. It covers a greater area than all the land put together.

It is bounded by N. and S. America on the east, and by Asia and Australia west.

There are few great seas connected with it. The principal are Beh'-ring's Sea (be'-rings), Ja-pan' Sea, Yel-low Sea, and Chi'-na Sea, all on the east of Asia.

The largest rivers flowing into it are the Ho-hang Ho' (wang-ho') and the Yang'-tse-Ki'-ang (vang'-se-kē-ang), in China.

New Zea-land and Ja'-pan are the principal islands.

This ocean contains about one-half of all the water on the surface of the earth. It is narrow in the north, but very wide in the middle and south, being more than 12,000 miles across.

A very great many islands are situated in it. Some have been formed by the coral insect, and some are volcanic.

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Lesson 49.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn.

Ex. 24. Analyse, telling the KIND of sentences.-The man who called here yesterday wishes to see you. The house that we live in is very small. The reason why I spoke is that you may understand all you have to do. know the way in which this should be done.

Ex. 25. Parse

Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note,

I do not

As his corse to the rampart we hurried.-(Chas. Wolfe.) Ex. 26. COMPOSITION.-Tea: what it is; where found; how cultivated and gathered; how prepared and used.

Lesson 50.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.


(1) 751


(2) 5801


(6) 231750


[blocks in formation]

History. Write and Learn.-ELIZABETH.

A. D.


Elizabeth (1558-1603) was half-sister of Mary, and daughter of Henry
VIII., re-established the Protestant religion in England.

1568 Mary Queen of Scots escaped from Scotland and fled into England. She was imprisoned by Elizabeth's order, and after a long confinement of nineteen years was beheaded.

1588 On Elizabeth's refusal to marry Philip of Spain, he fitted out an immense fleet of 130 vessels, called the Invincible Armada. It was defeated and dispersed.

1600 A company established to trade to the East Indies, and hence called the East India Company. Next year, Essex, the queen's favourite, was beheaded for plotting against the queen.

Elizabeth was rather despotic, but her reign is among the brightest in our annals.

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