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42. To lie close and snugly as a bird does in its nest. 43. Horse. 44. Edge. 45. A small caravansary (a kind of inn) where travellers are lodged and fed, for three days, without charge. 46. Wild looking, with hollow sunken eyes. Very weary looking. 47. A ray of the sun's light shone. 48. Angry and gloomy looking. 49. Terrible, dreadful. 50. Without pity, cruel. Lesson 27.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 6.-The Lowlands contain many ranges of hills, the principal of which are the Camp'-sie Hills, in Stirling; the Och'-il (ok'il) Hills, in Perth ; and the Sid'-law Hills, in Perth and Forfar.

These hills form nearly a continuous line, and run parallel with the Grampians, enclosing the Plain of Strath-more', the most fertile part of Scotland. To the south of them is the Plain of the Forth and the Clyde.

South of the R. Forth are the Pentland Hills in Edinburgh, and the Lam'-mer-muir Hills between Haddington and Berwick.

The Low-ther or Lead Hills, in Dumfries, (dum'-fress') are a continuation of the Chev-io-ts. Some of the highest points in the Lowlands are found among them. They contain several valuable lead mines.

The Cheviots are really an English range, and form part of the boundary between the two countries.


B 6-Scan-di-na-vi-a, including Sweden and Norway; Jut'-land, or the Da'-nish peninsula; the Spanish peninsula, including Spain and Portugal. This last is often called "The Peninsula."

Italy, Turkey, and Greece, in the Mediterranean Sea, and the Cri-me ́-a, to the south of Russia, in the Black Sea, are all peninsulas.

It is a curious fact that most of the peninsulas of the world point to the south. The great exceptions are the Danish peninsula, in Europe, and the peninsula of Yuc-a-tan', in Central America, both of which point northward. The isthmus, joining Spain and Portugal with France, is occupied by the Pyr-en-ees Mountains. The tract of land joining Italy to the mainland consists in great part of a low plain, called the Plain of Lom'-bar-dy. THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE-(Continued).

C 6-Africa is three times the size of Europe. The Med-i-ter-ra'-ne-an separates it from Europe. Towards the north is the great dry, hot, and sandy desert called Sa-ha'-ra.

The highest mountains are near Ab-ys-sin'-i-a.

The longest river is the Nile, which flows into the Mediterranean.
The chief countries are-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

It belongs to Great

The lion, the camel, the elephant, the croc'-o-dile, and the os'-trich

are found in Africa.

Australia is the smallest of the six continents.

Britain, and is about four-fifths the size of Europe.

The chief mountains are on the south-east coast, and are not high.
The principal river is the Mur'-ray.

The chief colonies are


New South Wales

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Lesson 28.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.


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Lesson 29.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 13. Analyse, stating which are PRINCIPAL and which NOUN sentences.-You can easily prove to us that the earth is round. Socrates taught that virtue is its own reward. You forget she is a gipsy girl. "Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream."

Ex. 14. Parse

'I come! I come! ye have called me long:

I come o'er the mountains, with light and song."―(Hemans).

Ex. 15. COMPOSITION.-Write about glass: its appearance and properties; the different kinds; how made; and its uses.

Lesson 30.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.


A.D. 1527

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History. Write and Learn.-THE REFORMATION (Continued). In 1527 Henry expressed doubts as to the validity of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, his brother's widow. His real desire was to get rid of Catherine in order that he might marry Anne Boleyn. The Pope, who decided all such matters, appointed Wolsey and another cardinal to try the case. He was himself afraid to grant a divorce for fear of offending Charles V. of Germany, Catherine's nephew. The cardinals came to no decision, and Wolsey fell under Henry's displeasure.

1534 On Thomas Cromwell and Archbishop Cranmer becoming the King's chief advisers, they favoured his divorce.

1534 Henry therefore withdrew from his allegiance to the Pope, declared himself "the only supreme head on earth of the Church in England."


Lesson 31.-Monday Morning. Learn.


Yet tranquil51 now that man of crime

(As if the balmy52 evening time
Softened his spirit) look'd and lay,

(75) Watching the rosy infants' play :-
Though still, whene'er his eye by chance
Fell on the boy's, its lurid53 glance
Met that unclouded joyous gaze,
As torches that have burnt all night

(80) Through some impure and godless rite, 5

Encounter morning's glorious rays.


51. Peaceful, calm. 52. Mild, soothing. 53. Gloomy. 54. A kind of large candle to be carried in the hand, formed of twisted tow, &c., dipped in pitch. 55. A religious ceremony.


Lesson 32.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 7.-Scotland contains numerous rivers. The principal ones rise either in the Grampians or the Lowthers. Like those of England, all the chief rivers, except the Clyde, empty themselves into the North Sea. All the rivers have swift currents, and many of them are encumbered with waterfalls.

The rivers rising in the Grampians are the Find'-horn and Spey, running north, and the Don, Dee, Tay, and Forth, running east.

The Tay (105 miles) is the longest and largest river of Scotland.
It receives a great many tributaries and drains many lakes.
The Forth rises in Ben Lō'-mond, and, with its tributaries, also
drains several lakes. It opens into a large estuary called the Firth
of Forth. This firth is above 50 miles long and about 40 miles
across in its widest part.

The Spey is noted for its great swiftness, and the number of salmon
it contains.


B 7-The greater part of Europe is a level plain called the "Great Plain." It stretches from the North Sea to the U'ral Mountains. All the chief mountain ranges lie either to the south of this plain, or to the north-west. chief ranges are:


The Pyr'-en-ees between France and Spain, the Alps in Switz'-er-land, the Ap'-en-nines in Italy, the Car-pa'-thians in Austria, the Bal'-kans in Turkey, the Cau'-că-sus between Russia and Asia, and the Scan-di-na'vian Mountains in Norway and Sweden.

The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe; they separate Italy from France, Switzerland, and Austria.

The tops of the high peaks are covered with snow. Mont Blanc (mon blong), 15,700 feet (or about three miles) high, is the highest summit. A railway tunnel, 73 miles long, called the Cenis tunnel, has been made through the Alps between France and Italy, near Mont Cen'-is (sen'ees).


C 7-The Western Hemisphere is often called the "New World," because it was only discovered in recent times, by Christopher Columbus, A.D. 1492. It contains the great continents of North and South America.

North America is more than twice the size of Europe.

The Rocky Mountains in the West are the highest mountains. The principal river is the Mis-sis-sip'-pi. The largest lake is Lake Su-pe'-ri-or, in Can'-a-da, emptied by the R. St. Law-rence into the Atlantic, but there are many other large rivers and lakes.

The chief countries are


U-ni'-ted States.

capital OT-TA-WA (ot'-ta-wah)

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Canada, and a great part of North America, belong to England.
We get a great deal of corn and cotton from North America. Rice,
cotton, and tobacco are largely grown in the southern part.
All the northern part of the continent is very cold.

Lesson 33.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.


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Lesson 34.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Ex. 16. Analyse, stating which are PRINCIPAL and which NOUN sentences.-"God said, Let there be light." What you say cannot be true. The people all declared that they saw him. Are you sure that everything is ready? What is learned in childhood is often forgotten. That he lived abroad is well known. The consequence was that we were detained.

Ex. 17. Parse

The wind is piping loud, my boys,

The lightning flashes free,

While the hollow oak our palace is,

Our heritage the sea.-A. Cunningham).

Ex. 18. COMPOSITION.-Write about a shilling: of what made; its shape; the words, figures, and image on it; its value and uses.

Lesson 35.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.


(1) 6, 15, 16, 20, 27, 36

(2) 34, 68, 19, 17, 14, 16, 12

(3) 4, 15, 19, 29, 32, 72, 45

(4) 16, 15, 39, 18, 40, 65, 44
(5) 3, 2, 7, 9, 12, 24, 16
(6) 2, 6, 9, 4, 8, 3

History. Write and Learn.-THE REFORMATION (Continued). Miles Coverdale, by Henry's order, translated the Bible, and a copy was ordered to be placed in every Parish Church.



1536 Thomas Cromwell was appointed Vicar-General to suppress the monasteries or religious houses. The suppression of the monasteries, and the changes in religion led to insurrections in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire (1536).

The Reformation spread in Edward VI.'s reign, and the Book of
Common Prayer was drawn up (1549).

Queen Mary endeavoured to suppress the new doctrines, but in Eliza-
beth's reign the Reformation was completed.


Lesson 36.—Monday Morning. Learn.

But, hark; the vesper56 call to prayer,



As slow the orb of daylight57 sets.

Is rising sweetly on the air

From SYRIA's thousand minarets 158
The boy has started from the bed
Of flowers, where he had laid his head,
And down upon the fragrant sod59
Kneels with his forehead to the southco
Lisping th' eternal name of God
From Purity's own cherub61 mouth,
And looking, while his hands and eyes
Are lifted to the glowing2 skies,

Like a stray63 babe of Paradise,

(95) Just lighted on that flowery plain,
And seeking for its home again!





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56. The evening. In Mahometan countries, instead of a bell, a mu-ez'-zin, as he is called, cries out from the top of the minaret, the hour of prayer. 57. The sun. 58. The lofty spire or tower of a Mahometan mosque or church. 59. The ground covered with fragrant flowers. 60. Mahometans kneel with their faces southward. 61. A beautiful child. Here means pretty, beautiful. 62. Shining, bright with many colours, as when the sun sets. 63. Having gone astray, wandered, and left by itself. 64. Rested upon, like a bird.

Lesson 37.-Tuesday Morn. Geography. Write and Learn.


A 8.-The rivers rising in the Lowthers are the Clyde, running to the west, the Tweed, running to the east, and the Nith, running to the south into Solway Firth.

The Clyde rises near Queensbury Hill in the Lowthers, and after a very winding course of 100 miles, empties itself into the Firth of Clyde. It receives few tributaries of importance, and is the most important Scottish river. The first successful steam vessel, in Europe, was built and tried on the Clyde (1812).

The Tweed rises about 10 miles from the Clyde, and first flows northward, and then eastward, emptying itself into the North Sea. It drains the greater part of the eastern Lowlands, and has valuable salmon fisheries,

The remaining rivers of Scotland are generally unimportant. They chiefly serve to drain the lakes, and on the west they are mostly short rapid streams from the mountains.

Most of the Scottish rivers have valuable salmon fisheries.


B 8-The Pyr'-en-ees ("the fir mountains") form the boundary between France and Spain. Mount Per'-du is the highest peak.

The Ap'-en-nines ("the high hills") are joined to the Alps, and run through Italy. They contain valuable marble quarries.

Mt. Ve-su-vi-us, 4,000 feet high, is a celebrated volcano, on the Bay of Naples, not far from the Apennines.

The other volcanoes of Europe are Mount Et'-na, in Sicily, 11,000 feet high; and Mount Hec'-la, in Iceland, 5,000 feet high. The Car-pa'-thi-ans are in the north and east of Aus'-tri-a; they contain valuable gold, silver, and copper mines.

The Bal'-kans ("the barriers") run across Turkey.

The Cau'-că-sus Mountains ("mountain on mountain") run between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. They partly divide Europe from Asia. The Scan-di-na'-vian Mountains are chiefly in Norway.

The U'-ral Mountains form part of the boundary between Europe and Asia. The Alps are singularly destitute of useful minerals; whilst the Carpathians, the Scandinavian, and the Ural mountains are especially rich.


C 8-South America is nearly twice the size of Europe. It is joined to North America by the Isthmus of Pan-a-ma' (pan-ah-mah').

The An'-děs in the West are the highest mountains.

The principal river is the Am'-a-zon, which is larger than any other river in the world.

The West India Islands stretch between North and South America, and separate the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico.

The chief country is

Bra-zil, capital Rr'-O JAN'-EI-RO (rē'-o jan-ā'-ro), on the east coast. New Zea ́-land, which belongs to Great Britain, is a group of three islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The climate is pleasant, something like that of England, being mild and warm, and the soil fertile.

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