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SERM. reafon, but must be a Friend to it. And IX. it is no wonder that they, who renounce or


abuse their Reafon, fhould be it's Enemies because it is that alone that discovers the Beauty, Harmony, and Excellency of it. Were but our modern Infidels for once to take our Saviour's Advice, and judge of his Religion in the fame manner as he defired the Pharifees to judge of his conduct, that is, to set aside Prejudices and false Appearances, and impartially use their Reason, in order to form a righteous Judgment, I am perfuaded they would foon become it's Friends.

Let us not be afraid of Reafon in Religion. Religion itself is not afraid of it. All that we have to fear is the abuse or misuse of our Reason. And that is all that it cauWhich Caution from our Saviour's own Mouth hath now been urged Rational Piety is the Beauty and

tions us against.

upon us.

Perfection of Chriftianity. A regular Judgment, and ferious Temper, make a finished Chriftian. Plainly to fee the Ground we go upon, and keep it; rightly to know the Foundation of our Hope and Faith, and to



retain them; to have a clear Head and a SERM. pious Heart, diftinct Conceptions of what we believe and profess, plain Evidence of the Certainty and Importance thereof, with a fteady and inflexible Adherence thereunto. This is the Beauty, this the Perfection of the Christian Character.

3. We may hence difcern the probable Source of moft of that Uncharitableness and Cenforiousness we fee in the World. Superficial Judgment begets Error, and Error begets Bigotry, which always inclines Men to a bitter and perfecuting Spirit. The Romish Church, which is the moft erroneous, is by far the most perfecuting Church in the Chriftian World. Paffion and Perfecution are always a fign of a bad Caufe. A good Cause wants neither of them: Religion and Truth difclaim them both. Let us only take care to judge righteous Judgment, and that will difpofe us to a charitable Temper.

Laftly, When by divine Grace, and the Help of the forementioned Rules, we come to form a better Judgment of things, let us immediately form our Practice by it. Q4





Inftance, If by this means we are more than ever convinced of the Vanity and Uncertainty of all our Earthly Comforts, let us be more careful to abftract our Affections from them: If we find that we have hitherto entertained fome wrong Sentiments of Religion, and the Ways of GOD, let us immediately quit them for those which we now plainly fee to be more agreeable to his Nature and Word: If we are now fenfible of the Neceffity and Importance of fome one particular Duty, which we have too much neglected, let us, in the Name of GOD, refolve for the future to be more diligent in the Performance of it: If we are now aware, that fuch and fuch Company, or Occurrences, are Temptations and Snares to us, let us as much as may be avoid them: If by being better informed in the nature of Religion, we see something in our Temper or Conduct very faulty and inconfiftent with it, let us forthwith fet ourselves, by divine Grace, to regulate and amend it,

Thus fhall our Improvements in Goodnefs keep pace with our Progrefs in Know


ledge; thus fhall we grow in Grace as SERM. we advance in Understanding; and by IX. both be more and more prepared and fitted for that State of Light, Felicity, and Bliss, which is the final Object of all our highest Wishes.




LUKE Xviii. 10-13.

Two Men went up into the Temple to pray; the one a Pharifee, and the other a Publican. The Pharifee food and prayed thus with himfelf," GOD, I thank thee, that I (c am not as other Men are, Extortioners, Unjuft, Adulterers, or even as this Publican. I faft twice in the Week, I give "Tithes of all that I poffefs." And the Publican ftanding afar

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