By ROBERT BARCLAY, And fince tranflated into HIGH DUTCH, Low DUTCH, LONDON: Printed by J. PHILLIPS, George-Yard, Lombard-Street, AND Sold by the Bookfellers of LONDON and WESTMINSTER. M.DCC.LXXX. 1 то CHARLES II KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, ROBERT BARCLAY, A Servant of JESUS CHRIST, called of GOD to the Difpenfation of the Gospel now again revealed, and, after a long and dark Night of Apoftafy, commanded to be preached to all NATIONS, wifheth Health and Salvation. S the condition of kings and princes placeth them in a station more obvious to the view and obfervation of the world, than that of other men; of whom, as Cicero obferves, neither word or action can be obfcure; fo are any thofe kings, during whofe appearance upon the stage of this world it pleafeth the GREAT KING OF KINGS fingularly to make known unto men the wonderful steps of his unfearchable providence, more fignally obferved, and their lives and actions more diligently remarked, and inquired into by pofterity; efpecially if thofe things be fuch as not only relate to the outward tranfactions of this world, but alfo are signalized by the manifestation or revelation of the knowledge of God in matters fpiritual and religious. Thefe A 2 are |