VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN A WILDERNESS: O R, THE BUSINESS OF A CHRISTIAN, Reprefented in feveral SER MON s, under the following Titles, viz. By SAMUEL SHAW, M A. All the Paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth, unto fuch as keep his Mala pœnalia non funt verè mala, quia fluunt à fummo bono, nimirum LOND N: Printed and Sold by T. BALDWIN, at No. 9, in Great May's Buildings, [Price is. ftitched, bound, Is. 6d..] ERRATA. p. Page 5. 1. 1. for amaret fapare read amare & fapere. p. 15. I. 15. for furbornness read ftubbornness. p. 17. 1. 25. dele both. 21. 1. 1. add of after the word reproach. p. 29. 1. 31. after the word as add in. P. 33. 1. 3. for domnions read dominions. Ditto, l. 18. after counts add it bis. p. 34. 1. 6---7. for Job vi. 36. read John iv. 34. Ditto, 1. 11. for worked read worketh. 20. for do read doth. Ditto, 1. 23. ditto. p. 38. 1. 19. for Jeptha P. 36. 1. read Jephtha. Ditto, 1. 26. for inordinances read inordinaces. p. 39. 1. 3. from the bottom, for with read without. Sovereignity read fovereignty. Ditto, 1. 27. ditto, and 44. 1. 2. ditto. P. 40. 1. 16. for P. 50. 1. 29. for happeneth read happened. p. 52. 1. read faithfulness. p. 54. 1. 9. for up read upon. p. 67. 1. 9. for do 9. for faithness read doth. p. 92. 1. 18. dele of. p. 96. Î. 6. after the word God p. 112. 1. 32. after the word devil add a comma. add are. P. 115. 11-7-1931 [iii] HOME Memoirs of the Life S of this excellent Man may be feen in Dr. CALAMY'S Abridgement of Mr. BAXTER'S Life and Times, page 426-436, and in the Continuation, 592-593, an Extract of which is prefixed to a late Edition of our Author's IMMANUEL, a Book well known and approved by many ferious Chriftians. The The following Difcourfes were first preached by Mr. SHAW in his own Family, while vifited with the Plague; and afterwards publifhed to promote the Glory of God, and the Good of others. As they need no Recommendation, the Editor of this new Edition thinks himself under no Neceffity to apologize for prefenting it to the Public, especially as the Book was exceeding scarce, and greatly defired by many pious People, both of the established Church and Proteftant Diffenters; with whom it will undoubtedly havé a kind Reception. Το * * To the the READER. Chriftian Readers, T is now more than feven months, fince it pleafed the holy and wife God, together with fome dear and chriftian friends from London, to vifit my house with the plague; whereby he gently touched and gave warning to myself and whole family, confifting then of eight fouls, but called away hence only three members of it, viz. two tender babes, and one fervant; befides my beloved fifter, and a child of my precious friend, that man of God, Mr. G. C. fince also tranflated, who were of those citizens that vifited me; you will eafily believe that I can have no pleasure to rake into the afhes of the dead, nor to revive the taste of that wormwood and gall, which was given me to drink; and yet I fee no reafon, but that ought to take pleasure in the pure and holy will of God, which always proceeds by the eternal rules of Almighty love and goodnefs; though the fame be executed upon my dearest creature-comforts, and grate never fo much upon my fweeteft earthly-intereft; yea, and I fee all reafon in the world why I fhould give God the glory of his attributes and works before A 2 all H |