PRYDNHAWNOL WEDDI. ARGLWYDD, na cherydda fi yn dy lidiogrwydd, ac na chospa fi yn dy lid. 2 Trugarha wrthyf, Arglwydd, canys llesg ydwyf fi: iacha fi, O Arglwydd; canys fy esgyrn a gystuddiwyd. 3 A'm henaid a ddychrynwyd yn ddirfawr: tithau, Arglwydd, pa hŷd? 4 Dychwel, Arglwydd, gwared fy enaid: achub fi er mwyn dy drugaredd. 5 Canys yn angau nid oes goffa am danat: yn y bedd pwy a'th folianna? 6 Diffygiais gan fy ochain; bob nos yr ydwyf yn gwneuthur fy ngwely yn foddfa: yr ydwyf fi yn gwlychu fy ngorweddfa a'm dagrau. 7 Treuliodd fy llygad gan ddigter: heneiddiodd o herwydd fy holl elynion. 8 Ciliwch oddiwrthyf, holl weithredwŷr anwiredd: canys yr Arglwydd a glywodd lef fy wylofain. 9 Clybu'r Arglwydd fy neisyfiad: yr Arglwydd a dderbyn fy ngweddi. 10 Gwaradwydder a thralloder yn ddirfawr fy holl elynion: dychweler a chywilyddier hwynt yn ddisymmwth. thine indignation : neither chasten me in thy displeasure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak: O Lord, heal me, for my bones are vexed. 3 My soul also is sore troubled: but, Lord, how long wilt thou punish me? 4 Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul : O save me for thy mercy's sake. 5 For in death no man remembereth thee: and who will give thee thanks in the pit? 6 I am weary of my groaning; every night wash I my bed and water my couch with my tears. 7 My beauty is gone for very trouble: and worn away because of all mine enemies. 8 Away from me, all ye that work vanity: for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. 9 The Lord hath heard my petition: the Lord will receive my prayer. 10 All mine enemies shall be confounded, and sore vexed : they shall be turned back, and put to shame suddenly. Psal. vii. Domine, Deus meus. O Lord my God, 2 Lest he devour my soul, like a lion, and tear it in pieces : while there is none to help. 3 O Lord my God, if I have done any such thing : : or if there be any wickedness in my hands; 4 If I have rewarded evil unto him that dealt friendly with edais yr hwn sydd elyn i mi heb achos; 5 Erlidied y gelyn fy enaid, a goddiwedded: sathred hefyd fy mywyd i'r llawr, a gosoded fy ngogoniant yn y llwch. 6 Cyfod, Arglwydd, yn dy ddigllonedd, ymddyrcha, o herwydd llid fy ngelynion: deffro hefyd drosof i'r farn a orchymmynaist. 7 Felly cynnulleidfa'r bobloedd a'th amgylchynant: er eu mwyn dychwel dithau i'r uchelder. 8 Yr Arglwydd a farn y bobloedd: barn fi, O Arglwydd, yn ol fy nghyfiawnder, ac yn ol fy mherffeithrwydd sydd yn of. 9 Darfydded weithian anwiredd yr annuwiolion, eithr cyfarwydda di y cyfiawn: canys y Duw cyfiawn a chwilia'r calonnau a'r arennau. 10 Fy ymddiffyn sydd o Dduw, Iachawdwr y rhai uniawn o galon. 11 Duw sydd Farnydd y cyfiawn, a Duw sy ddigllawn beunydd wrth yr annuwiol. 12 Oni ddychwel yr annuwiol, efe a hoga ei gleddyf: efe a annelodd ei fwa, ac a'i parottôdd. 13 Parottôdd hefyd iddo arfau angheuol: efe a drefnodd ei saethau yn erbyn yr erlidwŷr. 14 Wele, efe a ymddwg anwiredd, ac a feichiogodd ar gamwedd, ac a esgorodd ar gelwydd. 15 Torrodd bwll, cloddiodd ef, syrthiodd hefyd yn y clawdd a wnaeth. 16 Ei anwiredd a ymchwel ar me: yea, I have delivered him that without any cause is mine enemy; 5 Then let mine enemy persecute my soul, and take me : yea, let him tread my life down upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. 6 Stand up, O Lord, in thy wrath, and lift up thyself, because of the indignation of mine enemies: arise up for me in the judgement that thou hast commanded. 7 And so shall the congregation of the people come about thee for their sakes therefore lift up thyself again. 8 The Lord shall judge the people; give sentence with me, O Lord: according to my righteousness, and according to the innocency that is in me. 9 O let the wickedness of the ungodly come to an end: but guide thou the just. 10 For the righteous God: trieth the very hearts and reins. 11 My help cometh of God: who preserveth them that are true of heart. 12 God is a righteous Judge, strong, and patient: and God is provoked every day. 13 If a man will not turn, he will whet his sword: he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. 14 He hath prepared for him the instruments of death: he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors. 15 Behold, he travaileth with mischief: he hath conceived sorrow, and brought forth ungodliness. 16 He hath graven and digged up a pit: and is fallen himself into the destruction that he made for other. 17 For his travail shall come ei ben ei hun, a'i draha a ddis- upon his own head: and his gyn ar ei goppa ei hun. wickedness shall fall on his own 3 Pan edrychwyf ar y nefoedd gwaith dy fysedd; y lloer a'r ser, y rhai a ordeiniaist; 4 Pa beth yw dyn, i ti i'w gofio? a mab dyn, i ti i ymweled åg ef? 5 Canys gwnaethost ef ychydig îs na'r angylion, ac a'i coronaist â gogoniant ac â harddwch. 6 Gwnaethost iddo arglwyddiaethu ar weithredoedd dy ddwylaw; gosodaist bob peth dan ei draed ef; 7 Defaid ac ychain oll, ac anifeiliaid y maes hefyd; 8 Ehediaid y nefoedd, a physgod y môr, ac y sydd yn tramwyo llwybrau'r moroedd. 9 Arglwydd ein Ior, mor ardderchog yw dy Enw ar yr holl ddaear! BOREOL WEDDI. Psal. ix. Confitebor tibi. CL LODFORAF di, O Arglwydd, à'm holl galon : mynegaf dy holl ryfeddodau. 2 Llawenychaf a gorfoleddaf pate. 18 I will give thanks unto the Lord, according to his righteousness: and I will praise the Name of the Lord most High. Ps. viii. Domine, Dominus noster. Hi Lord our Governour, how excellent is thy Name in all the world: thou that hast set thy glory above the heavens! 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies: that thou mightest still the enemy, and the avenger. 3 For I will consider thy heavens, even the works of thy fingers: the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him: and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 5 Thou madest him lower than the angels: to crown him with glory and worship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the works of thy hands: and thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet; 7 All sheep and oxen: yea, and the beasts of the field; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea: and whatsoever walketh through the paths of the seas. 9 O Lord our Governour : how excellent is thy Name in all the world! I MORNING PRAYER. Psal. ix. Confitebor tibi. Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will speak of all thy marvellous works. 2 I will be glad and rejoice 3 Pan ddychweler fy ngelynion yn eu hol, hwy a gwympant ac a ddifethir o'th flaen di. ynot: canaf i'th Enw di, y Gor- in thee: yea, my songs will I uchaf. make of thy Name, O thou most Highest. 4 Canys gwnaethost fy marn a'm matter yn dda: eisteddaist ar orseddfaingc, gan farnu yn gyfiawn. 5 Ceryddaist y cenhedloedd, distrywiaist yr annuwiol; eu henw hwynt a ddileaist byth bythol. 6 Ha elyn, darfu am ddinystr yn dragywydd: a diwreiddiaist y dinasoedd; darfu eu coffadwriaeth gyda hwynt. 7 Ond yr Arglwydd a bery yn dragywydd: efe a barottodd ei orseddfainge i farn. 8 Ac efe a farn y byd mewn cyfiawnder: efe a farn y bobloedd mewn uniondeb. 9 Yr Arglwydd hefyd fydd noddfa i'r gorthrymmedig, noddfa yn amser trallod. 10 A'r rhai a adwaenant dy Enw, a ymddiriedant ynot: canys ni adewaist, O Arglwydd, y rhai a'th geisient. 11 Canmolwch yr Arglwydd, yr hwn sydd yn preswylio yn Sion: mynegwch negwch ym mysg y bobloedd ei weithredoedd ef. 12 Pan ymofyno efe am waed, efe a'u cofia hwynt: nid anghofia waedd y cystuddiol. 13 Trugarha wrthyf, Arglwydd; gwel fy mlinder gan fy nghaseion, fy nyrchafydd o byrth angau : 14 Fel y mynegwyf dy holl foliant ym mhyrth merch Sion: llawenychaf yn dy iachawdwr 3. While mine enemies are driven back: they shall fall and perish at thy presence. 4 For thou hast maintained my right and my cause: thou art set in the throne that judgest right. 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and destroyed the ungodly: thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. 6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end : even as the cities which thou hast destroyed; their memorial is perished with them. 7 But the Lord shall endure for ever: he hath also prepared his seat for judgement. 8 For he shall judge the world in righteousness: and minister true judgement unto the people. 9 The Lord also will be a defence for the oppressed: even a refuge in due time of trouble. 10 And they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek thee. 11 O praise the Lord which dwelleth in Sion: shew the people of his doings. 12 For, when he maketh inquisition for blood, he remembereth them: and forgetteth not the complaint of the poor. 13 Have mercy upon me, O Lord; consider the trouble which I suffer of them that hate me : thou that liftest me up from the gates of death. 14 That I may shew all thy praises within the ports of the daughter of Sion : I will rejoice in thy salvation. iaeth. 15 Y cenhedloedd a soddasant 15 The heathen are sunk 7 Ei enau sydd yn llawn melldith, a dichell, a thwyll: dan ei dafod y mae camwedd ac anwir edd. 8 Y mae efe yn eistedd y'nghynllwynfa'r pentrefydd: down in the pit that they made : in the same net which they hid privily, is their foot taken. 16 The Lord is known to execute judgement: the ungodly is trapped in the work of his own hands. 17 The wicked shall be turned into hell: and all the people that forget God. 18 For the poor shall not alway be forgotten : the patient abiding of the meek shall not perish for ever. 19 Up, Lord, and let not man have the upper hand: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. 20 Put them in fear, O Lord: that the heathen may know themselves to be but men. Psal. x. Ut quid, Domine? WHY standest thou so far O Lord : and hidest thy face in the needful time of trouble? 2 The ungodly for his own lust doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the crafty wiliness that they have imagined. 3 For the ungodly hath made boast of his own heart's desire : and speaketh good of the covetous, whom God abhorreth. 4 The ungodly is so proud, that he careth not for God: neither is God in all his thoughts. 5 His ways are alway grievous: thy judgements are far above out of his sight, and therefore defieth he all his enemies. 6 For he hath said in his heart, Tush, I shall never be cast down: there shall no harm happen unto me. His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and fraud: under his tongue is ungodliness and vanity. 8 He sitteth lurking in the thievish corners of the streets : |