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dinary occurrence in The Royal Ga-
zette; it may possibly lead to some
important discovery. With great
respect, I remain,

Your obedient servant,
W. W.

Greenwich Park,
St. Ann, Jan. 22.

distant from this place; in that time never saw a white face or human habitation; had enjoyed perfect health. When he was asked, why he had abandoned society? he shrugged his shoulders, and lifted up his hands, as if in the act of adoration. When a cordial was given to him, he was cautioned not to drink much, as excess would kill him; he replied, 'death to me is welcome.' He was clothed, fed, and encouraged, and the writer of this retired to recommend him as a fit object for the hospital. In a minute afterwards, he was told the wild man had escaped. It seems he had watched for an opportunity of being unobserved, when he seized his victuals, and ran with amazing celerity towards the woods. The dogs were alarmed, and pursued him; as they approached, he threw down pieces of meat to stay them. When he found his efforts to escape unavailing, he stopped suddenly, and ran

"A few days ago, it was mentioned to me, in the shape of a complaint, that there was a wild white man resident in the woods of this property, who had interrupted the negroes in working their provision-grounds, &c. Upon inquiry, I found his residence in the woods had not been a secret; but some late outrages which he committed, prompted the sufferer to complain. It appeared that he occasionally molested the women, but always ran from the men. Upon this information, I sent out a party, with a guide, who knew his haunts. The party divided, with a view to surround his hut; and, into his pursuers. When he was ex-, the deepest recesses of the woods, they saw him sitting on the point of a rock; he fled, but, after a short pursuit, was overtaken, and brought hither. He was naked, save the scanty remains of a doublet; his beard had attained the utmost point of its growth; his feet and hands were callous as leather: his skin was discoloured with filth; and, altogether, he exhibited the most humiliating object that monkish debasement could furnish. When first taken, he affected dumbness, but afterwards I obtained from him the following particulars:-His name is Charles Martin, is an Italian, born at Florence, thinks he has been two or three years in the woods; he entered them at Port Maria, 30 miles


postulated with on his want of con-
fidence, after the kind treatment he
had met with, he shook his head,
sighed deeply, and said, man is
my enemy; I am afraid?' His in-
tellects appear to be sound, although
he speaks with great reluctance; he
is well made, has blue eyes, is in
stature about 5 feet 8 inches.
hut is fashioned much like an Indian
wigwam, and he has contrived a
subterraneous kitchen, with great
ingenuity; his habitation was sur-
rounded with springes to catch birds,
one of which he had prepared for
his breakfast. He had displayed
talents in fabricating divers sorts of
baskets; and, what is strange, no
iron, not even a knife, was found in
his possession."



From the same.

he felt himself liappy, because he Gentlemen,

was safe. The writer of this acPerhaps the following additional count asked him, were he permitted particulars of Charles Martin, the his liberty, whether he would abide wild white man, mentioned in your in the court of the hospital? He paper of the 1st instant, may be in- said he would make no promise. teresting to some of


readers: When he was çuestioned why he When retaken as s'ated in the bad deserted the comforts of society, former communication, he was sent to submit to the privations of a sato the hospital, where lie occupied vage and solitary life? he eagerly a room, was kindly treated, and in- replied, that the very sight of mandulged with an extra allowance of kind gave him pain. He persists

but his habits are so incorri- that his name is Charles Martin; gibly savage, that what civilized that he was born at Nice, in Piedman considers comfort, is to him mont (not at Florence, as before intolerable insipidity. On the night stated); that he was educated of the 2d inst. he made his escape Caen, in Normandy; that of the through a small aperture in the wall former place his father is a wineof the room in which he was con- mercbant; and that himself kept a fined; he left not a vestige by which store at Port-au-Prince, in St. Doto trace his fight. A fortnight af- mingo, some years ago. He writes terwards, he was found by accident, a legible hand, and speaks Norman in the centre of a cane-piece, about French with great fuency. His unhalf a mile from the hospital, sur- derstanding on general subjects is rounded with cane trash, the refuse unimpaired; but he is possessed of a of his subsistence; he had divested notion that he is reserved for some himself of the incumbrance of dress, ignominous death; and neither the and bad, for fourteen days, been encouragement nor the kindness he exposed to the inclemency of the las received, has been able to eraweather, which is here peculiarly se- dicate this impression, which seems verę at this season of the year; his to be indelible. appearance was squalid and ex- I understand the former account tenuated; and although a nudity, of this miserable self-devoted outhe appeared before numbers of cast, was treated by some as fabupeople unabashed, and with an un- lous; if there be still sceptics, they blushing composure of countenance, may have their doubts removed, by which evinces that the sense of shame application to, in him is entirely abolished. He

Gentlemen, was reconducted to bis old quarters,

Your humble servant, and asked in what manner he lived?

WM. WESTON. He answered, that he had never St. Ann's Bay, moved more than a few yards from

Feb. 26, 1806. the spot he first occupied; that he eat two canes daily; that he had P. S. On re-examining the hut, slept well (although, unsheltered, his former habitation in the woods, and nightly exposed to "the pelt- around it were growing 13 Alicada ings of the pitiless storm;") and that pear plants; from the size of the



« Sir,


c 907 largest it was inferred, that his resi- there was no appearance of any reef dence there must have exceeded two or breaker ; but as the water subyears: he appears to have forgotten sided, the shoal began to shew itself the lapse of time.

with a number of small black rocks. The ship had been striking very hard,

and began to sue forward. At three Loss of the Sydney.

A. M. there were six feet water in

the hold, and increasing rapidly; at [From the Asiatic Mirror.).

five o'clock the ship was setting aft,

her top-sides parting from the floorIn one of our late papers, we no

heads. ticed the loss of the ship Sydney. The " Upon consultation with my offiparticulars of the event, and of the cers, it was the unanimous opinion, subsequent preservation of the great that the ship was irrecoverably gone, est part of the ship's company, are

and that no exertions could avail for conimunicated in the following letter her safety.. We therefore employed from captain Forrest to the editor of all bands in getting the boats ready The Mirror:

to receive the crew, one hundred and

eight in number. Eight bags of rice, “ Calcutta, Oct. 14, 1806. six casks of water, and a small quar

tity of salled beef and pork, were “ “ The Sydney left Port Jackson on put in the long boat, as provisions the 12th of April, 1806, bound to for the whole. We were prevented Bengal. Intending to proceed thro' taking a large stock, as from the Dampier's Straits, her course was di- number of people, the three boats rected as nearly as possible in the were barely sufficient to receive the track of captain Hogan, of the Corn- whole with safely. wallis, which, as laid down in the “ We remained with the Sydney charts

, appears a clear safe passage. till five P. M. on the 21st of May, On the 20th of May, at one A. M. when there were three feet water on in lat. 3. 20. S. long. 146. 50. E. the orlop-deck; we now thought we ran upon a most dangerous rock it full time to leave the ship to her or shoal; and as this reef is not no- fatem and to seek our safety in the ticed in any map or chart, it appears. boats. Accordingly I embarked in that we were its unfortunate disco- the long-boat, with Mr. Trounce,

second officer, and seventy-four Las. “ On Sunday, over the taffrail, we cars ; Mr. Robson, first officer, and found twenty-five fathoms water; Stalkart, tbird, with sixteen Lascars, over the larboard gangway, six fa- were in the cutter; and the jollya. thoms; on the starboard side only boat was allotted to fifteen Dutch nine feet; and over the bows, twelve Malays and one Sepoy. feet. One of the boats was imme- “ Being desirous to ascertain the diately got out, with a bower an- position of the reef, by making the chor; but, on sounding ten fathoms Adıniralty Islands, shaped our course distance from the ship, found no accordingly, steering N. by E. balf ground at sixty fathoms.

E.-During the night it blew fresh, “ It must have been high water and the long-boat making much wawhen we struck; for, at that time ter, we were obliged to lighten ber,



by throwing overboard a great deal of lumber, and two casks of water. The three boats kept close in company, the long-boat having the jollyboat in tow. Finding, at day-light, that the cutter sailed considerably better, I directed Mr. Robson to take the jolly-boat in tow. The wind increased as the morning advanced, and a heavy swell rising, at 10 A. M. the jolly-boat sunk, while in tow by the cutter, and all on board, to the number of sixteen, unfortunately perished. It was lamentable to witness the fate of these unhappy men, and the more so, as it was not in our power to render them the smallest assistance.

"At noon on the 22d we saw the Admiralty Islands, bearing N. N. E. distant three or four leagues; and as we had run about fifty-eight miles in the boats, upon a N. by E. half E. course, the situation of the shoal on which the Sydney struck was accurately ascertained, and will be found as above laid down.

"From the Admiralty Islands we continued standing to the westward; and on the 25th made a small island: we stood towards it, and from its appearance I was induced to land, in the hope of obtaining a supply of water. Mr. Robson, myself, and twenty of the best of our hands, armed with heavy clubs, brought from New Caledonia, our fire-arms being rendered useless from exposure to heavy rains, approached in the cutter, and landed, through a heavy surf, to the utmost astonishment of the inhabitants, who, as far as we could judge from appearance, had certainly never before seen people of our complexion. The men were tall and well made, wearing their hair plaited and raised above the head-they had no appearance of Malays, nor Caffrees; and, ex

cepting their colour, which was of a light copper, they had the form and features of the natives of Europe; they were entirely naked. We saw a number of women, who were wellformed, with mild pleasing features.

"We were received on the beach by about twenty or thirty of the natives, who immediately supplied each of us with a cocoa-nut. We then succeeded in making them understand that we wanted water, upon which they made signs for us to accompany them towards the interior of the island:-we did so; but after walking about a mile, they conducted us into a thick jungle; and as their number was quickly increasing, I judged it imprudent to proceed further, and returned to the beach, where I was alarmed to find the natives had assembled to the number of one hundred and fifty, or upwards, armed with spears, eight or ten feet long. One of them, an old man, of venerable appearance, and who seemed to be their chief, approached, and threw his spear at my feet, expressive, as I understood, that we should part with our clubs in like manner. Perceiving at this time a crowd of women to have got hold of the sternfast of the cutter, and endeavouring to haul her on shore from the grapnel with which we had cometo, we hastily endeavoured to gain the boat; the natives followed us closely, some of them pointed their spears at us, as we retreated to the boat, and some were thrown, though happily without effect; and to us they appeared to be very inexpert in the management of their weapons. On my.getting into the water, three or four of the natives followed me, threatening to throw their spears; and when I was in reach of the boat, one of them made a thrust, which was prevented

prevented taking effect by the inter- posed the cutter to have landed her ference of Mr. Robson, who warded people, off the weapon. When we bad got into « Our number in the long-boat the boat, and were putting off, they was now reduced to seventeen, viz. threw at least two hundred spears, myself, Mr. Trounce, Mr. Stalkart, none of which took effeet, excepting fourteen Lascars and others. Our one, which gave a severe wound stock of provisions consisted of two to my cook, entering immediately bags of rice, and one gang cask of above the jaw, and passing through water ; with this stock we conceived the mouth.

we might hold out till we reached “ Having thus escaped from this Bencoolen, for which port we deterperilous adventure, we pursued our mined to make the best of our way, course, and got as far as Dampier's We fixed the allowance of provision Straits, as favourably as our situation to each man, at one tea-cup full of could well admit. Being now within rice, and a pint of water per diem; reach of land, the Lascars became but we soon found it necessary to impatient to be put on shore. It was make a considerable deduction in in vain that I endeavoured to per- this allowance. suade them to persevere; they would “ We proceeded on through the not listen to argument, and expressed Streights of Bantam, meeting, in our their wish, rather to meet with im- course, several Malay prows, none of mediate death on shore, than to be which took notice of us, excepting starved to death in the boats. Yield- one, which gave chace for a day, and ing to their importunity, I at length would have come up with us, had determined to land them on the we not got off under cover of a very N.W. extremity of the island of Ce- dark night. Continuing our course, ram, from whence they might travel passed through the Streight of Sayto Amboyna in two or three days. pay, where we caught a large shark. On the 9th of June, being off that Qur spirits were much elated by this part of the island, Mr. Robson vo- valuable prize, which we lost no time lunteered to land a part of the peo- in getting on board, and, having ple in the cutter, to return to the kindled a fire in the bottom of the long-boat, and the cutter to be then boat, he was roasted with all expedigiven to such farther part of the tion; and such was the keenness and crew as chose to join the party first extent of our appetite, that, although landed. Mr. Robson accordingly the shark must have weighed 150 or went in shore with the cutter; but, 160lbs.- not a vestige of it remained to my great mortification, after wait- at the close of the day. We suffered ing two days, there was no appear- most severely from our indulgence ; ance of his return or the cutter. on the following day we were all

We concluded that the people afflicted with the most violent comhad been detained either by the plaint of the stomach and bowels, Dutch or the natives; yet as the re- which reduced us exceedingly, and maining part of the Lascars were left us spiritless and languid, insodesirous to be landed, we stood in much that we now seriously despaired with the long-boat, and put them on of our safety. shore near the point where we sup

« On the 2d of ly, I lost an old


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