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imate and lasting relations between of his majesty the emperor Napothe two emperors, acknowledges his leon. majesty Joseph Napoleon, king of XX. His majesty the emperor Naples, and Louis Napoleon, king of all the Russias engages to recogof Holland.

nize the limits which shall be deter“ XV. His majesty, the emperor mined by his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, acknowledges the Napoleon, in pursuance of the foreconfederation of the Rhine, the pre- going XIXth article, and the cessent state of the possessions of the sions of his majesty the king of princes belonging to it, and the titles Prussia (which shall be notified to of those which were conferred upon his majesty the emperor of all the them by the act of confederation, Russias), together with the state of or by the subsequent treaties of ac- possession resulting therefrom to the cession. His said majesty also pro- sovereigns for whose beboof they mises, information being communi- shall have been established. cated to him on the part of the “ XXI. All hostilities shall imme. emperor Napoleon, to acknowledge diately cease between the troops of those sovereigns who may hereafter his majesty the emperor of all the become members of the confedera- Russias and those of the Grand tion, according to their rank specified Seignior, at all points, whenever in the act of confederation.

official intelligence shall arrive of the “ XVI. His majesty tlre emperor signing of the present treaty. The of all the Russias cedes all his pro- high contracting parties shall, withperty in the right of sovereignty to out delay, dispatch couriers extraorthe lordship of Jever, in East Fries- dinary, to convey the intelligence, land, to his majesty the king of Hol- with all possible expedition, to the reland.

spective generals and commanders. “ XVII. The present treaty of “ XXII. The Prussian troops peace shall be mutually binding, shall be withdrawn from the proand in force, for his majesty the king vinces of Moldavia; but the said of Naples, Joseph Napoleon, bis provinces may not be occupied by

, majesty Louis Napoleon, king of the troops of the Grand Seignior, Holland, and the sovereigns of the till after the exchange of the ratificonfederation of the Rhine, in alli- cations of the future definitive treaty ance with the Emperor Napoleon. of peace between Russia and the ot

« XVIII. His majesty the empe- tomau Porte. ror of all the Russias also acknow- « XXIII. His majesty the empeledges bis imperial highness, prince ror of all the Russias accepts the Jerome Napoleon, as king of West- mediation of his majesty the empephalia.

ror of the French, and king of Italy, “ XIX. The kingdom of West- for the purpose of negociating a phalia shall consist of the provinces peace advantageous and honourable ceded by the king of Prussia on the to the two powers, and of concluding left bank of the Elbe, and other the same. The respective plenipostates at present in the possession tentiaries shall repair to that place


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* This is a mistake in the MONITEUR. It should be Russian troops.

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which 'shall be agreed upon by the Russias; the ratifications shall be two powers concerned, there to open exchanged in the city within the the negociations, and to proceed space of four days. therewith.

“Done at Tilsit

, 7th July, (25th XXIV. The periods, within June) 1807. which the high contracting parties (Signed)“C. MAURICE TALLEYshall withdraw their troops from the

RAND, prince of Beneplaces which they are to evacuate

vento. pursuant to the above stipulations, as

“ Prince ALEXANDER also the manner in which the differ

KURAKIN. ent stipulations contained in the pre

• Prince DEMETRY LAsent treaty shall be executed, will be

BANOFF VAN Rossettled by a special agreement. “XXỹ. His majesty the emperor

(A true Copy) of the French, king of Italy, and his (Signed) "C. M. TALLEYRAND, majesty the emperor of all the Rus

Prince of Benevento.” sias, mutually ensure to each other the integrity of their possessions, and of those of the powers included in

[From the German.] this present treaty, in the state in Note of Mr. Canning, English which they are now settled, or fur- Secretary of State for Foreign ther to be settled, pursuant to the Affairs, to Prince Stahremberg, above stipulations.

the Austrian Ambassador at “XXVI. The prisoners made by London. the contracting parties, or those included in the present treaty, shall be “ London, 25th April, 1807. restored in a mass, and without any "The undersigned, his majesty's cartel of exchange, on both sides. principal secretary of state for foreign

“XXVII. The commercial rela- affairs, has. laid before the king the tions between the French empire, the note delivered to him by prince kingdom of Italy, the kingdoms of Stahremberg, ambassador extraordiNaples and Holland, and the confe- nary and minister plenipotentiary of derated States of the Rhine, on the his majesty the emperor of Austria, one side; and the empire of Russia king of Hungary and Bohemia, in on the other, shall be replaced on which his imperial majesty offers himthe same footing as before the war. self as the mediator of a general

“XXVIII. The ceremonial be- peace. tween the two courts of the Thuil- “The undersigned has received it leries and St. Petersburgh, with re- in command from the king his sospect to each other, and also their vereign, to communicate to prince respective ambassadors, ministers, and Stahremberg the inclosed official anenvoys, mutually accredited to each swer to the note of his imperial majesother, shall be placed on the footing ty. The king does complete justice of complete equality and reciprocity. to the motives that have induced his

“ XXIX. The present treaty shall imperial majesty to propose a mode be ratified by his majesty the empe- of negociation which, by embracing ror of the French, king of Italy, and the interests of all parties, can alone his majesty the emperor of all the lead to the restoration of a lasting

peace, 3 A 3


peace, and the permanent tranquillity negociations shall commence, and, of Europe ; and his majesty there- agreeably to his imperial majesty's fore accepts the offer of his imperial proposition, to come to an undermajesty's mediation, as far as he is standing as to the principles which concerned; but with this proviso, that should equally form the ground and it shall also be accepted by all the basis of discussion and of a general other powers involved in the present arrangement.

“ As to what concerns the choice NOTE.

of a place to become the seat of ne“ His majesty the king of the uni- gociation, any place will be equally ted kingdom of Great Britain and acceptable to his majesty, provided Ireland has received with due regard (exclusive of the indispensable conthe communication of his majesty dition which is also expressed in the the emperor of Austria, king of Hun- note of bis imperial majesty, that it gary and Bohemia, and also justly shall be free from all immediate inappreciates the motives which have, fluence of the events of the war) upon this occasion, determined his that it affords to his Britannic mamajesty to become the mediator of a jesty, in the same degree as to general peace.

the other powers, the means of a “ The king, who has never ceased speedy and uninterrupted commuto look to a secure and lasting peace nication with the plenipotentiaries as the only object of the war in which whom his majesty should send to he is engaged, and who has never re- this congress.” fused to listen to any proposal which offered the least probability of attaining his proposed object, cannot, for His Majesty's Speech, (delivered by a moment, hesitate to give his full Commission on the Prorogation of assent to the declared opinion of his the Parliament, Friday, Aug. 14. majesty the emperor and king, that such a peace is only to be obtained “My Lords and Gentlemen, by a general negociation on the part “ We have it in command from of all the powers engaged in the pre- his majesty to express the satisfaction sent war.

with which he finds himself enabled “The king will have no difficulty to give you that recess which, after in entering upon such a negociation, as the great and diligent exertions which soon as the consent of the other pow- you have made in the dispatch of ers interested therein shall have been public business, must at this advanced received. His majesty will, without season of the year be so peculiarly delay, make the necessary communi- desirable. cations in this respect to those pow- “ His majesty has been graciously ers with which he is more especially pleased to direct us to return you his united by the ties of friendship and thanks for the steady loyalty and atconfidence, in order to ascertain their tachment to his person and governviews; and in the event of their being ment, and the zealous devotion to favourable to the proposition of his the public service, which have characimperial majesty, to consult with terised all your deliberations, and them as to the mode in which the most especially to thank you for the


seasonable exertions which


have same spirit and perseverance which enabled him to make for the ang- have hitherto remained. unbroken mentation of the military force of his will continue to be excited with unakingdom,

bated vigour and success. “ Gentlemen of the House of “And wbile his majesty commands Commons,

us to repeat the assurances of his His majesty has commanded us constant readiness to entertain any to return you his warmest thanks proposals which may lead to a secure for the supplies which you have and honourable peace, he commands granted with so much cheerfulness us at the same time to express his for the current year; and when he confidence that his parliament and his considers the provision which you people will feel with bim the necessity have made for those contingent and of persevering in those vigorous efforts umforeseen services which the events which alone can give the character of of the war may render necessary, his honour to any negociation, or the majesty has the great satisfaction of prospect of security or permanency recognizing the wisdom wherewith, to any peace. His majesty, therein a time of extraordinary dilliculties, fore, trusts that bis parliament and you have anticipated the possible de- his people will always be ready to inands which those difficulties may support him in every measure which occasion.

may be necessary to defeat the deMy Lords and Gentlemen, signs of his enemies againt the inde“His majesty commands us to as- pendence of his majesty's dominions, sure you that he deeply deplores the and to maintain against any undue unfortunate issue of the war upon pretensions, and against any hostile the continent.

confederacy, those just rights which “ The immense extension of the his majesty is always desirous to expower and influence of France, ad ercise with temper and moderation, the undisguised determination of the but which, as essential to the honour enemy to employ the means and re- of his crown and true interests of his sources of those countries which he people, he is determined never to possesses or controuls, for the pur- surrender.” pose of effecting the ruin of his Then a commission for proroguing inajesty's kingdom, undoubtedly pre- the parliament was read; after which sent a formidable view of the dangers the lord chancellor said: and difficulties which the country has My Lords and Gentlemen, to encounter.

“ By virtue of his majesty's com“But his majesty trusts that the mission under the great seal to us loyal and brave people over whom and other lords directed, and now he reigns are not to be claunted or read, we do, in bis majesty's name, disheartened.

and in obedience to his commands, “ From the recollection of those prorogue this parliament to Thursdifficulties onder which his people day, the 24th day of September next, have successively struggled, and of to be then here. holden; and this those dangers which they have bap- parliament is accordingly prorogued pily surmounted, his majesty derives to Thursday, the 24th day of Septhe consolation of believiog, that the tember next.”


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Conference between the King of you, that tlíat is the only act I look Sweden and General Brune.

upon as binding.

The general.-Does your majesty To the Editor, &c.

permit me to speak, or is it your Sir,

niajesty's pleasure to explain your The following is a translation of the thoughts yourself on the subject ?

conversation which passed between King.--No; you may speak. his majesty the king of Sweden General. - Your majesty, I can and general Brune, at Schlatkow, mention an instance in which I was on the 4th of June, as published, myself concerned, for I concluded a by command, at Stralsund; and similar armistice in Holland with the if you think it will be interesting duke of York; and I had thought to your readers, you are welcome the additional article now in question to insert it.

ought to have been as sacred as the GUSTAVUS BRUNNMARK, armistice itself, when founded on the Chaplain to the Swedish legation honour of both the commanders in at the court of St. James's. chief.

King.-Yes, it is exactly on the The original publication begins same principle that I acknowledge thus :

only the armistice at Schlatkow. As an incorrect article has been Bonaparte bas besides made use of a inserted in the Hamburg and Altona reason, which I might also urge, papers, concerning his royal majes- when he said, that he himself comty's conference with the French ge- manded bis army, and ordered general Brune, at Schlatkow, on the neral Mortier, in case the additional 4th of June, 1807, it seems now article should not be aeceded to, to high time to put this conversation in break off the armistice. Now since its true light.

I have taken the command of my When the French general came to army in person, I might have had a the king, he began, after a pause of sufficient reason for putting an end to a few moments, by saying- I present the armistice, as I would not acknowmyself here in consequence of your ledge the additional article; but I majesty's command.

have not done it. The king.--I have myself wished When general Brune began to to speak to you, general, in order speak about the ancient alliance beto render unnecessary all further ex- tween Sweden and France, and about planation on the article added to the an union between the two nations. conclusion of the armistice at Schlat- The king answered.—Yes, cerkow; as I wish that every thing should tainly. I wish as much as you, that be clear and distinct, so that no mis- this alliance might be revived; but construction can arise. My gover- the French nation is no longer the nor-general has already, in conse- same ; and those happy times are · quence of my order, told you in his passed, when a close alliance contriletter of the 14th of May, that I do buted to the political advantage of not acknowledge any other agree- the two kingdoms. The present state ments, except those established in the of affairs prevents it. armistice itself—and I now repeat to General. — Your majesty, the

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