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General Bloomfield, and the offi. I send this dispatch by lieutenant cers and corps of royal artillery, Cathcart, who has become for some have done great honour to them- time my first aid-de-camp, who has selves, and to that branch of his

scen every thing that has occurred majesty's service ; of which their here and at Stralsund, and will be fire upon the gun-boats and the able to give any further details that rapidity and success of the mortar may be required. practice, afford susficient proofs ; I have the honour to be, &c. nor is the distribution of battering (Signed)

CATIC AIET. ordnance, and of so much ammu.

List of Killed, Wounded, and Misnition at so many points in this ex

sing. tensive line, in so short a period,

Killed-4 officers, 1 serjeant, 1 a small proof of the method and re

drummer, 36 rank and file, and s sources of that corps. Lieutenant-colonel Smith, with

Wounded-6 officers, 1 serjeant, the 82d regiment under his com

138 rank and file, and 25 horses. mand, held the post at the Wind. mill on the left, which for the

Missing-1 serjeant, 4 drummers,

and 19 rank and file. greater part of the time was the most exposed to the gun-boats and

Names of Oficers killed.

Lieutenant Lyons, of the royal sorties of the enemy; and the un. remitting attentions of that officer the 82d foot; lieutenant Rudoff,

artillery ; ensign Robert Dixon, of claim particular notice.

of the Ist regiment of light dragoons, By the naval blockade the force

King's German legion ; ensign Jen. opposed to us hias been limited to the resources of this and of the ad. nings; of the 23d foot, or Royal

Welch Fusileers. jacent islands, separated only by narrow ferries ; and almost every

Names of officers wounded.

Captain llastings, of the 820 wish of assistance has been antieipated, and every requisition of

foot ; lieutenant Suter, of ditto ;

Captain During, 1st battalion King's boats, guns, and stores, has been most amply and effectually provided ral sir David Baird, in the shoulder

German legion : lieutenant-genefor with the greatest dispatch and

and hand, slightly; ensign Bilson. the most perfect cordiality; and every possible attention has been Articles of Capitulation for the Town paid, and every accommodation and Citadel of Copenhagen, agreed given, by every cfficer in that service, upon betreeen Major-General the from admiral Gambies downwards. Right Honourablc Sir Arthur

A batiaiion of seamen and ma- Wellesley, K. B. Sir Home Pop. rines, with three divisions of car. ham, Knt. of Malta, and Captain penters, ,were landed on the 5th, of the Flect, and Lieutenant-Colo. under captain Watson, of his ma- nel George Murray, Deputy Quar. jesty's ship Inflexible ; and had the ter-Master-General of the British cffort been made, which would bare Forces; being thereto duly authu. been resorted to in a few days, if rized by James Gambier, Esq. the place had not capitulated, their Almiral of the Blue, and Commanservices in the passage of the ditch der-in-Chief of his Britannic Mawould have been distinguished. jesty's Ships and Vessels in the


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Baltic Sea, and by Lieutenant-Ge- Art. V. As soon as the ships neral the Right Honourable Lord shall have been removed from the Cathcart, Knight of the Thistle, dock-yard, or within six weeks Commander-in-Chief of his Britan. from the date of this capitulation, nic Majesty's Forces in Zealand or sooner if possible, the troops of and in the North of the Continent his Britannic majesty shall deliver of Europe ; on the one part: and up the citadel to the troops of his by Major-General Walterstorf, Danish majesty, in the state in Knight of the Order of Dannebrog, which it shall be found when they Chamberlain to the King, and Co- occupy it. His Britannic majesty's lonel of the North Zealand Regi- troops shall likewise, within the ment of Infantry, Rear-Admiral before mentioned time, or sooner Lütken, and I. H. Kerchoff, Aid. if possible, be embarked from the de Camp to his Danish Majestyl; island of Zealand. being duly qutkorized by his Excel- Art. VI. From the date of this lency Major - General Peyman, capitulation, hostilities shall cease Knight of the Order of Dannebrog, throughout the island of Zealand. and Commander-in-Chief of his Art. VII. No person whatsoever Danish Majesty's Forces in the shall be molested ; and all property, Island of Zealand; on the other public or private, with the exceppart.

tion of the ships and vessels of war, Art. I. When the capitulation and the naval stores before menshall have been signed and ratified, tioned, belonging to his Danish ma. the troops of his Britannic majesty jesty, shall be respected ; and all are to be put in possession of the civil and military officers, in the' citadel.

service of his Danish majesty shall Art. II, A guard of his Britannic continue in the full exercise of their majesty's troops shall likowise be authority throughout the island of placed in the dock-yards.

Zealand; and every thing shall be Art. III. The ships and vessels done which can tend to produce of war of every description, with union and harmony between the all the naval stores belonging to his two nations. Danish majesty, shall be delivered Art. VIII. All prisoners taken into the charge of such persons as on both sides shall be unconditionalshall be appointed by the comman. ly restored, and those oflicers who ders-in-chief of his Britannic ma. are prisoners on parole, shall be rejesty's forces ; and they are to be leased from its effect. put in iinmediate possession of the Art. IX. Any English property dock-yards, and all the buildings that may have been sequestered in and storehouses belonging thereto. consequence of the existing hos

Art. IV. The store - ships and tilities, shall be restored to the transports in the service of his Bri. tannic majesty are to be allowed, This capitulation shall be ratified if necessary, to come into the har. by the respective commanders-inbour for the purpose of embarking chief, and the ratifications shall be such stores and troops as they have exchanged before twelve o'clock at brought into this island.

noon this day.



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the 5th, retired upon sir Samuel and attempting to take a threeAchmuty's post at the Plaza de pounder, which lay in the street, Toros ; not, however, before lieu. the lieutenant-colonel, with his com. tenant-colonel Bourne, and the pany, and a few light infantry, un. grenadier company of the 36th re- der major Trotter, charged thein giment, had an opportunity of dis. with great spirit. In an instant, the tinguishing themselves, by charging greater part of his company, and about 800 of the enemy, and taking major Trotier, were killed, but and spiking two guns. The two the gun was saved. The brigadier. six-pounders moving up the central general was now obliged to confine streets, meeting with a very supe. himself to the defence of the conrior lire, the four troops of the vent; but the quantity of round carabiniers, Teil on by licutenant. shot, grape, and musquetry to which colonei Kingston, advanced to take they were exposed, at last obliged the battery opposed to them ; but them to quit the top of the building, this gallant officer being unfortu. and the enemy, to the number of nately wounded, as well as captain 6000, bringing up cannou to force Durrell, next in command, and the the wooden gates, the general, fire both from the battery and the judging from the cessetion of firing, honses proving very destructive, that those next him had not been they retreated to a short distance, successful, surrendered at four but continiled to occupy a position o'clock in the afterneon. " The rein front of the enemy's principal sult of this day's action,” general defences, and considerably in ad. Whitelocke says, “ left me in posvance of that which they had taken session of the Plaza de Toros, a in the morning.

strong post on the enemy's right, The lelt division of gen, Crau. and the Residencia, another strong furd's brigade, under col. Pack, post on his left, while I occupied approached the great square, with an advanced position towards his the intention of possessing itself centre; but these advantages had of the Jesuits' college, but from cost about 2,500 men in killed, the very destructive nature of the wounded, and prisoners. The naenemy's fire, this was found im- ture of the fire to which the troops practicable ; and after sustaining a were exposed, was violent in the ex. heavy loss, one part of the division treme. Grape shot at the corners throwing itself into a house, which of the streets, musquetry, hand. was afterwards not found tenable, grenades, bricks, and stones from was short'y obliged to surrender, the tops of all the houses ; every whilst the remaining part, after en householder, with his negroes, deduring a dreadful fire with the great. fended his dwelling, each of which est intrepidity, col. Pack being was in itself a fortress ; and it is wounded, retired upon the right not perhaps too much to say, division commanded by brigadier. that the whole male population of general Crawfurd himself. General Buenos Ayres was employed in its Crausurd learning the fate of his left defence. division, thought it advisable to 66 This was the situation of the take possession of the convent of army on the morning of the 6th in. St. Domingo. But the enemy sur stant, when general Liniers addressed rounded the convent on all sides, 'etter to me, offering to give up

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all his prisoners taken in the late Oficers of the Light Ballalion seaffair, together with the 71st regi. verely wounded. ment, and others, taken with bri- 87th regiment. Lieutenant Crowe, gadier-general Beresford, if I de. 88th regiment. Lieutenant, Thompsisted from any further attack on the town, and withdrew his ma- 95th regiment. Captain Elder jesty's forces from the River Plata, and lieutenants Noble and Coane. intimating at the same time, from (Signed) Tuos. BRAD FORD, the exasperated state of the popu.

Dep. Adj. Gen. lace, he could not answer for the safcty of the prisoners, if I persisted Return of the Killed, Wounded, and in offensive measures. Influenced Missing, on the Altuck of the City by this consideration (which I knew of Buenos Ayres, the 5th of July, to be founded in fact), and reflecting 1807. of how little advaqtage would be Total--1 major, 6 captains, 4 the possession of a country, the lientenants, i ensign, 3 stail, 17 serinhabitants of which were so abso. jeants, 4 drummers, 365 rank and lutely hostile, I revolved to forego file, killed ; 3 lieutenant-colonels, the advantages which the bravery 5 majors, 15 captains, 30 lieute. of the troops had obtained, and ac. nants, 1 ensign, 2 staff, 1 volunteer, ceded to a treaty, which I trust 41 serjeants, 11 drummers, 540 will meet the approbation of his rank and file, wounded; 2 staff, i majesty.”

quarter-master, 4 serjeants, 5 drumGeneral Whitelocke proceeds to mers, 196 rank and file, missing. speak in the highest terms of praise Names of officers killed. Light of the officers and troops under his battalion : major Trotter, of the command.

37th ; lient. Hamilton, of ditto.

oth dragoon guards, capt. Burrcil. Return of the Killed, Wounded, and 9th Jight dragoons, veterinary sur.

Missing, of the Troops under the geon Landers. 36th regiment, capCommand of Lieut. General White- tains Williamson and Johnson. 38th lucke, between the 28th of June, regiment, lieutenant Fullon. 87th the Day of the Landing at Ensis regiment, captains Considine and nada, to the 4th of July, 1807, Johnson ; lieutenant Barry ; quar. inclusive.

ter-master Buchanan. 88th regi. Light battalion. 1 lieutenant ment, lieutenant Hall ; ensign wounded.

M'Gregor; assistant-surgeon Fer. 87th reg. 5 rank and file killed.

guson. 95th reg. captain Jen. 88th regiment. 3 rack and file

kinson. killed; 1 lieutenant, 8 rank and Names of officers wounded. Lieut. file, wounded.

Squarry, of the royal navy, slightly. 95th regiment. 1 serjeant, one Lieutenant Maconochie, of the rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 1 royal navy, slightly. Lieutenant-colieutenant, 1 ensign, 2 serjeants, 10 lonel Kingston, 6th dragoon guards, , rank and ble, wounded.

severely. Lieutenant Cowdall, 9th Total, 1 serjeant, 14 rank and · light dragoon guards, slightly. Light file, killed. I captain, 3 lieutenants, battalion : lieutenant-colonel Pack, 1 ensign, 2 serjcants, 18 rank and 71st regiment, slightly. Lieutenantfile, wounded.

colonel Cadogan, 18th regiment, *X x 3


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*. Lier.

S. Leit, 43 reg. nr3a 1, 2 ensis, 2 f. I Ts

4727.1. 626 Green zeil, in:ear. 43 27 113, li riI101, 4hrun44, 141872';, Liertenant 55% rack and 1-6;4. Con%;rozmer

Y:2-17 sta, i quarter. 1911 ke.*3pment,10; 15*2., 4 seriozais, 3 crushers, Jeite ant BT, 6:11, sigil. 1312ka die-13.

2poza E:cokm2), 7!!, danes. TC+2-3.6 kised, 674 Toondes, 0.15. Liernierant Ala 1907, d. 29 mieng-1163. 385er's, sin regimon', barable The light compacy ef treilst 1.3 king, sightly. ?'n rio regiment, arrached to the ligat Sat. Burtt, captain wan and Vinged, t2.:02. Sofiered severely, but no 35836'9; Vernont, ajzat!y. Licile correct return of their loss bas besa tenza: Cctos, White, and Whittel, received. The prisoners hare beca severely ; Challoner, sigetyssth all exchanged. TE imen", easign Wirbire, and vo. lonteaz !!. de Waal, severely, 15th A DETISITISE TRZATT better the regigant, eaptain Payne and lics. Generels in Chief of his Britannic 1era. Core, severely. 47th regi. Majesty, and to his Catholic MaInent, licu'enant Rocedge, sererely. jestu. 57th regiment, major Siiller, se. 1. There shall be from this time a versly; captain Pore, dangerously; cessation of hostilities on both sides Bake and Des Barres, slightly; of the River Plata. Gordon, severely. Lintenants Love, II. The troops of his Britannic Hill, and Budd, slightly; O'Brien, majesty shall retain, for the period severely; and Fitzgerald. Asis. of two months, the fortress and tant.surgeon Buxton, dangerously. place of Monte Video, and as a A&th regiment, major Ironmonger, neutral country there shall be con. s.ightly ; captains 21. Pherson, Chis. sidered, a line drawn from San Car. bolm, Duno, and Thompson, slight. los on the west, to Pando on the ly ; lieutenants Adair, 'Graydon, east, and there shall not be, on any Whittle, and Butler, severely part of that line, hostilities comMackie and Greas, and adjutant mitted on any side, the neutrality Robertson, slightly. 95th regiment, being understood only that the in.

Bajors JI'Leod and Travers, slight- dividuals of both nations may live · Ty; captain O'Hara, severely ; licu. freely under their respective laws,

tenants Cardoux, M.Leod, Scott, the Spanish subjects being judged and Turner, scrercly; and M.Cal. by theirs, as the English by those lock, sightiy.

of their nation. Vomes of officers missing. 36th Ill. There shall be on both sides regiment, surgeon Boyce, assistant- a mutual restitution of prisoners, surgeon Read.

including not only those which have RECAPITULATION

been taken since the arrival of the Killed--One major, 6 captains, troops under lieutenant - general 4 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 3 staff, 18 Whitelocke, but also all those his serjeants, 4 drummers, 279 rank Britannic majesty's subjects capturedi and file-316.

since the commencement of the war. Wounded--Threc lieutenant-colo- IV. That, for the promptest disnels, 5 majorh, 16 captains, 33 patch of the vessels and troops of

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