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NEW ZEALAND.-We give with pleasure the following extract from a letter to Mr. Henshall, the colporteur of the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society. The writer, Mr. James Batty, is well known to many New Church friends in Lancashire :-"Since I last wrote you, we have made the acquaintance of other New Church people in Auckland. They prove to be more numerous than we could possibly have expected. Most of them are indebted to Mr. T. Foxhall, from Rhodes, for their acquaintance with the doctrines, and all speak of him as a thorough New Churchman in life as well as creed. I have not yet seen him, as he is farming about fifty miles from here, but his partner, Mr. Fox, has been over to Auckland, and called on us. He was very much pleased to take back with him a parcel of books, etc., which I made up; he knew Mr. Foxhall would be both surprised and delighted. They work hard in a large district round them to spread a knowledge of the New Church, and find good helpers in books suited for lending. Many that are lying idle on bookshelves at home could be made to do good work out here. You will perceive from the enclosed list of books which I wish you to be kind enough to send me, that I am already at work in the good cause. Most of the books are ordered for lending purposes, many of them through my showing to New Church friends the more recent works which I brought with me, and which had not been seen before. I see one of the booksellers advertises the works of Emanuel Swedenborg as just arrived, but the prices charged are nearly double the published price; the usual rate is from 25 to 30 per cent. on all books from home, so that the high price will stand in the way of a ready sale. Not long ago no bookseller would keep them, in deference to the strong prejudice then prevailing. A better state of things now obtains. Purchasers, not New Churchmen, are numerous, and there will be an increased demand. Through the lectures of Mr. Edgar, the whole series are now out in pamphlet form. They have attracted much attention and some criticism from newspaper correspondents.

Mr. Edgar intends to continue with lectures expository of Swedenborg's doctrines. One given since the published lectures was on 'The Teachings of Swedendorg Destructive of Materialism." At all, the attendance is both large and respectable. Most of the friends here seem disposed to gather round Mr. Edgar, for the boldness with which he has spoken out. Mr. Batty appeals strongly for books. Wilson's Lectures, Brighton Lectures, and others, would be most useful for lending." "The friends," continues Mr. Batty, "complain of the great need felt for tracts suited for distribution. Will you please to hunt up for us all that you can, and send along with the rest. Perhaps you could get a batch from London, free, if it was known the use intended to be made of them. If it were also known among our friends at home, how welcome a gift of any of their spare New Church publications would be out here, I could promise them a useful field for their generosity." [In a notice of this gentleman's lecture in a former number, we described him as formerly a Unitarian minister. We were misinformed. We have since learned that he was trained for the Baptist ministry, and for many years exercised his talents as a much-esteemed minister in that body.]

THE NEW CHURCH IN DENMARK AND SWEDEN-To the Editor of the Intellectual Repository.—Sir,—I have lately returned from a tour through Sweden, and a visit to Copenhagen. When in the former country I visited Stockholm, and inquired of a guide there, connected with one of the leading hotels, whether anything was known of Emanuel Swedenborg and his followers in that city. He replied that he knew nothing of them, but that he would inquire into the matter. When I next saw him, he said he had discovered there was a gentleman engaged in the Royal Library who was quainted with the writings of the Swedish Philosopher, and there was also a leading bookseller who could give information about them. I directed the guide to take me to the Royal Library. I there asked to be introduced to the gentleman named to me, and was shown into a room where a venerablelooking person, wearing long hair and a long grey beard, approached me, and I


explained to him that, as an Englishman greatly interested in Swedenborg, I desired to ascertain what I could about him, and the progress his theological opinions were making in Sweden. The librarian replied that he believed a small body of the professors of these opinions existed in Stockholm, but he led me to infer they were few in number, and insignificant in position. He, however, courteously showed me into the Royal Library, where I think he said, there was a complete collection of Swedenborg's works, and he handed to me one or two of the original editions. I did not learn how far they are accessible to the general public. He also allowed me to look at a small volume, like an old-fashioned pocket-book, with a flap to it, which he called the "Dreams" of Swedenborg. It is in the actual handwriting of the author himself,-very close and cramped,—a great deal put in a small compass. I after wards visited the site of Swedenborg's residence. How much of the front part is in the same state as it was when he lived on the spot, I cannot say; but, on going through a passage to the back of the house, I found the arbour,-a clumsy, quaint - looking structure of wood,-with a garden before it full of fruit-bushes. The arbour and garden are inseparably associated with the great seer's studies and meditations of more than earthly grandeur. But I fear, from the limited interest taken in them, they will not long be preserved in their present condition. I could not see the inside of the summer-house; the person having charge of the key being away from her office when the application was made for its use on my behalf.

I proceded by sea from Stockholm to Copenhagen. Here, after some inquiry, I succeeded in making out Mr. Boyeson, the pastor of the New Church. He lives in the suburbs of the city, at some distance from its centre. He holds a religious service on Sunday, in a room situated in the street, not far from the Oester Gade, the principal street in Copenhagen; he also gives a lecture at the same place on Friday evenings. I was present at one of the Sunday services. The congregation did not comprise more than twenty persons, and they were almost entirely of the poorer class of the population. There is not one rich person in the regular congrega

tion. I believe the whole amount raised yearly by them, for all purposes, does not reach £25! Out of this the rent of the room and incidental expenses have to be paid; so that your readers may conceive what can be left towards forming a stipend for the minister. He has an amiable wife, with a young family. His position, I am sorry to say, is such that he may any day be turned into the streets, and his furniture sold to defray debts incurred in endeavouring to "keep the wolf from the door." He is an able, laborious, earnest, conscientious servant of the Lord's New Church, and fit to become the apostle of Scandinavia; but, with the exception of a small allowance from the American and English Societies, he is left to struggle alone against almost overwhelming difficulties. Would that our rich friends in this country might find their hearts moved to help him

to relieve him of those gnawing anxieties in relation to temporal matters which make the heart sick and the spirit faint, and to give him courage and strength to persevere in his great mission of spreading the glad tidings of the new dispensation in the north of Europe!-I am, Sir, yours faithfully, A BELIEVER IN THE NEW CHURCH.

THE ALLOA SOCIETY AND SIR NOEL PATON'S PORTRAIT OF SWEDEN BORG. The Alloa Society, which was at the last session of Conference received into connection with the organized New Church, is at present engaged in erecting a place of worship for itself; and we are sure that all who have had occasion to feel the pleasure and the advantages which the members of a New Church Society derives from having a church of their own in which to worship, must heartily sympathize with their effort. Although, however, but a humble Gothic structure, intended to seat 200 at most, the cost of erection, which is £480, has not yet been entirely made up, and notwithstanding substantial contributions from Glasgow and Paisley, a sum of nearly £100 requires still to be received. The greater part of this it is proposed to raise in the following manner: -The executors of the late Mr. Allan Drysdale, leader of the Society from its formation till his death, have a half-length portrait of Swedenborg, painted in oil by the well-known Sir Noel Paton, to dispose of, according

to the instructions of Mr. Drysdale's will, for the benefit of the funds of the Alloa Society. This portrait, as the work not only of a highly-distinguished artist, but of a believer in our heavenly doctrines, should, it has been suggested, be subscribed for with the object of its becoming the property of our central institution, the Swedenborg Society, rather than be allowed to pass into the hands of a private purchaser. We therefore cordially invite New Church friends to show their practical sympathy for the Alloa Society by contributing a guinea or half a guinea towards the objects we name. It is not often a single subscription answers, as it does here, a double purpose, both praiseworthy, both important. Subscriptions may be sent direct to Mr. J. M Lachlan, Mill Street, Alloa; or to Mr. J. Speirs, 36 Bloomsbury Street, London.

BARNOLDSWICK.-On Tuesday evening, September 12th, a lecture was delivered in the above place, under the auspices of the "New Church Society, Embsay," by Mr. H. Cameron of Blackburn, on "The Soul and the Unseen World." Mr. Robert Wilson of Embsay presided. The lecturer spoke with earnestness, and was listened to with marked attention by an unusually large audience. This is the fifth lecture Mr. Cameron has given in this village. At the close of the lecture several questions were asked, and satisfactorily answered.

BATH.-This Society celebrated its forty-sixth anniversary on Tuesday evening, October 10th. Our newly-appointed minister, Rev. T. Child, was in the chair. This Society has great cause for thankfulness in the happy increase of its members and friends, and for the very full congregations that attend its worship. In the evening the church is crowded in every part, the aisles being filled with chairs. All depart delighted, and exclaim, "It is good for us to be here." We have now a week-day lecture, and a theological class on the same evening. On Sunday next we commence a Sunday-school, or rather Bible classes. Our finances are in a most satisfactory condition. Having received this year much assistance, we placed a considerable sum out at interest, besides spending nearly £150 on repairs,

and introducing a hot-water apparatus for warming the church in winter.

BIRMINGHAM. The Manual of this Society for October gives such a number of gifts, in addition to those already received, that the new church, now approaching completion, must be fully fitted up with all that is needful for comfort or convenience. Among the new gifts are carpet for the minister's vestry, flagon for communion service, movable desk for the pulpit, and teaurns for social parties. We have received the following from a correspondent:"We are at last very happy to inform our friends that the work of love with which our hands have for the last eighteen months been full, is fast drawing to a close, and that we can definitely state that the opening and dedication of the New Church in Birmingham will take place on Wednesday, the 22nd of November, at 11 o'clock. It is with mingled feelings of thanksgiving, delight, and wonder that we contemplate the completion of the work. So many unknown friends have been discovered, so many gifts from outside sympathisers have come into our hands, often unsolicited, so much good feeling and interest have been shown us on all hands, and the church is so much more complete and beautiful than we had originally expected it would have been, that we say with a new meaning and fervour, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.' The church, however, is now nearly finished, and we would invite our friends from all parts of the kingdom to come and rejoice with us on the occasion. We expect that the Revs. Dr. Bayley, J. Presland, E. Madeley, P. Ramage, and others, will be present, and, as far as may be possible, take part in the opening service. In the afternoon, at five o'clock, a tea meeting will be held in the large lecture room; and at seven o'clock in the evening a meeting will be held in the same room, when addresses will be given by ministers and friends. On Sunday, November 26, the Rev. J. Presland will conduct the services. And on the first Sunday in December the services will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Bayley. In conclusion, we hope to see a large assembly of our friends from all parts of the country, and we confidently assure all who may come of receiv ing a cordial and affectionate welcome.'

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Mr. Best referred to the Eastern Question, and stated it was a sad thing that, after eighteen centuries of Christianity, the spirit of war should still be abroad on the earth, and he thought that, as Christians, they should use the influence which each one possessed in putting down what had been the bane of civilization.

Some choice selections of music were sung by the choir. Also readings by Mr. B. Batigan and Mr. H. Rose. A vote of thanks was given to those who had provided tea, as well as to those who had otherwise ministered to the happiness and pleasure of the meeting.

HULL. The quarterly tea meeting blow. This love of use was given to was held on October 3rd in the Church, every one who obeyed the Divine laws, Spring Bank. Seventy persons were and "went about doing good," and he present at tea, and ninety at the meet- called upon them to be more zealous in ing afterwards. The leader, Mr. Lay- all good works, and to labour more land, who was chairman, opened the earnestly in the various channels which meeting by an address on "The True the Church had organized. One of Basis of Christian Unity. He said all these, the Sunday-school, he referred to, men were agreed that this unity must asking those parents present to help in come from love, but there being the good work by sending the children. different kinds of love, the question Mr. Needler spoke on "The Sphere arose as to which it was that could of Innocence," and pointed out what bring about an abiding union. In heavenly influences would surround illustrating it he refered to the union those who, whether in their homes or of the sexes, either from merely in the Sunday - school, laboured for carnal affection, or true conjugial love, children. from which he proceeded to remark that they would find that two cor, responding affections permeated the whole Christian world. These were "Admiration for a Creed," and "Love of Use." Now admiration for doctrine was a fine thing; it had caused men to bear nobly the loss of wealth and social position, yea, even imprisonment and death. Yet, like merely natural affection, it was of the earth, it was full of the spirit of division; it had split men into little sects; caused good men to look with suspicion on those who differed from them, and had been, nay, was now, the source of party persecutions which were a disgrace to those concerned. Admiration for a creed, agreement on points of doctrine, had LIVERPOOL.-An interesting and enlong been set up as the standard of joyable evening was spent on the 11th unity, but the most it had done, and September by the friends of the Bedford could do, was to "yoke" men together. Street Society, the occasion being a fareNot that he (the speaker) undervalued well presentation to Mr. Moss, late Supera creed, for he found his love for that of intendent of the Sunday-school, and at the New Church growing stronger every the same time the recognition of Mrs. year, but he felt sure they must have Moss's services, who has so often conmore than this to produce and maintain ducted the providing of our tea meetings. true unity. This something needed was A good number sat down to tea, and the "Love of Use," which, like "Con- this over, the chair was taken by the jugial Love," was brimful of all kindly Rev. R. Goldsack, who, in a few approthoughts and heavenly charities, and priate words, introduced the object of filled with the Spirit of Him who is the the evening. In the midst of an imFather of us all. Now they desired to promptu concert, the presentations were be, and to continue, a united Church, made, that to Mr. Moss being a copy of and it was well to clearly understand the "Arcana" with Index, and a handthat admiration for their heavenly some clock to his good wife. Suitable doctrines, grand though they were, addresses were given by Mr. Pixton, could do no more than "yoke" them Mr. Kewly, and the chairman. together in a bondage which was almost Moss replied in good taste and feeling, sure to become irksome. They must and the evening passed away most add to this the "Love of Use," and then their house would be planted on a rock, and would stand unmoved, though floods might come, and winds may


pleasantly, thanks to the services of Miss Cragie, Miss Kewley, Mr. Skeaf, and also our kind friend Mr. J. W. Cunliffe of Accrington, who happened to be

present, and enlivened the proceedings "Onward, but Whither?" (Zech. ii. 2). with pleasant songs. We may mention At the close of each service several of that Mr. Moss's removal is caused by his the leading members of the Church promotion to be stationmaster at St. shook the Doctor warmly by the hand, Helens, and while the Sunday-school and thanked him for his able and elomust greatly miss his valuable services, quent sermon. Dr. Sexton will visit it is hoped his example will bring others Manchester again on November 8th, to forward, so that the good work he has preach special sermons in the New begun may be continued and extended. Jerusalem Temple, Salford.

LONDON (Camden Road).-On Monday evening, September 25th, a numerously attended social meeting of the Camden Road Society was held in the Library and Lecture Hall, for the purpose of giving expression to the affection which had been kindled in the breasts of the members towards the Rev. J. J. Thornton, by his excellent and deservedly appreciated services in the pulpit there, during the visit of Dr. Tafel to America. Mr. H. R. Williams occupied the chair. A few brief addresses were delivered, including a most appropriate one from Mr. Thornton; and some charming instrumental and vocal music was given, the whole evening being one of great enjoyment. Mr. Thornton, we understand, has now accepted the pastorate of the church at Southport.

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OXFORD.-In March last an interesting lecture on the "Relation of Science to Revelation was delivered by Mr. R. Thomas, sen., to the young men of the Oxford Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Thomas is a reader of the writings of Swedenborg, and his subject is treated from a New Church point of view. The lecture so far interested the audience that its publication was desired, and the desire complied with. Apparently from this cause, a Mr. Walsh, described as a "Missionary of the Protestant Reformation Society," delivered a lecture, on what he calls "The Errors of Swedenborg," to the same Society. The Protestant Reformation Society is instituted for the promulgation of the doctrines of the Reformation, and to resist the progress of Romanizing doctrines and practices in the Church of England. MANCHESTER (Peter Street).—On the The agents of this Society can have little morning of Sunday, September 24th, sympathy with the teaching of SwedenDr. Sexton preached in this church to borg, and it is no matter of surprise to a large congregation. He took for his learn that Mr. Walsh informed his text Revelation xxii. 9, Worship hearers that Swedenborg denied a Trinity God," and devoted his sermon to a con- of Persons in the Godhead, a personal sideration of the true Object, Nature, devil, still worse, in Mr. Walsh's estimaPurpose, and Uses of Religious Worship. tion, the doctrine that the Lord Jesus As this was Dr. Sexton's first appear- died as a substitute for sinners, and the ance in a Manchester pulpit, a great doctrine of justification by faith only— deal of interest was felt, and people came "the only hope of the sinner, and the from long distances to hear what he had only channel through which pardon to say in favour of his new views. In flows." The lecture displays the usual the afternoon the usual quarterly tea narrowness and misconception to which meeting was held in the Schoolroom the New Church was exposed many adjoining the church, the subject of conversation being the "Parable of the Ten Virgins," which was opened by Mr. H. S. Sutton. Several of the members of the Society took part in the discussion, which was brought to a close by an able speech from Dr. Sexton. On the following Sunday, October 1st, Dr. Sexton preached again in the church, morning and evening, on both of which Occasions the congregations were unusually large. His subjects were, in the morning, The Loneliness of Man" (John xvi. 32), and in the evening,



years since, and which still occasionally crop up in the discourses of men who live in the past rather than the present. To this lecture a reply was given in the Music Hall by Mr. M. Holland, who bids fair to become an able defender of the doctrines of the New Church. We are indebted to a correspondent for the following brief notice of Mr. Holland's discourse, and the proceedings which followed:-"He took up the charges in the forder in which Mr. Walsh had advanced them, and set forth the real teachings of Swedenborg on the subject.

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