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harmed; thus, when air ceases ether is denomination, that too few young men found; when the red blood dies its ani- of culture and good social position mal spirits survive; and though death offered themselves as candidates for the destroys the body the soul escapes un- ministry. Men were admitted into the scathed.' It would be wasting time to colleges whom the Committees would prolong this allusion to him whom Mr. not pass had they more eligible candiEmerson calls one of the mastodons of dates." The question, therefore, naturliterature, or specially to enlarge on his ally arises to this as to other Christian superficially mystic but intrinsically communities, "How might a larger scientific conceptions of the spiritual number of competent and well-furnished body. Nor must we for a moment be men be supplied?" Mr. Bruce's answer understood as preaching Swedenborgian- to this question is briefly the followism. We are only suggesting that Dr. Tyndall's sneer at Swedenborg was uninstructed, and that there are some few quasi-scientific suggestions of the Swedish seer which may, after all, come as close to a solution of the secret of organic life as an explanation which attempts to connect organic life with crystallization, and spiritual life with the phenomenon of molecular force."

ing :-"The first requisite was a higher spiritual life in the churches. Then the position of the ministers might be made much more comfortable and the office more attractive. It was necessary that something should be done immediately to raise the salaries of ministers all over, but especially in the rural and weak churches. Not only was this desirable, but also that the ministerial office should be held in higher esteem amongst the THE CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRY.- members of wealthy and educated The Congregational body, besides their families." Some of these suggestions general Union, which combines the may be usefully pondered by members churches of this communion throughout of the New Church. The esteem of the the kingdom, is divided into a number ministers will depend on the degree in of local Unions in the several coun. which the ministers make themselves ties, or conveniently situated districts estimable, and is very much in their own throughout the country. The meetings hands. But the increase of their incomes, of these associations afford convenient which is necessary to secure them against opportunities to discuss important or the depressing influence of worldly anpressing questions of a religious or xiety and care, and the introduction to ecclesiastical character. These are in the ministry of the sons of our wealthy troduced in the address of the chair- families, are matters in the hands of the man, or in written papers read by lead- laity of the church, and may be strongly ing ministers and discussed by the commended to their attention. assembly. At a recent meeting of the Yorkshire Union, the subject of the ministry was introduced by the Rev. R. Bruce of Huddersfield. The Congregationalists believed in an educated, recognized, stated and paid ministry, but did not think it wrong for a man to leave the ministry if he were not fitted for it. It was fitness for the work which made a man a true minister. "The churches, however, must be more wise and reasonable in their expectations. They lived in a sensational age, and shared too much in the spirit of the age. Their churches would be more peaceful and prosperous, and the ministers more comfortably settled and better appreciated, were it more generally understood that ministers were to be mainly faithful teachers and diligent pastors. It was a matter of complaint, and one not confined to their own


CREEDS.-At the meeting of the Congregational Union of Lancashire, the chairman, the Rev. T. Green of Ashton, in discussing the question of "Christian Unity," introduced the creeds of Christendom as one barrier in the way of this unity of the spirit. Unity," he said, "would be increasingly secured, as Christians endeavour to promote the study of the Word of God. The age of creeds had fled; no creed had taken hold of the Church, or had a chance of doing so, since the invention of printing put the Scriptures in the hands of all. Creeds were the products of darkness, and the positiveness of ignorance, and could only take root where there had been a positive ignorance of Scripture. The Church had not yet taught the world that there was one God and Father of us all, hating nothing that He had made, for His ten

der mercies are over all His works, loving all, leading all, and reconciling the world unto Himself. The first step was not yet taken. The Christian Church might be said to be almost unanimous on salvation and eternal life by Christ. And how tremendous was this fact as compared with the various doctrines that spring out of it; but it was often a matter of greater anxiety to convert those who held some supposed erroneous view of the Atonement, than those who had never felt the power of Christ's sacrifice at all. It had been no love of Christ that had made men fight with the sword over Christian doctrine, but love of self, secular ambition and political considerations; and the unhappy possession of the power to persecute. They lived in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, who had promised to guide them into all truth. The body of Christ would exist without schism. Diversity in unity was a Divine idea which God would work out."

This address has been severely criticised by the Bishop of Manchester, and is undoubtedly open to objection. It proves, however, that the orthodox creeds are fast losing their hold on the minds of the popular teachers of the Church. The remedy for the darkness in which they have involved the Church is not the rejection of all creeds, but the more excellent way of a sounder doctrine and more enlightened faith. Doctrine is a generalization of the individual facts and truths of revelation. When true, it is not a product of ignorance, but of the highest intelligence. It is indeed the intellectual discernment of the mutual relation of apparently diverse truths, and the manifestation of the resplendent light shed by them, when seen in harmony, on the great Source of all truth -the Saviour who is the truth itself.

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTIONGRIMSBY.-A course of public lectures, on the "Principles of Christianity from the Word of God," were given in the Temperance Hall, Grimsby, by Mr. Gunton, from that mysterious portion of the Word, "The Revelation of John." The lectures were given on Sunday, March 19th, and on the following Tuesday and Thursday evenings. They embraced the following subjects-"The Address to the Seven Churches," Rev. i. 4; "The promise to the Church at


Philadelphia, Him that overcometh will I make a pillar,""&c., Rev. iii. 12; "The angel standing in the sun, and proclaiming the invitation to the supper of the great God," Rev. xix. 17; "The woman clothed with the sun," &c., xii.; "The great red Dragon, with seven heads, and ten horns," Řev. xii. The statements of Luther, Dr. Adam Clarke, Dr. Arnold, Dean Wodehouse, Swedenborg, and others, respecting this wonderful book, "The Revelation of John,” were cited, and questions on the subjects of the lectures were invited at the close. Tracts were also circulated gratuitously, and books explanatory of the Doctrines of the New Church sold, after the services and lectures.

The Grimsby News gives a report of the lectures, from which we make the following extract:-"Under the title of The Principles of Christianity from the Word of God, Mr. R. Gunton, of London, one of the appointed lecturers of the New Jerusalem Church,' has delivered three discourses and two lectures in the Temperance Hall, Cleethorpe Road, during the past week. Considering the state of the weather, the attendance was fair, and the lecturer was honoured by the presence of several persons occupying good social positions in Grimsby. On Tuesday night Mr. Councillor Wm. Mudd occupied the chair. Marked attention was given both at the Sunday services and on Tuesday night. The burden of Mr. Gunton's mission seems to be, to impress the minds of his hearers with the importance of reading the writings of Swedenborg; arguing most emphatically that no books in the world, in his opinion, so perfectly enable a man to understand the Bible. He said, and no doubt truly, that there is a marvellous upheaving in the religious world, that many leaders of the people, ministers of the various denominations, are confessing that they know not what they believe; and that a belief in the inspiration of the Word of God, and in what that inspiration consists, is fast losing its power over the mind, especially the minds of the rising generation. state of things, the lecturer said, was deplorable, and the cure he prescribed is the knowledge of the spiritual sense of the Holy Word, so lucidly presented in the writings of Swedenborg. In reference to the Apocalypse, from which


his subjects were taken, he read extracts from Dr. Adam Clarke, Martin Luther, Dr. Lees, Dr. Arnold, and others, the quotations showing, that these learned men confessed their entire ignorance of the meaning of the symbols in this book. From Dr. Adam Clarke he gave the following extract :- My readers may naturally expect that I should either give a decided preference to some one of the opinions stated above, or produce one of my own. I can do neither. Nor can I pretend to explain the book. I do not understand it, and in the things which concern so sublime and awful a subject, I dare not, as my predecessors, indulge in conjectures.' From Dr. Lees he also read as follows: -'After the inquiries of many centuries, we can ascertain of its meaning -absolutely nothing.' From Dr. Arnold:-'I answer that the real subject of the prophecy in its highest sense is not the historical, but the spiritual Babylon, and it will be found, I think, a general rule in all the prophecies of the Scripture that they contain expressions which will only be adequately fulfilled in their last and spiritual fulfilment.' Our space does not permit us to say much about the special utterances of the lecturer, but we may say that the impression upon the minds of his hearers on Tuesday evening was evidently a favourable one, and many of the books, which are marvels of cheapness, were sold at the close."

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PRESENTATIONS OF NEW CHURCH WORKS. Following the example of the Swedenborg Society, the New Church Missionary and Tract Society have determined to offer to the public free libraries copies of certain New Church works. The list and the result of their application to the Leamington Library is given in the following notice which we extract from the Leamington Chronicle:

"The Chairman read the letter referred to from the New Church Missionary and Tract Society.' It stated that the Committee had much pleasure in offering the following works, explanatory of the doctrines of Emanuel Swedenborg, on condition that they were permitted to appear in the library catalogue. 1. 'An Appeal in defence of Swedenborg and his Writings,' by Rev. Samuel Noble; 2. 'The Antediluvian History,' by the Rev. E. D. Rendell; 3. 'Great Truths


on Great Subjects,' by the Rev. Dr. Bayley; 4. The Spiritual World and our Children there,' by the Rev. Chauncey Giles. The Rev. F. S. Attenborough remarked that it was evident the secretary of that society followed the movements of this committee closely. He had no doubt this application arose out of what was done at the last meeting with regard to the papers of another society. In reply to the Chairman, he further stated that he had a copy of the book, 'The Spiritual World and our Children there,' and it was an interesting work. Mr. Grainger thought they would only be consistent in accepting the books. There could be no harm done by accepting them. The Rev. W. J. Woods spoke in favour of the work, 'Great Truths on Great Subjects.' Mr. Grainger proposed that they should be accepted. Attenborough seconded the motion, but at the same time admitted that he should have liked the Committee to have refused all gifts of this kind. However, as the Committee accepted works of a similar kind at the last meeting, he did not see how they could consistently refuse the present application. He thought it should be all or none. The Chairman-I think you are quite right. The voting was then taken, and there voted in its favour,-namely, Mr. Grainger, the Rev. F. S. Attenborough, and the Chairman. On asking for the show of hands to the contrary, not one was held up. At this there was considerable laughter, and one of the members of the Committee expressed a hope that the names of those who did not vote would go forth to the public.

SCANDINAVIAN MISSIONS (From the Messenger of April 5th).-After having returned from a missionary visit to Sweden, in the month of May, I went to Aalborg, in Jyllance, and delivered some lectures on different leading doctrines of the New Church. The attendance was pretty good, but not so good as it used to be, because Methodist and Lovingian missionaries, who are paid by their American brethren, try with all their power to hinder the spreading of the New Church. So do, of course, both the ministers and the missionaries also of the Lutheran Church, and they succeed quite well, for lately the pietists have found out a doctrine which tastes sweet to the natural man, namely, that

"it is sweet to sin, in order to experience the over-flowing grace of the sacrifice of Christ," and "the more sin the more grace." To those who are mad enough to believe such things, the doctrine of the New Church must be a horror. I was in Aalborg about three weeks, during which time three lectures were delivered each week. The small society celebrated the Holy Supper, and a couple of the working classes were


Here, in Copenhagen, we have had lectures on the doctrines of the Church every Thursday evening in the week, and worship every Sunday. Two couples have been married, and two children and two adults have been baptized. It must be noticed the adults were baptized because they expressly wished it, notwithstanding their knowing that the doctrines of the Church do not distinctly demand re-baptism of adults.

I am glad to mention that this year we have got five receivers of the doctrines of the New Church, but I am sorry to say that they are all poor workmen, who can do nothing as yet to assist us with means to subsist. I am convinced that the New Church would make great progress among the Scandinavians, especially among the middle classes, if the Lutheran and Methodist ministers did not terrify those who read the doctrines of the Church, by telling them that they are the most horrible doctrines that ever have been taught. The French Reformed minister said to one of the New Church members that they were from the deepest hell. As to the more cultivated class of the people, they in general treat the New Church and the name of Swedenborg with the utmost indifference, either because of the counteracting influences of the ministers, or because they are confirmed naturalists or atheists. Some time ago I spoke with a very intelligent lawyer, who asked me if Swedenborgians were Christians. He had, for many years, known as well the New Church by name, as some persons of the New Church, but nevertheless he has never tried to learn anything about it, although I have offered him some of the writings.

So it is with the most part of the socalled respectable and intelligent people. The ministers and missionaries spiritually kill them, and when they are spiritually killed, then they are "true Christians."

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When I think of the deadening influence of the clergy and of the colporteurs, it seems to me that church buildings, with their churchyards around them, may but too properly, at the present time, be likened to large monuments over the dead bodies of those souls that the clergy have slain.

We will hope that the first volume of "True Christian Religion" which is now in the book stores, will cause some change in the minds of earnest seeking people, but as such are few, the sale of this excellent work will certainly go very slowly.

According to a letter from our zealous and dear friend Mr. Marston Niles, the American Printing and Publishing Society will kindly send the "True Christian Religion" to public libraries in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.

When I was in Sweden this fall, I took the work with me, and sent it to the Royal Libraries at Stockholm, Lund, and Upsala, and to the New Church Libraries in Stockholm, but having as yet not got the addresses of the librarians of the other libraries, and besides, having no money to pay the postage, I have not yet sent them.

The above work is long ago sent to the Royal and the University Libraries in Copenhagen.

On behalf of the New Church in Scandinavia, I thank all those New Church friends in America and England who in any way have contributed to the spreading of the heavenly doctrines of the New Church in the north. The half of the number of the first volume of "True Christian Religion" to which the trustees of the Rice Legacy are entitled by virtue of their subscription, or by virtue of such of it as is used for printing, shall be sent to the address of Mr. E. H. Swinney as soon as possible.

Wishing all dear friends a happy New Year, and begging them kindly to remember a humble worker in the New Church, and who is often left in a very disagreeable situation,-I am, yours truly, A. BOYESEN.

SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.-It is the custom of the members of this institution to hold an annual meeting on the afternoon of Good Friday. This year the meeting was held at Salford, and was attended by a large number of friends and teachers in the Sunday School. After a short devotional ser

vice an essay is read by some one previously appointed to prepare it. This year the essay was prepared by Mr. James Robson Rendell, B.A., of Bradford. The essayist pointed out the backward state of our Sunday School education when compared with that of the day schools. The latter had become a science. It was reduced to system, and conducted with remarkable efficiency. The Sunday Schools lacked system, more efficiency, better arrangement of teachers, and a wiser classification of scholars. Dwelling upon this latter want of Sunday Schools, Mr. Rendell suggested a five-fold arrangement of the scholars. This arrangement would begin with the infants who should be interested with pictures, and placed under the care of matrons who were attracted to the work by a strong love of children. From this lowest class the school would rise by gradations to the highest, in which the Word and the writings of the Church would be taught under well-instructed and able teachers. In the lower classes, hymns, passages of Scripture, and other appropriate matter should be carefully committed to memory. Efforts should be made to bring the system and science of the day school into the Sunday Schools, and to render them more efficient means of religious and theological teaching. The essay was well received by the meeting and led to a lengthened conversation. The general feeling seemed to be that Sunday Schools were less efficient than is desirable, and beset with difficulties of no ordinary magnitude. The growth of our day school system has improved the education of the children and made it difficult to find a sufficiently numerous supply of properly prepared teachers. Those also who engage in the work are mostly young people, who are exposed to all the attractions of pleasure, and are frequently absent from their places. This was one great complaint of the superintendents, and is felt to be one of their chief difficulties. Nor is it probable that this difficulty will be overcome until some means are adopted for the training of teachers, and a deeper interest excited in the Sunday School on the part of the Church. At the close of the meeting, tea was served in the upper schoolroom, which was well filled, and after tea a public meeting was held in

the Church. The Rev. E. Whitehead, the chairman of the Union, was in the chair, and addresses were made by the secretary, Mr. Potts, Revs. J. Boys and P. Ramage, and others who had not spoken during the afternoon.

BACUP.-A Wesleyan minister of this town, the Rev. W. Brooks, delivered a lecture on Emanuel Swedenborg, in one of the Methodist schools, on the 13th of March. The lecture was reported at considerable length in the Bacup Times of the following Saturday. Mr. Brooks believes Swedenborg to be "a religious dreamer, and a spiritual enthusiast; and yet, remarkably enough, he told his hearers that "there is nothing like incoherence, no want of order, and nothing fitful in his writings, for their style is regular." The present day representatives of Swedenborg are, according to Mr. Brooks, the modern spiritists. The doctrines of Swedenborg, it was said, contain errors that are "positively dangerous.' In the Bacup Times of March 25, a letter was inserted from Mr. Boyle of Melbourne, pointing out Mr. Brooks' errors and misrepresentations, and challenging that gentleman to prove some of his statements. This, however, he has not attempted to do; and, we think, the fact that no reply has been made to Mr. Boyle's letter must be regarded as significant by thinking people in the extensive district where the Bacup Times circulates.

BIRMINGHAM.-We have received a copy of the Report of the Society, its officers and institutions, for the year 1875. The report of the Committee is chiefly occupied with particulars respecting the progress of the New Church in course of erection in Wretham Road, a subject which necessarily enters also into other reports. The several reports present abundant evidence of useful work, and many valuable suggestions for wisely continued efforts. One source of important Christian labour, involving considerable difficulty, particularly in large towns, is the periodical visitation of those connected with the Church, particularly the sick and afflicted. Few churches fully accomplished this important and useful work. This society seeks to grapple with it, and the report of a Committee appointed for its organization, offers the

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