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quietnes of the saidis burghis Declaring be thir presentis the saidis vnlauchfull meittingis and the persones present thairat To be factious and seditious and all procedingis thairin to be null and of nane availl And the saidis persones to be pvnischit in thair bodeis gudis and geir with all rigour conforme to the lawes of this realme And to the effect the saidis vnlauchfull meitingis with all vtheris tumultis trublances and pleyis that salhappin to fall out within the saidis burrowes may be substantiouslie suppressit Ordanis the haill inhabitantis of the saidis burrowes at all occasiones To reddelie assist and concur with the magistratis and officiaris thairof for satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances And pvnischeing of the authouris and movearis thairof And sic as sall nocht Assist and concur with the saidis magistratis redelie or thair officiaris for redding and satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances as said is Sall be repute and haldin as fosteraris and mantenaris of the saidis tumultis and pvnischit thairfoir in thair persones and vnlawit in thair guidis at the arbitriment of the Magistrattis and Counsaill of the said burgh And ordinis publicatioun to be maid heirof at the marcat croces of the saidis burrowes that nane pretend Ignorance thairof


CAP. 6.
[1607, cap. 3.]

ACT Anent woddis parkis planting dowcattis et cetera

OURE Souerane Lord and Estaittis of this present parliament Considering how woddis parkis and all sorte of planting and hanyng decayes within this realme And how dowcattis ar brokin bees stollin mennis propir lochis and stankis heryit To the great hurte and prejudice of the countray and decay of policie THAIRFOIR Ratefeis and appreves all actis of parliament maid of befoir for conseruatioun of planting and policie and aganis brakeris of dowcattis steiling of beis and of fisches furth of mennis stankis and propir Lochis In the haill pointis articlis and clauses thairof And ordinis the samin to be put to executioun aganis the Controveneris thairof And forder the saidis Estaittis Statutis and Ordinis that quhasoeuir shall be fundin heireftir To brak doun his nichbouris woddis and park dyikis fenses stankis or closouris to pasture within the saidis fenses Cutte treis browme or schear grasse within the same or yit brakis dowcattis Steillis Beis and fisches in propir stankis and loches Shall be callit and convenit thairfoir as a braker of the Law ather befoir the privie counsall or ony vther ordinar magistrat within this realme at the optioun of the pairtie complenar And the penaltie to be Imposit and takin of the Controvenaris befoir the saidis ordinar Inferiour Judges Aucht nocht to exceid the sowme of fourtie pundis of this Realme And the secrete counsaill to Impose sic penalteis aganis the controvenaris of this present act as eftir tryell tane in the cause they sall find the offendar to merite and deserue But preiudice alwayes of putting of all former actis maid anent the premises to executioun eftir the forme and tennour thairof

CAP. 13.
[1607, cap. 6.]

ACT in fauouris of the frie burrowis Regall aganis vnfremen

OURE Souerane Lord and estaittis of this present parliament Ratefeis apprevis and confermis all actis Lawes decreittis and privileges grantit or gevin in fauouris of his hienes frie Royall burrowes And . . . . statutis and ordinis that lettres of

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[ocr errors]

horning be direct vpoun all actis and decreittis of burrowis gevin at thair Conventionis betuix burgh and burgh and burgesses of frie burrowes vpoun ane simple charge of Ten dayes without calling of pairtie

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]


CAP. 22.

[1609, cap. 15.]

ACT ordenning Letteris of hornyng to be direct vpoun admirallis decreittis FORSAMEKLE as be the act of parliament maid at perth in the moneth of Julij 1606 IT was then statute and ordanit in all tyme commyng that all decreittis gevin be shireffis commissaris bailleis of Regaliteis bailleis of bailleries and stewartreis should pas and haue executioun of horning vpoun ten dayes warning As at mair lenth is contened in the said act wheirin their wes the tyme of the passing theirof omitted and nocht expressed thairin The decreittis to be gevin by the admirall of this realme and his deputtis whilk being a souerane Judicatorie in it self and of its awin nature Importing summar executioun OURE SOUERANE LORD and Estaittis presentlie Convened In Consideratioun that the Insufficiencie corruptioun and defectis whilkis wer in the Deputtis and memberis of these courtis in former tymes And wheirby these Judicatoreis wer thocht nocht worthie of that fauour Is now helpit and weill amendit by the planting of hable worthie and sufficient men in their places Hes inacted statute and ordanit That siclyk executioun of horning pas vpoun all decreittis to be gevin be the said great admirall and his deputtis in tyme commyng As vpoun ony of the saidis schireffis Comissaris or vther Inferiour Judges decreittis Conforme To the said act of parliament maid theiranent of befoir


CAP. 7.
[1612, cap. 7.]

ANE Act allowing hornyng vpon ane sympill charge of fyftene dayes
tobe direct vpoun Commissars decretis

OURE Souerane Lord be aduise of the thre Estaittis of Parliament Ordanis and statutis That the decretis and sentences of all Commissars within this Kingdome Receve siclyke executioun be hornyng as the decretis of Schireffis admirallis stewards and Baillies of burgh And that the Lords of Sessioun vpoun the sicht of the acts and decretis of the saidis Commissars or thair preceps Lauchfullie execute be thair officiars bearing the partie to haue bene chargit vpoun fyftene dayes direct Lettrez of hornyng vpoun ane simpill charge of fyftene dayes as in the cases foirsaidis and conforme to the act of parliament maid in thair favouris


CAP. 3.
[1617, cap. 3.]

ANENT the plantatioun of kirkis

OURE Souerane Lord Considering that thair be dyuers kirkis within this kingdome not plantit with ministeris Quairthroch ignorance and atheisme aboundis amangis the people and that monye of these that ar plantit have no sufficient prouisioun nor mantinance appoynted to thame wherebye the ministeris ar keipit in povertye and contempt and can not frutefullie travell in thair chargis Considdering also that no thing is more properlie belonging to his princelie Care then to see to the goode estate of the kirkis within his dominiones out of that zeale whiche his Maiestie beiris to the promoveing of the kingdome of christ And for ane perfyit remedie of these evillis with aduyse and consent of the estaitis of parliament Hes grantit full power and Commissioun to the Lord chancellar for the tyme and to the reuerend fatheris in god Jhonne Archiebischope of Sanctandrois James archbischope of glasgow alexander Bischope of dunkeld alexander Bischope of Abirdene Alexander Bischope of Murray Patrik bischope of Ross Adame bischope of dumblane and williame bischope of galloway Eight persones nominat for the Clergie and prelattis and incace of the deceis of any of thame to Andro bischop of brechin george bischope of orkney Andro bischope of Argyill and John bischope of Cathnes whiche foure persounes His Maiestie and estaittis hes nominat to supplie and becum in the place off anye of the vther eight foirsaidis gif any sall happin to deceis before this Commissione be finischit To wit the first of the four in place of the first of the Eight deceissand and so in ordour successiuely as thay ar namit And to Johnne Earle of Mar Lord thesaurer James marques of hammiltoun James Earle of Abircorne williame erle of Tullibardin Robert Earle of Roxburgh John vicecount of lauderdaill Thomas lord Binning and dauid lord off Carnegye Eight persounes nominat for the nobilitie And incace of anye of thair deceiss to alexander Lord Elphingstoun nominat to becum in the place of the first deceissand alexander erle of eglingtoun in the secund Jhonne erle of Peirthe in the third and Jhonne lord Balmerinocht in the fourt And to the Commissioneris vnderwrittin nominat for the barrones To witt williame douglas of Drumlangrig Sir walter dundas of that ilk Sir James halieburtoun of pitcur Sir Jhonne hammiltoun of Lettrik Sir Jhonne vans of Barnebarroch Sir Andro murray of Balvaird Sir alexander gordoun of Clunye and to Sir george auchinlek of Balmanno And incais of anye of thair deceis To Thomas vrquhart Schireff of Cromartie Sir alexander strachan off thornetoun Josias stewart of Bonytoun and Sir Robert stewart of schillinglaw persones nominat to becum in ordoure as thay ar namit in places of onye of the eight deceissand And to James arnote burges of Edinburgh Maister alexander wodderburne clerk of Dundie Sir thomas meingyeis provest of abirdene Jhonne scheirar burges of Striuiling andro mylne burges of Linlithgow Jhonne osburne burges off Air Jhonne mathesoun clerk of Carraill and Sir george bruce off Carnok knight burges of Culros eight persounes nominat for the burrowis And incace of anye of thair deceiss To alexander clerk merchand burges of Edinburgh Maister william fergusoun burges of dundie george nicolsoun burges of abirdene and Jhonne williamesoun Clerk of striuiling Persounes nominat to supplie in ordoure any of the vther eight commissionaris foirsaidis deceissand whiche foirsaidis Commissionaris or onye fyve of ilk estate nominate as said is Consenting and aggreing in ane voce salhave power to convene consult and to determine vpoun the materis and in maner vnderwrittin Prowyding alwayis that thair is and salbe necessarlie requisite to the validitie of any act conclusioun ordinance and determinatioun off the saidis Commissioneris The coniunct assent of fyve of everie ane of the saidis four estaittis all aggreing togidder in ane voce without the whiche consent of the saidis fyve of ilk estate so aggreing The rest of the saidis Commissioneris salhave no power to mak anye valide or effectuall Conclusioun be vertew of this present Commissioun Bot whatsoeuir salbe vtherwayis done is declared to be of no availl force nor effect That is to say OURE SOUERANE LORD and estaittis of Parliament be the tennour heiroff gevis grantis and Committis full power and

authoritie to the saidis Commissioneris to meit and convene in the toun of Edinburght at sick tyme and tymes as they sall appoynt and find convenient and thair to call and summond before thame all patrones and takismen of teyndis gryit and small and all vtheris haveing richt be quhatsumeuir tytill to the teyndis within this kingdome as they sall think necessar and expedient to exhibite and produce before thame thair Richtes and tytles quhairby they clame the saidis teyndis To be sene and Considderit be the saidis Commissioneris with power to thame out of the saidis teyndis of everie parochin to appoynt and assigne at thair discretiounes Ane perpetuall Locall stipend to the minister present and to cum at all kirkis that salbe fund be thame ather as yit not prowydit at all with Ministeris and stependis or quhair the prouisioun is less nor fyve hundreth merkis in yeirlie rent of money or fyve chalderis victuell (by manse and gleib) or sick proportioun particularlie of siluer and victuell as will effeir and extend to fyve hundreth merkis or fyve chalderis victuell yeirlie and whiche is the least and meanest stepend and prouisioun determinat appoynted and declared be his Maiestie and [the] estaittis to be gevin and assigned to anye minister for his Locall stepend in tyme cuming where the fructis of the benefice will extend to that quantitie in Maner vnderwrittin and that Nochtwithstanding of anye richt or tytle pretendit be the said takismen or vtheris in quhais fauoures Teyndis haue bene erected With speciall power also to the saidis Commissioneris to vnite sick kirkis ane or ma as may convenientlie be vnite where the fruittis of anye ane alone will not suffice to Intertene ane minister In the whiche cace of vnioun of sick kirkis giff it fall out that necessitie offer to vnite kirkis belonging to presentatioune of dyuers patrones the presentatioun of the ministeris salbe appoynted be the saidis Commissioneris to pertene to the patrones (alternatis vicibus) to the whiche Commissioneris His Maiestie and the estaittis does recommend and refer to considder and appoynt farder sick solide ordour as may be maist convenientlie takin and stand with the least preiudice of any of the patrones and as they salbe fund to haue more or less interess in the kirkis to be so vnited It is alwayis prowydit that Quhairas thair ar dyuers kirkis quhairoff the fructis off anye one will not extend to the quantitie of fyve chalderis victuell nor fyve hundereth merkis of siluer in yeirlie Commoditie and that the rentis and haill patrimonie thairoff are nowayis ansurable to that proportioun and so is not sufficient alone for the full mantinance off ane minister and yit Nevirtheles for distance of place or vtheris lauchfull causes may be found Incommodius to be vnited Quhairby necessitie will evince that everie kirk in that estate suld be planted with thair awin particular minister to serve thairat whois prouisioun behowis necessarlie to Consist of the fructis of the benefice it selff how meane soeuir the same be Thairfore it is declairit that it salbe sufficient to the saidis commissionaris in that cace to assignne and appoynt to the minister to be plantit at any sick kirkis the haill fruittis pertening to the patrimonye thairoff by and attoure his manse and gleibe whiche fruittis ar to be Inioyed be him and his successoures thairefter as thair perpetuall locall stipend and prouisioun And to the end the said Commissione may tak the bettir effect and for ane solide ordoure anent the prouisioun of the saidis kirkis with thair certane definite stepend and that it may be cleirlie knawin Quhat salbe the proportioun and quantitie of any stepend whiche salbe heirefter appoynted to everie minister at everie kirk ather not prowydit at all or not sufficientlie prowydit as said is OURE SOUERANE LORD and estaittis declairis that the least and meanest stepend quhilk they sall have appoyntit to be heireftir prowydit be the saidis Commissioneris to any minister sall not be vnder and within the quantitie of fyve chalderis victuell or fyve hundreth merkis of money or proportionallie pairt of victuell and pairt thairoff in monye according as the fruittis and rentis of the kirk may yeild and afforde and as the saidis commissioneris sall think expedient effeirand to the saidis fyve chalderis victuell or fyve hundreth merkis money by and attoure thair manse and gleib qubair the haill fructis of the kirk will extend to the quantitie foirsaid And that the gryitest and most stipend whiche the saidis Commissioneris sall have power to assignne for stepend to any minister at any of the saidis kirkis ather not plantit or plantit and prowydit with stependis within and vnder the saidis fyve chalderis victuell or fyve hundreth merkis money as said is Sall not exceid the quantitie of ten chalderis victuell or ane thousand merkis of money and proportionallie pairt of money and pairt of victuell at the Consideratioun of the saidis commissioneris as they sall find

be examinatioun of the rentis of the kirk maist convenientlie may be payed by and attoure thair manse and gleibe Sua that the gryitest salbe ane thousand merkis or ten chalderis victuell with manse and gleibe and the least fyve hundereth merkis or fyve chalderis victuell with manse and glebe Except where the haill fruittis off the kirk will not extend to that quantitie as said is And findis and declairis that all kirkis whiche ar plantit with ministeris quhais stependis extendis to fyve chalderis victuell or fyve hundreth merkis of siluer or pairt of bothe effeirand to the whole by thair manse and gleibe (The samen being maid sure to thame) ar expreslie exceptit out of this Commissioun and nowayis Cummes vnder the compas thairoff nather sall the saidis Commissionaris have anye powar be vertew heiroff to medle with anye kirkis or stependis whiche ar in that caice seing that the said Commissioun Is not extendit to the same IT Is also prowydit that where anye kirkis ar sufficientlie prowy dit alreddie albeit thair prouisioun does exceid the foirsaid quantitie of ten chalderis victuell or ane thousand merkis of money And als where the fruittis of any benefice ar in the possessioun of the minister that the samen salbe Continewit in the estait quhairin it is at the present and not to be medled with be vertew of the said commissioun And becaus resoun and equitie cravis that recompans suld be made to the takismen and vthers persones quhatsumeuir who salbe by the sentence of the saidis Commissioneris hurt and preiudgit of thair present proffite whiche they may lauchfullie bruke be vertew of thair tytillis and rightes establisched in thair persounes and vpoune whome be vertew of the said sentence anye burding of the sustentatioun and prouisioun of the saidis kirkis and ministeris is to be imposed THAIRFORE OURE said souerane lord and Estates of parliament Gevis full power and Commissioun to the saidis Commissionaris So to proceid in the determining of the saidis recompences That incaice the Lord or any vther haveand Right to erected prelacies who salbe cited before thame refuis to tak the burding of Plantatioune of any kirkis belonging to the saidis erected prelacyes whiche ar not planted or to help sick vther kirkis of the samen as ar not weall and sufficientlie prowydit according to the tennour of the foirsaid commissione And that vpoun thair refusall (The said refusall being first fund resonable be the saidis commissioneris) The burding of the said plantatioun or farder prouisioun salbe laid and imposed be the saidis Commissoneris In whole or in pairt ather vpoun the principall takismen of anye of the fruittis of the saidis kirkis Or incaice the takismen refuis the burding be imposed vpoun the subtakismen thairoff the saidis Commissoneris sall haue power to decerne appoynt and ordane sick particular recompens to be gevin to the saidis takismen or subtakismen be renewing of thair takis or subtakkis efter the expyring thairoff vpoun sick conditiounes as the saidis Commissioneris sall find Reasonable Respect being had to the qualitie and proportioun of the burding to be imposed vpoun thame within the tyme of thair takkis and richtes farder then they ar astricted be thair saidis rightes Or be appoynting sic vther reasonable satisfactioun as they sall find the said burding and distres vndergone be anye of thame sall deserve and requyre Lyik as the saidis commissoneris salhave siclyik power to determine decerne and appoynt sick particular satisfactioun and recompence to be Gevin ather to laik patrones or to the takismen of the fruittis of the kirkis belonging to the lyik patronages and subtakismen thairoff as they sall think may be ansurable to the burdingis to be Imposed vpoun ather of thame for the caus abonewrittin proportionallie IN THE prescryveing of the whiche recompence The saidis Commissionaris salhave speciall respect what consideratioun they find reasounable to be gevin to the saidis patrones for thair consentis to the takis gif any salbe appoynted and decerned to be sett and gevin to the saidis takismen for recompence foirsaid And giff anye beneficed persoun vpoun Just and resonable causes refuises to prowyid ony kirk belonging to thair benefice according to the ordoure heirby prescryved wherby the burding of plantatioun or farder prouisioun of the kirk must necessarlie ly vpoun the takismen or subtakismen of the fructis thairoff The saidis commissioneris in that cace also sall decerne sick recompens to be gevin be the saidis takismen and subtakismen for thair lose and preiudice sustened As the saidis commissioneris sall find the samen sall merite be renewing of takis to thame upoun sick conditiounes as may requyte thair lose or be finding out some vther reasonable meane whiche may repair the samyne AND OURE SAID SOUERANE LORD with aduyse and consent of the saidis estatis declaris statutes and ordanis That all takis

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