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[Sec. (9) rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

(10) ITEM That the thesaurair and aduocat persew slauchteris and vtheris crymes althocht the pairties be silent or wald vtherwayes privelie aggree and that in iustice airis or particular diettis the haill assyissouris be callit for and the absentis amerchiat to move thame to mak the better obedience

[Secs. (11)-(15) rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 57.

[1587, capp. 91, 92.]

FOR the furtherance and furthsetting of the criminall iustice ower all the Realme

[Secs. (1)-(9) rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

(10) OURE Souerane Lord considering the wrang allegit sustenit be diuerse noble men and vtheris liegis of this realme being accuisit of tressoun be solisting bosting and minassing of the assyise efter thai wer inclosit The accusaris and vtheris personis thair favouraris havand libertie to pas to the said assyse and to produce to thame sic writtis and witnesses and vther probatioun as thai pleasit to verifie the cryme out with the presence of the pairties accuisit Quhairby the iust defence of thair lyffis landis and honouris wes takin away THAIRFOIR oure said souerane lord with auise and consent of the thrie estaittis of this present parliament hes statute declairit and ordanit that in all tyme cuming the haill accusatioun ressoning writtis witnesses and utheris probatioun and instructioun quhatsumeuer of the cryme salbe allegit ressonit and deducit to the assyse in presence of the pairtie accusit in face of iudgement and na utheris wayes And that all and quhatsumeuir liegis of this realme accuisit of tressoun or for quhatsumeuer cryme salhaif thair aduocattis and procuratouris to vse all thair lauchfull defenses quhome the iudge sall compell to procure for thame incaise of thair refuise That the sute of the accusare be not tane pro confesso and the pairtie accuisit preiugeit in ony sorte befoir he be convictit be lauchfull tryell And to the effect the saidis aduocattis and procuratouris may the mair frelie and willinglie do thair office in the premisses Oure said souerane lord with auise and consent foirsaid annullis casses and rescindis all and quhatsumeuer actis of parliament and utheris statuttis maid be him or ony of his predicessouris of befoir in contrair heirof (11) ITEM It is statute and ordanit that how sone the haill persute defensses and answeris thairto ar fullie hard be the assyise gif ony of the saidis assyssouris hes ony doubt quhairof thai wald be resoluit That thai propone the same oppinly in presens of the pairties in face of iudgement befoir thai pas out of Jugement thame selffis And Immediatlie efter that the said assyse hes chosin thair chanceller the clerk of the iusticiarie sall inclose the said assyse thame allane or in ane house be thame selffis And suffer na persoun to be present with thame or repair to thame in ony wyse nather clerk nor vtheris vnder pretence of forder informatioun resoluing of onie dout or ony vther cullour or occasioun quhatsumeuer Bot that the said hous be haldin fast and na man present thairin bot the saidis assyissouris and that they be not sufferit to cume out of the said hous for quhatsumeuer cause Or to continew the geving of thair sentence to ane vther tyme bot that they be inclosit as said is vnto the tyme thay be fullie aggreit and returne thair answer be the mouth of the said chancellair to the iudge And our souerane lord with avise foirsaid decernis declairis and ordanis that gif onie of the saidis accusaris informearis of his hienes aduocat or vtheris personis quhatsumeuir pretend in ony wayes in tyme cuming to informe solist ressone dispute speik or repair to the said assyise efter thair removing furth of judgement and inclosing of thame in maner abonewrittin or vtherwyse transgresses ony poynt of this

present act In that caise the pairtie accuisit salbe haldin and pronuncit cleane and Innocent of thai crymes and tressonis than layit to his charge And this present act salbe ane sufficient warrand to all assyssouris in criminall causses heirefter to pronunce the pairtie accuisit cleane and Innocent Incais ony of the premisses beis contravenit

CAP. 114.
[1587, cap. 113.]

ACT inhibiting the burrowis to sell or dispone thair fredomes without consent of the estates in parliament

FORSAMEKLE as it [is] not lauchfull to ony of the kingis vassallis to sell and annalie thair landis in preiudice of his Maiestie thair superiour Evin sa it is fund expedient statute and ordanit be our souerane lord and thre estaitis in this present parliament That it sall not be lauchfull to ony of his hienes frie burrowis To sell or annalie thair fredome and priuilege in haill or in pairt to ony vther burght or vtherwyse quatsumeuir without expres licence and consent of his hienes and thrie estaittis in parliament vnder the pane of amissioun and tinsall of the fredome of the burgh othir byand or selland the saidis fredomes in haill or in pairt as said is


CAP. 8.

[1592, cap. 116.]

ACT for abolisheing of the actis contrair the trew religioun

OURE Souerane Lord and estaittis of this present parliament following the lovable and gude example of thair predicessouris Hes ratifiet and apprevit and be the tennour of this present act ratifies and apprevis all liberties priuileges Immvnities and fredomes quhatsumeuir gevin and grantit be his bienes his regentis in his Name or ony of his predicessouris to the trew and hally kirk presentlie establishit within this realme and declairit in the first act of his hienes parliament the tuentie day of october The yeir of god JMC lxxix yeiris . . . . AND SICLYK Ratifies and apprevis the generall Assembleis appoyntit be the said kirk And declairis that it salbe lauchfull to the kirk and ministrie euerilk yeir at the leist and ofter pro re nata as occasioun and necessitie sall require To hald and keip generall assemblies Providing that the kingis Maiestie or his commissioner with thame to be appoyntit be his hienes be present at ilk generall assemblie befoir the dissoluing thairof Nominat and appoint tyme and place quhen and quhair the nixt generall assemblie salbe haldin And in caise nather his Maiestie nor his said commissioner beis present for the tyme in that toun quhair the said generall assemblie beis haldin Than and in that caise IT salbe lesum to the said generall assemblie be thame selffis To nominat and appoynt tyme and place quhair the nixt generall assemblie of the kirk salbe keipit and haldin as they haif bene in vse to do thir tymes by past AND ALS ratifies and apprevis the sinodall and provincial assemblies To be haldin be the said kirk and ministrie twyise ilk yeir as thay haif bene and ar presentlie in vse to do within euery province of this realme AND RATIFEIS and apprevis the presbiteries and particulare sessionis appointit be the said kirk with the haill iurisdictioun and discipline of the same kirk aggreit vpoun be his Maiestie in conference had be his hienes with certane of the ministrie convenit to that effect Off the quhilkis articles the tennour followis MATERIS TO BE INTREATIT IN PROVINCIALL ASSEMBLEIS THIR assemblies ar constitute for

wechtie materis necessar to be intreatit be mutuall consent and assistance of brethrene within the province as neid requyris THIS assemblie hes power to handle ordour and redress all thingis omittit or done amiss in the particulare assemblies IT HES power to depose the office beraris of that province for gude and iust causes deserving deprivatioun And generalie thir assemblies hes the haill power of the particulare elderschippis quhairof thay ar collectit MATERIS TO BE INTREATIT IN THE PRESBITERIES THE POWER of the presbiteries is to give diligent laubouris in the boundis committit to thair chairge That the kirkis be kepit in gude ordour To enquyre diligentlie of nauchtie and vngodly personis and to travell to bring thame in the way agane be admonitioun or threatning of goddis Jugementis or be correctioun IT APPERTENIS to the elderschip to tak heid that the word of god be puirlie preachit within thair boundis the sacramentis richtlie ministrat the discipline intertenyit and the ecclesiasticall guidis vncorruptlie distributit IT belangis to this kynd of assembleis To caus the ordinances maid be the assembleis provinciallis Nationallis and generallis to be kepit and put in executioun TO MAK constitutionis quhilkis concernis To Пperov in the kirk for decent ordour in the particulare kirk quhair they governe Provyding that thay alter na rewlis maid be the provinciall or generall assembleis And that thay mak the provinciall assembleis foirsaidis privie of the rewlis that thay sall mak and to abolishe constitutionis Tending to the hurte of the same IT HES power to excommunicat the obstinat formale proces being led and dew intervall of tymes obseruit ANENT PARTICULARE KİRKIS Gif they be lauchfullie rewlit be sufficient ministeris and sessioun Thay haif power and iurisdictioun in thair awin congregatioun in matteris ecclesiasticall And decernis and declairis the saidis assembleis presbiteries and sessiounes Jurisdictioun and discipline thairof foirsaid to be in all tymes cuming maist iust gude and godlie in the selff Notwithstanding of quhatsumeuir statutes actis cannon ciuile or mvnicipale lawes maid in the contrair To the quhilkis and euery ane of thame thir presentis sall mak expres dirogatioun . ITEM the kingis Maiestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that the secund act of the parliament haldin at edinburgh the xxij day of Maij The yeir of god JMC lxxxiiij yeiris sall na wayes be preiudicall nor dirogat any thing to the priuilege that god hes gevin to the spirituall office beraris in the kirk concerning headis of religioun materis of heresie excommunicatioun collatioun or depriuatioun of ministeris or ony sic essentiall censouris speciall groundit and havand warrand of the word of god [In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

[ocr errors]

CAP. 9.

[1592, cap. 117.]

ANENT depositioun of vnqualifiet personis frome thair functionis and Beneficis OURE Souerane Lord considering the greit abuses quhilkis ar laitlie croppin in the kirk throw the misbehaviour of sic personis as ar prouidit to ecclesiasticall functionis sic as personages and vicarages within any parrochin and thairefter neglecting thair charge ather levis thair cure or ellis committis sic crymes faultis or enormities that thay ar fund worthie of the sentence of depriuatioun ather befoir thair awin presbitery or ellis befoir the sinodall and generall assemblies Quhilk sentence is the less regairdit be thame Becaus albeit thay be deprivit of thair functioun and cure within the kirk yit thay think thay may bruik lauchfullie the proffites and rentis of thair saidis benefices induring thair lyftymes Notwithstanding the said sentence of deprivatioun Thairfoir our souerane lord with auise of the estaittis of his present parliament Declairis that all and quhatsumeuir sentence of depriuatioun ather pronuncit already or that happynnis to be pronuncit heirefter be ony presbitery sinodall or generall assemblie aganis ony persone or vicare within thair iurisdictioun prouydit sen his hienes coronatioun.. Is and salbe repute in all iugementis ane iust cause to seclude the persone befoir providit and than deprivit frome all proffites commodities Rentis and deweties of the said personage and vicarage or benefice of cure And that ather be way of


actioun exceptioun or reply And that the said sentence of depriuatioun salbe ane sufficient cause to mak the said benefice to vaik thairby

[ocr errors]

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 10.

[1592, cap. 118.]

ANENT Manses and gleibis in cathedrall and abbay kirkis

OURE Souerane Lord with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament Statutes and ordanis that the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent manses and gleibis to be gevin to ministeris of goddis haly evangell within this realme Sallbe vnderstand and extendit to all abbayes and cathedrall kirkis within this realme quhair na vther manse nor gleib pertening to persone or vicare wes of befoir Sua that the ministeris presentlie admittit or quhilkis heirefter salhappin to be admittit to the office or cure of the ministrie within the said kirk selhaif ane sufficient manse and duelling place within the precinct of the abbay quhair he seruis Togidder with four aikeris of land of the best and maist commodious lyand contigue and maist ewest to the said manse quhilk pertenis or in ony tyme of befoir pertenit to the said abbay or ony member thairof Quhether the samyn land ly within the said precinct or outwith the same gif thair be samekle as may extend to the quantitie of four aikeris to be designit inhabite occupiet laubourit manurit conforme to the tennour of the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent manses and gleibis to be gevin to the ministris of goddis word within this realme With special prouisioun that it salbe in the optioun of the abbottis priouris and vtheris prelattis and personis quhatsumeuir fewaris of the saidis cathedrall and abbay places ather to graunt ane manse to the minister within the precinct of thair place or ellis ane sufficient manse lyand alse ewest and commodious to the parroche kirk

CAP. 11.
[1592, cap. 119.]

AGANIS adulteraris

it is statute and ordanit be oure souerane Lord and estaittis of parliament foirsaidis That quhensoeuir ony woman Is or hes bene diuorcit fra hir lauchfull spouse for hir awin falt and offence of adultery and compleitis vnlauchfull and pretendit mariage with the same persone with quhome scho committit the said offence Or planelie and oppinlie duellis and resortis in cumpanie with him at bed and burde gif scho haif ony landis heretage takkis roumes or possessionis IT sall not be lauchfull to hir to dispone annalie and put away the same in all or in pairt Ather to hir said pretendit housband and adulterair or to the successioun proceding of that pretendit mariage or carnall daill Nor to quhatsumeuir vther persone or personis in preiudice and hurt of the airis and successioun procreat vpoun the said first lauchfull mariage Or failyeing of thame of hir vther lauchfull aires quhatsumeuir nor to do ony deid directlie nor indirectlie that may hurte and preiuge thame thairin And declairis and ordanis that the airis and successouris of hir procreat in the said first lauchfull mariage and failyeing of thame hir vther lauchfull airis quhatsumeuir Ar and salbe hable to succeid to hir eftir hir deceis in the saidis landis heretage takkis roumes and possessionis Notwithstanding ony alienatioun or dispositioun maid in ony tyme bigane or to be maid heirefter in the contrair Quhilkis pretendit alienationis and dispositionis maid or to be maid in maner foirsaid Oure said souerane lord and his estaittis of parliament decernis and declairis to haif bene and to be null frome the begyning and

ordanis the said nullitie to be ressauit and admittit be way of exceptioun or reply But ony proces or summoundis of reductioun alsweill befoir the Lordis of counsall and sessioun as befoir the inferiour iuges in seruice of brevis and all vther actionis and causes quhaireuir the samin may occur

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 29.

[1592, cap. 127.]

CONCERNING the office of lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis

(1) OURE Souerane Lord and estaitis of this present parliament Considdering the greit abuse that hes bene amongis the leigis of this realme in thair bearing of armes vsurpand to thame selffis sic armes as belangis nocht vnto thame Sua that it can nocht be distinguischit be thair armes quha ar gentlemen of blude be thair antecessouris Nor yit may it be decernit quhat gentlemen ar discendit of noble stok and linage ffor remeid quhairof his hienes with aduise of the saidis estaitis hes gevin and grantit and be this present act gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis To visite the haill armes of noblemen baronis and gentlemen borne and vsit within this realme And to distinguische and discerne thame with congruent differences and thaireftir to matriculat thame in thair buikis and Registeris And to put inhibitioun to all the commoun sort of people nocht worthie be the law of armes to beir ony signes armoriallis That nane of thame presume or tak vpoun hand to beare or vse ony armes in tyme cuming vpoun ony thair insicht or houshald geir vnder the pane of the escheating of the guidis and geir sa oft as thay salbe fund contravenand this present act quhaireuir the same armes salbe found grawin and paintit to our souerane lordis vse And lykwayis vnder the pane of ane hundreth pundis to the vse of the said lyoun and his brether herauldis And failyeing of payment thairof That thay be incarcerat in the narrest prissone Thairin to remane vpoun thair awin chargis during the plesur of the said Lyoun

[Sec. (2) rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

(3) ITEM In consideratioun of the greit abuse of messingeris and officiaris of armez within this realme quhilkis for the maist pairt ar nocht qualifiet for vsing of the said office Being admittit be extraordinar and Inoportune suittis Be quhais abuse the leigis of this realme ar heavelie trublit and opprest Thairfoir It is statute and ordanit that the said king of armez be aduise of the lordis of counsaill and sessioun deprive and discharge all sic officiaris and messingeris of armes as he sall find vnworthie of the office and tak sicker souirtie of the remanent for thair obseruatioun of thair Iniunctionis in tyme cuming With power to the said king of armez with aduise of the saidis lordis to enioyne further necessar Iniunctionis to the saidis messingeris for keping of guid ordour in thair offices.

[Sec. (3) in part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

[Sec. (4) rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

(5) ITEM Last that becaus the Jurisdictioun of the lyoun king of armez is nocht able to execute dew pvnisment vpoun all personis that salhappin to offend in the office of armez Thairfoir our souerane lord with auise of his estaitis in parliament Ordanis and commandis all ciuile Magistratis as thay salbe requirit be the king of armez or ony vtheris in his Name To concur with him To sie the actis maid in his fauouris of his office put to dew executioun in thair iurisdictionis As alsua To concur with him to

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