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" Then saith He unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. "
Contemplations, Moral and Divine ...: To which is Prefixed, an Account of ... - Side 151
af Matthew Hale - 1763
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Sermons on Practical Subjects: to which is Added, a Farewell ..., Bind 5

John WITHERSPOON (President of Princeton College.), William Shenstone - 1768 - 342 sider
...Matth. xxvi. 38, 39. ' Then faith he unto them, my foul is ' exceeding forrowful, even unto death : tarry ye • here, and watch with me. And he went a little ' further, and fell on his face, and prayed, faying, ' O, my Father ! if it be poffible, let this cup pafs ' from...
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Tracts, Bind 1–2

1791 - 448 sider
...be forry and very heavy. Then faith he unto them, My foul is exceeding forr awful even unto death, tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther and fed an his face and prayed, joying, O my Father, if it be poffible, let this cup pafs from...
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Three Tracts

Joseph Priestley - 1791 - 232 sider
...to be ferry and very heavy. Then faith he unto them. My foul is exceeding fornwful even unto death, tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther and fed on his face and prayed, Joying, 0 my Father, if it be poflible, let this cup fafs from...
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Sermons on various subjects, corrected from the author's MS., by G. Campbell ...

John Farquhar (minister at Nigg.) - 1792 - 464 sider
...forrowful, and very heavy. 'Then faith he unto them, My foul is exceeding forrowful, even unto death : tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little further, and fell on his face ', and prayed, faying, O, my Father, if it be pojjible, let this cup pafs from...
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The History of the Life and Death of Our Blessed Saviour

Catherine D'Oyly - 1794 - 748 sider
...forrowful and very heavy. " Then faith he unto them, My foul is ex" ceeding forrowful, even unto death : " tarry ye here and watch with me. And " he went a little farther, and fell on his " face, and prayed, faying, O my Father, * if it be poffible, let this cup...
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The Works of the Rev. John Witherspoon...: To which is Prefixed an ..., Bind 2

John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - 1802 - 606 sider
...Matth. xxvi. 38, 39. " Then faith he un" to them, my foul is exceeding forrowful, even 'unto " death : tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he " went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, " faying, O, my Father ! if it be poffible, let this cup pafs " from...
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Diatessaron, or, The history of our lord Jesus Christ, compiled from the ...

Thomas Thirlwall - 1803 - 324 sider
...sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, " My soul " is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: " tarry ye here, and watch with me." And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, " O my Father, if it be possi" ble, let this cup"...
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The Works, Moral and Religious, Bind 2

Sir Matthew Hale - 1805 - 622 sider
...of it, ' My foul is exceeding forrowful, even unto * death 3 ;' but yet commands their diftance, ' Tarry ' ye here and watch with me, and he went a '...of his foul was fo great, that the only Son of God diftrufts his own [human] ability to bear it ; and yet his fubmiffion to this terrible conffict [was]...
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The Works, Moral and Religious, of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. ...: The ..., Bind 2

Sir Matthew Hale - 1805 - 632 sider
...' My foul is exceeding forrowful, even unto * death 3 ;' but yet commands their diftance, * Tarry 4 ye here and watch with me, and he went a * little...of his foul was fo great, that the only Son of God diftrutts his own [human]] ability to bear it ; and yet his fubmiffion to this terrible conflict [was]...
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The Essence, Spirituality, and Glorious Issue of the Religion of Christ ...

Samuel Barnard - 1806 - 360 sider
...sorrowful, and very heavy. Then saith he " unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful even " unto death ; tarry ye here and watch with me. " And he went a little farther^ emd felt on bis "fa,ce, and prayed, saying, O my Father, let this (' cvp pass from me ; nevertheless,...
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