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Whole body was puffy and increased in weight.
The flabby fat is common to the alkalies.
Clumsy in walking; weary standing.

Sometimes intense itching of the sides of hands and feet at night, without any apparent cause. This itching is owing, probably, to an excess of urates in the blood. Hence in chronic rheumatism and gout. The pains generally worse in joints, especially knees, ankles and finger joints. Pains usually go down the limbs. Similar to Kalmia which it resembles in rheumatism. In rheumatism of finger joints compare Calcarea ost., Ledum, Lycopodium, Antimonium crud., and Caulophyllum. Lithium carb. certainly acts well in the relief of uric deposits, as does also Calcarea ost., Ammonium phos., Benzoic acid, Lycopodium and Natrum mur.

Whole body feels stiff; feels as if beaten. Stiff and sore in bones, joints and arms. Borders of nails sore, red; skin grows rapidly and adheres to roots of nails.

Gettysburg water owes its efficiency to this salt; it is hence of use in rheumatism.

From provings it is also of use in ulcers involving the joints, as in caries of the spine, hip, etc., with offensive pus and diarrhoea.

Antidote to Lithium carb. is lemon juice.


Ammonia acts like Potash and Soda, with the important difference, however, that it contains so much water, that it attracts but little from the tissues. Its solvent action on tissues is also less than that of Potash and Soda, still its high diffusive power causes it to easily penetrate the skin, and mucous surfaces, and causes finally ulcers and sloughing. This fact has led to the allopathic use of Ammonia as a rubefacient; it raises blisters in from five to ten minutes.

When the mucous membranes are the seat of attack, a violent inflammation is caused, and irritation results, with symptoms varying with the locality. The common symptoms are burning, rawness, and congestion or copious mucorrhoea.

Taken internally, in moderate doses, there is produced a feeling of stimulation, while large doses develop transient giddiness, exhileration, and increased pulse force; later, drowsiness, and then coma set in. Whether or not uræmia is dependent upon the conversion of urea into ammonia carbonate is too doubtful a question to admit of discussion here, and it is questionable how far asphyxia is a legitimate consequence of Ammonia in the blood.

Therapeutically: Salts of Ammonia are antagonized by Veratrum vir., Aconite, Digitalis, cold and other cardiac sedatives.

Its action is favored by heat, Iodium, Opium, Valerian, Asafoetida, Alcohol, etc.

Ammonia antidotes Hydrocyanic acid.


Ammonium carb., or smelling salts, is suitable to stout persons; especially women, who lead a sedentary life; who are subject to catarrh, particularly during winter. Of the parts mostly affected we note the mucous membranes, skin, joints, glands, heart, etc. As shown above it is an irritant to the tissues, producing an inflammation which may result in gangrene. The vital powers are sooner or later affected, leading to coma or blood changes, which permit of hæmorrhages of dark fluid blood. If long used in small doses, a sort of scurvy ensues, teeth are loose, mucous membranes soft, bleeding and accompanied by hectic fever. The drowsy, comatose condition is interesting as suggesting Ammonium carb. in low states of vitality, induced by some blood poison, as scarlatina, or by deficiency of oxygen in the system, dependent upon chronic bronchitis, with atony and copious mucus through the lungs, dilatation of the bronchi, emphysema, oedema pulmonum, etc. In such cases the patient is weak, sluggish, coughs but rises with difficulty or not at all, yet loud râles announce plenty of mucus; drowsiness, cool surface, muttering, grasping at flocks, like Antimonium tart., Carbo veg., Arsenic, etc. Ammonium carb. is useful for carbonized blood when it is the result of catarrh of lungs, etc., in old or atonic patients,

when the inability of the blood to appropriate oxygen is owing to insufficient air in lungs, from dilated bronchi, relaxed walls, etc.

When the case is one of scarlatina, the adynamia is just as evident, as exhibited in the dark red throat, and drowsiness; in addition there are swelling of cellular tissue of the neck, right parotid large, nose stuffed up, skin red with a miliary rash, child starts from sleep in a fright, can not breathe with the mouth closed. Compare Lachesis which is inimical, and so must be well distinguished. Belladonna, but this has here a more bright red throat and no miliary rash. Rhus tox. has left parotid enlarged and more restlessness. Also Ailanthus, Nitric acid and Sulphur.

Cerebral symptoms, though the pulse is not usually rapid, mucous membranes affected, nose stuffed up, worse 3 P. M. Compare Kali carb.

Child can not breathe with mouth shut, so often awakes as if smothering. Compare Lycopodium, Chamomilla, Sambucus, etc.

Burning water from nose, throat sore, hoarseness. Ammonium caust. is best in aphonia with burning rawness; if also paralytic weakness, look to Causticum.

Cough worse 3 A. M. as from dust in throat or with heat and burning in trachea as from alcohol; worse every winter; sputum slimy, contain specks cf blood, with burning and heaviness in chest, worse ascending; face red; body trembling; frequent morning sneezing. Laurocerasus also has these specks of blood. No remedies are superior to the Ammonias in winter coughs.

In diphtheria and putrid sore throat; nose stopped up; child starts from sleep; throat bluish; offensive breath; drowsiness.

Heart and circulation primarily affected; palpitation and asthma at every exertion; ebullitions at night, seems as if heart and veins would burst; when in warm room, pale, can not move, must sit quiet to breathe; dyspnoea and palpitation on exertion; on going to sleep starts as if frightened, can not breathe; veins of hands swell and

then are blue after washing; nosebleed mornings while washing face. Arsenic is similar in some of the heart symptoms; both suit in large heart, especially large right ventricles. Emphysema.

Joints; sprains hot and painful, use after Arnica. Compare Sulphuric acid and Ammonium mur.

Hiccough, in weak patients.

Headaches, worse pressing teeth together.
Nightmare, especially with chest affections.

Menses preceded by cholera-like symptoms; come too early; flow too short; also, after a long ride. Blood blackish, clotted and acrid. Magnesia carb. has black blood but it has not the acridity and has late menses. Veratrum alb. is similar in cholera-like symptoms. Ammonium carb. has fatigue during menses, worse in thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in small of back and chilliness.


Ammonium brom. has been successfully employed in scrofulous ophthalmia, eyes red in the morning, with white mucous in the corners. Uterine hæmorrhages; with hard, swollen left ovary; feeling of a band around the head. Epilepsy.


Ammonium mur., or Sal Ammoniac, differs considerably from the carbonate. It is said to be best suited to fat, sluggish patients, whose body is corpulent, but whose legs are disproportionately thin. Like its relative it produces severe inflammation of mucous membranes, and so rivals it in catarrhs. But for some reason, perhaps from the contained Chlorine, the circulation of the blood seems more affected than in the carbonate.

There is beating as if in the arteries; ebullitons of blood with anxiety and weakness, as if paralyzed; face reddens during an animated conversation. Flushes of heat in these attacks followed by sweat, mostly on face, palms of hands and soles of feet. Heat, with bloated face, worse in warm room, etc. Compare Phosphorus.

The nervous system is affected by the Ammonium mur.

Chills and fever returning every seven days, but paroxysm ends in copious sweat.

Pain in left hip as if tendons were too short. Compare Natrum mur., Causticum, etc. Must limp when walking; gnawing in bone when sitting. Sciatica worse sitting, somewhat better when walking, entirely relieved when lying down.

Neuralgic pains in stump of amputated limb. [Cepa]

Tearing, stitching, ulcerative pains in the heels, better at times from rubbing; worse at night in bed. Compare Pulsatilla, inflamed heels. Causticum, Sabina, Manganese, can not bear weight on heel. Antimonium crud., sore to pavement. Graphites, Sepia, ulcers on heel. Natrum carb. blisters. Ignatia, heels burn at night: Calcarea carb. Joints: it causes a feeling of tension and contractions of the tendons and so has proved useful is chronic sprains. Morning stiffness; better walking in open air.

The neuralgic and tensive pains in the groins have successfully suggested the drug in uterine and ovarian affections. Pain in the left groin as if sprained; stitches; soreness as if swollen.

Leucorrhoea; like white of an egg, or brown, slimy; after urination.

Uterus displaced or enlarged; stools crumble; menses black, clotted; blood from bowels or cholera-like vomiting and purging; menses early and profuse, worse at night.

Mucous membranes: coryza, one nostril stopped up; nose stopped at night; inside of nose sore as in scarlatina. This symptom suggests Ammonium mur. in scarlatina. Compare Arum triph., Nitric acid, Lycopodium, Silicea, etc.

Burning in the eyes, better at twilight.

Throat so swollen, can not open mouth; phlegm so viscid can not hawk it up. Tonsils throb; glands in neck throb. Cough accompanies many groups of symptoms. Cough dry, from tickling in the throat; cough violent, with mouth full of water.

Coldness between the scapula with chest affections. Heaviness on chest in bed, which awakes him at 3 A. M. Sensation as if swollen morsel had lodged in chest. Hoarse

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