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Lord, remember David,

Teach him to know thy ways ;
O, guide his tongue with meekness,

Daily to sing thy praise. Grand Chorus. (Messiah.) (Handel.) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders ; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Recitative. (Handel.) - Mrs. Dicions.
Ye sacred priests, whose hands ne'er yet were' stain'd
With human blood, why are ye thus afraid
To execute my father's will? The call
Of Heaven with humble resignation I obey..

Farewell ye limpid springs and floods,
Ye flow'ry meads and mazy woods;
Farewell, thou busy world, where reign
Short hours of joy, and years of pain.
Brighter scenes I seek above,
In the realms of peace and love.

Recitative. (Handel.) - Mr. Bellamy. :

He measur'd the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out Heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the Mountains in scales, and the Hills in a balance.

Air. He layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters, and walketh upon the wings of the wind.

He maketh his Angels Spirits, and his ministers a · flaming fire.



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Recitativo ed. Aria. (MS) (Mayer)

Madame SESSI.

Ingrato oh Dio, mi si divide il core
Ah quanti affanni m'ha serbati il destin,
Gli affetti miei la sorte mia spietata,
Più suffrire non só son disperata.

Sento mancarmi l'anima
Nel fiero mio martire,
La pena del morire,
No più crudel non è.
Sposa, mio ben, mia vita,
Per sempre ti perdei,
Perche tiranni Dei,
Si barbara mercè, ..

Chorus. (Handel.) :
The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.

Recitativé.-Mr. Pyne.
For the host of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and
with his horsemen into the sea, and the Lord brought
again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children
of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea. ;
Chorus.- The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.

Recitative. --Mr. Pyne. And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances, and Miriam answered them.

Air. (Handel.) -Mrs. DICKONS,

and Grand Double Chorus.
Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously,
The horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

The Lord shall reign for ever and ever."
I will sing to the Lord &c.

The celebrated

Air. (Winter)-Master BARNETT,

Sad my soul, I sigh and weep;

Tears cannot wash iny guilt away, .
Sighs cannot !ull my soul to sleep :

To dark despair a prey.
Save me, Lord ! and I will raise

A Chapel on some distant shore;
There with voice and lute I'll praise

Thy name for evermore.

New Air.--MS.-(Horsley, M. B. Oxon.)

Mrs. Dicions,

[By Particular Desire.] Gloria Patri, et Figlio, et Spiritus Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in Sæcula Sæculorum. Amen,

Recitatire, (Handel.) - Mr. BELLAMY.
My cup is full; how blest in this decree!
How can ny thanks suffice the Lord and thee.

Shall I in Mamre's fertile plain
The remnant of my days remain:
And is it given to me to have
A place with Abraham in the grave !
For all these mercies I will sing
Eternal praise to Heaven's high King.


For all these mercies we will sing
Eternal praise to heaven's high King.


The HYMN of EVE. (Arne.)


How cheerful along the gay'mead; .

The daisy and cowslip appear, . . .
The flocks as they carelessly feed,

Rejoice in the spring of the year.
The myrtles that shade the gay bowers,

The herbage that springs from the sod, ;
Trees, plants, cooling fruits, and sweet flowers,

All rise to the praise of my God.

Shall man, the great master of all,

T'he only insensible prove,
Forbid it, fair Gratitude's call,

Forbid it, Devotion and
The Lord who such wonders could raise,
. And still can destroy with a nod,
My lips shall incessantly praise,

My soul shall be wrapt in my God.

Air. (Handel.) ---Mr. Ç. SMITH.

Arm, arm, ye brave; a noble cause,

The cause of Heaven your zeal denands!. In defence of your nation, religion, and laws,

The Almighty Jehovah will strengthen your hands.

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