TOGETHER WITH WHICH IMMEDIATELY LED TO IT, Priate Transactions of the Secret Committee IN A CERTAIN COMPRISING THE HITHERTO UNKNOWN MYSTERIES OF ** MY OWN MEMOIRS," The story Truth now brings to light But she, bright goddess, shall reveal it; Five hundred guineas to conceal it. London; . 1813. Angels, and ministers of grace, defend us From GARROW, Piomer, and Judge GIBBs. I've got a tale, whose lightest part . . II.. Attend unto it's secret birth, Ye Kings, and Princes of the earth! .. ' Ye mortals both above, and under us; No tale of demons, ghosts, and caverns, Or bloods in scuffles killd at taverns, - Is half so dreadful, dark, and wond'rous! 1. B 2 The story, Truth now brings to light, But she, bright goddess, shall reveal it; i iv: On Gotham's favor'd prosp'rous land, When cheerfully the ploughman toild, And plenty blest his labʼring hand, 1 a There reign'd a Prince, a noble youth, Whose praises; oft'. were loudly carolld, Pattern of constancy and truth, Not like that idle rogue, “. Childe Harold," Who to reform would ne'er begin, 'Till it grew troublesome to sin. VI. Tho' that perhaps might breed some tattle; vario Suffice it, that the nymphs who-burn'd, ' VII." . No dainty hash, delicious stew, No fish that swam, no bird that flew, ini But grac'd his free and plenteous table; VIII. Inspir’d the chiefs with deeds of arms; .... IX. U |