Has long, too long, lain hid in night, But she, bright goddess, shall reveal it; Five hundred guineas to conceal it! In ancient times, when freedom smild On Gotham's favor'd prosp'rous land, When cheerfully the ploughman toild, And plenty blest hís lab'ring hand, V. ..., Whose praises oft were loudly carolld, I Not like that idle rogue, “ Childe Harold;" , Who to reform would ne'er begin, 'Tili it grew troublesome to sin. :..! !! His court was fill’d with beauteous dames, - Tho' that perhaps might breed some tattle; wen Suffice it, that the nymphs who burn'd, : ? VII. · But grac'd his free and plenteous table; . .. VIII. ... : i Inspir’d the chiefs with deeds of arms; it IX. .. . ? To fill with harmony the scene; ... Disclos’d the object of their mission. A XVI. ; " ", SL And whispering * Sure the Prince will · scold us!! ro i 443? " XVII. svoris!! “ Good gentlemen! may I be pounded XVIII. With dong bag-wiges and robes of ermine; |