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Has long, too long, lain hid in night,

But she, bright goddess, shall reveal it;
And tho' my Lord his head may shake,
By Jupiter, I would not take

Five hundred guineas to conceal it!

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In ancient times, when freedom smild

On Gotham's favor'd prosp'rous land, When cheerfully the ploughman toild,

And plenty blest hís lab'ring hand,

V. ...,
There reign'd a Prince, a noble youth,

Whose praises oft were loudly carolld, I
Pattern of constancy and truth,,.;

Not like that idle rogue, “ Childe Harold;" , Who to reform would ne'er begin, 'Tili it grew troublesome to sin. :..! !!

His court was fill’d with beauteous dames, -
Whò burn’d with Cupid's fiercest flames,
I wish I could disclose their names,

Tho' that perhaps might breed some tattle;


Suffice it, that the nymphs who burn'd, : ?
Had all their passions well return'd, - ...!
By chiefs who much applause had earn'd, :.
In various bloody fields of battle. :',

No harricot, or French ragout, ' ; ?
No dainty hash, delicious stew,
No fish that swam, no bird that flew, .

· But grac'd his free and plenteous table;
Good fellowship and glorious cheer,
In Gotham reign'd throughout the year, ?
And guests were all invited here,..
To cram as long as they were able. .

. .. VIII. ... : i
Bright sparkling draughts of gen’rous wine,
That fill the soul with thoughts divine,
And manly hearts to love incline,

Inspir’d the chiefs with deeds of arms; it
While many a toast would conquer those
Who ne'er were conquer'd by their foes,
Undaunted men! who live on blows, ** .
And thrive the best ’midst war's alarms.

IX. .. . ?
Nor did sweet music's softer power;
Refuse to crown the festive hour, ij***
Apollo left his sacred bower, da

To fill with harmony the scene;


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Disclos’d the object of their mission. A

XVI. ; " ", SL
The Prince he started, gap'd, look'd weazen,
The nobles with sufficient reason,
Were fearful they had utter'd treason, D T

And whispering * Sure the Prince will

· scold us!! ro i 443?
Besought in supplicating strain, 's imports
Their heads might not be cut in twain,
But be permitted to remain
Just where they stood -- upon their shoulders.

" XVII. svoris!!
Loud laugh’ the Prince to hear them croak,
His Highness much enjoy’d the joke,
And thus in gentle accents spoké,

“ Good gentlemen! may I be pounded
In some apothecary's mortar,
Or stand up, by the head the shorter,
Be kill'd by land, or drown'd by water,
But that your fears are idly grounded. -

Tis true, I started and was dumb, viii
To see your rev'rend worships come in
Upopian embassy so rum, ... LES

With dong bag-wiges and robes of ermine;

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