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it is to be misled. The other symptoms The other symptoms being nondescript, you fail because the group under "wants to hide" don't cover the case. On further inquiry, after he is a little worse, you find he is very suspicious; he thinks the people are making faces and laughing at him. You see it is not because he wants to conceal himself, but he imagines they are making faces at him, and he wants to shut them out of his sight. Such a case is covered by Baryta Carbonate. You must read between the lines, and you will find all the other symptoms that were not distinctive will fall into their places under the remedy.

Under the eyes we have coryza, scalding, smarting, swelling of the lids, etc. Bryonia has much coryza, swollen, stuffed-up nose; catarrh extending to frontal sinuses or into chest.

Nose bleed is the next important symptom. There is a peculiar stasis; a sluggish condition of the cerebral circulation with dark blood from the nose; when the menses should appear and do not; they are late; nose bleed comes on; she wakes with it.

Under the face is another striking symptom. In pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, brain affections or chills, there is a chewing motion of the mouth; it is a sideway movement, not a grinding of the teeth. Lower lip dry, black, thickly crusted, everted and very sensitive. This group is in typhoids. Dryness of lips and tongue with thirst, drinking much at a time but not often; here we see this well-known symptom: "Thirst for large quantities at long intervals." Other medicines require frequent drinking, as Phosphorus; but water in Phosphorus does not quench the thirst; he wants it just as intensely after drinking, and it must be very cold. Arsenic has great thirst, but wants little at a time,

and all the time-every minute-just enough to wet the dry mouth and tongue.

Tongue dry and brown; while there is thirst for cold water it very often causes pain in the stomach, and this is worse by hot drinks.

Lips parched, dry and cracked. Children pick the lips, pulling off little dry particles like hangnails. When the lips are raw, bleed easily, are denuded, and the child picks at them and keeps rubbing the nose, it is Arum Triphyllum. We see such a state in scarlet fever, diptheria, sore throats, typhoids, etc.

Bryonia is frequently indicated in children's sore mouth, particularly if if there is a tendency toward hydrocephalous; these have the chewing motion of the mouth. Apthæ, with infantile diarrhoea. Bryonia is not often enough given in these cases. The most frequently indicated remedy for sore mouth in nursing infants is Sulphuric Acid.

Bryonia is a good toothache remedy; the pains are pressing, tearing, wrenching, worse from warmth, warmth of bed. A toothache coming on at 9 p. m., on getting warm in bed, it may be worse from lying on the painful side because of the warmth; better from pressure; momentarily better by holding cold water in mouth; worse 9 to 12 p. m. Coffea is usually thought of when toothache is momentarily better by ice water, but it is very sensitive to pressure. For neuralgia in face or teeth that is better by pressure, hot tea, hot water or heat and pressure, Magnesium Phos. is a remedy. For those terrible left-sided neuralgias of the whole left side of face and eye, night and day, distracting rending, tearing, worse by hard pressure of the hand (Colocynth).

Under appetite we find the irritable, changeable condition, desire for things which are refused when offered; nothing

suits; there is aversion to food. The key-note of Hering and Guernsey, for Sulphur: "Drinks much and eats little" belongs just as strongly to Bryonia. Desires warm drinks, which help the pain in stomach and chill. Cold water is desired in fever, but it causes pain in the stomach. Many symptoms are worse after eating, especially after the mid-day meal. Weight as from a stone in stomach, like Nux Vomica, both are worse from motion, both have lumps, or sensasation of weight in stomach.

Nausea on waking in the morning, with bitter vomiting, gagging and spitting bitter bile. A remedy, hardly ever thought of has this condition of things. He gets up in the morning and spits up bitter bile, is sore and feels bruised all over, in old drunkards, is Cimicifuga; and it has frequently cured this state, and at the same time removed the craving for strong drink. Nausea on the slightest motion. This aggravation from motion runs all through Bryonia. Here is a striking symptom: "Nausea and fainting on sitting up." It is even worse than that, the slightest raising of the head brings it on. Sulphur has the nausea and fainting on sitting up. Here is still another condition: "No matter how much nausea he has, he has attacks of canine hunger, yet don't want food when it is offered." Great sensitiveness to touch over the pit of the stomach and over whole abdomen. Heat, burning in pit of stomach. With the gastric affections there is dry mouth, tongue and throat.

Bryonia actually produces an inflammation of the liver. There is great engorgement, tumefaction, swelling, sensitiveness to touch; pressure causes great pain, and here it competes with Belladonna. Tensive burning pain in the hepatic region. Stitches in the liver. Sticking pain in the liver. Stitching

pain in spleen. Hard swelling of spleen.

In the terrible distended sore abdomen in peritonitis or congestive diseases of intestines, when the abdomen is filled with gas, and if percussed sounds like a drum, Bryonia is somethig like Colchicum, Lycopodium and Cinchona. All sorts of violent pains in the intestines, but the usual characteristic stitching pains are present, pains flying here and there, like Kali Carb, and Pulsatilla. Pinching colic pains. stool.

Cutting pain in abdomen before Distension of abdomen and rumbling. All of the conditions, as well as the symptoms of gastro-enteritis in the typhoid state, commonly called "Inflammation of the Bowels," are found under Bryonia, and it is one of the most frequently indicated remedies.

It is frequently indicated in dysentery with colic before stool; the least motion compels him to go to stool; so long as he remains in bed and keeps perfectly quiet, he is comfortable but the slightest motion, even of the hand, brings on colic and urging to stool. Wakes in morning with this colic and urging. Rumbling as if full of yeast.

Food often passes as eaten, stool undigested. The diarrhoea is likely to be worse in morning, very offensive; if he lies quiet during the night, has no stool, but with the first motion on waking, on comes the colic and urging. Stool smelling foul, like old cheese (Hepar), worse in morning, or only in morning. The dysentery and diarrhoea come on in hot weather, with the first intense heat of summer; usually it is a scanty stool. Bloody, rusty, mucous stool with colic pains, urging, worse from motion. Bowels become paralyzed, stool hard, lumpy, dry, looks burnt, as in peritonitis, gastritis, splenitis, etc., and requires profound exertion to pass; confusion of head; feels if only it would pass the headache will

stop; strains until rectum is prolapsed. It has another state in typhoids, a yellow, pasty stool, looks like cornmeal mush,. as if it had dropped and umbilicated. This is a common stool in typhoid, and Bryonia is often the remedy. It is the exception to have a painless stool. I study a long time before giving it if the stool is painless, although I have cured when the colic was absent, but it is hard to rule out that colic. I do not think any remedy is more frequently indicated in hot weather diarrhoea. Diarhoea after eating fruit or sauer kraut. Bryonia often cures a peculiar condition in which he has the dry, hard stools expelled with difficulty, for many days, then, all at once, terminates in a copious diarrhoea, green, liquid stools, vomiting and exhaustion; after he is cleaned out, on comes the constipation again, these conditions alternating; with the constipation there is headache, which is relieved when the diarrhoea is on. This is entirely clinical. The text reads: "Diarrhoea alternating with constipation." I have told you I have told you how it occurs.

Bryonia has a good many kidney symptoms. A deposit of sediment is exceptional in urine; it is a pink deposit in the urine, covering bottom of the vessel. Frequent urination; urging to urinate from heavy lifting; involuntary urination; every time he moves the urine dribbles. Rhus has directly the opposite; he can hold his urine while in motion, but it dribbles away if he sits. down and is quiet.

The routinist will give Apis for pain in right ovary; Lachesis for pain starting in left ovary and going to the right; Lycopodium if it starts in the right and goes to left ovary; Podophyllum for large and painful ovary with prolapsus. These remedies have these conditions, but Bryonia is frequently required for pain in

ovaries, especially the right, worse from touch, worse on motion.


Especially think of Bryonia when the menses are too early and too profuse, associated with nose bleed, worse on motion. Nux has menses too soon, flowing in fits and starts; lasts too long. have irritable temper. For menses coming too soon, flabby muscles, sweat on the least exertion, difficult breathing on going up stairs; cold, sweaty feet, it is Calcarea. Amenorrhoea with nose bleed or bleeding from ear, headache over eye on first moving eyes when waking; at beginning of menstruation flow copious, lasts too long; such are likely to have the Bryonia constipation. The complaints of confinement often call for Bryonia; full, hard breasts with stony heaviness.

Symptoms link together to show a grand totality. There is scarcely a region or an organ that does not become sore under its action. With the lung symptoms he must lie with his head high. Bryonia is especially indicated here. Symptoms of the cough are felt in distant parts, as in knee, hips, ovaries, rectum, etc. Cough felt in any other part of the body is quite in keeping. In Bryonia we have a cough brought on by eating a little; also a spasmodic cough after drinking. Warm air causes coughing. Bryonia has much asthmatic breathing. In the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs it has a wonderful spherehoarseness, brochial croup, soreness in trachea, shortness of breath, respiration quick and deep, but without motion of chest. chest. Cannot take a long breath on account of stitches in chest. Asthma, with feeling as if something should expand and would not. All worse from the slightest motion. The chest pains are better from pressure; better from lying on painful side. lying on painful side. Violent pains in

chest, worse from breathing and coughing; it is the motion of the chest which is worse. Better from pressure and he wants to be in a cool room; wants fresh air to breathe. Dry hacking cough, seems as if the chest would fly to pieces, he presses his hands against it to support it. Rawness, burning pains in the chest, with the bursting headache as if the skull would fly to pieces.

Pneumonia, preferring the right lung, with rusty expectoration, Bryonia. Aconite seems sufficient for a sudden attack of pneumonia, coming on in the upper left lung, that begins with the spitting of bright, fresh blood, caused from the violence of the attack upon the mucous membrane; dyspnoea, restlessness and terrible anxiety, in which he knows he is going to die.

Bryonia attacks the Parenchyma of the lung. Must keep still. Holds the breath to keep from coughing. Bryonia is frequently followed by Phosphorus in chest complaints.

Belladonna has expectoration of bright red blood, extreme sensitiveness, worse from lying on right side, worse from breathing, coughing, motion, pressure.

The pleurisy of Bryonia attacks either pleura; the pains are stitching, tearing, transfixing, impeding respiration; but he lies on the painful side, wants to press hard with both hands to support the chest and prevent motion.

Pulsatilla has pleurisy with same kind of pains as Bryonia but in Pulsatilla he lies on the painless side. These striking features are worth remembering.

Bryonia is often indicated in the bronchitis of children, but Ipecacuanha is the baby's remedy for capillary bronchitis, or what appears to be pneumonia.

In the stomach there is aggravation from warm drinks, which is an exception an exception to the general condition; as we have

found, Bryonia is worse by warmth and better by cold. Warmth aggravates tearing in head; toothache; pain in throat; general aggravation from warm drinks, except stomach. Warm weather causes diarrhoea, with chilliness in a warm room. There is another exception to the general aggravation from heat, and that is, pains in the limbs and joints, which are better by warmth. The anxiety is better in the open air. Headaches are relieved by cold washing. Inflammations of the eyes, pains in teeth and face are relieved by cold. It is very important to remember the exceptions. He likes the cold air; wants to be in a cold place; in the beginning of a sickness he wants the covers off; desires cold drinks and to be in the cold air; after giving Bryonia, he commences to sweat, and if improving, he takes on the opposite condition, now he desires warmth and you must let him alone. Where there is "desire to be uncovered," wants to be in a cold room, etc., and a remedy like Secale is indicated and given, then the patient often becomes chilly and wants to be covered up warmly, it is a sure sign the medicine is acting well. Now, after they have gone to the other extreme, if you should give Nux, which has just the opposite of Secale, it will bring back the original condition, and the patient will die. Many times just this thing has been done, and, when the patient died, the doctor has congratulated himself that he had nothing to do with the "taking" off. It was an act of Providence! A close, warm room often disturbs the breathing, yet bodily he is chilly, though the chilliness is not lasting, it alternates with heat, which lasts some time. You will often see this in bronchitis and pneumonia. Flushes of heat, then shivering, especially in the forming period of the fever. After the fever becomes continued, then there is

not so much of the chilliness. Blood seems to burn in the veins, like Arsenic. Arsenic has sensation of hot water floating in the veins. Rhus Toxicodendron has sensation of cold water floating in the veins. Continued fevers, typhoid, intermittent, remittent, better when he sweats, unlike Mercurius, which is worse when sweating. Natrum Mur. has improvement of all symptoms except headache from sweating. Eupatorium has improvement of all symptoms except headache, which is made worse from sweat. Even dropsies have been cured with Bryonia. Complaints when eruptions have disappeared, or have not sufficiently come out. Convulsions from suppression of eruptions. Some of the back symptoms have improvement from motion.


Contributed to the JOURNAL.



MISS R., aged 48, called a month ago,

saying: "I want you to give me something to cure my headache, and if you can't cure it, I want it relieved; I must have relief; I can't stand it any longer."

The history of the case is as follows: Was feeling badly in the forenoon for two or three weeks; troubled with constipation, for which she was advised by one of the knowing ones to take purgative pills; thinks the pills induced headache, which she had been having over a week, every morning, on waking, at first, and afterward she has awakened with it in the night; headache dull, heavy in forehead, temples, top of head and at

root of nose; when headache is severe there is profuse lachrymation; top of head feels as if a ten-pound weight was upon it; some nausea and occasional vomiting; pains most severe in temples; head aches as if it would burst, with occasional shocks and stitches in it, especially in temples; always feels worse after sleeping; scarlet redness of face during headache; throbbing and hammering in head, during headache; mouth and tongue very dry, with thirst, things unusual with her; vertigo on rising; during headache crampy pain in left arm so that she could not use it; was afraid her arm was paralyzed; this disappeared as the headache wore off; heaviness, aching, soreness, drawing, lame feeling in thighs to knees, which was painful during headache, and she could not move them; twitching of the muscles of the thighs; as headache wore off she could move her limbs; is worse from reading, talking, thinking, moving or any exertion; heat in the face during headache with sensation as if face was swollen; headache generally wears off after breakfast, but the longer she had headache, the earlier it began and the longer it lasted; during headache there is a sensation as though the eyes were drawn together. She placed special emphasis on the pains at the root of nose, across forehead, in temples and top of head, with the sensation of a ten-pound weight there. Better from being quiet and using hot applications.

About a year ago this patient applied to me for treatment for headache in the morning, that began as soon as she opened her eyes, for which I made one prescription and cured her with Bryonia 3rd. This case was such that no remedy but Natrum Mur. could be thought of, and hence I concluded to soar aloft in the potency, and gave Natrum Mur.

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