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After a thorough test of the Georgia Bromine-Lithia Water it gives me great pleasure to state that I have obtained better and quicker results from its use in case of Lithalmia, Chronic Rheumatism and Chronic Bright's Disease, than other waters tried. I shall use it in preference to any other. W. A. WAKELEY, M. D.


The attention and careful investigation of the Medical Profession is earnestly invited to this wonderful Water. It is pure, bright and powerful. Samples free to all physicians. Correspondence solicited, which will be promptly answered. Physicians are cordially invited to visit the Spring, which is located at the village of Lithia Springs, Douglas County, Georgia, on the Georgia Pacific Division of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, 20 miles west of Atlanta, Ga., a ride of less than an hour from the city. Three trains daily. Handsome, commodious day coaches and Pullman Palace cars.

The elegant SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, at which special rates are given all Physicians; the already famous

Bromine and Lithia Vapor Baths,

Electric and plain Hot or Cold Bromine Baths combine to render this plant the mots complete and successful of any in this country. Send for our handsomely illustrated 36-page pamphlet, giving full partictlars, sent free.

All orders and business communications should be addressed to


Lithia Springs, Ga.

Water on Draught, and by the Case and Carboy at

I. L. LYONS & CO., Sole Agents for New Orleans and the Southwest,

Who will furnish Physicians' with a sample of the Water free.

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Columbia Operating and Examining Table.

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IN construction this new combination of a Table expressly designed for patients when undergoing surgical operations or physical examinations, the actual wants of the physician and surgeon are thoroughly considered. In a device of this kind there are several qualities indispensible, to wit, i. e., stability and proper dimensions; a deficiency in either of these qualities renders an operating table unfit for use. Busy surgeons ordinarily prefer common tables in their operations, for the reason that there is no table in the market possessing the two qualities here referred to.

The Table here offered supplies this want, its ample dimensions, simplicity of construction, superior strength in the parts affording adjustment and consequently great stability in different positions, renders it the most perfect Operating Table there is in the market. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR.


495 to 503 WELLS ST.,


Powdered Sugar of Milk.

This article is to a certain extent now made in this country, and at a far lower price than Trituration or Prescription Sugar, ground from refined imported Crystals, can be sold at. As it is perfectly white and appears to be suitable for Homoeopathic use, the low price is so tempting, that some of the leading Pharmacies have begun to use it. To our knowledge, there are no Sugar of Milk Chemists, who can test its quality and worth for Homeopathic use, but as it is of a different na'ure and does not possess the grittiness so essential to a good Triturating Sugar, we cannot recommend it to our trade. In making a simple test, we found that by dampening it with water and letting it lay corked up in a vial for six weeks, it turned dark and had a very strong mouldy odor, while the imported Sugar, treated in the same way, kept perfectly white and sweet. As Triturations are often stored away for a long time, will not the hot weather in time have the same effect, and render the Triturations worthless? By exposing the vial to the sun, the Sugar will turn even sooner, and will show plainly, whether the quality has been represented truthfully, as it should be done by reliable Pharmacies.

OUR SUGAR OF MILK is ground and prepared by us from the best Crystals obtainable. During the grinding and preparing process it is not in the least effected and is kept perfectly clean.

OUR GLOBULES OR PELLETS are in great demand. As we understand the nature of Cane Sugar, it gives us valuable advantages over other manufacturers. All who use our Globules will admit that they are the best that can be had.

OUR ABSORBENT DISKS OR CONES are the purest made and are a great improvement upon the old make, as first introduced by others years ago. The demand for our Disks is very rapidly increasing.

We are fully aware that the greatest care must be exercised in making the above goods, and therefore we let no expense or trouble stand in our way. The factory is thoroughly ventilated and is well suited for manufacturing such delicate articles. Our Machinery is of the latest improved pattern, and our large sales, gained through our reliableness, enable us to manufacture our specialties in large quantities.

Our goods are sold under the "STANDARD BRAND" trade mark, of which kindly take special note, and can be obtained at most of the leading Homœopathic Pharmacies.

The Standard Homœopathic Globule Manufactory,

F. BISCHOFF, Manager.

Nos. 129 and 131 WORTH STREET,


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150 Canal St., New Orleans, La.

Please enroll my name as a subscriber to the SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF HOMOEOPATHY from this date for the period of one year, or until

ordered discontinued, and enclosed find

Two Dollars for the first year's subscription.




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This little book tells in a unique manner how to memorize the characteristic symptoms of Homœopathic remedies, and will be

found useful alike by students and practitioners

Price 50 cents. Sent FREE by mail on receipt of price.

Address, T. ENGELBACH,



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