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Further, it cannot be safe nor proper, nor desirable to place the legal affairs of a great and grow. ing school of practice in any State in the hands of one man. In this case a single man holds the weal of Homœopathy, so far as the law goes, in his hands, and so long as the examination feature of the law holds good our one representative is clothed with the power of an entire college faculty. This power is too great to be safely vested in one individual, nomatter how great, how good, how wise he may be, and the JOURNAL cannot but express the hope that the Tennessee State Society at its next meeting will take emphatic measures to secure to Homoeopathy stronger representation on the board, or the repeal of the board law altogether and the passage of a reputable diploma registration law, which, after all, is the best possible medical legislation, the fairest for all schools of practice, the best protection the people can have, and the least objectionable to a high minded and honorable profession.

Officious censorship and offensive medical paternalism have no place in our American form of government, and the JOURNAL fondly hopes that Tennessee will fall into line, wipe out the examination feature of the law, and content herself with a registration law like unto that which has been found to work so satisfactorily in the State of Georgia.

Editorial Notes.

Nebraska State Society meets at Omaha June 3, 4 and 5.

Hahnemann College, Chicago, graduated a class of 97 last month.


The Young Kansas City College turned out six new doctors in March.


Dr. Jesse R. Jones, late of Hazlehurst, Miss., has removed to Memphis, Tenn.

The Kansas State Homeopathic Society will meet at Kansas City, that State, May 6.


The Hahnemann Medical Association of Iowa will meet in Des Moines March 12 and 13.

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The Homœopaths of Boston will hold a public fair at Horticultural Hall the whole of the second week of May, for the purpose of raising funds to complete their new dispensary and maternity. As our Boston brothers and sisters usually succeed in whatever they undertake we have no hesitancy in predicting a grand success for their fair. So mote it be.

The Homoeopathic profession of the whole United States will sympathize deeply with Dr. O. S. Runnells, of Indianapolis, ex-president of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, in the sorrowful bereavement he has recently sustained in the loss of his wife from La Grippe. The JOURNAL'S profoundest sympathies go out to Dr. Runnells in his bereavement.

Drs. J. A. Vansant, Sterling, and Allison Clokey, Louisville, respectively president and secretary of the Kentucky Homœopathic Medical Association, are out with a preliminary announcement for the next meeting of that association which will meet in Lexington May 19 and 20. Our Kentucky colleagues are beginning to stir things in their State and it is expected that a good meeting will be held this spring. The JOURNAL will be present in spirit.

It is said that a Texas farmer sent this rather mixed order to a country town merchant: "Send me a sack of flour, five pounds of cofe and one pound of tee. My wife gave birth to a big baby boy last nite, also five pounds of corn starch, a screwdriver and a fly-trap. It weighed ten pounds and a sack of salt." We don't believe that any such thing occurred in Texas. It sounds too much like Arkansaw!

Dr. W. A. Dewey, managing editor of the California Homeopath, has been elected professor of Materia Medica in the San Francisco College, Prof. Dewey held the chair of Anatomy for several years, making one of the best teachers in anatomy it has ever been our pleasure to listen to. That he will make a model teacher of materia medica goes without saying, and the college is exceedingly fortunate in securing his services for that chair.

The Homœopathic Medical College of Missouri held its annual commencement exercises at Pick

wick theatre and graduated a bright and promising lot of young men and women, fourteen in number, on the night of March twelfth. The exercises were unusually interesting and entertaining and the floral offerings to the graduating class were larger and more beautiful than is usual upon such occasions. The JOURNAL wishes the St. Louis College many joyous and successful repetitions of the occasion.

The Homœopaths of California are not only fighting for representation on the State Board of Health, but they are hot on the trail of the Napa Insane Asylum. A petition has been gotten up and sent to Governor Markham, himself a Homœopath, asking for the appointment of a Homœopathic superintendent for that institution.

We are after them in Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Texas and California. Other States will fall in line soon.

Homœopathy has won a just recognition at Wheeling, West Virginia, in having a ward in the City Hospital set aside for Homœopathic patients to be treated by Homœopathic physicians. A by-law of the association already provided that any patient or person endowing a bed might select the physician to attend the case, but the new rule is more comprehensive and specific in its application and was adopted in deference to the emphatic demands of the Homeopaths of Wheeling. A just and persistent demand for our rights will always secure them.


Dr. A. L. Monroe, has associated with him at Louisville, Ky., Dr. Sidney B. Elliott, late of Toronto, Canada, a promising Homœopathic physician, an hereditary doctor whose ancestral tree has furnished many medicos within the past few generations. Dr. Elliott graduated from the old school and practiced Allopathy in Canada some time before studying and graduating in Homeopathy at New York last year. The JOURNAL welcomes him to the South and wishes him complete success in his Southern home. Dr. Elliott lectures on obstectrics in the new school for nurses in Louisville.


A Woman's Homeopathic Hospital Association has been organized in St. Louis. The officers of the corporation are Amanda J. Rockwell, M. D., President; Lizzie Gray Gutherz, M. D., Treasurer and

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Clara Sauter, Secretary. These ladies and others propose the organization and maintenance of a woman's hospital with which shall be connected a clinic and dispensary. God bless and prosper these good women in the work, says the JOURNAL.


At a recent meeting of the New York State Society the following physicians were selected from whom the regents are to select the State Board of Homoopathic Examiners: Wm. Tod Helmuth, Jno. McE. Wetmore, Geo. M. Dillow, H. M. Dearborne, J. M. Schley, New York; W: S. Searle, J. L. Moffatt, E. Hasbrouck, Brooklyn; H. M. Paine, Albany; A. . T. Couch, Fredonia; A, R. Wright, Buffalo; E. H. Wolcott, Rochester; E. E. Snyder, Binghampton, and J. W. Sheldon, Syracuse.


The Conglomerate is the itle of a neat little weekly paper issued by the patients at the Homoeopathic Insane Asylum, Middletown, New York, in the interests of that institution and Homœopathy. It is also the special champion of the interests of insane people. Although published at a State asylum it has to depend upon subscriptions for support, and appeals to the profession at large to enroll their names at one dollar a year. The SOUTHERN JOURNAL hopes its list may be enlarged beyond the fondest expectation of its publishers and that it may accomplish great results in its special line of labor. Subscribe for it, everybody.


The Philadelphia Post Graduate School has no chair that is not purely Homœopathic. It instructs only those who are already physicians, regularly graduated by reputable medical colleges of any school of medicine, and it teaches simply Homœopathic materia medica and therapeutics and the art of prescribing for disease upon the principles of pure Homœopathy. It thus affords any physician who desires to acquire a knowledge of the doctrines taught by Samuel Hahnemann an opportunity of so doing, without the drudgery of going over, for a second time, courses of study with which he is thoroughly familiar. This school will doubtless be well attended by physicians wishing to perfect themselves in materia medica, especially, and that it has a field strictly its own, so far, cannot be denied.


E. B. Treat, medical publisher, New York, has

in press the ninth yearly issue of the "International Medical Annual." Its corps of editors, thirty-seven in number, all specialists in their respective departments comprising the brightest and best American, English and French authors will doubtless give us a thoroughly practical and popular volume in harmony with the previous excellent issues of the same book. Its Index of New Remedies and Directory of New Treatment Epitomized in one volume make it a desideratum to the busy practitioner and a book of much value to the student. The price is two dollars and seventy-five cents.


His host of friends in and out of the profession will deeply sympathize with Dr. A. O. Hardenstein, of Vicksburg, Miss., in the sad and tragic death of his brother, Ernest Hardenstein, editor of a commercial paper in that city, who was killed by a brother editor, Jno. G. Cashman, on the 23d of March, the result of newspaper utterances growing out of the New Orleans riot.

Mr. Hardenstein published a campaign document for Homœopathy in 1878 which did a vast service to our school in the Mississippi valley. It was titled "The Epidemic of 1878 and its Homœopathic Treatment; a general history of the origin, progress and end of the plague in the Mississippi Valley." His father was a pioneer for Homœopathy in Vicksburg and his brother is one of the most widely known and justly celebrated practitioners in the South. Mr. Hardenstein took a great interest in all the affairs of Homœopathy in the Southern territory and, therefore, beyond and aside from the sympathy the JOURNAL experiences for his brother and his family, it deeply deplores his sad and untimely end.

HOMOEOPATHY IN RUSSIA.-The British Medical Journal is responsible for the following account of the rapid appreciation of Homœopathy in Russia:

"Homœopathy is said to be spreading in Russia, especially in the upper social strata. Societies for the propagation of the Hahnemannian doctrines have recently been established at Tschernigow, Odessa and Warsaw. As has been noticed in other countries, the clergy are conspicuous among the supporters of the great medical heresy, and in Russia the military mind seems also to have an affinity for globules and infinitesimal dilutions. Thus at

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Upon one day of each weeek especially obscure and complicated cases will be solicited and examined and treated by the faculty as a whole.

The many thousands of friends of Old Cleveland, the second oldest Homœopathic College in the world, will wish her complete success in this new undertaking, and in this wish the JOURNAL most heartily joins.

Our brethren in Colorado are alive to the interests of our school in that sister State and propose to see that a fair deal is accorded Homoeopathy in all matters of vital import. The Denver Homœopathic Club has appointed a legislative committee to watch medical affairs at the capitol and in the course of its duties it addresses itself to a bill before: the House in the following pointed manner:

"We are not opposed to any medical legislation which shall be fair and impartial. The proposed law provides for a board consisting of six Allopaths,

two Homœopaths and one Eclectic, thus putting the
powers of the board entirely under Allopathic con-
trol. The law also provides that a mere majority
of the members present at any meeting may for al-
leged unprofessional or immoral conduct refuse a
license or revoke any license already granted. This
discretion is too wide to lodge with any one school.
In order to put it beyond the power of any one
school to work injustice to a rival school we sub-
mitted to the house committee on medical legisla-
tion the following amendments, taken from the
Kansas law, and asked their adoption :

"First-That in no case shall a majority of the
physicians constituting said State Board of Medical
Examiners be appointed from or belong to any
one school of medicine.

"Second-That no appointment shall be made except upon the recommendation of the State Society of the school of medicine to which the applicant may belong.

"Third-No certificate shall be refused or revoked unless by consent of a majority of all the members of said board,

"It will be observed that we ask no favors for our school. We desire no special legislation for the Homœopaths. We demand an equal representation for all. We want no more than this, and will accept no less.

"Permit us to say in conclusion, and in behalf of
the whole Homœopathic profession in this State,
that we are now and at all times are ready to make
'the bed-rock test' proposed."

That committee is made of the proper stuff and
Homœopathic interests are safe in its hands.

At its regular meeting in February the club elected
the following officers and committees:

President, Dr. B. A. Wheeler; vice-president, Dr. W. S. Smythe; secretary, Dr. Freyermuth; statistician, Dr. Cook; treasurer, Dr. Irwin; censors, Drs. Anderson, Burr and Cook; delegate to the American Institute, Dr. Kinley; legislative committee, Drs. Burnham, Anderson and Smythe; entertainment committee, Drs. Stockdale, Clark and Cook. The committee of which President Wheeler is chairman was re-elected, with instructions to keep a sharp look out on the monthly reports of the hospital, and particularly on the undertakers.

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