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[The following article was written, at our request, by Mr. Yamanaka, a Japanese student in Franklin & Marshall College. We have left it unchanged, so that our readers may be able to judge of the progress which the writer has made in the acquisition of the English language. There are still, of course, imperfections; but we think there few persons who, under the circumstances, would have done so well.-ED. GUARDIAN.]


culiar tenets. Among these were The the German pioneers did so little for Song of the Solitary Turtle Dove," literature, but that, in their poverty and "The Pleasant Odor of Roses and Lil- isolation, they succeeded in accomplishies in the Valley of Humility," and ing so much. "Miraculous Melodies of Paradise titles which were, no doubt, intended to be exceedingly attractive, but whose sweetness is cloying to our modern taste. More important than these were translations of the "Pilgrim's Progress," printed in 1754, a huge folio on "Baptist Martyrology," and a history of the order called "Chronicon Ephratense." Unwilling to suffer the German booktrade to pass entirely out of his hands, Franklin, in 1749, formed a partnership with John Boehm, a German printer, and soon afterwarde published several German books, among which was a fine edition of Arndt's "Wahres Christenthum," a work which has been a favorite with pious Germans all the world There were many other German pub-houses, and are almost in every other lishers, besides those we have mentioned; square. so that the whole number of German books, issued in Pennsylvania during the last century, may be safely stated at more than five hundred. Nor should it be forgotten, that some of the best German writers sent their manuscript to the Fatherland, to be published there. This was especially the case with the Lutheran, Reformed, and Moravian missionaries, whose Reports, as published in Europe, were voluminous and valuable. The greater portion of the publication of this early period consisted, as we have seen, of sermons, or of moral and relig


ious essays:

"Dull, doubtless, but with here and there a flash."

We must not, however, neglect to notice the very creditable poetical compositions of Helmuth and Kunze, and the scientific labors, at a somewhat later period, of Muhlenberg, the botanist, and of Melsheimer, the entomologist.

There has been a very general impression that German Pennsylvania, in its earlier days, at least, was a sort of Bootia, given over to hopeless ignorance, and despising literature and art, as proper works of the devil. The facts of the case, we think, will hardly justify such an impression. The wonder is not that

ducted usually in private dwellingCommon schools in Japan are conhouses rather than in suitable school

When the children become six or seven years old, although it is not compulsory, they commence to go to school where they learn to write and read Iroha, the alphabet or Phonetic syllabarium, from which the words are composed, is the first lesson. It is of more recent invention than the ideographic system of Chinese hieroglyphic symbols which came into use in the 2nd centuries A. D. Prior to these it is supposed that the Japanese possessed an ancient form of writing to the time of the inten language. It has certainly not been troduction of the study of Chinese writused for many centuries and there are no books now remaining written in this character. This alphabet is said to have been invented by Kibi-Daishi, a man of high rank in the time of the emperor Kojin Tenno in the 7th centuries A. D. is known as the Hirakana, consisting 47 letters. time, these characters were rendered more complex by the addition of variations; and then another alphabet or simpler form was introduced which is known as the Katakana or side-letters. Some schools are open to both sexes, the others only to the male sex. Each scholar own his own desk a yard long, a foot wide, and a foot and half in height, and also a box for keeping

In the course of

books, papers, writing implement in, which are generally varnished or painted in red. The teacher comes behind scholars and take hold of their hands, instruct them how to make and read these characters individually once in the morning, they continually study the same lesson a duration of three

Public schools including the high schools, colleges or universities are now established in cities and towns throughout the empire. They are founded precisely the same as the school system in the United States.



About a century and a quarter ago, the little Moravian town of Nazareth was a centre of misssonary influence and activity among the Indians of Pennsylvania. From here the brethren went forth in every direction through the primeval forest to preach the giad tidings of a crucified Saviour to the fierce and untamed natives. And God so graciously blessed their efforts, that entire Indian villages throughout the State were converted into true Christian congregations. The history of those times is like a thrilling romance. Incidents like the following may be found on many a page the records of that heroic period.

days. Then they write their lessons THE INDIAN BRAVE AND THE MISfor finishing in neat papers which are made from the bark of mulberry trees, but write on one side only on account of their thin papers; the teacher gives them marks accordingly, and at the end of school year he gives a banquet to the scholars and also gifts according to their grade such as Indian ink, writing brushes, papers, and fans so on. Schools take in at 8 o'clock in the morning and continue until at the noon, but those who misbehaved during the session are kept in as long as they do not obey the orders of teachers, sometimes are kept in the whole afternoon without having a dinner. Teachers in Japan are very highly respected, not only by their scholars but also by all who are generally the best scholars among all the classes of people. Children are taught especially morality, the duty of a man, and obedience to their parents such as are the principle branches of instruction in schools. But those of wealthy parents have also a private tutor, whose duty it is to watch over them when out of school and is always with them wherever they go. He is rather a guardian than a teacher.

Those who wish to continue the studies, go to high schools where they are taught the Confucian literature, philosophy, logic, history, political economy and poetry, etc. The education is not neglected, although there are comparatively a few who receive a high education and the majority of children, as soon as they become 14 or 15 years old learn a trade so that they can assist their parents in making a living.

There are also gymnasiums or schools for exercise as well as the intellectual training of youth. The exercises consist of horse racing, targeting, wrestling and boxing, using the spear and sword, shooting the bow and arrow so as to cultivate physical strength and thus to make the youth able-bodies soldiera when their military services are needed.


Along the ledge that skirts the southern border of the Long Meadow, which stretches its velvety expanse of green eastward from Nazareth, there wound in those days a little path worn by the feet of the Indian hunter. It led through forest and glen to the banks of the Bushkill or Lehieton creek, where, some two miles from the town, stands an old stone grist-mill, which then belonged to the brethren. Here Indians and white settlers would often assemble to listen to the words of life from the mouth of some missionary brother from the town.

One evening in the perilous times of the French and Indian War, about the year 1757, as the sun was just sinking to its rest in the western hills, and flooding the landscape with a purple, hazy light, a painted warrior might have been seen stealthily creeping along this secluded path. Every now and then he stopped and bent his ear to the ground. No sound was heard but the distant barking of the gray squirrel or the twang of the nighthawk's wing as he circled swiftly over the meadow.

Again and again the young brave

stopped and listened intently. A dark and sinister scowl was on his dusky face. The fre-h notches cut into the stock of his long rifle showed that he had already laid low in death by it no less than eleven foes. Only one more was wanting to complete the dozen to make him a captain in his tribe. He had vowed that day not to return to his lodge without the number complete, and knowing that one of the preachers from Nazareth was to come to the mill that night, he had determined to waylay him on his path.

Suddenly his trained ear detects the Founds of approaching footsteps. It is the tread of a white man too. With quick and panther-like movement he glides into the shadow of a bazel thicket, and with rifle cocked and primed, stands ready to carry out his murderous design.

The footsteps come nearer. The sound is heard, too, of a sweet hymn softly chanted by devout lips. A few steps further and the missionary's form appears clearly outlined on the hill against the golden evening sky.

Now is the warrior's time! Why does he not fire? Why does he hesitate so long?

Look at him! His rifle rests by his side! He is bewildered and confused. He has recognized in the missionary the same preacher whom months before he had seen on the banks of the distant Mahoning, and there heard telling the story of the cross, and pleading even with him to accept the meek and lowly Jesus as his Saviour. The recollection has dimmed the youthful warrior's eyes for the moment, and he cannot shoot.

But it is only for one moment. The next, fierce ambition again asserts its sway. He grasps his rifle. and stealthily follows the unsuspecting brother into the dark glen just ahead. Here another opportunity offers to slay his victim. But again the youth's heart fails him. A third time ambition hardens the heart for the bloody deed. But a third time conscience unnerves him, and he lets the opportunity pass. It is a terrible struggle between the good and the bad in his soul. Finally, however, the evil seems to conquer. Ambition reproaches him for womanly weakness and unworthy cowardice. To strengthen his fierce

resolution, he runs his hand over the eleven notches of his rifle. "Only one more and I am captain!" he murmurs. With an oath he hastens forward now, calling on the "Great Spirit" for ever to palsy his arm if again it refuses to fulfill the deed.

With an effort he raises his rifle. He takes a steady aim. He is just about to pull the trigger, when lo, the weapon itself drops from his grasp! His right arm sinks helpless to his side. It is palsied! Or at least to him it seems as though it were.

The missionary, all unconscious of the fate he has escaped through God's gracious interposition, still chanting his hymn of trust and praise, goes tranquilly on his way, and reaches the old stone mill in the "Vale of Peace."

The young warrior never became a captain of his tribe, but soon after was converted to Christ, and lived many years a fervent and faithful assistant in the missionary work of the Brethren's Church among the Indians.

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LONGFELLOW aptly says: "The little I have seen of the world teaches me to look upon the errors of others in sorrow, not in anger. When I take the history of one poor heart that has sinned and suffered, and represent to myself the struggles and temptations it has passed through, the brief pulsations of joy, the feverish inquietude of hope and fear, the pressure of want, the desertion of friends, I would fain leave the erring soul of my fellow-man with Him from whose hand it came."



We feel very grateful for the kind words which our exchanges have so freely bestowed upon THE GUARDIAN and its new editor. These cordial greetings encourage us to persevere in a work which is, in every sense, a labor of love. It is very evident that THE GUARDIAN has made many friends, and we sincerely hope that it may be our privilege to retain them, and to increase their number.

faithful service it must not be allowed to suffer for want of adequate support. At present its prospects are bright and cheering, but by a little labor its influence might be greatly extended.


We have recently read "The Artist and His Mission; A Study in Aesthetics, by Rev. William M. Reily, Ph. D., Professor of Ancient Languages in Palatinate College." It is a book of the utmost value to all who desire to study Aesthetics, in the proper sense of that much abused word. If the tastes of our people were properly cultivated, according to the principles laid down in this volume, they would be less ready to be led astray by pretended "apostles of the beautiful." We hope that Prof. Reily's book may enjoy an extensive circulation.

From D. Lothrop & Co., Boston, we have received "The Might of Right, from the writings of William Ewart Gladstone, selected by E. E. Brown.” This book is one of the "Spare Minute

There is, indeed, no reason why THE GUARDIAN should not be a welcome guest in every Sunday-school and in every Christian household. It has never been engaged in religious controversy, and its highest endeavor has been to be faithful to its beautiful motto. Though published under the auspices of the Reformed Church, many of its friends and subscribers belong to other Christian churches, and we have every reason to believe that the latter have always been satisfied with the manner in which it has been conducted. We call upon the friends of THE GUARDIAN to aid in increasing its cir-Series." It is not intended for conculation. Many Sunday-schools sub scribe for a copy for each teacher, paying the subscription out of the general treasury. The expense is not great, and the effect is found to be excellent. The teachers are bound to the school by an additional tie, and are greatly aided in their work. Many of them preserve the numbers, and subsequently The same firm has sent us "So as by have them bound into volumes, as me- Fire," by Margaret Sidney; a story mentoes of their labors in the Sunday- which bas been read with pleasure by school cause. There are many addi- several members of our family. As tional schools in which this plan might this book has already been approved be successfully introduced. To the by the Sunday-school Bureau, it is not young, especially, and to every Chris- necessary that we should say anything tian family, THE GUARDIAN seeks to further in its praise. be a faithful friend. After its long and

secutive reading; but, as its title indicates, is made up of selections from the writings of England's greatest statesman. "Spare minutes" could hardly be better employed than by opening the book almost anywhere, and reading the excellent sentiments which it contains..

We are also indebted to Dr. J. Z. Gerhard for

the Annual Report of the State Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg, Pa., of which he is the efficient superintendent.


Nearly all families have worthy and unworthy members; but when a bad man springs from an honorable family the whole community is surprised, while there is equal surprise at the appearance of good men in certain other connections. These facts are so fully recognized that they have been deemed worthy of the attention of our courts of justice. They do not depend on rank and station, but they do in a great measure depend on Christian culture aud education. It is, therefore, within the power of every father and mother to build up an honorable Christian family. "Train up a child in the way in which he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."


The Ledger recently contained an article on The Pennsylvania Germans which, all things considered, was kindly and appreciative. It was, at any rate, vastly in advance of many articles on the same subject, which appeared in various periodicals in former years. It is, however, fully deserving of the following strictures, which appear in a communication pubiished in the Lutheran and Missionary of January 19th:

"In your clipping from the Philadelphia Ledger on the Pennsylvania Germans, I observe the common vice of the articles on this subject. The most stress is laid on the odd and striking features of say the Ephrata brethren, the Moravian brethren, the Lancaster sects to the neglect of the great body of plain, hard-working and orthodox Lutherans and Reformed, who form the population of so many counties in eastern Pennsylvania.

"I do not know of a single satisfactory treatise on this subject. The Scribner article describes Ephra'a and Bethlehem. Mrs. Phoebe Gibbons puts these copies into her appendix and makes the Lancaster county sects her main theme. Prof. Stahr has written in vindication of the Pennsylvania Ger

man dialect in the Mercersburg Keview of 1870.

"The only account which does justice to their manners and morals is one by Dr. Rush, written in 1789, and brought out with notes by Prot I. D. Rupp in 1875. The other necessary materials might be found in Rupp's various writings, and in fugitive pieces like Rev. C. Z. Weiser's articles in the German Reformed Messenger of 1868. There is room for an interesting and valuable treatise by one with sufficient personal acquaintance to give a sketch that should not be a caricature. Now that our Review is begun, this ought to be forthcoming."

It is very pleasant to read these kind words with reference to the labors of several of our personal friends, and we thank the writer for them. We believe, however, that the literary materials for the study of the Germans of Pennsylvania are considerably more extensive than is generally supposed; though it is true that they consist mainly of pamphlets and fugitive articles which have never been collected into volumes. Surely, however, Prof. O. Seidensticker, of Philadelphia, deserves recognition for his labors in this field, especially as it was he who directed the attention of the poet Whittier to the Germans of Pennsylvania, and thus suggested that beautiful poem, "The Pennsylvania Pilgrim."

It is, however, by no means an easy task to secure the general recognition of the merits and importance of the Germans of Pennsylvania, as all who have attempted it must have discovered. May we be permitted, as an illustration, to relate an incident from our personal experience? We had been for some time a correspondent of a Boston periodical, reviewing new books, and devoting especial attention to the history of literature. All our articles were cordially received, and were well rewarded. At last we ventured to try the editor with an article on the early literary efforts of the Germans of Pennsylvania. The general character of the article may be surmised from a brief essay on the same subject in the present number of THE GUARDIAN. It was,. however, much more elaborate, and was precisely in the style of several ar

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