THE PREFACE H Earing that Dr. Whitby's difcourfe on the five points, was reprinting which is judged a mafter piece on the Subject, in the English tongue, I determined to give it a fresh reading; and baving obferved that the performance is accounted an unanswerable one, and that the general cry on that fide of the question is, Why don't ye answer Dr. Whitby? I found my felf inclined to an attempt of this nature, believing it would be a proper and feasonable time to engage in fuch a work. The method in which I propofe to con fider what this learned writer has advanced on this fubject, is, Firft, to examine the feveral paffages of fcripture which he chiefly makes use of for the confirmation of his own fcheme, and as militating against thofe doctrines which are commonly called Calvinistical; and endeavour to answer his arguments and objections from them, and set thefe passages in a juft and proper light; which compofes this first part I now publish. I once thought to have reduced the feveral fcrip・tures under the diftinct beads in controzierfy but obferving that one and the fame fcripture is often made ufe of for different purpofes, I found I fhould be obliged to confider fome of them over and over again; and therefore determined to let them ftand in the order in which they are in the Bible, and which I observed in preaching from them; for it should be known, that what is bere publish'd, are extracts from fermons on thefe texts, de liver'd liver'd in a Wednesday's evening Lecture. I purpose in a second part of this work, to vindicate the arguments eftablished by us m feveral palages of fcripture, in favour of the doctrines of dif criminating grace, from the exceptions of the Arminians, and particularly this learned author; and attempt a reply to the aufwer: and objections made unto them, ta My next work will be to congder, examine and compare the arguments on bai's futes of the reftim, taken from main; in whics I lage to make it appear, that the part de take in fair amormerly, it no more to agreeable to right region, man z is to recentem; to the we of rad t'be great trece bout de put; Longs the tommo's ace Ratio was ujesz, aut is; ins to the low mory, if they bel this word, it is because there is no light in them. I fall in the next place proceed to take notice of the argument from antiquity, or the fenfe and judgment of the ancient writers of the church on thefe points; and fhew of what confequence and importance this is, and what little reafon there is to triumph on that account. And then I fball make fome remarks upon the comparifon between the Calviniftical Scheme and Stoicilm and Hobbifm, made by thehearned Doctor; and perhaps, may not neglect and overlook bis reflections on she fate of Heathens, the providence and prefcience of God: All which may be expected in proper time, if this first part hould meet with encouragement and fuccefs. ዓድ At this juncture we are greatly alarm'd with the growth of Popery in this na tion; which, if true, I cannot but be of opinion opinion, is very much owing to the Pelagianism, Arminianism, and supposed ratimal fchemes men run into, contrary to divine revelation. I am fure this was the sense of our fathers, thofe Heroes for religion and liberty in the last century; who, in their applications for the redress of religious grievances, frequently put Arminians and Jefuits, Arminianifm and Popery together, as coufin Germans; and mention the one as pa ving the way for the other. I to n dijlike the undertaking of fome learned gentlemen, to preach against some particu lar points of Popery; yet samma but judeg that instead of logging of the wine;; we should lay theizt the of th tree, Arminiatión, r mua me yet by that name; price foul of Popery |