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NUMB. XXIX. John. v. 34.

_ But these things, I say, that ye might be javed.




HIS paffage of scriprure is often pro* as a proof of Chrift's ferious intention to fave fome who are not faved, to whom he gave fufficient means of alvation, which they refused, and confeq.endy that his father had made no decree, whereby flood excluded from falvaron, thusée tút not die intentionally only for facts we are actually fived, and that the word fion is not wrought by an

infuperable power. To whitegy

I. It is certain that the Fray to w Chrif bere freaks, tad re ectos Everios, for though the of his father, of Foes the Em Lisows vores and oracles w Cuced, were proper mas to believe that he was the means fufficient to tion, an internal word ration of the Spier, are and neceffary; W

* Remon'r



be faved. Now it is evident, that they wanted these, since they had not the love of God in them, ver. 42. nor his word abiding in them, ver. 38. nor so much as the knowledge of Christ's divinity, or of his being the true Meffiah, ver. 18.

II. It is taken for granted, that these words regard a spiritual and eternal salvation; whereas they may very well be understood of a temporal one; and the sense of them be this; these things I say, h. e. these teftimonies of my father, and of John, I produce, not so much for my own honour and glory, as for your good; that ye, through these testimonies of me, may believe that I am the true Meffiah, and so be faved from the temporal ruin and deftruction, which will otherwise come upon you and your nation, for your disbelief, neglect, and contempt of me. But,

III. Admitting that Christ spoke these words with a view to the spiritual and eternal salvation of his audience; it should be observed, that he is here to be confidered as a preacher, a minifter of the circumcifion, fent to the lost sheep of the house of Ifrael, for whose welfare he had a compaffionate regard and concern; and therefore published the things concerning his person, office and grace, indefinitely to them all, that he

might gain fome

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IV. It will be dicit, if aut moniice, to prove, that the pertons or witom Cint fpoke these words, were not eternally aved; though, at the prefent time they were un believers, and deftitute of the grace of God, yet might hereafter be converted and ana bled to go to Christ for life and falvation, or at least, there might be some among them who were the elect of God, and theep of Chrift; for whose sake Chrift might express himself in this manner, in order to bring them to the knowledge of him, and salvation by him; and therefore do not m tate either against any decree or act of preterition paffed by God, refpecting any pom of mankind, or the doctrines of particular redemption and unfruftrable graren


NUMB. XXX.. John v. 40.

And, ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.


HESE words are usually cited together with the former, and are urged for the same purposes; particularly to shew that Christ seriously intended the falvation of such who would not come to him for it; and that man does not lie under any disability of coming to Christ for life; did he, his not coming to Christ would not be criminal in him; nor would he be blame-worthy for what he could not help. To which I anfwer;


I. That what Christ intends, he intends seriously: But it does not appear from these words, that he did intend the salvation of these persons, who would not come to him, but rather the contrary; fince they look more like a charge exhibited against them, for their neglect of him. as the way of life and salvation, and trusting to the law of Mofes, and their obedience to it, and therefore did not receive him, or believe in him; and though Chrift declined bringing in ann accusation directly and in form against

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