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Afternoon Session, October 27. Meeting of Section on Teaching, Miss Katherine Fisher, Teachers' College, New York, Chairman. Dietetics for Nurses-Miss Lenna F. Cooper, Battle Creek Sanitarium. Methods of Teaching Dietetics to Nurses-Miss Marion Peterson, Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. Review of Literature on Dietetics-Dr. Ruth Wheeler, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.

Evening Session, October 27. Address-Miss Sarah Louise Arnold, Dean of Simmons College, Boston. Some Dietetic Problems of Infancy and Childhood-Dr. Roger Dennett, Assistant Professor in the Diseases of Children, Post Graduate Hospital, New York.

Morning Session, Thursday, October 28, at Teachers' College. Economic Aspects of Buying Meat-Mr. John H. Kelly, buyer Arthur Dorr Markets, Boston. Business Meeting.


The Alumnae Association of the Connecticut Training School for Nurses is working with much enthusiasm, through its History Committee, on a record of the activities of all its graduates. The school was incorporated in 1873 and it is the intention to have this record complete and in book form at its fiftieth anniversary in 1923. If you are a graduate of this school, will you please write Miss Catherine E. Flang, R. N., 1485 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who will gladly send you a questionnaire to fill out. The members of the History Committee are Winifred La Fontaine, R. N., Edna Clark Hurley, R. N., Maude Churchill, R. N., Catherine E. Flang, R. N., Secretary, and Rose M. Heavren, Chairman.

A farewell party was tendered Miss Mabel A. Henessey, Class of 1916, St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, Conn. Miss Henessey has accepted the position of Superintendent of Nurses in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Elizabeth, N. J.


The Autumn Meeting of the Massachusetts State Nurses' Association was held at the Hotel Kimball, Springfield, October 30, 1920. A cordial invitation was extended to all nurses to attend. The program opened at 2:00 p. m. with prayer by Rev. Neil MacPherson, followed by a Business Meeting, Announcements, an Address on Organization by Miss Esther Dart, and Questions.

There was a Red Cross Session at 3:00 p. m., with an address on the Red Cross by Miss Ber

Work by Mr. Edwin W. Gannt. At 3:30 p. m., Miss Mary M. Riddle addressed the members, her subject being Some Problems in Present Day Nursing. Address-The Making of the New World and Woman's Part in the Making, by Miss Clara L. Bostwick. There were also Round Table Discusions. Luncheon was served at the Hotel Kimball at 12:30 and dinner at the same place.


Commencement exercises for the first graduating class of the Crownsville State Hospital Training School for Nurses were held in the auditorium of the hospital on Wednesday afternoon, October 27, 1920, at half after four.

The auditorium was handsomely decorated in the class colors, green and gold. The entire background of the stage was panelled with green laurel, with an open archway in the center over which was placed the class motto, "Lest we forget." Large ferns and plants artistically placed throughout the hall blended beautifully with the yellow of clusters of huge chrysanthemums banked against the stage. To complete the color scheme the light clusters were covered by yellow baskets suspended by green cords.

A pleasing program for the afternoon was arranged. Following the opening prayer by Rev. Leon P. F. Vauthier, the Superintendent, Dr. Robert P. Winterode, in a few well chosen words introduced the speaker of the occasion, Mr. William L. Marbury, President of the Board of the Managers. In his address Mr. Marbury spoke eloquently of the part played by the nurse in the World War. The graduating class was presented by the Superintendent of the Training School, Miss Amy C. Hearn, and diplomas awarded by Dr. Walton H. Hopkins, to the graduates-Lulu Georgine Wilkins, Joseph Hilary Krastell, Albert Wood Stone and Joseph B. Stephens. Special music was rendered by Snowden's Orchestra. The exercises were concluded with a prayer by Rev. T. A. Donohue, C. SS. R.

Refreshments were served and a dance was held from 8 until 11 p. m.

This training school was established during the period of war when pioneer work was most difficult. It was organized in July, 1917, in accordance with the requirements of the Maryland State Board of Examiners for Nurses.

Immediately after the graduation exercises the members of the Class of 1920 assembled in the class room and organized their Alumni


Diplomas in recognition of three years of faithful preparation and training for the nursing profession were presented to Elizabeth Ledke, Agnes Donghy, Eleanor H. Howard, Marie H. Engel, Dorothy McCrary and Ellen Nienger at the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, Saginaw, recently, where graduating exercises were held for this year's class of the Saginaw General Hospital Training School for Nurses.

Dr. Merrill Wells, superintendent of the Blodgett Memorial Hospital of Grand Rapids, in giving the commencement address, pointed out that there is an actual and a relative shortage of nurses.

"Dan Cupid is not entirely responsible for the shortage of nurses," Dr. Wells believes. "As people are learning the value of the trained nurse the demand is growing greater. Higher wages are leading the girls into other vocations. The Red Cross service and public health propaganda are taking many nurses.

"The war brought a keen realization of the service nurses have rendered and will continue to render. The conflict served to impress upon us the effectiveness of the institutions, ideas and procedures which we, as a nation, have been developing for years, and brought about a condemnation of worthless elements; but the nursing profession came through with an official o. k. At home, too, during the influenza epidemic, and the anxieties of the war, the nursing profession demonstrated its worth.

"Communities are realizing that the preservation of health is not only beautiful from the standpoint of sympathy, but that from the economic viewpoint it is well worth attention. Hard-headed business men know that the preservation of health is a matter of dollars and cents."

A vocal solo by Mrs. J. A. McLandress, a duet by Dr. and Mrs. McLandress, violin solos by Mrs. John Sample, and organ selections played by Miss Frances Greiner, composed the musical part of the program. Dr. R. S. Watson introduced the speaker.

New Hampshire

Important graduating exercises were held recently at Franklin Hospital Training School for Nurses, Franklin, when the five pupils who had completed the required course were given their diplomas.

It was the first graduation since the new superintendent, Miss Harris, assumed the management of the institution and the first time the general public had been invited to the hospital

since recent improvements have been made. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. William Hunter. The diplomas were presented by Judge Q. A. Towne, clerk of the Hospital Association, in the absence of Rev. R. P. Gardner, the president of the trustees. Rev. H. C McDougall made an address appropriate to the occasion. Each of the graduates was presented with a gold pin, suitably inscribed, from the training school, Mrs. Mary B. Daniell making the presentation remarks. The graduates held a reception after the exercises. The young women who received the diplomas were Bertha Malone, Mertie G. Sanborn, Mae E. Caldwell, Hazel A. Duckworth and Celina Petelle.

New Jersey

The annual business meeting and election of officers of the Nurses' Alumnae Association of the Mountainside Hospital, Montclair, was held at the Nurses' Club, 39 South Willow street, Montclair, on Wednesday afternoon, October 20, 1920. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Ida Still; first vice-president, Mrs. Morton Huttenloch; second vice-president, Miss Josephine Trippett; treasurer, Miss May Willer; recording secretary, Miss Ethel Swanson; corresponding secretary, Miss Mildren Osswald. A social gathering followed.

New York

Garbed in their uniforms of white and standing behind an embankment of flowers, the gifts of their friends, thirteen young women graduated from the Brooklyn State Hospital School of Nursing on the evening of September 16, 1920.

The exercises attending the graduation were opened at 9 o'clock with an invocation by the Rev. Thomas Coppinger, who represented Mons. Woods, of Holy Cross Church. Hugo Hirsh, director of the Jewish Hospital and president of the board of directors of the Brooklyn State Hospital, made the principal address.

Mrs. Agnes D. Druhan, wife of Charles J. Druhan and member of the board of directors of the hospital, made the presentation of diplomas. United States Commissioner Michael J. McGoldrick, also member of the board of directors, presented the graduates with the three gold coins and hypodermic syringe, which were donated by Mr. Hirsh, Frank G. Hall and Dr. Paul V. Winslow.

Dr. I. G. Harriss, superintendent of the hospital, was in charge of the arrangements.

The graduates are the Misses Agnes Coutant, Lucy Elliott, Ivy Fenwick, Anna Farley,

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Mary Kaminski, Nettie Kendig, Tessie Lang, Mary Langan, Mary McGrath, Sarah O'Neill, Julia Paluch, Marion Stevens and Mary E. Shea.

The graduation exercises of the nurses' class of 1920 of St. Peter's Hospital, Troy, took place at 4 o'clock September 15, in the auditorium of the Vincentian institute. Bishop Gibbons awarded the diplomas and made a short address. Other speakers were Dr. James F. Rooney, of the staff of St. Peter's Hospital, and the Rev. Edward Reilly.

The graduates are Charlotte Lyons, Eugenia Phillips, Elizabeth Turner, Anna English, Florence Dwyer, Margaret Kennedy, Nora Lansing, Madeline Carey, Nina Hickey, Caroline Holohan, Margaret McGinley, Florence Sullivan, Mary Burke, Margaret McDonnell and Helen Breen.

Officers were elected at the annual meeting of District No. 7 of the New York State Nurses' Association which was held September 16 at the nurses' room at the Homeopathic Hospital, Utica. The officers for the coming year are as follows: President, Miss Julia E. Hardy; vice-president, Miss Jane Brackebush; secretary, Miss Ellen Buell; treasurer, Mrs. Lena Crarl; directors for three years, Miss Anna O'Neill, Miss Mary E. Nugent. Miss Anna O'Neill was the retiring president.

The reports of the secretary, Miss Winifred McDonald, and of the treasurer, Mrs. Lena Clark, were read. The retiring officers were given a vote of thanks, as was Mrs. John Groman, one of the board of directors, for secretarial services through the year.

An invitation was received and accepted to join with the public health nurses for the next meeting, to be held at the State Hospital Thursday evening, October 7. The subject to be discussed, mental hygiene. Dr. Richard Hutchings, superintendent of the hospital, will give a talk on the early symptoms of insanity and preventive home treatment. Everett S. Ellwood, of Albany, secretary of the State Hospital Commission, will have as his subject the schools' part in mental hygiene. George Hastings, of New York, secretary of the committee on mental hygiene of the State Charities Aid, will be present. Physicians, social workers and teachers are to be invited to the meeting. The committee in charge comprises Miss Everett M. Schedd, Miss Laura Soder, Miss Lena Kranz.

It was decided to hold the meeting every two months instead of every month as was done before, because of the difficulty for the nurses in


The Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Graduate Nurses' Association of the State of Pennsylvania was held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 9, 10, 11, 12, 1920, at St. Paul's Episcopal Parish House, Erie.

First Session, Tuesday, November 9, was occupied by a business meeting. Reading of minutes, report of membership committee, report of treasurer, report of auditor, report of secretary, report of standing committee and reports of special committees.

The Session of the afternoon was convened at 2 p. m., and was a Private Duty Nurses' Session. Round Tables. Mental and Nervous Diseases, Discussion led by Miss Jessie L. Brown, R. N.

Evening Session, 8 p. m., Joint Meeting. Miss Roberta M. West, R. N., Chairman. Invocation, Bishop Rogers Israel. Address of Welcome, Judge William E. Hirt. Response, President's Address, Graduate Nurses' Association of Pennsylvania, Miss Roberta N. West, R. N. President's Address, Pennsylvania State League of Nursing Education, Miss Ida F. Giles, R. N. President's Address, State Organization of Public Health Nursing.

Wednesday, November 10, 9 a. m., Business Meeting. Private Duty Nurses' Section. 9:30 a. m., The Pennsylvania League for Nursing Education, Miss Ida F. Giles, R. N., president. Reading of Minutes. Report of the Treasurer. Report of the Auditor. Report of the Secretary. Report of the Nominating Committtee. Report of the Membership Committee. Report of the Special Committees. Report of the Delegate to the National Convention at Atlanta. The Disadvantages to Training Schools due to Frequent Changing of Directresses. How it May Be Controlled, Miss Roberta M. West, R. N. Student Government, Miss Esther Grimes, Student Nurse, Philadelphia General Hospital. Adjournment. Round Table, Student Government, presided over by Miss Shellenberger, Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia.


Afternoon Session, 2 p. m. The Pennsylvania League of Nursing Education. of Round Table Conference. Report of the Educational Director of Pennsylvania, Miss Sara M. Murray, R. N. Paper, Standardization of the Teaching of Practical Nursing, Miss Arnold, R. N., Scranton, Pa. Discussion opened by Miss Anna J. Delmore, R. N. Paper, The Practical Working Out of the Eight Hour a Day System in Training Schools, Miss Elizabeth Gallery, R. N., Reading. Open Discussion, 4:30 p. m., Business Session. Report of Tellers. Ap

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