An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland: From the First Introduction of Christianity Among the Irish to the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century, Bind 4

Graisberry, 1822

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Side 271 - Provides, that tythes be paid to the mother churches (61) out of provisions, hay, the young of animals, flax, wool, gardens, orchards, and out of all things, that grow and renew yearly, under pain of an anathema after the third monition ; and that those, who continue obstinate in refusing to pay, shall be obliged to pay the more punctually for the future.
Side 408 - I have some doubts about it; (147) but I think it can scarcely be doubted, that the original models, according to which they were constructed, belong to the times of paganism, and that the singular style of architecture, which we observe in them, was brought from the East...
Side 413 - ... quia si fana eadem bene constructa sunt, necesse est ut a cultu daemonum in obsequio veri Dei debeant commutari ; ut dum gens ipsa eadem fana sua non videt destrui, de corde errorem deponat, et Deum verum cognoscens ac adorans, ad loca quae consuevit, familiarius concurrat.
Side 409 - It seemed inconsistent" he adds, " that the Persians suffered " these temples to remain unmolested after the abolition of a re" ligion, which they now esteem grossly idolatrous ; but they are " made of the most durable materials. These edifices are rotund, " and above 30 feet diameter, raised in height to a point near 120
Side 288 - It is true that, although our nation may seem bar" barons, uncultivated, and rude, yet they were al" ways wont to pay great honour and reverence to " ecclesiastical men, and not to stretch their hands " on any occasion againt the saints of God. But " now a nation is come into this kingdom, which " knows how and is accustomed to make martyrs. " Henceforth Ireland shall, like other countries, have
Side 166 - Hiberniam jure haereditario possidendam, sicut literae ipsius teiiantur in hodiernum diem. Nam omnes insulae de jure antiquo, ex donatione Constantini qui eam fundavit et dotavit, dicuntur ad Romanam ecclesiam pertinere.
Side 159 - ... made; that there were excellent Bishops in this country, such as Gelasius of Armagh, and Christian of Lismore; and that the Irish Church was not then in so degenerate a state, as to require the intervention, or the pious exertions, of such a King as Henry. But the love of his country (England), his wish to gratify Henry, and some other not very becoming reasons, prevailed over every other consideration...
Side 364 - ... foregoing proofs, was, though certainly not approved of, yet permitted and practised. Besides a number of incidental proofs of this fact, the Sixth Canon of the Synod attributed to St. Patrick enjoins, that ' the clerk's wife shall not walk out without having her head veiled,'
Side 55 - Thus it appears, that several of the Irish princes and chieftains had imbibed the spirit of the Danes, sparing neither churches, nor monasteries, nor ecclesiastics, according as suited their views ; a system, which was held in abhorrence by their ancestors, and which often excited them to unite in defence of their altars against the Scandinavian robbers.
Side 38 - Rath -Breasail, over which presided Gille or Gillebert, bishop of Limerick and then apostolical legate in Ireland. (85) The precise year of this synod I cannot ascertain ; but it must have been later than is commonly supposed, and, on comparing various circumstances, it appears to me that it was about AD 1118. (86) As Gillebert was at this time apostolical legate, he must have received his appointment from Pope Pascal II. as appears most probable, or perhaps from Gelasius II. (87) Our writers do...

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