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Loóloo-loóloo. To shake; to jolt.

Looö. A hole; a pit; a valley; a hollow place.

Loóö he lo. An ant-hill.

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Löooloo. The hair of the head. This word is, perhaps, derived from low, and ooloo: low, of itself, means the hair of the head; but ooloo (the head), is sometimes added, and both words condensed into looo'loo. word, however, is only used to express long hair. Vide


Low. Lo'pa. A sea term, usually joined with fa'nna, a mast; as lopa he fa'nna, to set up the mast by the backstays. Lo'to. Mind; temper; idea; opinion; disposition. Lo'to bo'to. Wise; having knowledge.

héë. Frantic; insane; delirious.



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Ambitious; haughty; high minded;

lillé. Good disposition; good nature.

mahálo. Jealous; jealousy; suspicion.

táha; or lo'to fúcca táha. To be of one mind; unanimous.

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Co ácoo lo'to. It is my mind; that is my opinion. Lo'to. This word also means the middle, the centre, or

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Fonnoo'a lo'to. A sepulchre (as being inclosed in

the ground).

Lo'to ápi. Plantation round a house (inclosed in).
Gi lo'to. Amidst; among; half way.

Loto. This word is also used with cole (co he) before it, as a sort of interjection: thus co'e lo'to! what's to be done! coe-loto-aha'i! who can help it!

Lotoa'. An inclosed place; a fenced place.

Lotoa' booa'ca; a hogsty.

Lo'toa'nge. Inwardly.

Lo'too. Adoration; invocation; to invoke; to pray. Lavosal. A pitfall with pointed stakes driven into the bottom, the hole being covered over with slight twigs, leaves, grass, &c.

Low. To discourse: to talk; to relate; to inform; to narrate hearsay; report.

Low-bi'si. Nonsensical discourse; tittle tattle: bisi

alone is not used, it were therefore better, perhaps, to join the two into one word, thus, lowbilsi.

Low no'a. To talk at random, or carelessly, without any particular intent, either through ignorance, or want of attention. Vide Noa.

Gnoo'too low. Loquacity; talkativeness: gnolotoo, the mouth.

Low gi'ta (an idiomatic phrase). I should have thought; methinks.

Measure of the surface of any thing; quantity of area, or expansion.

Low lahi. Broad; expansive.

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Löoo'loo. A long head of hair: it is some doubt

whether this word is derived from low ooʻloo, or lo'a ooloo (loa, long, oolloo, head); but low oolloo does not afford the idea of length, nor does loa ooloo afford the idea of hair.

Low. To count; to calculate.

To nip, or pinch.

A leaf (of a tree); low feta'gi, a single sheet, or piece

of talpa.

Lowbísi. Nonsensical discourse; tittle tattle. Vide Low, to discourse.

Lowców. Proud; haughty; arrogant.

Low-níma. The hand. Ni'ma is a word significant of the

hand and arm together; low means surface, and the hand is that part of the ni'ma which has proportionally most surface.

Ly'igi. A crash; to press, or break to pieces.


Ma. Ashamed; bashful.

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Clear; white; pure; immaculate; sheer.

To chew; a mouthful; a morsel.

A sort of food consisting of bread fruit, plantains, or bananas, buried for a considerable length of time under ground, so as to ferment.

The conjunction, and, probably corrupted from mo, but used only in connecting numbers: also the prepo

sition for.

Máänga. A mouthful; a morsel.

Máboo. To whistle.

Maboóni. To shut, or close up; to block up.

Mácca. A stone; a rock.

Mácca-mácca. Stony; craggy: macca-macca-ia,

the same.

Falígi mácca. Paved with stones.

Macca hoonoo. A particular sort of black pebble, made hot for the purpose of cooking.

Maccatá. A sling to throw stones with.

Macáwna. Full fed; a bellyful; satisfied.
Machíla. Sharp; having an edge, as a knife.
Machinávoo. A particular kind of club.

Macóhi. To scratch.

Maénne. To tickle; to irritate by tickling.

Maénne-énne. To tickle; to irritate by tickling. gnofoo'a. Ticklish; easy to tickle.

Mafá. Crack; rent; fissure; flaw; split.

Mafachi (probably a corruption of maféchi, which see).

Mafáhi. A cleft; a crack, or fissure, in any thing (same as


Mafánna. Heat; warmth; either of the sun, fire, or any thing else.

Mafatoóa. To sneeze.

Maféchi. Broken; disjointed; separated from by fracture. Mafóhi. Stripped off as the bark from a tree; marked with


Máfoo. The heart of any animal.

Máha. Empty; vacant.

Máha hífo. To ebb.

Táhe mamáha. Ebb tide.

máha. A shelf, or shallow.

Maha'gi. Sickness; disease.

Maha'gi bihía; contagion.

Maha'i. To tear. See Mahai-hai.

ha'i. To tatter; to tear; to make ragged. Mahalo. Distrustful; suspicious: doubt; suspicion. Mahalo-halo. To suspect.

Ma'he. Acid; sour; tart.

Ma'he-ma/he. Sourish; very sour.

Ma'he-ma'he. A dolphin.

Mahéle. A cut; a gash made with any sharp instrument. Ma'hi. A peculiar kind of bandage, resembling what is called, in surgery, the T bandage, passing round the

waist, and between the legs: it is worn by the natives of these islands chiefly in time of war, being then, in other respects, naked: it forms, however, the only dress of the Fiji islands.

Mahina. The moon; moonlight; moonshine: a lunar month.

Mahoa'. A plant; the glutinous root of which is used for

the same purpose as the to, which see. Of this root is also prepared a sort of flour, used as an article of diet. Mahoónoo. A blight: parched; blighted by intense heat (same as mohoónoo).

Makíla. To twinkle like the stars; starlike.

Mala. Il luck of any kind.

Mala'i. A piece of ground, generally before a large house, or chief's grave, where public ceremonies are principally held.

Mala'ia. Unlucky; unfortunate; an evil; a public calamity.

Malala. Charcoal; embers; cinders.

Mala'nga. A public speech.

Maléca. Bodily pleasure; sensual gratification.

Malie. Well! well done! bravo! (expression of appro

bation on public occasions).

Exactly; nicely.

Vahe oóa malíe. To divide exactly in two.
Héle oóa malíe. To cut exactly in two.

Malo'. Rest; ease; welcome.

A term of encouragement to bear pain or hard labour; well borne! bravely suffered!

Malohi. Strong; able.

Chino-malo'hi; able-bodied.

ange. Potently; strongly; with bodily strength. Malolo. Rested; refreshed: rest; refreshment.


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