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Ilo'nga cáffo. The cicatrix of a wound made by a warlike instrument.

Ilónga e lavéa; the cicatrix of a wound from an ulcer, &c.

váe; a footstep, or mark of the foot on the ground.

Ináchi. A share; also the name of a certain public cere

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I'o. The affirmative, yes.

Ióho. To yell; to scream.

I'sa. An expression, either of anger or vexation.
I'ta. Anger; displeasure; vexed; angry.


Jía. To net; to entangle; a place to catch birds.
Jiaw'ta. A looking glass.

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-átoo. Look at yourself (as in a mirror, or reflecting surface).


Kéve-kéve. A familiar phrase, implying one's disbelief of

any thing asserted.

Kevígi. The crab-fish.

Kíji kiji vy'. The horse-fly.

Kikíla. Dazzling; to flare; to shine powerfully.


Same as kiki'la.

Ky. To eat; to take a meal.

Ky bóngi bóngi. The first meal taken in the morning; breakfast: but they have no set hours for eating.

Ky fúcca ífi áfi. A meal taken in the evening; supper.
Fía-ky. Hunger; hungry: fia, to want; ky, to eat.
Hoóö-ky. Ravenous after food; greedy: hoo'ö, taste,
or flavour.

Ky. This word has a very different meaning from the above, when joined to fonnoo'a, the land, or country; as ky fonnoo'a, a vassal, or servant; also the common people in general; the populace. It also forms the first syllable of some words, the other part of which might originally have some meaning now lost or corrupted into a different sense.

Kyha'. To thieve; to steal.

Kyháchía. Stolen.

Kyinga. A relation or kinsman.

Kynánga. A meal; victuals.

Ky-vale. Greedy; gluttonous.


La. A sail of a canoe, or other vessel.

Fy la. Hoist the sail; toogoo la, lower the sail; fátoo la, furl the sail; higgi la, tack about; foochi la, haul on the sheet.

Láä. The sun; sunshine.

Láboo. To flatter; to coax; flattery; sycophantic.
Laláboo. The same meaning.

Láë. The brow, or forehead.

Láfa. Flat.

Láfa-láfa, Laláfa. Flat; more frequently used than

The ringworm, or tetter.

Láffo. A sort of game, or sport.

Láhe. Lime, which they make from coral, and use in dying,

as a mordant; they also use it to the hair (mixed up

with water), to make it of a flaxen colour, and render it strong and stiff.

Lábe-láhe. Limy; replete with lime.

Láhi. Many; abundant; enough: powerful; great; big: divers; several.

Fía-láhi. To brag; to boast (fi'u, to want or wish; la'hi, great, or big).

Lábiánge. Bigger; more.

Láho. The scrotum.

Laláboo. Same as la'boo, to flatter; to coax; flattery.

Laláffa. Flat.

Lalánga. To weave (derived from la'nga).

Laláta. See Láta.

Laláva. To tie or fasten the beams of canoes, or of houses

with plait, made of the husk of the cocoa-nut, and which is done in a particular manner.

Lálo. Down; below; beneath; deep; the bottom of any thing. Lámoo. To chew; to craunch; to grind between the teeth. Lánga. To plait mats; to weave; to build, make, or manufacture: a long pole used to loosen or break the ground for the purpose of planting yams.

Lángi. The sky: also the name given to the burial place of Tooitonga during the time of the ceremony of burial; the ceremony itself is also so called. To sing; a body of singers.

Lángi ma. A clear sky.

oóli. Cloudy.

Lángo. A fly (the common house-fly).

Láoo. To exfoliate; to shell, or peel off.

Lapachia. To rush upon and kill.

Láta. Tame; domesticated; to be contented with one's

situation or circumstances.

Lavéa. A wound, as an abscess, or ulcer; or any wound, except from a warlike instrument.

Léa. Speech; voice; language.

Léa fa. Hoarseness.

Lébo. Leaves of the bread-fruit tree, sewed together for the purpose of covering food in cooking, to keep in the


Lélle. To run.

Lelle möoói. Astonished; surprised (möoo'i, life), because under great surprise or astonishment, one is seemingly left without powers of life or action.

Lelléa. Adrift; driven to leeward.

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Léo. To guard; to watch; a sentinel.

Fa-léo. Vigilant.

Lépa. A well.

Leva. Adv. accordingly.

Li. To toss (as any thing light).

Lía-lía. Disagreeable to the sight; abominable.

Liági. To abandon; to throw away; the name of a game. Líchi. To fling; to throw with force, as a stone, or a ball; but is not applicable to throwing a spear, which is velo.

Líha. A nit; an egg of a louse.

Liha-moóa. The name of the first lunar month (moo'a, first).

moo'i. The name of the second lunar month (moo'i, the second, the one following).

Líli. Anger.

Lilingi. To diffuse; pour out (same as lingi).

Lillé. Good; kind: also peace; order; good state of things.

Lille-y'. To approve.

Límoo. Sea-weed.

Linga. The male organs of generation (a vulgarism).

Lingi. To pour out; to diffuse (see lili'ngi).

Lioo. The hold in a vessel.

Lo. An ant; the leaf of a plant.

Lo-gnoo'too. The lips. Lo-fow, the inside bark of the fow, split into shreds to strain cava, or cocoa-nut juice.

Lo-too'too. The bark of the héabo, when beaten out,

in the preparation of tápa.

Lóa. Ancient; former; long ago; tedious: also to paint the face in time of war.

Gooa lóa. Heretofore.

lóa. Long; extended; tall; tallness; sea-sickness. Lófa. To soar; also a paper



Falsehood; assumed conduct; sham; false; to lie; to relate erroneously.

Lóhiági. An aspersion; a false report; to delude by a false



A crook to hook down the branches of trees, for the purpose of gathering their fruit (as the bread fruit, &c.).

Lólo. Oil.

Lólo-lólo. Oily.

Lolo'a. See Loa-loa.

Loloa-ange. Long enough.

Lolómi. To defer; to put off; to press down.

Lolóngo. Quiet; still; peaceful.

Lolóto. Deep; depth.

Lolotónga. Already; time; period; then; at that time;

during that time; whilst.

Lolotónga he möoói. Life-time.

Lóna. The hiccups (singultus).

Longo-longo. Quiet; still; peaceful. See Lolo'ngo.

Longóa. Noise; noisy; blusterous in speech.

Loóa. To disgorge; to vomit: sea-sickness.

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