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Goométe. A trough; a dish.

Goómi. To investigate; to search; to explore.
Goo'too. A louse.

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Háge. Up.

Haha'nga. A reef.

Hahów. The dew; a fog; a mist; a haze.

Haháge. That end of any island which is most towards the north; or if it should happen to lie east and west, that end which is most towards the east: (from hage, up.)

Hái. To tear; to cut.

Hái hái. To dilacerate.

Haichía. To enchain; to tear to pieces.

Hála. Entrance; door-way; road into a plantation or wood; an error; to err.

Hálafelo'w. A house where canoes are kept.

Hálla. To miss; to fail; to blunder; ta'i ha'lla, inevitable; wrong; amiss; a mistake; a road or path; a channel into a port.


Hálla toho. A drawbridge; (toho, to drag; to draw.)

The smallest canoe of a double canoe.

Hamma tefoo'a. A single sailing canoe.

Hamo. Envy; a wish.

Fu'cca hámo. To envy; to wish.

Hamoo'chi. To snatch.

Hamoochia. To grudge; to envy.
Havíli. A blast; a gale.

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He. The article the or a; there.

- A grasshopper.


The name of a tree, from the fruit of which is expressed a glutinous red varnish, called also hea, and is used to varnish and stain the finest gnatoo, which is then called toogi hela. The hea tree is only plentiful at Vavaoo.

Hea'ho. Future.

Heaho'ni. To day, (contracted from he aho coeni.)

Héca. To sit down on a chair, bank, or bench; to embark, Héca-ánga. A bench.

Héë. To err; astray; wandering.

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Héke héke. Slippery; slimy; slipperiness; to slide.
Héla. Fatigue; breathless; short of breath.

Tái héla. Indefatigable.

Héle. To cut; also a knife; hele oola, to cut in two; te divide; evasion; to dissemble; to decoy; a trap; a snare; naw he'le, to snare (with a string.)

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Hi. Emissio seminis animalium: semen animalium.

Hi'co. To take up any thing that has been collected to

gether the name of a game.

Hi'fo. Down; below.

Hifoánga. Declivity.

Higgi. To raise; to lift; to heave.

Hihi'fo. That end of an island which is towards the south;

if the island should lic east and west, that end which is towards the west, (from hilfo, down.) See Haháge. Híli. To leave off or finish any work or operation; to put or place up or upon.

Hiliánga. End or termination, (in a moral sense,) as the termination of happiness or misery.

Hili'nga géle-géle. The fifth lunar month; hilinga, a corruption of hilianga; gele-gele, to dig, because in this month they cease digging the ground for planting yams. Hili'nga-méa. (The end of things;) the name of the eighth lunar month; the month in which the principal agricultural work of the season is finished.

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Hi'na. A gourd; a bottle; a spider; hoary headed; grey with age.

Hi'na-hi'na. White.

Hi'nga. To fall; to tumble.

Hingo'a. Name; appellation.

Hi'va. The numeral nine.

Hiva. To sing.

Hi'va ongofoo'loo. Ninety.

Ho. The possessive pronoun your.

Ho'bo. To caper; to jump; a jump.

Hobo-hobo. To frisk.

Ho'ca. To stab; a lance; a thrust; a passado.

Ho'co. To flow.

Táhi ho'co. High water.

Hoho'lo. To grind.

Hoho'ni. Large cocoa-nut shells to hold water.

Ho'li. Eager.

Holi'chi. The open part of a house from the eaves to the


Ho'lla. To run away, (as from danger ;) to desert.
Holo. Friction; rubbing.

Holo-holo. A towel; to scrub; to wipe.

Holo'i. To chafe; to rub; to wipe.

Ho'nge. Dearth; famine; starvation.

Hoo. To deprecate; to pray; to intreat; to be submissive;

to beg pardon; to boil or stew.

Hoo': vy hoo. Broth made from fish, (having no other broth.) Hoo'a. A joke; jocose; merry.

Mátta hoola. Handsome.

Hoo'goo. To dive; to flounce in the water; to immerge. Hoo hi'fo. To crouch.

Hoohoo. The female breast: the dug or teat of any animal; also milk; a fork or skewer; also to stick or pierce with a fork or skewer.

Hoo'. A bone; also a needle or pin, (being originally

made of bone.)

Hoo'li. A sprout from the root of a plant; a sapling.
Hoo'noo. To singe.

Hoo'noo hoo'noo. To singe.

Hoonoo'gi. To stick a skewer or peg in any thing; the name of the stick put in the ground for the tendrils of the yams to rest on.

Hoo'ö. To till the land; also a wooden instrument used for digging, &c.; also taste or flavour, hoo'o lille, luscious.

Hoo'ö géle. An instrument to dig holes for plant

ing yams.


An instrument to weed with.

Hoo'ö ky. Greedy; gluttonous; eager after food.

Ho'pa. The banana.

Hotoo'a. An immaterial being, as a god, spirit, soul, appari

tion or phantom; also any evil coming, as it were, by the infliction of the gods; a bodily complaint; a boil. This word is also sometimes applied to foreigners.

Hotoo'a po'w. A demon.

How. A king: the supreme chief, not as to rank but as to


How. To come; to appproach.

How-chi'a. Misty; foggy; cloudy.

How no'a. To come or happen accidentally, or without any intention, as it were by chance; incidental.

I. A fan.


I'a. The pronoun he, (used either before or after the verb.)
Ia-oo-é. Interjection Ah! expressive either of pity or pain.
Ia-whé. An interjection of disdain, contempt, disgust.
I'boo. A cup; mug; saucer; a cocoa-nut shell to drink

out of.

I'ca. A fish; fish.

Ifé. Where; whither.

I'fi. To blow.

I'fi áfi. Evening; from ifi to blow, a'fi the fire, because at the coming on of the night they blow up the embers into a flame to light the torches or lamps.

I'gi. Diminutive; exiguous; little; tiny; the mallet with which they beat out the bark of the hea'bo to form ta'pa. I'goo. The tail.

I'hoo. The nose; also used as our word nozle, applied fantastically to the prominence of any thing.


Ihoo váca. Having a large nose.

The negative no; never; none.
Iky'-obi'to. Not at all.

Iky' táha. No one; nobody.

Ila. A mole or mark in the skin.

I'law. To perceive; to ascertain; to see.

Ilo'a. To ascertain; to perceive; to detect or discover.

Ta'i ilo'a. Invisible.

Honga. A crease, mark, or impression; a symptom, omen, or sign.

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