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Fucca falchi. To owe a grudge. fa chi-fa chi. Enmity.

fafi'ne. Feminine.

failte. The sitting posture of females. To sit as the women do, with the legs doubled up on one side. fano'w. To impregnate; to get with child. feféca. To harden,

fehoo'i. To interrogate.

féle. To disperse; to intersperse.

félle. To strew; to spread.

fe-ta'ma. To impregnate.

fe-ta'i. To thank.

fetowlagi. To cross; to meet.

fi'a-fiia. To please mentally; to afford joy.

fi'chi. To apologize.

fihi. To entwine; to entangle.

filoo. To satiate; to satisfy.

fo'li. To expand.

foo'öha'gi. To lie with the face downwards.

Tocáto fúcca foo'öhagi. Lying on the ground with the face downwards.

fooöhifo. To lie with the face upwards.


Tocáto fúcca foóöhifo. Lying along su

pine on the ground.

To bemire; to dirty with mud or mire. goo'li, Canine; like a dog.

gigihi. To cavil; tenacity or obstinacy in principle.

gi mánoo. To chirp as a bird.

gilo. To peep; to pry.
gnaców. To embowel.
gnálo. To obliterate.

gnaoóe. To bestir.

gnigníla. To burnish; to brighten.

Fucca gnofoóa. To facilitate.

gooi. Occecation; the act of blinding.

ha. To display; to exhibit; to shew; to indicate. hahów. To bedew.

hámo. To hanker after; to long for; to envy.

haw-tow. To skirmish; a skirmishing party; (corruption of fucca how he tow, to make come the battle.) hée. To bewilder.

héca. To embark.

héla. To tire for want of breath; to be out of breath.

hífo. To sally; to descend.

bína. To whiten.

hína he láä. To bleach in the sun.

hína hina. To blanch or whiten.

hingo'a. To denominate; to give a name.

hoóa. To banter; to joke.

[blocks in formation]

hoóo melíe. To sweeten.

ífi-áfi. Of or belonging to the evening.

Ky fúcca ifi áfi. An evening meal; a sup


ilónga. To betoken; to note; to mark; to trace;


Tái fúcca ilónga. Indiscriminately ; with

out selection or distinction.

ita. To affront; aggravate; make angry; displease; to pout or look displeased.

kevi'gi. Backwards, like the motion of a crab.

ky. To feed; also to wean.

láä. To bask in the sun.

láä. Insolation; exposure to the sun.

láhi. To inlarge; the name of a ceremony.

laláta. To tame; to make mild.

Fucca láta. To tame; to make mild.

lélle möoói. To amaze; to wonder; to astonish;

to start.

léo. To watch; a watchman; a sentry.

lía-lía. Abominable; filthy; odious; ugly.

lili. To put in a passion; to irritate.

lillé. To make good; to mend; to make peace; reconcile; a pacification; an armistice.

lóa-lóa. To elongate.

Táffa fúcca lóa-lóa. To slit; a slit: a cut. lolóngo or lóngo-longo. To quiet; to recompose; to hush; quiet.

longóa. Noisy; to roar; to make a noise.
loóö. To excavate.

ly. Adulation; to cajole; to coax ; to wheedle.
ma. To abash; also to defecate; to cleanse.
machíla. To sharpen.

maéne. To titillate; to irritate gently; to tickle. máha. To drain.

mahági. To sicken; to disorder.

maléca. Sensual pleasure.

málo. Ease; to rest.

malóhi. Forcibly; by force.

Tóho fúcca malóhi. To drag by force.,

malóló. To refresh.

máloo. To shade.

mamáhi. To excruciate; to hurt; to pain.

mamáta. To indigitate.


Amiable; to endear; to be fond of.

manátoo. Memento; to remind.

manáva gnatá. Depectible; tough or clammy.
mánava-hé. To frighten or alarm; to appal.
mánava-chí. To frighten, &c.

mánga. To open the mouth; to gape; to gasp.

Fucca mánga váe. Astride; to get astride.

máoo. To explain; define; elucidate; explanation; also to compensate.

Tai fa fúcca máoo. Inexplicable.

matáffa. A gash or great cut.

matóloo. To incrassate; to inspissate; to thicken. mátta. To sharpen.

méle-méle. To mingle among; to be strewed or dispersed among.

mími. To make or encourage a child to make


móa móa. To desiccate or harden; to dry up.
móco-móco. To cool.

móhe. To lull; to make sleepy.
molle-molle. To plane; to smooth.

móloo. To intenerate; to soften.
--momóco. To cool.

momóho. To ripen; to maturate.

[blocks in formation]

möoói. To quicken; to animate: to heal.

móoonoo. To bless.

'motoóa tangáta. To be economical; (to act the

old man ;) thrifty; saving.

mow. To make fast; to fasten; to secure; to tie; to furl, (as a sail.)

mow aloónga. To heighten,

helálo. To deepen.

na. To appease; to quiet; to silence, (as a child.) námoo cacála. To scent; to perfume.

nófo. To seat, or cause to sit.

nonó. To shorten.

óchi. To conclude; to perfect; to extirpate; to demolish.

ófa. To caress; to fondle.

Fucca oli. To approach.

oo'a. To divide in two; to bisect.

ooli. To begrime or make dirty and black; to blacken.

sése. To impoverish.

táboo. To interdict.

táha. To adjoin; unite to; coalesce; connect; interlace; to league; to be in company with; together; inseparate.

Páloo fúcca táha. To intermix as fluids

(páloo, to mix with water.)

Láto fúcca táha. Unanimity; unanimous.
Tải fúcca táha. Separate; not unanimous.

takky. To begird; to coil.

tammachí. Boyish; childish.

Léa fúcca tamachí. To prattle.

tánc. To sit cross-legged on the ground as the men do the way the women sit is called fúcca faíte (vid. fulcca faite.)

tangáta. Manly; as a man; (worthy of a man.)
Lo'to fucca tangáta. Magnanimous.




Tải fúcca tangáta. Unmanly ; ungenerously.
To equalize.

To review troops.

Water excursions; to cause to float.

télefoo'a. To denude; to divest; to strip.

tetéme. Trembling; shivering.

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Aloo fúcca tetéme.

To waddle; to walk

feebly and tremblingly.

to'ca. To strand.

to'noo. To demonstrate.

toloa. To degrade; common; vulgar; inelegant. too'boo. To beget; to cause to spring up or grow. to-o'chi. Jointly.

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