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Fa-foola. Prolific.

Fa-gnaoole. Diligent.

Fagna'wta. Shell-fish of any kind; to gather shell-fish. Fa'he-géhe. A priest; (falhe, a division or class of men; and geʼhe, original, distinct, or different.)

Fahi-fa'hi. To split; to rend; cracked, broken.

Fa-ílaw. Perceivable; (from fa, able; ilo'a, to perceive.) Fai'te. The posture in which the women sit on the ground, not cross-legged as the men, but with the legs doubled up on one side.

Fa-ky'. To eat much; to gormandize; to eat heartily;

(fa, much; ky, to eat.)

Fa'la. A mat to sleep on.

Fa-léo. Vigilant.

Faligi. To pave; to floor.

Falígi low pápa. To floor with boards.

Fali'gi tacapow. To cover the floor with plaited

mats of the cocoa-nut leaf.

Falle. A house. Falle booa'ca, a hog-sty. Falle vaca, a

small house in a canoe.

Falle manoo. A bird-cage.

Falle lahi. The large house on a marly.

Fa'lle-booa'ca. A pig-sty, (falle, a house; booa'ca, a hog or pig.

Fa'lle-ma'noo. A cage, (fa'lle, a house; ma'noo, a bird.) Falli'gi. (See faligi.)

Falligi ta'ccapo/w. To cover the floor or ground with plaited mats of the cocoa.

Falo. To stretch in point of length; no word for to stretch in point of expansion: for this they would say, "to make it larger, this or that way."

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do. Fana'nga. A fable; a fictitious tale. Fanga. Beach; shore.

Fango-fango. To blow the nose; also flutes blown by the


Fanífo. The art of swimming in the surf.

Fánna. A mast; to shoot as with a gun or bow.

Tefilo fanna, the heel of the mast; ooloo fanna, the mast head.

Fa'nna-fonnoola. Great guns; ordnance; cannon; (fanna, to shoot, and fonno'on, the land.) Fa'nna-tanga'ta. A musket.

Fano'w. Pregnancy; childbirth; progeny; offspring; to bring forth young.

Fa/now moola. A miscarriage, (as to childbirth.)
Fano'w ma'te.

Faö. A peg.


Faloo. To take away by main force, or by virtue of superior rank or authority; also to load; to burthen; to stock with.

Falooa'gi. Laden with, (as a canoe.)

Faloo va'ca. To load a ship or canoe.

Fa'ta. A shelf; a loft; also a hand-barrow.

Fata-falta. The chest; the thorax.

Fa'tongi'a. A tax; impost.

Fa'too. The stomach; also a bale.

Fa'too. To fold or wrap up; fatoo la, to furl the sail.

Fatoo-fa'too. To fold or wrap up.

Fatoo'la. Beardless.

Fatoo-oo'a. A double garment of gnatuo, not plaited; when

plaited, it is called vaký.

Fa'wha. Offspring; son or daughter.

Fe. To do, (not often used; probably a corruption of fy, to do.)

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Fea/ooa/gi. An amour; intrigue; also a mistress; lover; a sweethcart.

Féccata'gi. To meet; to encounter.

Feco'w. To bid; command; order; a message; an order. Féfé? How?

Fefeca. Strong; athletic; sturdy; hard; hardness; stiff; inflexible.

Fegé. Controversy; discussion.

Féhia. To hate; abhor; dislike; hatred.
Fehooi. To enquire; an enquiry; a question.
Feichi. Copulation; act of generation.

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Fekilta. To congrete; to salute; to hug.
Fékke. The fish commonly called cat-fish.

Fekkita. A certain kind of tree.

Fekky'. A disposition to devour or bite mankind; applied to cannibals or to any animal that bites or eats men ; a dog that is disposed to bite one, is said to be fekky. Féle. Interspersed; spread about.

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To navigate; to make a voyage; a canoe; a fleet

of canoes; a voyage.

Feta'i. Thanks.

Fetalägi. To fight with clubs.

Feta'gi. To meet.

Feta'ma. Gestation; pregnancy: (from fe to make, tama, a child.)

Fétata'ngi. To sob; to shed tears.

Fétatechili. To lighten; (to flash with lightning ;) lightning.

Fétchi. To break; to stave; to split; to snap in two.
Fetoo'. A star; a planet.

Fetowla'gi. To meet; to cross; a meeting; a crossing.



Fi. To twist; to plait.

Fi'a. Want; being without; to want; to desire to be, or

to have.

Fooa möoo'i fia; sudden death. (Fooa, entirely;
mooo'i, life; fi'a, wanting.)

Fia-a'looagi. Wandering; unquiet; discontented.
Fi'a-fei'chi. Venery; venereal desire.

Fi'a-fia, Delight; gladness; joy; pleased; delighted; conceit or pride arising from rank; abilities; extraordinary actions, &c.

Fi'a-ky'. Hunger; hungry.

Fila-lahi. To brag; to boast; (fia, to wish or desire; lahi, great or powerful,) boasting.

Fi'amo-aloo! Away! begone! (from fila mo' a'loo; desire you go.)

Fichi. To fillip; to snap with the fingers.

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Fi'hi. To entangle; to entwine; to twist.

Fihi-fihi. To entwine; to twist.

Fili. To select; to choose; to guess; a choice; to strive; to search; also an adversary, (probably from the custom of singling out an enemy to fight with ;) to contend with fili mo he macca, to strive against rocks; to attempt impossibilities.

Fili-fili. To choose; to pick; to select.

Filian'ge. To throw over; to turn on one side.

Fili he-lo'to. Literally, to search the mind; to try to remember; to ruminate; to consider.

Filíhi. To overturn; to make topsy turvy: upset.

Filo. Thread, string: the perinæum.

Fíoo. To satiate; to have enough of.

Satisfied; tired of.

Fitoo. The numeral seven.

Fitoo-ongofooloo. Seventy.

Foa. To burst; to crack; to break to pieces.
Foccatool. On end; endwise; to set up on end.

To heap up; to collect together; to jumble together; to amass.

To transport, or convey goods in a canoe.
Valca-foccatoo'; a small paddling canoe.

Foffo'lla. To unfold; to spread out.

Fofo'nga. The visage, or countenance; appearance.
A feature of the face.

Fo'ha. A son.

Fo'he. A paddle.

Fo'he-oo'lli. A paddle to steer with; a rudder; a helm.
Fohi-fo'hi. To peel; to strip off as bark, &c.

Foi. Cowardice.

One, or rather a whole, bulk, ball, or head: as fo'i la'ho, a testicle, from fo'i, a whole, a ball or nucleus, and la'ho, the scrotum, a ball of the scrotum. Foi-va'ca. Either of the canoes of a double canoe. Foli-oofi. One yam. Foli-níoo. One cocoa-nut, &c.

the same as we use the word head for one, when we say a head of cattle, &c.

Foi-ma/noo. An egg (from foi, a ball, or nucleus; ma'noo, a bird).

Foi-valë. The calf of the leg (from foi, the body, or bulk, valë, the leg).

Foki. Pray! if you please! now do!

Folki-fa. Forthwith; suddenly.

Foky. A species of the lizard.

Foli. Round about; encircling.

To circumvent; to surround.
To spread about (as vegetation).

Folo. To swallow,

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