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Iky' teoo behe-atoo giate gimotóloo, óooa-na mo manátoo gi he tow (23).

Ofa-be (24) ger matta-tow my he fonnooa, bea how nihi ger véte he tow abi, tow fucca-ha-angi giáte ginówtóloo, ca láhi leva he tow gnóooë, tattow-be mo ia he tow toa:

Tow fy be leva gitowtoloo he gnóooe, coe leo möóni ia (26) he tow fonnooa.

Gooa tow holi gi he fonnooa gehe co-oomá?

Gooa lahiánge-fow he fonnooa coéni ger fafánga gitówtóloo; ikychi te tow fa gena enne tow.

Neoo iky' abé léa-átoo fuccaloto-boto; coe cow-motooa goon nofo-my, gooa te hoo-ange giate ginowtoloo ger tala-my, capów te hala:

Gooa te ge tamachi, gooa te ilaw iky' teoo boto he boole capów nái fucca-taha acoo loto, mo he loto he tacótone ger fy-telíha toca-taha be, iky' ger ongo gi he now lea:

Fucca-fetai mo gimotoloo he ofa, bea mo he nofo-mow giate ia.

Co Finow Fiji mo he cow-mataboole gooa nofo-my, now ilaw-be ginowto'loo éoocoo fa fucca-fehoói gi he lillé he tow nofone.

Nor will I say to you, give up your thoughts of fighting;

Let but the front of war (approach) towards our land, and come any (force) to plunder our homes, we (will) make shew forth to them (that) whilst great accordingly our agricultural works, in like manner with it our bravery (25).

Let us do accordingly, ourselves, the agriculture, (for) that is truly guarding our land.

We are anxious towards a land different, wherefore? (i. e. why should we be anxious for an increase of territory?)

Is sufficiently great the land this for supplying food (to) us: not little (not at all) shall we be able to devour its produce.

I have not, perhaps, spoken to you wisely; the elders (i. e. the matabooles) are sitting near me ; I entreat to them that (they) tell me if I (am) wrong,

I am yet a youth, I know, not should I be wise (in) governing if were alike, my mind and the mind (of) the prostrate (dead) chief, to act optionally, of one's own accord, not to listen to their dis


(My) thanks for your love, and also fidelity towards him.

Finow Fiji and the matabooles are present, they know my frequent enquiries concerning (the) good (of) our government.

O'ooa chi na (27) mo behe he mo loto,—“ io, co tow fonongo gi he low-noa he tamachi coehá?”

Mo manátoo ca léa atoo leva au, co he fucca-ongo atoo ia he loto a Toi Oomoo, mo Ooloovaloo mo Afoo, mo Fotoo, mo Alo, bea mo fooli-be he cow-Ho-egi mo he mataboole he Vavaoone (28).

Mo fonongo my! cow fucca-manatoo-atoo giate gimotoloo; capow gooa ai nihi gooa fonnooa gehe, be gooa ai nihi gooa tai-lata ger nofo fucca-behene (9) co lolotonga-be coeni teoo atoo giate gimotoloo ger aloo, ca, hili leva coeni, iky chi te tow felowagi mo Hapai;

Fili-fili leva he mo nofoanga co Fiji e, co Hamoa e, co Tonga e, co Hapai e, co Fotoona mo Lo

tooma e.

Ilonga-be mea gooa loto-fuccataha ger manáco he nofo he lillé tai-toogoo,—ginowtoloo-be te now nofo gi Hafooloo How.

Iky-chi teoo behe ger lolomi he toa he taha loto-tow.

Vacky-ange! he fonnooa co Tonga bea mo Fiji gooa nofo tow be, mo fili-fili he mno manáco ger aloo gi he taha, ger fy ai he mo toa.

Mo too! taggi-taha-be aloo gi enne abi, bea mo manátoo gi he aloo he vaca he bongí-bongi gi Hapai.

Do not say in your minds, “truly, (do) we listen to the silly talk (of) a boy wherefore?"

Recollect ye, whilst speak "to" you therefore I, it is the echoing of the mind of Toi Oomoo, and Ooloovaloo and Afoo, and Fotoo and Alo, also and all the chiefs and the matabooles (of) Vavaoo.

Listen ye to me! I remind ye, (that) if there any one is (of) another land, and there any one is discontented (with) remaining in this way, this is the only; opportunity I will give to you to depart; for, let pass accordingly. this (occasion), not littlę (i. e. not at all) shall we communicate with Hapai;

Choose then your dwellingplaces; is Fiji there, is Hamoa there, is Tonga there, is Hapai there, is Fotoona and Lotooma there.

Marked be those having minds unanimous, that they love remaining (in) the peace unceasing: those only, shall they remain at Hafooloo How.

Not at all will I suppress the bravery (of) one warlike mind.

Behold! the land of Tonga and of Fiji are remaining (at) war: choose ye your wish to go to the one, to perform there your bravery.

Arise! each one go to his home, also and reflect upon the departure (of) the canoes to-morrow to Hapai.

These, it is presumed, will be found sufficient to give the reader a just idea of the nature and genius of the Tonga language; and will sufficiently enable him to compare it with others, to which it may be supposed to have some affinity; as, the Malay, for instance, or hereafter, perhaps, with those of the Fiji, the Sandwich, and the Society islauds; of each of which places we ought, in a few years, to have some better account than we have hitherto had; for there are English and American people who have been resident at those several clusters of islands for a number of years; and, of course, ought to be perfectly acquainted with their customs, and tolerably well versed in their language. There is no doubt but that the farther enquiry is carried into the history of the South Seas, the more clearly it will appear that a very strong relationship exists between the natives of the different islands, notwithstanding the distance of their geographical situations. Affinities between their several languages have already been shewn by Cook and other navigators, but under a very disadvantageous circumstance, the want of a free communication of ideas; in consequence of which, many wrong words have been given; thus, lille' is the Tonga word for good, but Cook gives my fogge (my foki), which means, give it me if you please: for a bead he gives, attahoa, which should be cakooa: he gives koooma (co-ooma') for the burnt circular marks in the skin; but this word means why? what for? whilst the proper word for those marks is lafa. For to sneeze, he gives efango (fafango), signifying, to blow the nose; the word for sneezing being mafatooa: for the head, ooloo pokko (oolooboco) which means the skull: for the number 100,000, he gives laoo noa (low-noa), which literally means nonsense, or foolish discourse! From at least fifty to a hundred other instances of this, out of the same vocabulary, might be quoted; and the same with Labillardiere's Vocabulary, of



which indeed we have already noticed a few remarkable instances. (See p. 390 of this volume).

In respect to the Malayan language, Mr. Mariner has, with great diligence and attention, looked over the whole of the English part of Marsden's Malayan Dictionary, and has selected the following list of above sixty words, which bear a considerable resemblance to the corresponding Tonga words. It is here very worthy of remark, that those Tonga words which contain the sound of the letter f have in its place the letter p or b in the Malayan: and the above author notices in his preface to the same excellent work, that the Malays, not having the sound f in their own language, generally substitute p for it in those adopted Arabic words where it occurs.,

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