Mess. One from the lord Stanley. Mess. Upon the stroke of four. Enter HASTINGS. Hast. Cannot my lord Stanley sleep these tedious nights? Mess. So it appears by that I have to say. First, he commends him to your noble self. Hast. What then? Mess. Then certifies your lordship, that this night He dreamt the boar1 had rased off his helm: Hast. Go, fellow, go, return unto thy lord: Where, he shall see, the boar will use us kindly. Mess. I'll go, my lord, and tell him what you say. [Exit. Enter CATESBY. Cate. Many good morrows to my noble lord! Hast. Good morrow, Catesby; you are early stirring: What news, what news, in this our tottering state? Cate. It is a reeling world, indeed, my lord; And I believe will never stand upright Till Richard wear the garland of the realm. Hast. How! wear the garland! garla !! dost thou mean the crown? Cate. Ay, my good lord. (1) The boar, i. e, the duke of Gloucester. Hast. I'll have this crown of mine cut from my shoulders Before I'll see the crown so foul misplac'd. But canst thou guess that he doth aim at it? Cate. Ay, on my life; and hopes to find you forward Upon his party, for the gain thereof: Hast. Indeed, I am no mourner for that news, Cate. God keep your lordship in that gracious mind! Hast. O monstrous, monstrous! and so falls it out Cate. The princes both make high account of you,- Hast. I know they do; and I have well deserv'd it. Enter STANLEY. Come on, come on; where is your boar-spear, man? Fear you the boar, and go so unprovided? [Aside. Stan. My lord, good morrow; and good morrow, Catesby : You may jest on, but, by the holy rood,1 I do not like these several councils, I. Hast. My lord, I hold my life as dear as yours; And never, in my days, I do protest, Was it so precious to me as 'tis now: Think you, but that I know our state secure, I would be so triumphant as I am? Stan. The lords at Pomfret, when they rode from London, Were jocund, and suppos'd their states were sure, And they, indeed, had no cause to mistrust; But yet, you see, how soon the day o'ercast. (1) By the holy rood, i. e. by the cross: a common oath. This sudden stab of rancour I misdoubt; Pray God, I say, I prove a needless coward! What, shall we toward the Tower? the day is spent. Hast. Come, come, have with you.-Wot you what, my lord? To-day the lords you talk of are beheaded. Stan. They, for their truth, might better wear their heads, Than some that have accus'd them wear their hats. But come, my lord, let's away. Enter a Pursuivant. Hast. Go on before, I'll talk with this good fellow. Exeunt STANLEY and CATESBY. How now, sirrah! how goes the world with thee? Purs. God hold it, to your honour's good content! Purs. I thank your honour. Enter a Priest. [Throwing him his purse. Exit Pursuivant. Pr. Well met, my lord; I am glad to see your honour. I am in your debt for your last exercise :1 Pr. I'll wait upon your lordship. Enter BUCKINGHAM. Buck. What, talking with a priest, lord chamberlain? Your friends at Pomfret they do need the priest; Hast. 'Good faith, and when I met this holy man, Buck. I do, my lord; but long I cannot stay there: Hast. Nay, like enough, for I stay dinner there. (1) Exercise,-performance of divine service. Buck. And supper too, although thou know'st it not. [Aside. Come, will you go? Hast. I'll wait upon your lordship. SCENE III.-Pomfret. Before the Castle. [Exeunt. Enter RATCLIFF, with a guard, conducting RIVERS, GREY, Riv. Sir Richard Ratcliff, let me tell thee this,— For truth, for duty, and for loyalty. Grey. God keep the prince from all the pack of you! Vaugh. You live that shall cry woe for this hereafter. Within the guilty closure of thy walls Richard the second here was hack'd to death: And, for more slander to thy dismal seat, We give to thee our guiltless blood to drink. Grey. Now Margaret's curse is fallen upon our heads, When she exclaim'd on Hastings, you, and I, For standing by when Richard stabb'd her son. and Riv. Then curs'd she Richard, then curs'd she Buckingham, Then curs'd she Hastings :-O, remember, God, To hear her prayer for them, as now for us! Be satisfied, dear God, with our true blood, Which, as thou know'st, unjustly must be spilt! Riv. Come, Grey,—come, Vaughan,—let us here embrace: Farewell, until we meet again in heaven. [Exeunt. SCENE IV.-London. A Room in the Tower. BUCKINGHAM, STANLEY, HASTINGS, the BISHOP OF ELY, RATCLIFF, LOVEL, and others, sitting at a table: Officers of the council attending. Hast. Now, noble peers, the cause why we are met Is, to determine of the coronation : In God's name, speak, when is the royal day? Buck. Who knows the lord protector's mind herein (1) Is expiate, i. e. is up, is expired. Who is most inward1 with the noble duke? Ely. Your grace, we think, should soonest know his mind. Buck. We know each other's faces: for our hearts, He knows no more of mine than I of yours; Nor I of his, my lord, than you of mine : Lord Hastings, you and he are near in love. Hast. I thank his grace, I know he loves me well: But, for his purpose in the coronation, Enter GLOSTER. Ely. In happy time, here comes the duke himself. Buck. Had you not come upon your cue, my lord, Glo. Than my lord Hastings no man might be bolder; Ely. Marry and will, my lord, with all my heart. [Exit ELY. [Takes him aside. Catesby hath sounded Hastings in our business; Buck. Withdraw yourself awhile, I'll go with you. [Exeunt GLOSTER and BUCKINGHAM. Stan. We have not yet set down this day of triumph. To-morrow, in my judgment, is too sudden; As else I would be, were the day prolong'd. (1) Most inward, -most intimate, confidential. (2) Come upon your cue. An expression borrowed from the theatre, meaning to come just in time to take your proper part. (3) In Holborn, where there used to be the palace of the Bishop of Ely; Elyplace now stands on the spot. |