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In order to appreciate the difficulties encountered in seeking an approach to the ganglion let us direct our attention to the middle fossa of the skull. In 1901, Amyx made observations to which we can in great measure subscribe. found that skulls, which exclusive of additional muscles or the zygomatic arch are wide just in front of the ears, present no bony prominences in the floor of the middle fossa. On the other hand, where the transverse diameter in front of the ears is smaller, but the external bony prominences are large and sharply marked, the floor of the middle fossa is studded with large bony projections situated external to the foramina ovale and rotundum.

Then again a third type is often encountered, namely:-A combination of the other two. A knowledge of the aforesaid facts will give a hint of the condition to be expected.

Amyx has made his observations on over 50 skulls. Ours were made on a similar number and we agree with his findings, but we would like to add that where the middle fossa is narrow, it is in the majority of cases deep, and under these conditions the glenoid cavity either presents no projection at all into the fossa, or else is marked by a very slight eminence.

While still in the middle fossa, two prominent anatomical factors must be recognized-the dura mater and the middle meningeal artery. The dura mater, at the region of the petrosal apex, separates into two layers in order to ensheath the Gasserian ganglion. It is evident, therefore, that whatever is the route chosen to attack the ganglion, the dura must ultimately be divided. But at this point, the membrane exhibits certain peculiarities of attachment, which are of great import for the successful enucleation of the ganglion. First of all the layer of dura separating the brain from the ganglion is very adherent to the superior surface of the latter structure, so that in gasserectomy great care must be exercised not to puncture the membrane and thus enter the brain. Beneath the ganglion the characteristics of the dura mater can be summed up in two words-firm attachment. It is firmly attached to the bone, it is firmly attached to the margins of the anterior lacerated foramen, the foramina rotundum, ovale and spinosum, and I need but call your attention to the presence in this region of a suture (the temporo-sphenoidal) to emphasize another point of firm dural attachment. Unfortunately the dura is again very firmly attached to the inner border of the ganglion, being the region of its intimate relation with the caroIn practicing tid artery and cavernous sinus. evulsion of the ganglion, careful dissection from the dura in this particular region will be rewarded by a minimum hemorrhage.

The dura mater is found to be especially thick and adherent around the foramen spinosum. This is a very fortunate condition because the middle meningeal artery coming through the


aforesaid foramen is thus more or less protected from injury in manipulations around the anatomical field.

We now face the other important anatomic factor in the middle fossa, namely: the middle meningeal artery. Normally the artery begins behind the ganglion. Coming through the foramen spinosum, it takes a short, gentle turn backwards and becomes enveloped by dura mater. It then courses outward following the concavity in the floor of the middle fossa until it reaches the lower anterior angle of the parietal bone, where the artery enters either in a deep groove, or an incomplete bony canal. Its length varies between 3 to 6.5 cm. Perhaps it would be well to remind you that our chief concern is with the so called anterior branch of the middle meningeal, in as much as it is the main continuation of the artery and is the branch which we must consider in operations about the ganglion.

While the middle meningeal artery is a possible source of hemorrhage and some operators advise either its ligation or that of the main trunk from which it branches, still in skilled hands bleeding from the middle meningeal artery becomes a negligible factor, and Cushing's advice to lift the artery with the dura from the bone and thus convert the middle meningeal artery from a "swing to an arch," and work beneath the arch will greatly assist in minimizing the aforesaid danger.

Of course no provision can be made against an anomalous course of the vessels, and it simply becomes a matter of being on guard. Apparently the most common anomaly is where the foramen spinosum lies very close to In fact I have seen a skull the foramen ovale. where the foramen spinosum seemed to be a continuation of the ovale. Sometimes the artery passes through the foramen ovale, being separated from the nerve branch merely by one or two layers of dura. Then again, the foramen spinosum may lie between the foramina ovale and rotundum, and at times as far forward as the latter. In a few instances the artery was altogether missing.


Annoying hemorrhage which sometimes compels the surgeon to pack the field of operation and defer proceedings anywheres from a few minutes to a few days, is furnished by the emissary veins of the dura mater. operators deal with this emergency in various ways, and the anatomy of the part is not distinctive enough to call for any particular mode of surgical procedure. A more important source of hemorrhage during gasserectomy is the cavernous sinus. Bound up so intimately as is the Gasserian ganglion (especially its ophthalmic division) with the cavernous sinus, and being furthermore such an apparent source of prolific bleeding, it will be readily seen what care is called for in stripping the ganglion away from the sinus. The relation of the two makes evident a point in the surgical technic. The cavernous

sinus is situated for the greater part in front of the ganglion; hence, in enucleating the ganglion, hemorrhage from the sinus will be better anticipated if the former be pried from behind and pulled towards the outside.

A dangerous source of hemorrhage during gasserectomy is injury to the internal carotid artery. The artery lies immediately inside the body of the ganglion. It is intimately connected with the dura of the ganglion. To avoid hemorrhage from this vessel, it is well to carefully dissect away the ganglion with a blunt dissector and make sure that the dissector can be passed between the two structures before any tension whatever is put upon the nerve element. In many of the skulls examined by us, the carotid artery never came in contact with the ganglion, because the former ran all the way through a bony canal, in the apex of the petrosal bone; only when it emerges to form the ophthalmic artery did it come close to the ophthalmic division of the ganglion. So much for some of the mechanical difficulties in attacking the ganglion directly. Let us now direct our attention to the branches of the ganglion for the purpose of ascertaining how and where the nerve roots may be injected.

To continue our analogy of the Gasserian ganglion and its branches to a hand with three fingers, let us imagine that these fingers reach out through three foramina at the base of the skull to grasp certain anatomical structures. The first of these branches, known as the ophthalmic division, passes out through the sphenoidal fissure. (Fig. I, a.)

The second branch known as the superior maxillary leaves the skull through the foramen rotundum. (Fig. I, b.)

The third division known as the inferior maxillary leaves the skull through the foramen ovale. (Fig. I, c.) Through its own function, as derived from the Gasserian ganglion, this branch leaves the skull in company with the motor root of the fifth nerve and the two become intimately associated immediately they attain the pterygoid region. Thenceforth the inferior maxillary division of the Gasserian ganglion becomes a mixed nerve. Its motor fibres, supply the tensor tympani and palati muscles, as well as the muscles of mastication, the mylohyoid and anterior belly of the digastric.

Briefly speaking the fifth cranial nerve, by means of the Gasserian ganglion controls either altogether, or for the most part, the sensory innervation of the eye, the skin of the face, the teeth and the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth. One can readily perceive the enormity of reflexes which may be carried to the brain along this route. It is when these reflexes become painful that surgically we seek to inhibit the transmission of the particular impulse, or failing to do so, turn our attention to excision of the ganglion or section of its sensory root.

Before resorting to the radical operation, it

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Let us follow the individual nerves as they leave the ganglion. We are struck immediately by two peculiar facts: Firstly, each division, though destined to innervate the exterior gives off a branch inside of the cranium, and secondly, each of these roots contributes a small branch to enter into the formation of new ganglia.

The other division of these ganglia is derived from the sympathetic system.

We sometimes meet with cases of trifacial neuralgia unbenefitted by surgical treatment of a peripheral branch. Might this not be due to the fact, that the intracranial branch is the one affected and that it has not been reached in the treatment?

The new ganglia bring the fifth nerve in communication with the sympathetic system-what an immense source for reflexes to be brought from distant parts to the trifacial nerve:

I am led by my observations to include another factor in the destination of the trigeminal branches-the fifth nerve is in some way or other connected with all of the other cranial nerves. We know this to be a fact with the third, fourth, sixth, seventh and ninth nerves. I cannot help but think that when the nasal branch of the ophthalmic division enters the nose through the nasal fissure, that it comes in contact with filaments of the olefactory nerve. It seems reasonable to believe that in the eye the ciliary branches of the ophthalmic root should come in contact with the terminal branches of the optic nerve. The auditory nerve sends a branch to the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve, and the latter is considerably in communication with the branches of the fifth nerve. No great hardship would be encountered in tracing a connection between the pneumogastric and trifacial by means of the sympathetic system.

Confronted with a case of trifacial neuralgia and desirous of employing means towards treating the peripheral regions first, we find, that although on the face, the branches are here, there and everywhere, yet each main division makes its appearance through a distinct foramen and reigns over a definite area. If the terminal filaments of the three nerve trunks were traced over the face, they would form a mask which would cover it all but the ears and lower angles of the lower jaw.

The three bony foramina through which the nerve trunks reach the face are known respectively from above downwards as orbital, infraorbital and mental. The nerves passing through them have the same name as the foramen. These foramina all lie in a vertical line

draw downward from the supraorbital foramen. to the interval between the two bicuspid teeth. This line crosses both the infraorbital and mental foramina (Fig. II.).

With this preliminary consideration of the trifacial field in which only a few of the more important facts have been emphasized let us consider briefly the injection treatment of trifacial neuralgia and its practical application.

First: Let me call your attention to the fact that the three Gasserian branches have a deep exit from the cranium and a superficial exit (See Fig. 1). Their deep exit, let me recall, is from the sphenoidal fissure, the foramina rotundum and ovale, their superficial exit, the foramina supraorbital, infraorbital and mental. It is quite evident that the injection of the superficial branches as they exit on the face is a procedure of little difficulty, requiring but superficial knowledge, since the foramina are all palpable or the face and are not over 1⁄2-inch distant from the surface. The injection of these branches, therefore, need not concern this inquiry. But it has been found that the injection of the superficial branches is not always effectual, and it is the extension of this treatment to the injection of the branches as they exit from the foramina ovale, rotundum and sphenoidal fissure that presents a problem involving primarily anatomic accuracy. In other words, can a needle be passed with safety to the deep exit of these nerves; can the nerve be reached with a fair degree of certainty and what are the anatomical guides?

We have experimented on fifty skulls by exposing the foramina of exit within the skull, passing the needle to the point chosen and injecting methyl blue solution. When the methyl blue immediately appeared through the foramina we concluded that the needle point had reached the position desired.

We present, therefore, for your consideration the following guides for deep injections of the ophthalmic, and the superior and inferior maxillary divisions as they exit from the sphenoidal fissure, the foramina rotundum and oval respectively. The writer uses a needle 5 cm. long and 1.5 mm. in diameter, without stylet. To inject the nerve at its exit from the sphenoidal fissure insert the needle at the rim of the orbit at a point corresponding to the fronto-malar articulation. Pass the needle into a depth of 31⁄2 cm., being sure to hug the outer wall of the orbit. Special accuracy must be used to avoid the optic nerve. (Fig. III. a.) To inject the nerve at its exit from the foramen rotundum insert the needle at the lower border of the zygoma at a point opposite the posterior border of the frontal process of the malar bone. Push the needle directly inwards and slightly upwards for a distance of 5 cm., the point of the needle finally reaches the pterygo-maxillary fossa in which is found the nerve making its exit from the rotundum (Fig. III, b). If the needle after passing the subcutaneous tissue strikes bone, it is the coronoid

process of the lower jaw. The way must be cleared by having the patient open his mouth and placing a gag between the teeth.

To inject the inferior maxillary division at its exit from the foramen ovale, insert the needle at lower border of the zygoma 1⁄2 cm. in front of the condyle of the jaw, push the needle directly inward and slightly downward for a depth of 4 cm., at which distance the point of the needle is at the ovale foramen. (Fig. III, c.)

It may be well to state that the injection is seldom made directly into the nerve, but rather in the vicinity of the nerve and the diffusion of the agent accomplishes the desired purpose.

The solution used is the cocaine, chloroform, alcohol solution of Patrick & Hecht, consisting of a grain of cocaine, X minims of chloroform, and 2-oz. of 80% alcohol.

A curious fact about the alcohol injection is that it does not destroy the nerve, but in some way changes its chemistry. In other words, the pain is relieved, but sensation is not destroyed. The patient suffers considerable pain during the injection, but these patients are accustomed to excruciating pain and are willing to undergo temporary suffering if relief is the reward.

No preliminary anesthesia is used, for the reason that the best evidence of a successful puncture is the spasm of pain, numbness and anesthesia over the course of the nerve successively reported by the patient.

Ecchymosis and swelling are to be expected and trismus following injection of the third division is to be anticipated, but they are never more than a temporary inconvenience.

Some Practical Observations.

In the practical application of this treatment the author makes the following suggestions as the result of his clinical observations:

a. In all cases where no previous operation has been performed it will be well to first apply the injections to the superficial exits of the nerves as they appear on the face before making the deep injections. In some of our cases such treatment seemed to be sufficient and there is no need for making the deep injections unless the pain returns.

b. In cases the subject of previous operation (gasserectomy, Abbe's operation, etc.) the deep injection only was effectual.

c. Although in the majority of cases the pain is almost immediately relieved, in a few instances the pain is worse after the injection and may continue for a few days. This condition is undoubtedly due to increased swelling of the parts in the vicinity of the nerve and subsides as the swelling decreases. In one of our cases intense pain followed deep injection of the second division and continued for seven days, after which the pain disappeared and the patient is entirely free from pain for the first time in ten years.

d. The solution used should be freshly prepared for each treatment. The ingredients undergo rapid chemical changes.

January, 1910

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