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Report to the Committee of the Hon. House of Commons on the Petition of the Trustees of the British Museum, respecting the purchase of Mr. Greville's Collection of Minerals.


VE the undersigned, having been requested, by the committee,

Eighth, That we consider the en tire collection to be equal in most, and in many parts superior, to any other have had opportunities of viewing in similar collection which any of us

this and other countries.

Ninth, That having accurately examined and separately valued the different cabinets and detached specito make a careful examination of the mens, we find the total amount to be collection of minerals belonging to thirteen thousand seven hundred and the Right Hon. Charles F. Greville, twenty-seven pounds.

and to put a value upon the same, with as much fairness and accuracy as possible; have now to report :—

First, That on May 2d, 1810, we assembled at the house of the late Mr. Greville, on Paddington Green, commenced our inspection of the collection of minerals; and continued the same, day after day, up to the 9th of the month.

Second, That we have found the specimens scientifically arranged, for the greater part, in glazed drawers, which are contained in cabinets made of beautiful mahogany.

Third,-That exclusive of these cabinets, there are two others, containing models in wood and in clay, the former having been most accurately made by the Count de Bournon for the late Mr. Greville, exemplifying and elucidating the various figures and modifications of crystallized mineral substances; a series of great importance to mineralogical science.

Fourth,-That in addition to the minerals contained in the drawers, there are arranged on the upper part of the cabinets many large and





The above and, that as an act of justice they ought to state to the committee the great assistance which had been rendered by the Count de Bournon, he having been principally employed in forming the collection, and having also been occupied many years in arranging it with the late Mr. Greville. Messis. Lowry and Jondered considerable service in the arville are also mentioned as having renrangement and inspection of these minerals.


On the Properties of Furze, or Whins.
By Major Spencer Cochrane, of
Muirfield House, near Haddington.

Society honoured me

nificent specimens, several of which T by publishing, in their twentyare uncommonly rare and highly va- fifth volume, my communication, luable. stating the advantage arising from

Fifth,-That the whole consists of the culture of poppies, and that seven about twenty thousand specimens. Sixth,-That in general throughout the collection the specimens appear to us to have been selected with very great judgement, both as to their utility and beauty.

Seventh, That the series of crystallized rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topazes, rubellites, diamonds, and precious stones in general, as well as the series of the various ores, far surpass any that are known to us in the different European collections. UNIVERSAL MAO, VOL, XIV.

ounces of fine sallad oil had been drawn by expression from two pounds of the seed; I now beg leave to add, that I am informed that considerable quantities of poppy seeds have been lately bought up in different parts of the country, and the expressed oil of them sold at the price of Florence oil; and that emulsions made from poppy seeds answer in every respect the purposes of those made from almonds.

The following communication may, perhaps, be deemed worthy the notice G

of the Society; it relates to the use May last. His Grace the Duke of of whins, or furze. Its utility as food Norfolk, the president, entered about for cattle has long been known, though half-past twelve, and immediately probably not sufficiently appreciated; after his Grace was seated, Dr. Taylor, but as a medicine I never till within a the secretary, addressed perhaps as few years heard of it. My first informa- elegant, and certainly as numerous a tion was received from a gentleman company as ever appeared, on asimilar who has been an officer in the army,, occasion, within the walls of the a friend and relation of mine; he is building. The worthy Doctor began Seventy-five years of age, and in good a very elaborate and explanatory adhealth, and what he says may be de- dress, comprehending and animadpended upon. In October, 1806, he verting on, the views of the institution informed me that his sight had been from its origin. He remarked, that much strengthened by drinking an in- it had existed in the bountiful disfusion of whin, or furze blossoms, tribution of its sanction without the dried in the sun in the summer. The aid of parliamentary support, for infusion is made from a tea-cup full more than half a century, and that at of the blossoms, in a tea pot, in the this time it was in the most flourishing manner of tea, and the dose half a condition. The Doctor stated, that tumbler at night; that he never had formerly it was the practice to distria cough since he first used it, which bute the rewards soon after they were was fifty years ago; it acts as a diu- adjudged to the respective candidates, retic, and by perspiration, and when but that greater dignity should be the dose is increased promotes sleep. given to the proceedings of the SoIn October, 1808, he informed me ciety, and that the public should be that he still continued the use of the able to form a more decided opinion whin tea, that he had no cough, and of the utility of the establishnient, it that his skin was remarkably fine and had been deemed expedient to alter white, which he attributes to its use. the plan and distribute their honours My friend supposes the young shoots on the last Tuesday in May. of furze may answer if the blossoms cannot be got; he informs me that when an epidemical cold came from Germany, and destroyed many horses in England, the east wind continued six weeks, and the infection came over to Ireland, where he had the care of a troop, in so poor a village that he could get neither bran nor malt for mashes, which were ordered for the horses with sulphur, after bleeding. That he ordered the men to cut furze, and to give it to the horses after they T. Johnes, Esq. of Hafod, Cardihad beat it well on the pavement; ganshire, was the first candidate on that at first they had to mix it with the list, who received the gold medal oats, but that in two days the horses for having planted thirty thousand devoured it like clover. That by larch trees, thirty thousand becch, these means he recovered them all, though every other troop lost two or three; and that his was the only troop in good condition at the review.

I remain with esteem, Sir,
Your sincere and humble servant,

To C. Taylor, M.D.

The annual distribution of the Society's rewards took place in their Great Room, in the Adelphi, on 29th

The candidates were arranged in their proper classes, as heretofore, and if that branch of the Society's business, viz. agricultural improvements, was ever considered entitled to precedence, it is particularly so at this time, when daily experience proves the great progress which is making in a pursuit on which so much depends, and which indeed may justly be considered of the highest national importance.

and ten thousand spruce fir. We regret to add, that Mr. Johnes was prevented attending from an accident which has lately befallen him, having burst a blood vessel.

J. C. Curwen, Esq. of Workington Hall, Cumberland, who seldom suffers a sessions to pass over without offering himself to the notice of the Society, was presented with a gold medal, for experiments on stall-feeding cattle. A letter was read from this gentleman, expressing the regret he felt at not

being able to have the honour of receiving the medal in person, and assuring the Society that the number of obligations they had conferred on him did not lessen the value of their favours.

The gold medal was next given to J. Stockdale, Esq. of Cark, Lincolnshire, and R. Towers, Esq. of Dudden Grove, Cumberland, for having gained five hundred and sixty-four acres of land from the sea at Windermere in Lancashire-an honour which the candidates were justly entitled to.

a process well worthy the consideration of the Society, as it may in fu ture check the rise in price of this article, which has been most enormous. The same reward was also bestowed on Mr. B. Cooke, of Birmingham, for his method of producing heat light, and various useful articles from pit coal.

The portrait of an elderly gentleman, in crayon, by Miss Drummond, a young lady, only thirteen years of age, evinces great promise; at the same time, white we give every credit to the young actist, aud much admire the performance, we regret that the colouring of the robe had not been different as it is, it bears too great a semblance to the vile touches in the face.

The Society, in the distribution of their honours to the candidates in polite arts, have, this session, been uncommonly fortunate in their selection. Among the various performSilver medals were given to J. B. auces of youth of both sexes, there Petre, of Westwick-house, Norfolk, are a few which particularly claim our for extensive plantations of Pinaster notice. The landscape of the houses, fir-trees; to E. Smith, Esq. of Brent- called the Five Chinnies, in Tothill wood, Essex, for prepating from the Fields, reflects the highest credit on fibres of the common nettle thread Miss Jane Steele; the colouring is and articles resembling flax, hemp, particularly chaste, and this young tow, and cotton; to Mr. T Balls, Sax- lady is certainly entitled to the conlingham, near Holt, Norfolk, for a gratulations of the society, for having screw adjusting plough; to Mr. W. produced a most interesting and wellJeffery, Cottonend, Northampton, for finished drawing. a pair of expending harrows; to Mr. Hatton, jun. Ridway, near Sheffield, for an improved reaping hook; and to Mr. J. Baker, West Coker, near Yeovil, Somersetshire, for an implement for destroying docks and thistles. The gold medal was next given to J. Jopling, Esq. Gateshead, Durham, the first candidate on the list in chymistry, for having worked quarries of British marble. His Grace, the president, paid many handsome compliments to this gentleman for his persevering exertions in working his quarries. Such meritorious endeavours, his Grace observed, would prevent the necessity of an extensive importation of maible from Italy, and he was happy to know that so good a substitute could be bad from the bowels of the earth we inhabit, The oil painting of a Dutch smack without resorting to foreign markets. going off in a gale, by 11. Parke, Esq. The Society, it will be recollected, carries with it some masterly strokes'; last session rewarded Mr. Hubbard the picture is altogether grand, and with their gold medal for a similar does infinite credit to the artist; the undertaking, which has no doubt silver medal is here well bestowed. been the cause of bringing forward Mr. Jopling's marbles, which are well. entitled to a place in the Great Room, as companions to those of the former candidate.

The silver medal was given to H. B. Way, Esq. of Bridport Harbour, Dorsetshire, for his method of extracting turpentine from fir of English growth,

Miss Watts's paintings on china are peculiarly delicate and chaste, and well entitled her to the silver pallet.

The oil painting, a view of New Shoreham, is finished with judgment, and evinces great power of execution; we think the society should have given this lady the silver medal instead of the pallet.

The oil painting, by Mr. Thielcke, of the Holy Family, is justly entitled to the pallet.

The original historical drawing, by Mr. Denis Dighton, the defeat of king Porus, by Alexander the Great, on the banks of the Hydaspes, is highly creditabic to the talents of the artist; we, however, would recommend his

to avoid, as much as possible, the in- pertained, was awarded the candidate troduction of too many characters in in question, who, though he justly aphis sketches; though the execution is preciated the favour done him, from to be admired, we have likewise to feelings which do honour to his heart, regret, that the drawing, at first view, mentioned to a member (not for the seemingly presents an undefinable purpose of it being communicated to number of objects. the society) that at that time the most triflin pecuniary reward would have been equally, if not more acceptable, his parent having recently laboured under pecuniary embarrassments, which being made known, the society, with a iberality which ever characterize their proceedings, voted twenty guineas in addition, and which he received, accompanied with the appro. bation and applause of ail present.

Master Farey promises to excel in that branch of the art he has adopted; his perspective drawing of London bridge water works, is highly creditable to him; were it only a copy, he would deserve commendation, but being an original, much is to be expected from him hear after.

Master Landseer's etchings entile him to our praise.

The improvements made by Mr. J. Hossell, in the aqua-tinta process, promise to be of great utility to artists in general. By this method, pen, pencil, and chalk-drawings can be easily imitated.

The gold medal was presented to Mr. Andrew Wilson for his exertions in stereotype printing, a branch of the art, which though not likely to be followed generally by the trade, must be most valuable in printing a variety of books, particularly those of long numbers, and containing logarithms, on account of the certainty, the pages being once cast, of keeping them cor


Mr. T. Wyon also received the gold medal for a medal die engraving of the head of Isis, the patroness of the arts, which the society so much approved, that they have purchased the dies, intending, in future to present the medal in question, exclusively to the candidates in polite arts.

Master D. J. Ross, a youth only fourteen years of age, who has already been twice rewarded by the society, was again honoured by their favours. This young gentleman's performance, which is an historical drawing of Caractacus, the British king, before Claudius Cæsar at Rome, we have no hesitation in pronouncing, surpasses every effort of the art which we have witnessed from so juvenile a candidate; and here, while we do justice to the abilities of the little artist, we cannot but refrain expressing our admiration at the liberality of the institution. The silver medal, the greatest honorary bounty which could be given in the class to which the drawing ap

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Gold medals were also given to Mr. Allam, and Mr. Bryan Donkin for a mathematical dividing engine, and a machine to ascertain the velocities of machinery.

The silver medal and twenty guineas were given to a poor, but worthy clergyman, the Rev. J. Brumner, for a method of making every ship's boat a life-boat. We have introduced this

candidate, perhaps, in terms, which may appear humiliating and distressing to the feelings of the worthy di vine, but we are anxious that it should fold benefit this society has, in this be impressed on the public the twointo use a method of saving our brave instance, occasioned-that of bringing shipwrecked tars, and rewarding a clergyman with their honours and pecuniary assistance, who has a large family, and an income of only seventy pounds per annum to support them.

The silver medal was given to Mr. S. Herman for an improved mowing block.

Fifty guineas were given to Mr. Davis for a fire-escape. This invention is well worthy the attention of the parish officers throughout the metropolis. If one was to be kept with the parish ladder many lives, we

are persuaded, might be saved in cases of fire.

Fifteen guineas were given to Mr. G. Marshall, for constructing sash windows so as to be cleaned and repaired within the house, which, if brought into general use, would save many a servant from a broken limb. Fifteen guineas were also given to Mr. Smith, fo, a method of relieving a horse when fallen in the shaft of a


The silver medal was given to Mr. Taylor, of Holweil, Tavistock, for a method of ventilating mines and hospitals; and the same reward to Mr. Moult, for a new method of using a filtering stone.

Mr. Reid received fifteen guineas, for a compensation pendulum.

The silver medal was given to Mr. Baker, for improvements in fire-arms. Twenty guineas were given to Mr. C. Williams, for a method of boring the conical part of brass cocks.

Thirty guineas were given to Mr. Lewis Aubrey, for instruments for equalizing the width and thickness of leather straps.

The silver medal was given to Mr. G. Risley, for spring crutches, which, from their principle, must be found

of great assistance to the invalid as he gains strength-and, though last not least, the silver medal and forty guineas were presented to Mr. J. Morison, of No. 145, Holborn, for inventing implements, by which persons who have had the misfortune to lose their hands may usefully assist themselves.

Every person who has attended the distribution of the society's rewards, cannot but feel a peculiar satisfaction in witnessing the bounties which are bestowed, but, at the same time, gratifying as the sight is, it cannot be denied, that it would be much heightened, if the company had not to encounter the excessive crowd in gaining admittance, which is the case, but which, we think, might be avoided, if the distribution was in future removed to the Freemasons' Tavern, or Crown and Anchor. This may be considered the more necessary, as from the flourishing state of the society it now consists of at least one thousand five hundred members, who have an indiscriminate right of sending their friends on this occasion, whilst the Great Room will contain only eight hundred people.

VARIETIES, LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL; With Notices respecting Men of Letters, Artists, and Works in Hand, &c. &c.

HE first volume of the theological most ancient English Version of the

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Life of Dr. Wiclif; and an historical Account of the Saxon and English Versions of the Scriptures previous to the fifteenth century; embellished with an elegant portrait.

A new edition of Dr. Lamont's Sermons, on the most prevalent vices, is in the press, and will appear early in August.

one of the pastors of the Baptist church, Edinburgh, which, from the unexpected demand, the proprietors were under the necessity of reprinting, is now finished, and ready for delivery. Volumes 5th and 6th, containing the Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, will be immediately put to press, aud the subsequent volumes The Account of Alexander the will be published as speedily as pos- Great, which Sir William Ouseley had sible. The whole, when finished, been for some time preparing, will will consist of eight or nine hand- not now be completed till after his some volumes duodecimo. A new return fom Persia, when it will proedition of his treatise on the Apostolic bably be enriched by many original Commission is also just published. documents from the East, as will also his intended work on the Geography of Persia.

The Rev. H. H. Baber, of the British Museum, has just published a new edition of Wiclif's Version of the New Testament. Prefixed to this

A very interesting work is in the press, entitled London, a Complete

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