THE AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Cruises to the WEST INDIES Visiting Havana and Santiago, Cuba; Port Antonio and Kingston, Jamaica; Cristobal, C. Z., for Panama and the Great Canal; Port Limon for San Jose, Costa Rica; and Nassau, Bahama Islands. 8 Ports of Call 24 delightful days on Summer Seas Sailing January 10th-S. S. Pastores Sailing January 31st-S. S. Calamares Sailing February 21st-S. S. Toloa These steamships are especially chartered for these cruises. The staterooms are large and all outside. Parties are limited in number to accommodations available for shore excursions, for which ample time is allowed at each Port of Call. American Express expert tour managers in charge of each cruise. Prices $425 and up, including Shore Excursions. Illustrated Literature sent upon request. Also carefully arranged tours_to Europe, California, Florida, the Far East, South America. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 65 Broadway, New York Wherever you travel carry those spendable everywhereAmerican Express Travelers Cheques WANTED PERSONNEL MANAGER ONE of the large retail businesses of the country, noted for its modern ideas of organization and the importance which it attaches to its personnel, is looking for the best man available to fill the position of Personnel Manager. This man should be the right age and personality, and possess the necessary education and outlook to enable him to secure the right people for the organization, to supervise their training, and to plan and carry out all relations between the corporation and its employees. This is not a one-man job, but is a position at the head of a considerable force of specialists. It calls for a man of action, as well as for a man of sound theory. The right man will find an opportunity to make for himself a place second in importance to none in the organization, and to earn compensation that such a place merits. An interview may be secured by putting in writing sufficient information to show that the writer possesses real qualifications for the position. Address 1,051, Outlook. ORANGES Grape Fruit too. Send FROM TREE TO YOU me $2.75 for Carton of 45 or more Sweet and Juicy Oranges. Parson Brown Variety. Three Cartons for $7 50. Finest flavored orange grown. Fully ripened on tree. Shipped by Prepaid Exp. to any point East of Miss. River, Carton of 16 or more delicious Grape Fruit same price. Safe arrival guaranteed. Add 50 cts. for quart Carton of Kumquats or Japanese Oranges, packed in Spanish moss and sent by mail about Jan. 1st. This is High Grade fruit and will please you, or money back. C. H. Voorhees, Box 402, So. Lake Weir, Florida HELP WANTED Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools. Calls coming every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y. INQUIRIES already coming in for teachers in all subjects for 1919. International Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED Business Situations LET me help you with your club paper. 7,542. Outlook. WELL educated Virginian, 22, just returned from overseas, desires position offering promotion. Courteous, willing, and able to render valuable service. 7,512, Outlook. Companions and Domestic Helpers NURSE, trained, wants case to go South or California, also graduate in massage. Can go any time in November. Address Miss M. Green, 38 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. SOUTHERNER of gentle birth, happy, sunny disposition, excellent health, athletic, fond of outdoors, executive ability, great sense of humor, desires position of trust. Country preferred. No objection to living with family, but not menial. 7,580, Outlook. California Here children laugh at play, and age lengthens its span. Miles of flower-bordered, sunlit boule- Luxurious resort hotels and rose-bowered bungalows. En route visit the National Parks,National Monuments, Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip-or apply to the nearest Consolidated Ticket Office-or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bldg., Chicago; 143 Liberty Street, New York City; 602 Healey Building, Atlanta, Ga. "California for the Tourist," and other resort booklets, on request. Please indicate the places you wish to see en route. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION. SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers POSITION as companion or assistant housekeeper in refined family. Would travel. 7,582, Outlook. CULTURED Virginian desires position as traveling companion or chaperon. Experienced. 7,578, Outlook. DIETITIAN, college graduate, two years' practical experience in hospital, desires institutional or commercial position. 7,554, Outlook. NEW England woman, refined, desires position as companion. Would travel. References. 7,486, Outlook. POSITION as chaperon, managing housekeeper, care motherless child. Good reference and experience. 7,517, Outlook. MOTHER and daughter desire positions in mountain resort or settlement. Mother excellent cook, experience as camp supervisor; daughter college girl, companion, tutor, farm work, etc. Highest references. A. C. Laing, Weston, Mass. CHAPERON or companion. Position wanted by lady well born, American, 37 years old, Catholic. Excellent references. Fluent French. Would travel this country or abroad. Has lived six years Paris. Salary $100 a month. 7,576, Outlook, SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers HOUSEMOTHER in private school or institution. Highest references. N. B. J., 240 Orange Ave., Irvington, N. J. WOMAN of refinement would like to care for gentleman's home with servants. Capable of taking entire charge. Excellent references. 7,530, Outlook. Teachers and Governesses TEACHER of hand weaving desires posi tion in sanitarium or hospital. 7,409, Outlook. EXPERIENCED kindergartner desires Florida position. Kindergarten or primary. 7,566, Outlook. YOUNG woman, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, experienced with normal and nervous children, wishes position as private instructor for young girl or boy. Will travel. References exchanged. State salary. 7,574, Outlook. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Young women to take nine months' course in nursing. Frances Parker Memorial Home, New Brunswick, N. J. WANTED-Defective persons to board. Address W., Pawling, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency, established 1895. No charge; prompt delivery. 44 West 22d St., New York. MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will send anything on approval. Services free. References required. 309 West 99th St. DOMESTIC SCIENCE correspondence courses. Good positions and home efficiency. Am. School Home Economics, Chicago. WANTED-Young women to enter train ing school for nurses. One year high school requirement, affiliating one year with Harlem Hospital, New York. Apply to Supt. of Training School for Nurses, Friends Hospital, Frankford, Phila WANTED to adopt. An American couple, residents of Tientsin, China, desire to adopt two girls between 2% and 4 years old-as near the same age as possible. Best of references required and given. Exceptional opportunities offered. For fuller détails address during October and November Mrs. Edward K. Lowry, care Mrs. E. W. Mullikin, Hotel Kempton, Boston, Mass. UNUSUAL New England home of refinement, with every comfort, is offered to child requiring intelligent and affectionate care by physician's widow, an experienced mother. Terms $35 per week. Exceptional references given and required. 7,558, Outlook. OUR enthusiasm for Camel Ciga rettes will steadily increase! They will not tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoke! And, each cigarette will just add a little more to the joy and contentment the wonderfully refreshing Camel flavor hands you so lavishly! Once you know Camels you'll prefer their blend-and what it gives youthe most fascinatingly mellow-mildbody ever realized in a cigarette-to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price-and forget coupons, premiums and gifts! Come! CIGARETTES IF THE MIDDLE CLASS SHOULD STRIKE BY HOMER HOYT Professor of Economics in Delaware College The middle class is the battle-ground that is being trampled upon by the con tending hosts of capital and labor, and, like any other battle-ground, it receives the blows from both forces. The strikes of trade unions for increased wages spell higher prices for every class, but capital parries the effect of a successful strike by raising prices and the ranks of labor dodge the higher prices by higher wages. Thus the main shock of the high cost of living falls upon the middle class, that is bound by ethics, tradition, and law to its fixed salaries. While the horny-handed sons of the shops and mines have increased their wages about one hundred per cent since 1915, the salaries of the engineer, the professor, the major, the doctor, the lawyer, the clerks, and the investor have been marking time. The circle of higher wages and higher prices has been particularly vicious to the middle class because it has depreciated the value of their fixed income without giving them any avenue of escape. No less diligent in the performance of their duties to-day than they were in 1915, the middle class finds that it is being crushed between its fixed income and rising prices. If need and merit ever gave the right to strike, the middle class has the right on its side. It has the right, but has it also the might? Is its bargaining power so weak, its productive capacity so small, that it must gratefully accept any pittance that society doles out to it? Is the failure of the middle class to strike due to its weakness and its fear? No. The middle class holds in the hollow of its hand the greatest power of the Nation-the health, morals, and education of the people. The teachers control the future efficiency of our industry and the character of our civilization; the courts and lawyers administer justice and guarantee the orderly processes of law that enable business to proceed without fear of plunder or confiscation; the soldiers and sailors protect the Nation from external aggression; and the doctors have in their keeping our health and our lives. Nor is the middle class impotent in the field of every-day business. Without engineers and technical men the industries of our country could not run for a day or for an hour, because modern industry is a network of complex machinery which only the trained engineer can control. It is not lack of power that restrains the middle class from striking. The alternative of empty schoolhouses, unprotected cities, unguided machinery, and disease running unchecked by doctors is unthinkable. But the middle class will not use its great powers in its own selfish interests, for it holds them in sacred trust for all mankind. The members of the middle class have allowed the lower ranks of labor, that make no profession of any duty to the public, to press selfish claims, while they-faithful servants of their country-have stood by and said nothing. If the middle class is barred by its high ideals from speaking for itself and from claiming a return from society that will permit it to exist, shall not the Nation exercise its organized powers in behalf of this middle class and see to it that the incomes of teachers, doctors, lawyers, judges, engineers, clerks, and so on, advance in proportion to the increased cost of living? Newark, Delaware. New Method Makes Music Amazingly Easy to Learn Learn to Play or Sing-Every Step TRY IT ON APPROVAL Entire Cost Only a Few Cents a Lessonand Nothing Unless Satisfied How often have you wished that you knew how to play the violin or piano-or whatever your favorite instrument may be-or that you could take part in singing? How many an evening's And now-at last-this pleasure and satisfaction that you have so often wished for can easily be added to your daily life. in simple Print-and-Picture form that you can't go wrong on every step is made as clear as ABC. "My method is as thorough as it is easy. I teach you the only right way-teach you to play or sing by note. No "trick" music, no "numbers," no makeshifts of any kind, For Beginners or Harmony and I call my method "new"-simply because it is so radically different from the old and hard-tounderstand ways of teaching music. But my method is thoroughly time tried and proven. Over 225,000 successful pupils-from boys and girls of 7 to 8 to men and women of 70-are the proof. Largely through the recommendations of satisfied pupils, I have built up the largest school of music in the world. To prove what I say, you can take any course on trial-singing or any instrument you prefer-and judge entirely by your own progress. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the course or with what you learn from it, then it won't cost you a single penny. I guarantee satisfaction. On the other hand, if you are pleased with the course, the total cost amounts to only a few cents a lesson, with your music and everything also included. When learning to play or sing is so easy, why continue to confine your enjoyment of music to mere listening? Why not at least let me send you my free book that tells you all about my methods? I know you will find this book absorbingly interesting, simply because it shows you how easy it is to turn your wish to play or sing into an actual fact. Jnst now I am making a special short-time offer that cuts the cost per lesson in two-send your name now, before this special offer is withdrawn. No obligation-simply use the coupon or send your name and address in a letter or on a postcard. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit. Piano Organ Violin Viola Banjo Mandolin Harp Piccolo Clarinet Cornet Flute No need to join a class. No need to pay a dollar or more per lesson to a private teacher. Neither the question of time nor expense is any longer a bar-every one of the obstacles that have been confining your enjoyment to mere listening have now been removed. My method of teaching music by mail-in your spare time at home, with no strangers around to embarrass you-makes it amazingly easy to learn to sing by note or to play any instrument. You don't need to know the first thing about music to begin-don't need to know one note from another. My method takes out all the hard partovercomes all the difficulties-makes your progress easy, rapid and sure. Whether for an advanced pupil or a beginner, my method is a revolutionary improvement over the old methods used by private teachers. The lessons I send you explain every point and show every step TEACHERS' AGENCIES The Pratt Teachers Agency 70 Fifth Avenue, New York Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools. Advises parents about schools. Wm. O. Pratt, Mgr. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CONNECTICUT The Curtis School for Young Boys Has grown forty-four years and is still under the active Mr. David F. Kemp, President U. S. School of Music, 20711 Brunswick Bldg., New York City Please send me yonr free book, "Music Lessons in Your Own Home" and particulars of your special offer. Name............ U. S. School of Music 20711 Brunswick Bldg., New York The Elizabeth General Hospital & Dispensary ELIZABETH, N. J. offers a complete course in nursing to desirable candidates. An allowance of $36 is given at the end of three months' probation for text-books and uniforms, $15 for remainder of first and second year, and $20 a month the third year. Address DIRECTRESS OF NURSES. KENT PLACE Summit, N. J. 20 miles from N. Y. A Country School for Girls. College Preparatory and Academic Courses. Mrs. SARAH WOODMAN PAUL Miss ANNA S. WOODMAN Principals. NEW YORK St. John's Riverside Hospital Training School for Nurses YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered in New York State, offers a 3 years' course-a general training to refined, educated women. Requirements one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York. PENNSYLVANIA School of Horticulture for Women OMEN Wanted in THE OUTLOOK. November 26, 1919. Volume 123, Number 8. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $4.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, July 21, 1893, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879 A powerful novel of the Arizona Desert, an even better story than STILL JIM HONORÉ WILLSIE'S THE FORBIDDEN TRAIL If you like a novel about men and women who do things; if you like a novel through which sweeps the clean, crisp air of vast open stretches; if you like a tender, human love story-this book is for you. It tells of an eager young inventor who goes into the Desert to perfect an invention; of an unusual little child; of a splendid woman, and of other real people who hold the reader, in honest interest, from first page to last. Net $1.60. LITTLE MISS By LUCILLE VAN SLYKE "A dear, lovable, will-o'-the wisp person is Felicia Day. Her old-fashioned garden and her queer little drawl make you love her more and more as you dance through the pages of the novel. It's a story with as much charm and color as the row of brilliant pink and red hollyhocks in the garden which is the loveliest sort of background for Felicia."-Philadelphia North American. Net $1.50. RAINBOW By L. M. MONTGOMERY Author of "Anne of Green Gables," etc. "The kind of story you want to tell your friends about," says the Boston Globe of this novel, in which the wellloved" Anne of Green Gables" again appears, now the mother of six children. "As fresh and sparkling as a late October morn and bubbling over with delicious humor." Net $1.60. LO, AND By SEUMAS MacMANUS "A sheer, unmitigated joy.... Loy. alty, sweetness, wit are embroidered thick on the woof of these stories. Read them and catch the soul of the Irish, read them to find life sweet again, read them to laugh and grow young."-Springfield Union. Net $1.60. THE ROMANCE By LAURENCE Y. SMITH "Every step in the development of aircraft is carefully described. The author's adequate technical knowledge is associated with a pleasing style, and his account gains added interest from numerous anecdotes of the lives and experiences of the inventors."-N. Y. Tribune. Net $2.00. For a complete description of these and our other new books write for our free 82 page illustrated catalog, mentioning this advertisement. FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY 443 Fourth Avenue New York Asbestos the only rock on NDUSTRY thrives most where waste Asbestos has gone hand in hand with the saving of heat, power and friction, this mineral of wonderful qualities has played an important part in Industrial Conservation. It is the base of all efficient heat insulation the necessary other 15% in 85% magnesia. It is, as well, the basic material in the most efficient of friction reducing packings. As roofings it has qualities of durability and fireresistance that no other material can approach. And in innumerable other forms it works miracles of industrial economy that a decade ago would have seemed impossible. For more than half a century the Johns-Manville Company has steadily grown with the growth of industrial demand for Asbestos. The Johns-Manville asbestos mines are the largest in the world. In the Johns-Manville plants every Asbestos product is produced under super advantages both of experience and equipment. The JohnsManville sales-organization, operating through branches in all large cities, is an engineering organization as well, carrying a helpful practical Service, that varies to meet each new requirement but always has for its object-Conservation. ་་ Johns-Manville Asbestos Products include Roofings, Shingles, Brake Linings and Blocks, Insulations, Cements, Packings, Electrical Devices, Tapes, Clothes, Yarns hundreds of products that enter every avenue of science and the useful arts. |