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Profit and Loss Sharing (Continued) when, instead of good dividends to employers and stockholders, heavy losses are reported? In the past the stockholders are the only ones who stand up and take the loss. With conditions as above, are all those interested to go 50 50 and the laborer work for less than in good times, or are conditions to the business to be one-sided entirely? Nothing can be more one-sided than the position of numerous manufacturers who sign up with labor unions. It is not, as a rule, considered good business for a party in good financial condition to make a contract, the result of which may mean a large money loss, with a party of no responsibility whatever. In case it is done, it is simply a case of "heads I win."

In signing up with labor unions from whom nothing could be collected that seems to be absolutely the case. If bonds could be put up by each party interested, the case would be more equal, but in no case have I seen such an arrangement made. E. B. STERLING.

Watertown, New York.

Shaw knit

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for MEN



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The Financial Department is prepared to furnish information regarding standard investment securities, but cannot undertake to advise the purchase of any specific security. It will give to inquirers facts of record or information resulting from expert investigation, and a nominal charge of one dollar per inquiry will be made for this special service. All letters of inquiry should be addressed to THE OUTLOOK FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York.




Reprinted from "Commerce and Finance" of September 3, 1919

contract with you and insist that you be held rigidly to the contract yet would not hesitate to violate it whenever and in any form he saw fit would be entitled to little respect.

What, then, of contracts employers make with labor?

The employer must live up to the spirit and the letter of the agreement. The employee does not hesitate to break the contract when he sees fit.

Isn't it time to call a halt on this travesty on right and justice?
A contract is an agreement which entails mutual obligations, a

compact, a bargain, a stipulation to do or not to do certain specified things. Labor organizations, with intent to avoid legal responsibility, refuse to incorporate. Isn't it a farce to enter into agreement with any body or organization when it will live up to the agreement it makes only so long as it sees fit?

There will have to be a rectification of this apparent wrong. The world was aghast when the Germans brutally denominated the Belgian treaty as a "scrap of paper." In essence there is no difference between the violation of that compact and the many contracts which labor violates whenever it thinks it is to its advan


Modern International Banking

MERCHANTS of today often send in a

single ship more than could be carried in a
whole fleet of Venetian argosies six hundred
years ago. The development of our world com-
merce has been due not only to the advent of
shipping facilities capable of handling the output
of modern industry, but also to the modern
bank, which has made international trading as
practicable as buying and selling at home.
The modern merchant, through his bank, may
secure payment for his foreign shipments as
soon as they are dispatched, and thus release

capital for further operations. The banking
mechanism which makes this possible extends
to every part of the world.

The fully-equipped bank, in addition to financing,
is also able to give comprehensive information
regarding foreign markets, foreign commercial
conditions, foreign buyers and their credit stand-
ing, and other phases of international trade.
Service of this broad character is offered by a
financial institution which has adopted the modern
belief that banking is the servant of commerce
and industry, and seeks to meet their needs.

Guaranty Trust Company of New York

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Financial Department (Continued)

tage to do so. Labor, in some of its acts, is as brutal as the Hun, yet expects public support.

Why is terrorism, violence, defiance of law and order, forgotten or forgiven when labor is the offender and punished when others are the offenders?

An approach to a Reign of Terror was inaugurated in Brooklyn when the men on the B. R. T. struck. Men who sought to run trains were assaulted, threatened with bodily harm, even death, for their efforts to serve the company and, incidentally, the public.

Has any one known of the lawbreakers being brought to the bar of justice or put in jail? And yet the property was in bankruptcy and being operated by the courts. The lawbreakers apparently had no more respect for the courts than for a private corporation. In California engineers, conductors, brakemen, switchmen, practically all the trainmen of the steam railways in the southern part of the State, struck, paralyzed the transportation of the far southwestern part of the Union, not because they had any grievance but because the employees of the electric lines in that part of the Nation were on strike and they wished to aid them.

The railways are administered by the United States Government. Technically we are at war. Practically every demand made of the Government by steam railway men has been granted. They had no grievance. Morally and legally they were under obligations to handle the trains of the roads by which they were employed. Yet, without a particle of justification, but to bring such woe to the innocent public that it would insist upon the electric road people surrendering to their striking employees, they quit work.

Millions upon millions of dollars of injury was done to the Nation. Traffic over a large extent of territory was disorganized. Most of the injury was inflicted upon people who had no part in the controversy.

And now the striking steam railway men decide they will return to work.

Not only that, but they will be restored to their former positions. No punishment will be visited upon them. The innocents must suffer, but the ones guilty of unfaithfulness to the Southern Pacific Railway and the United States Government must not suffer.

Where is the justice of this?

It is idle to inveigh against the selfishness, tyranny, and brutality of capital and the wrongs of labor when Labor proves itself more selfish, tyrannous, and brutal than Capital.

This is not written by a defender of Capital but by one whose labor record is pretty good. As a member of organized labor he went out on strike July 19, 1883, and he has not gone back yet.

Honest labor has a right to and should get every support and encouragement. Its interests are the interests of the people. It is to the interest of the people that labor should get an ample reward, that its hours of toil should be fair, and that its rights should be safeguarded in every way.

But honest labor does not break contracts, break the law, strike without reason, arrogate to itself the brutal privilege of bringing suffering upon the whole people.

There has been an epidemic of strikes in America lately. This is particularly true of the region east of the Mississippi.

There has been a demand made upon the United States Steel Corporation to unionize their workers. The demand comes from



A Business That Grows

The wise investor selects securities of a corporation showing rapid, healthy growth. Customers of the Middle West Utilities Company increased 24,712 in the last fiscal year; the first six months of 1919 the gain was 100% greater than 1918 while the net earnings for the first four months of 1919 gained 103% over the same period of 1918. We offer bonds and notes of this company and its controlled properties to yield

5%% to 72%

Write for our list 0-200

AHBickmore & Ca


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Financial Department (Continued)

men who are not employed by the Steel Corporation.

There has been a demand made in the name of the Trainmen's Union for the United States Government to buy the railways of the Nation, operate them, and divide the profits with the trainmen.

To-day there are 2,000,000 men employed on the railways. Two years ago there were 1,800,000. The service has not been improved. In particular the work in the shops has retrograded decidedly. Allowance can be made for a measure of disorganization that has been a consequence of war conditions, but this does not account for the poor results in the shops, yet the shopmen demand a big increase in wages.

In the textile industry it is declared that with higher wages production has decreased. In the cotton mills the consumption for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1919, was 800,000 bales less than in the preceding twelve months more than ten per cent reduction of production in time of the greatest need of production.

This country is getting tired of and disgusted with the arrogance, lawlessness, and studied laziness of Organized Labor. A year ago, six months ago, three months ago Organized Labor had its sympathy and support. These great assets Organized Labor has squandered and forfeited.

Organized Labor must reform, must work honestly, must be lawful, must cease its tyranny.

It has overplayed itself.


1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912

All Rights Protected and Reserved

Copyright 1919 by

The Betoon Stotta! Organization, Incorporated

When To Buy Bonds

To know when to buy bonds is fully as important as to know what bonds to buy. Sound judgment on bond investments comes with an understanding of fundamental conditions.


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Report on Request

A few copies of our latest Bulletin are still available. This Bulletin and details of the Babson Long Swing Method of investing in stocks and bonds sent to investors gratis on request.

Merely Write for Bulletin 2437. The Babson Statistical Organization Wellesley Hills, Mass.

The Largest Organization of Its Kind In the World

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Combines every convenience and home comfort, and commends itself to people of

Jamaica, Panama Canal refinement wishing to live on American Plan

Zone, Costa Rica.

No trips more carefully planned or more adequately conducted than these cruises of the American Express Travel Department this winter to the American Tropics.

Luxurious passenger steamers of the Great White Fleet will be your hotel. Every comfort and convenience on sea, every facility to see and enjoy the most interesting places ashore; all under the personal direction of men most experienced in West India travel. Our record of past service and the international reputation of the American Express Travel Department is your guarantee.

Cruises sailing in January and February. Duration, Twenty-four days.

Bookings should be made at once.
Write for illustrated, descriptive
booklet of these cruises, dia-
gram of steamers, rates, etc.

65 Broadway

Sanford Hall, est. 1841
Private Hospital

For Mental and Nervous Diseases Comfortable, homelike surroundings; modern methods of treatment; competent nurses. 15 acres of lawn, New York park, flower and vegetable gardens. Food the best. Write for booklet. Sanford Hall Flushing New York


Are you interested in it? baths Golf and tennis. I resident physi

If so, write to Secretary JAPAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION

Care Traffic Dept.


for 120-page Guide Book Free We did for you what others were not able to do in the Year of the Great War.

We can do the same in the Year markets. The place where more people are of the Great Peace.

Write for plans for 1920. Bureau of University Travel

Newton, Mass.


Tours and Cruises of thrilling interest. California, Florida, West Indies EUROPE and the BATTLEFIELDS Moderate prices Satisfaction

80 Boylston Street, Boston

Hotels and Resorts


THE WAYSIDE INN Party desires to buy equipped camp

New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn. In the foothills of the Berkshires. Open all the year. An ideal place for your summer's rest. 2 hours from New York. Write for booklet. Mrs. J. E. Castle, Proprietor.

FOR THE HOME JAMS and jellies, made of fresh picked fruit. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA different varieties. $2.00, pr stage paid. F. S. from my own farm, "In Kleen Kups," 6 cups, Holbrook, New Canaan, Conn.

The Hamilton

14th & K Sts., N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C.

A Select Family and Transient Hotel Ideal Location. Modern appointments and Home-like. Good table. American plan $3.50 up daily; special rates by week or month. Booklet. Irving O.Ball, Proprietor

[blocks in formation]


Companions and Domestic Helpers DIETITIANS, cafeteria managers, gov ernesses, matrons, housekeepers. Miss Richards, Box 5, East Side Station, Providence, R. I.

WANTED-Couple, active, industrious, intelligent, to run small particular inn located in desirable Vermont village. Woman dainty cook, man good gardener and helper. Permanent home. Only Al people considered. 7,301, Outlook.

WANTED-Three white women as cook, waitress, and nurse, the three to do all the work in a Baltimore suburban home; each to receive $50 per month. Must be willing to work and keep house in good order and give satisfactory service. References required. Address Mrs. B. F. Bond, Ruxton, Md.

COMPANION WANTED.-Woman of refinement and tact to care for and live with elderly lady in small apartment hotel. 7,435, Outlook.

WANTED-Woman of refinement and good education, lover of children, as mother's helper. Must be capable of taking entire charge of two little girls one and three years of age. One with kindergarten experience preferred. Protestant. Permanent position. References required. Address, giving full information, 401 Tacoma Ave., No. Tacoma, Washington.

WANTED-Competent woman for mas sage, hydrotherapeutic, and gymnastic work. Also dietitian to take charge of diet kitchen in hospital for nervous diseases. 7,448, Outlook.

PLACEMENT BUREAU for employer and employee; housekeepers, matrons, companions, mother's helpers, governesses, attendants, secretaries. 51 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass.

WANTED-Working housekeeper where kitchen maid assists. Must be Protestant, good cook, capable of managing servants, as well as usual housekeeping duties. Best of references required. Desirable home and salary to one anxious to give good service. 7,451, Outlook.

QUIET, comfortable home with moderate salary offered refined woman who would undertake very simple cooking in small family of church workers (Episcopal). Address E. T., 49 Washington St., Newport, R. I. regular maid is kept, refined woman, who will

WANTED, in small apartment where no find pleasant home for the winter. Assistance with housework and three-year-old child

required. Address C. C. E., 52 Walnut

Crescent, Montclair, N. J.

WANTED-Woman to take charge of group of grammar school girls outside of school hours. Apply to Clarke School, Northamp ton, Mass.

. HIGH-class mother's helper, experienced. with babies. Artist's family, three and baby. Small country house near New York. All modern improvements. Attractive private rooms, porch, for helper. Good salary. Write details Gutman, Norwalk, Conn., R F. D. 43.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools. Calls coming every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

WANTED-An experienced teacher for two girls, 16 and 14 years of age. Winter spent in South Carolina. Address Mrs. B. D. Ticknor, Great Barrington, Mass.

TEACHER wanted for two boys, eight and twelve respectively. Must be able to teach Latin and French in order to prepare for advanced standing in one of the leading preparatory schools. L. W. Adams, Ashland, Ky. NURSERY governess for children of four, nine, and twelve, the two elder in school. Es sentials: French, kindergarten, and experience in physical care and training of children. Pleasant suburban home, Cleveland, opportunity to travel, long engagement, generous salary and advancement for efficiency. In reply state age, nationality, religion, salary, training, and references. 7,480, Outlook.


Business Situations YOUNG woman wants position, social secretary, commencing October. College graduate, good stenographer, owns Corona: loves children; would travel; New York or Washington preferred. Unusual recommendations. Address Ruth Seymour, 202 Harrison, La Porte, Ind.

LADY experienced in general office work, including stenography and typewriting, de

sires position as private secretary. $35 weekly

Best of references. 7,450, Outlook.

TRAINED MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER, three and one-half years' experience, desires position where executive ability is required. 7,454, Outlook.

EXECUTIVE, five years' medical social work in college hospital, desires change. Will consider industrial or special work. Philadelphia opening preferred. 7,455, Outlook.

STENOGRAPHER, 5 years' experience, would exchange services for board and tuition in preparatory school. Wratten, Y. W. C. A., Cincinnati.

SECRETARY. Refined, capable woman, eight years present position. Could assume charge correspondence under direction. Ability to meet people. Western territory preferred. Excellent references. 7,464, Outlook.

WELFARE worker, young woman back from France, desires position as business or social secretary. College and library training. 7,475, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers

WOMAN of refinement would like to care for gentleman's home. Capable of taking entire charge. Servants, Best of references, 7,410, Outlook.

COMPETENT young woman as companion or secretary. Well educated, will travel. Best references. 7,441, Outlook.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers REGISTERED nurse desires position car ing for invalid or companion to semi-invalid. 7,439, Outlook.

REFINED American woman, efficient, practical, would like position as managing housekeeper. Good references. 7,440, Outlook. PRACTICAL housekeeper wants position adult family where one or two maids are kept. 7,461, Outlook.

WANTED-Position as chaperon in girls' school in or near New York. Excellent refer ences. Box 14, Newburgh, N. Y.

YOUNG woman desires position as companion-working housekeeper in refined home. 7,466, Outlook.

AMERICAN woman of refinement, lover of children, desires position as housekeeper. No objections to country. 7,465, Outlook. ENGLISH nurse wants entire charge baby or invalid. Highest references. Box 72, Newtonville, Mass.

GOING West, or Pacific Coast, late November or early December, graduate nurse would care for infant, child, or elderly person for expenses paid. 7,476, Outlook.

DIETITIAN, many years' practical experience, exceptional executive ability, economical manager, desires high class position. Would go South. 7,484, Outlook.

MIDDLE-aged lady, university graduate, desires position. References exchanged. Brookhurst, Hopewell Junction, N. Y.

SECRETARY or chaperon. Lady desires TRAVELING position. Two years' office experience. Or mother's helper. Fond of children. 7,481, Outlook.

YOUNG lady of refinement, companion to girls or children going abroad. Experience foreign travel, physical care, music, literary, sports, motorist. Compensation no object. 7,478, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses TEACHER of hand weaving desires position in sanitarium or hospital. 7,409, Outlook. GOVERNESS-companion. Lady wishes to recommend her competent and experienced governess. 7,421, Outlook.

COLLEGE graduate, cultured American, experienced governess, teacher's training, will teach French, other high school subjects, or take governess position (non-resident), New York, suburbs. Or business position, French translator. Exceptional references. 7,446, Outlook.

GOVERNESS-Sensible, adjustable woman, 32, desires the entire mental and physical care of several small children. Experienced traveler and teacher. Locality immaterial. Position of trust and responsibility only. 7,453, Outlook...

GOVERNESS-Young American educator; English subjects, 1st year Latin and Algebra, beginner's French; interested in literature, model-drawing, plant and animal life. Family or group of children. Experience in household management. Address Fehse, 1812 Harrison Ave., New York.

FRENCH governess, several years in New York, seeks position which will enable her to have daughter 11 and son 8 with her. Responsible position where faithfulness and competence are appreciated. Best references. 7,457, Outlook.

WANTED, by woman of experience as high school principal and teacher, responsible position in school or public institution. 7,467, Outlook.

KINDERGARTNER, unusual qualifications, training, experience, musical, desires position New York City. 7,472, Outlook.

TEACHER of civics, history, economics, literature, desires position, high or private school, New York or vicinity. Eleven years' experience; traveled Europe and Orient. Student New York School Social Work. Canteened France. 7,483, Outlook.


WANTED-Young women to take nine months' course in nursing. Frances Parker Memorial Home, New Brunswick, N. J. WANTED Defective persons to board. Address W., Pawling, N. Y.

WANTED-Young women to enter training school for nurses. One year high school requirement, affiliating one year with Harlem Hospital, New York. Apply to Supt. of Training School for Nurses, Friends Hospital, Frankford, Phila.

MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will send anything on approval Services free. References required. 309 West 99th St.

adaptation, a charming play for parlor, school, or stage. For players' set of 15 copies with permission to do the play send to Miss Anne More, Polo, Illinois.

PRINCE CHARMING-Reprint of More's

DOMESTIC SCIENCE correspondence courses. Good positions and home efficiency. Am. School Home Economics, Chicago.

MOTHER would take motherless little boy or girl into refined, attractive home and give a true mother's love and devotion. References exchanged. 7,442, Outlook.

HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING ME! Have you any IDEAS, AGENCIES etc., by means of which an ambitious self-supporting college senior may by diligent effort cover his school expenses? EVERY ANSWER to this advertisement will earn the writer's sincerest gratitude. 7,447, Outlook.

FIVF-minute system of gymnastics. For sedentary people, convalescents, and athletes. Price, by mail, one dollar, The non-exercise or non-use of a limb invites atrophy. A. R. Moore, Merritt, Fla.

child study and training, desiring for her two MOTHER. with ten years' experience in little girls the best conditions of companionship and influence, will take under her personal care and study, in sunny, well-equipped playroom of her Fordham home, a few little children every school day morning, Address Helen G. Swan, 2690 Morris Ave., New York. Telephone, 265 Fordham.

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