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ON SOCIAL MEETINGS, FOR RELI- Hence every facility.should be af,"

GIOUS PURPOSES AMONG YOUNG fórded young people for spiritual PEOPLE.

..; edification, and nothing that I

know of is so well calculated for: To the Editor of the Christian.

the purpose as private meetings 1


The .1. Guardian.,'"; wirion REV. SIR, Bulur ,


is a
, among themselves for social reli-

gious intercourse and prayer. Perist is now comestime since a pa-15

mit me, Sir, to point out a few of per appeared in your excellent

. the advantages of such meetings.) Aliscellany on the subject of young •

We will suppose a young nian conChristians assembling together for

vinced of his sinfulness by the prayer and social weligious “intercourse. I myself,l together with

preaching of a faithful Minister of

? our church. He feels deeply the the' writer of that paper, am a

dépravity of his heart; he mourns;

denray young man, and feel deeply inte-'1

he prays, but, alas! he finds no rested in the increase of such little

"comfort ;--the consolations of be

) societies. Indeed, Sir, to a heart

leart. 9 lieving are unknown to him. He

lig deeply touchied with divine grace, 91 nothing exceeds, the pleasure, en,it it is a faint one. "Perhaps he is

2. has got a glimpse of the light, but joyed on such occasions. Theit surrounded by worldly and vicious. mutual excitement to love and to companions' he knows not any good works has a cheering mnu-" one to whom he can apply to the ence upon the soul, which, when languid, and dead, becomes enļi

· Minister and the advanced Chris

tian he looks up with too much. vened by the discourse and prayer

ayerawe, and his, diffidence prevents of its companions, and catches a fi

* him froní applying for their valuportion of that, " love divine"?

able advice. After a short attempt, :) which, in the language of Young, has to

Puughe too often returns to his old" «'Lifts us on the seraph's faming wing," paths, and sinks, probably to rise! From darkness and from dust to such a- no more. "But if he could be scene!--**

ve brought into a praying society of Love's element, true joy's celestial home!" |

ome. hủs own age, who could enter into A wise man has said, “ Iron, his feelings, and 'sympathize with sharpeneth iron; so the counte- him, probably the spark of divine nance of a man his friend ;” and life within him might soon turn, every one who is experienced in into a glowing fire. , Meetings of the spiritual life well knows the this kind would serve as räilying necessity there exists of spiritual points for such characters, and be assistance and encouragement. peculiarly useful in' nourishing the You, Sir, are well aware that lambs of Christ's flock. But even youth is an important season. The supposing the character I have character of the man th:ough life mentioned not to return into the is then forming; and if, by the world, but to continue in religion: blessing of God, religion is hear there is a great probability of his tily embraced, there is every ra- turning his attention to the secta. tional hope that a man of God will ries, among whom it is well known be formed, “ perfect, thoroughly such meetings abound; and perfumished into all good works." haps a person who would have

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been an ornament to our church entirely on the spirit in which the may be lost to it for ever. Such are undertaken and conducted, it instances, from my own personal may not be amiss. to give some knowledge, are not rare.

hints on that head. In the first To the members of such meet- instance, no one should pretend to ings the benefits are great. In the engage in them who is not hearfirst place, they tend to make tily disposed to be kindly affecthem decided Christians. For as- tioned to his brethren, and to suredly the dance and the prayer- think of others more highly than meeting, levity and devotion, fit of himself: no emulations, no not together; the mind soon feels strifes or contentions, no envy or that the one or the other must be debates, can be admitted; for if given up, and is thoroughly con- such things are entered into, the vinced that our Lord spoke not Holy Spirit of God cannot be exvainly when he said, “ Ye cannot pected, but its fruits of love and serve God and Mammon.!' harmony will be supplanted by the

We also well know how differ- evil passions of our corrupt nature. ently we are constituted by na. It should therefore be a funda· ture. Some are lively, fervent, mental rule, that no one be esteem

and zealous, and when converted ed higher than another; and perbecome ardently active in love and haps something like the following good works: others, though equal plan of proceeding is the simplest ly sincere, are dull, cold, and and best. A chapter or portion of heartless ; yea, and often despair. Scripture being previously fixed ing. Now in such meetings a hap- upon, the verses to be read by the py blending takes place; the over- members in succession; a pause heated ardour of the one is tem- being made between each verse, to pered by the cooler judgment of allow time for its being considered, the other. While the latter feels and for such observations as may cheered and enlivened by the ex- occur. The passage selected ample of his companion, and pro- should, as far as possible, be of a bably catches from him a portion practical nature; and perhaps of his fire, a mutual insight into chapters like the 51st Psalm. 53d each other's characters and views Isaiah, 7th Romans, &c. cannot is obtained ; and, whilst experi. be too frequently selected. ence is gained, the lovely spirit of The portion of Scripture being Christian charity and forbearance considered, for which half an hour is nurtured and practised. In all will be sufficient, those who are this the writer of this paper speaks disposed should pour out their not speculatively, but from expe- hearts to God in humble prayer: rience. Together with a few in which none should continue others, he has been accustomed to more than five or six minutes, in have spiritual communion in the order that a lively spirit may be way here recommended; and kept up, and an opportunity given from his own experience, and the for all present to partake in the repeated declarations of his dear duty. It adds exceedingly to the friends, can assure those who are devotion and solemnity when the disposed to follow their example, meeting is begun with singing a that, provided a proper spirit ac- psalm or hymn, and concluded eicompanies the undertaking, they ther with another or a doxology. will find such sweet and delight. The members of those meetings ful seasons of refreshing from the should be select and few, not ex. Lord, 'as at first they will scarcely ceeding at the utmost five or six; dare to expect. But as the edifi- nor is it necessary the time thus cation of those meetings depends employed should be much longer CURIST. GUARD. VOL. VI.

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than an hour, as it will be difficult such abuse is not a necessary conin a larger number, or during a sequence, and cannot therefore be longer period, to keep up the una- alleged against them with any more nimity and harmony so essential to force than the abuse of the Gospel edification. And although no one can be argued against its truth should dare to deny his Saviour so and holiness. Against a measuré, far as to be ashamed of thus serv- therefore, whose sole object is to ing him, yet on such' occasions it promote « growth in grace, and becomes us to see more for pri- the knowledge of our Lord and vacy than to court observation. Saviour Jesus Christ,” no real Religion consists not in 'outward Christian can lift up his voice; parade, or in boasted attendance and respecting what worldly-mindon ordinances, but in silent and ed men may say, the young Chrisinward dealings of the heart; lov- tian should answer their taunts and ing retirement, that the dreadful sneers by a humble and fervent workings of a corrupt nature may prayer that they in due time may be watched and mourned over, and go and do likewise. Nevertheless, the soul led to meditate upon and it becomes all those who meet for adore the excellency of its Sa- so good an object, to consider well viour. The writer of this has what they are doing, and to rememsometimes heard it urged against ber that they are separating from the meetings here 'recommended, the world, and must expect its that they tend to infuse spiritual eensure. Let them, therefore, be conceit: and, no doubt, where particularly careful to observe formal exhortations, and critical good works, and give no occasion and nice doctrinal disputes, are in- to the enemies of the Lord to troduced, some such effect may be blaspheme; but keeping in mind produced. But it is hoped, that the solemn admonition of St. Paul from little associations on the plan to Timothy, that they “let no man just mentioned, where the only despise their youth, but be an ex- · emulation should be who could ample of the believers, in word, most humble himself and deplore in conversation, in charity, in spihis depravity, no such consequence rit, in faith, in purity.” could follow. It is allowed that,

TIMOTHEUS. they may possibly be abused ; yet




London, Jan. 20, 1814. ABOUT eight years ago, the calanities 'occasioned by wie war in different provinces of Germany, gave rise to a subscription and the formation of a committee in London, to relieve the distresses on the continent.

By the generosity of the British public, and with the aid of several respectable foTeigners, resident in this country, the sum of nearly 50,000l. was remitted to the con

tinent, which rescued multitudes of individuals and families from the extremity of distress, and the very brink of ruin.

The committee received, both from Germany and Sweden, the most satisfactory documents, testifying that the various sums which had been transmitted, had been received and conscientiously distributed; but at no period since the existence of this committee, has the mass of every kind of misery 'been so great, in the country to which their attention was first directed. Never has the

cry of the distressed Germans for help been Memorial addressed by the City of Leipsic so urgent, their appeal to British benevo to the independent and benevolent British lence so pressing, as in the present moment. Nation in behalf of the Inhabitants of the Who could read the reports of the dreadful adjacent Villages and Hamlets; who have conflicts which have taken place in Ger been reduced to ertreme Distress by the many, during the last eventful year; of the military Operations in October 1813. ? many sanguinary battles fought in Silesia, Lusatia, Bohemia, Saxony, Brandenburg, The prosperity of Leipsic depends upon and other parts; and peruse the melancholy commerce, as that of coinmerce deperds details of sufferings, almost unexampled in upon liberty. Till 180S it was a flouristrins the annals of history, without the most city. With England in particular, whose lively emotions? Who could hear of sở manufactures and colonial prodace were many thousands of families barbarously allowed to be freely imported, its cónimerdriven from Hamburg, in the midst of a cial relations were of the highest import severe winter; of so many villages burnt, ance. For the opulence which Leipsic then cities pillaged, whole principalities deso- enjoyed it was indebted to its extensive lated, and not glow with ardent desire to traffic, which contributed to the prosperity assist in relieving distress so multifarious of Saxony in general; but it was more par. and extensive?

ticularly the numerous adjacent villages and To the alleviation of sufferings so dread hamlets, tirat owed to our city their respectful; to the rescue of our fellow-men, who ability, their improvements, and the easy are literally ready to perish, the views of circumstances of their inhabitants. this committee are erclusively directed.

The battle of Leipsic will be ever memo - Many well-authenticated afflicting details rable in the annals of history. A severé of the present distress having been, on the lot has hithertó befallen our city. To the 14th Jan. 1814, laid before the committee, burdens and requisitions of eyery kind, by and especially the subjoined extracts from a which it was overwhelinèd, were added the Menorial from Leipsic to the British Nat- suspension of trade, and the injury suso tion, in behalf of the distressed Inhabitants tained by the entire suppression this year of of Sarony, it was inmediately resolved, in our two principal fairs. Our resources are. reliance on the liberality of the British pub- exhausted, and we have yet here a prodi lic, to remit, by that post, the sum of gious number of sick and woanded; --upThree Thousand Five Hunulred Pounds, to wards of 30,000 in more than 40 military respectable persons, with directions to forni hospitals, with our own poor and the troops committees of distribution at the several yet stationed here for our protection, to be, places mentioned below.

provided for; 'besides which, numberless

just claims for the good cause yet remain to 1. To Leipsic and its ricinity, £500, be satisfied. • 2. To Dresden and its vicinity, - 500 · One subject of affliction lies bienvy uponi

3. To Bautzen and its vicinity, - 500 our hearts. Our prosperous days afforded 4. To Silesia; on the borders of

us the felicity of being able to perform, in which, seventy-twoʻvillages ! its full extent, the duty of beneficence to? were almost entirely de- / wards the necessitous. We hare before stroyed, - - - -

our eyes many thousands of the ingabitants 5. To Lauenburg, Lunenburg, ) of the adjacent villages and hamlets, landed

and the vicinity of Harburg ? 500 proprietors, farmers, ecclesiastics, school

in Hanover, - - - -) masters, artizans of crery description, who, 6. To the many thousands who ) some weeks silice, were in circumstances

have been forced from their > 1000 more or less easy, and at least knew no habitations in Hamburg, J. want; but now, without a home, and

stripped of their all, are with their families

£3500 perishing of hunger. What the industry 7. And at a subsequent meeting 2

of many years had acquired was an ibilated on the 18th Jan. to Erfurt ( in a few hours. All around is one wide and Naumburg, and their

waste. The numerous villages and hamlets vicinity, - - - -

are almost all entirely or partially reduced

to ashes; the yet remaining buildings are £4000 perforated with hails, in a most ruinous

condition, and plundered 'of every thing, . The committee propose to publish re the barns, cellars, and lofts, are despoiled, ports of their further proceedings; and at and stores of every bind carried off'; the present submit to the public the following implements of farining and doipestic exo extracts of the Memorial above-mentioned, nowy, for brewing and distilling-in a and of Letters recently received from the word, for every por ese - the gardens, continent."

plantations, and fruii-iices-- are destroyed;.

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the fuel collected for the winter, the gates, Extract of a Letter from Count Schonfeld, the doors, the doors, the wood-work of a Saron.Nobleman, many Years Ambassaevery description, were consumed in the dor both at the Court of Versailles, before watch-fires; the horses were taken away, the Revolution; and till within a few together with all, the other cattle; and Years at Vienna, many families are deploring the loss of be

. (Addressed to Mr. Ackermann.) loved relatives, or are doomed to behold them afflicted with sickness and destitute of

. “ Leipsic, 230 Nov. 1813. relief.

“In events like these, every individual, The miserable condition of these de- however distant, must take some kind of plorable victims to the thirst of conquest, interest, either as a merchant or a man of the distress wbich meets our view whenever letters, a soldier or an artist; or, if none of we cross our thresholds, no language is ca- these, at least as a man. pable of describing. The horrid spectacle “I apply therefore, to you, Sir; and rewounds us to the very soul.

quest you, out of love to your wretched' All the countries of our continent have country, which is so inexpressibly devastated, been more or less drained by this destruc- to solicit the aid of your opulent friends tive war. Whither then are these poor and acquaintance, who, with the generosity people, who have such need of assistance peculiar to the whole British nation, may whither are they to look for relief : Ye feel for the unmerited misery of others, in free, ye beneficent, ye happy Britons, whose behalf of the wretched in Liebertwolkwitz generosity is attested by every page of the and Stormthal. This same Saxony, which annals of suffering humanity-whose soil three centuries ago released part of the has been trodden by no hostile foot--who world from the no less galling yoke of reliknow not the feelings of him that beholds gious bondage; wbich, according to hisa foreign master revelling in his babitation, tory, has been the theatre of fifteen great

of you the city of Leipsic implores relief battles; that same Saxony is now become for the inhabitants of the circumjacent vil- the cradle of the political liberty of the lages and hamlets, ruined by the military continent. But a power so firmly rooted events in the past month of October. We could not be overthrown without the most therefore entreat our patrons and friends in energetic exertions; and, while millions are England to open a subscription in their be- now raising the shouts of triumph, there are, half. The boon of charity shall be punc- in Saxony alone, a million of souls who are tually acknowledged in the public papers, reduced to misery too severe to be capable and conscientiously distributed, agreeably of taking any part in the general joy, and to the object for which it was designed, by who are now shedding the bitterest tears of a committee appointed for the purpose. abject wretchedness and want.” Those who partake of it will bless their benefactors, and their grateful prayers for Extract of a Letter addressed to the same, them will ascend to Heaven.

from Leipsic, Nov. 22, 1813. Leipsic, Nov. 1, 1813.

“ By those five days' conflict (in the last (Signed) FREGE & Co.

month), our city was transformed into one REICHENBACH & Co.

vast hospital, 56 edifices being devoted to JOHANN HEINRICH KUSTNER & Co. that purpose alone. The number of sick

and wounded amounted to 36,000. Of We, the Burgomaster and Council of the these a large proportion died; but their

city of Leipsic, hereby attest the truth of places were soon supplied by the 'many the deplorable state of our city, and of the wounded who had been left ia the adjacent villages around it, as faithfully and pa- villages. Crowded to excess, what could thetically described in a Memorial dated be the consequence but contagious diseases? November, and addressed to the Brio especially as there was such a scarcity of tish Nation by some of our most reputable the necessaries of life; and, unfortunately, and highly respected yellow-citizens, a most destructive nervous fever is at this namely, the bankers Messi's. Frege and moment making great ravages among us, so Co. Messrs. Kustner and Co. Alessrs. that from 150 to 180 persons commonly Reichenbach and Co.; and recomanend'it die in one week, iq a city whose ordinary to the generosity which has, in all ages, mortality was between 30 and 40. In the marked the character of the British Na military hospitals there die at least 300 in a lion. We have formally authenticuted day, and frequently from 5 to 600. The this attestation, by affixing to it the seat circumjacent villages, to the distance of ten

of our city, and our usual signature. miles round, are all completely stripped; in FLS.) D. FRIEDRICH HULDREICH Caki, scarcely any is there left a single horse,

SIEGMANN, Acting Burgomaster, cow, sheep, hog, fowl, or corn of any kind, Leipsic, Nov. 18, 1813.

either hay or implements of agriculture, All the dwelling-houses have been either

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