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address; for, had it been otherwise, ing that men may be very sincere it is probable I might not have in error. In my friendly visits to troubled either you or yours. The their houses, if I ask them how case, however, standing as it does, many quarts there are to a bushel, I could wish to avail myself of the or talk upon pounds, shillings, and advice of some of your worthy cor- pence, none are more wise or lorespondents--half a dozen of which quacious; but if I tell them of that I could name, were it necessary, wisdom that is from above, all is siA“ Simplex" (be he who he may) lent, except some one should venI would begin with. But to the ture to open his mouth, and there. point. In the parish, Sir, where by declare his ignorance. I enI am lately appointed, I find it a deavour, in my appeals from the difficulty of no small magnitude to pulpit, to do it with as much plainmake myself understood; that is, ness as I can, and would as affecfor my congregation to compre- tionately as my office clearly enhend my addresses; or, in other joins me : but what then one -words (if I may so speak), the says, “I have bought a yoke of language of religion. I am aware oxen;" another may prove a Felix, my case may not be singular; but and a third an Agrippa, but all then others situate as I am may with one consent cry, "I pray thee -have a happier method of convey- have me excused,” and go away, ing their ideas, better suited to the straightway forgetting what manner capacities of their hearers ; this is of men they were, and “ so they what I have yet to learn, and will wrap it up.” Here ends the comthankfully become their pupil. To plaint: now, Sir, where's the resome of my parishioners, I believe, medy? I am aware that a respectwere I to use the term confirma- able body of Christians owe much tion, instead of that of salvation, I to a something in their addresses should be as well understood; and for their vast increase, and that Were I to tell you the reply of a chiefly in the humbler ranks in sosick person to her Minister, called ciety ; but, for my own part, I upon to visit her, and preaching to want not to excite the passions sher Jesus, in an adjoining parish, merely of my hearers; for, till I can sit would excite your sorrow and gain the affections and heart, I de. regret, and perhaps the smile and spair ever being of any real use, I ridicule of the thoughtless; though wish to employ such terms that all at the same time it might prove, may understand, and be benefited that in England, not greatly ex- by the foolishness of preaching," ceeding an hundred miles from the without myself becoming a foolish capital, “ gross darkness covers (if preacher, and be justly chargeable not the earth) the people.” But I with vulgarity. wish to be understood that this is

Yours truly, not confined to the humble ranks

A YOUNG VICAR. amongst us only; for to some of H- shire, Sept. 29, 1814. my more refined neighbours I think, were I in the morning to give them a sermon from the pen of a Lati- RECOLLECTIONS OF MERCY AND mer, and in the evening from that 'ANTICIPATIONS OF HOPE. of the late celebrated Dr. P- A CHRISTIAN one morning sat

“Both very good; the parson is down to peruse the word of God, a good churchman; preached well and having, read a portion of it

(i.e. delivered his sermon distinct- with that self-application without · ly), and no doubt very sincere, which the soul can receive'no beand that's every thing." So much nefit, he revolved in his mind the for discrimination; not recollect- various dealings of God with him

through the years that were past. will he be favourable no more ? Is His sorrows were many, his fears his 'mercy clean gone for ever? high, his heart was heavy, his Doth his promise fail for evermore? faith exceedingly weak--sin, like Hath God forgotten to be graa tall mountain; hid his God from cious ? Hath he in anger shut up his eyes, and he felt “ the remem- his tender mercies? True, I have brance of his misdoings grievous sinned, greatly sinned; sinned to him, and the burden of them in- against light and convictions, tolerable."--"O sin, sin!” he ex- against numerous and invaluable claimed, " what hast thou done to mercies, against much forbearance me? whither hast thou led me? and long-suffering, and I might How can I escape the merited an- justly expect that the patience of ger of a holy God? But I will God, exhausted by such repeated consider,'” added he, “the days provocations, would be exercised of old, the years of ancient times."" towards me no more, but speedy "* Under these impressions he re- vengeance take its place. Yet, O called to his mind the hours long Lord, there is forgiveness with since departed: he remembered thee, that thou mayest be feared, "the wormwood and the gall” of and with the Lord my God there his state of unregeneracy; “the is plenteous redemption.--Spare a rock whence he was hewn, the trembling sinner, that flees from hole of the pit whence he was dig. the hands of justice to the arms of ged;" the day when the Lord mercy; from the threatenings of

sent from above, and took him, the law to the promises of the Gosand drew him out of many waters;" pel; from the curses of wrath to and “ plucked him as a brand from the blessings of grace ; and be not the everlasting burning.” Me- angry with me for ever. O'extend mory, faithful to its trust, called to me thy wonted kindness; be but up and presented to his mind's eye what thou hast been to me, and those happy seasons when the can. my soul desires no more." dle of the Lord shone upon him; While he was thus musing the when grace dropped from above to fire burned; the recollections of

enrich and strengthen his soul; past mercies awakened hope, jand the ordinances of God's house strengthened faith, animated de-' were to him “ wells of salvation;" sire, infused comfort ; and a ray when“ he magnified the Lord, of light beaming from the unchangand his spirit rejoiced in God his ing love of God, shed a brightness Saviour." He opened his diary, over the gloomy scene. He reand revisited the Bethels and Pe. membered, too, the experiences of niels' of ancient days ; read afresh others, and how the Lord had in the inscriptions on many ąn Eben- . every age failed not to restore his ezer, which his hands bad raised backsliding children: and the reto the love, power, and faithful- membrance was as if he heard ness of God; and marked the me- voices in the valley of darkness and morials of prayers answered and sorrow in which he was walking : promises fulfilled; and he said unto and he rejoiced to think, that, his soul, 4. Let us arise, and go up though alone, he was not the only to Bethel, and I will make there an one that had travelled through the altar, unto God, who answered me dreary, soul-distressing place ; for in the day of my distress, and was he traced the footsteps of the flock with me in the way which I went." there. The infinite compassions of Then shutting his diary, he enter- the adorable Redeemer now preed into himself, and communed sented themselves to his heart in thus with his own heant : “ Will the most lively manner, and with the Lord cast off for eter ?, and the most delightful sensations. Jem..


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sus, the high priest of his profes- that he gave his only-begotten Son, sion, appeared standing at the that whosoever believeth in him right hand of God for him, and he should not perish, but should have beheld by faith that blood which everlasting life” (John, iif. 16); once atoned on Calvary, pleading $6. God commendeth his love to before the eternal throne for his wards us, in that while we were pardon and reconciliation; and yet sinners Christ died for us." while faith thus viewed the scene (Rom. v. 8.) with enraptured gaze, his listening But surely his own love must be ear caught this soothing strain as it beyond a parallel, to bear such a issued from the mercy-seat : “ I character, and to perform such ą. will heal their backslidings ; I will work! That one in the ETERNAL love them freely; for mine anger JEHOVAH' should be " set up from is turned away." Cheered by these everlasting as delighting in the applications of divine trnth to his sons of men" (Prov. viii. 22, 31);-.. soul, he dismissed his gloomy fears, that when sacrifice and offering and terror and dismay fled far froki were not in themselves desirable, him; he anticipated the future or sufficient for the redemption of kindnesses of his reconciled God man ; that then he should say, and Father, and exclaimed, “ Be. "Lo, I come!"- that, in the fulfil. cause thou hast been my help, ment of this engagement, he who therefore in the shadow of thy was thus in the form of God, should wings will I rejoice. My soul fol. take upon himself the form of a Joweth hard after thee; thy right servant, and, being found in fashion hand upholdeth me." " What time as a man, should humble himself, I am afraid, I will trust in the and become obedient to death, Lord.” “Thou shalt: guide me even the death of the cross!!-be with thy counsel, and afterward astonished, 0 ye heavens; at this!! receive me to glory." .

But,“ brethren, ye know the grace 'JABEZ. of our Lord Jesus Christ, who,

though he was rich, yet for our AN ESSAY ON THE SON OF GOD. sakes he became poor. What a

wonderful person! - what an un: John, i, 34. . .. speakable gift! Had he given all

- [Concluded from Page 882.] " the hosts of heaven; with all the . Bu'r how does this view magnify treasures of ten thousand worlds, redeeming love! When we consi. in comparison of the gift of the der the person of the Redeemer, Son of God, the only-begotten of the objects he had in view, the the Father, --in comparison with state to which he condescend- the gift of himself, they had been ed, and the end which he pro- in value less than a feather, weigh. : posed that such a Saviour, the ed against all the riches of the East.

Son of God, should think upon Yea, there can be no comparison ruined sinners, so as in the counsels - between things to disproportioned. of eternity to undertake their re. He could have spoken, and, by demption that he should enter his own creating fiat, ten thou. upon such a'state, accomplish such sand times ten thousand sách glo.

a work of condescension and saf- rified spirits had sprung into exist· "ferings, and pay such a price to "ence to renew the spiritual world,

redeem such sinners froń guilt, and fill up at once the void that death, and hell__"' what 'manner such a gift had occasioned. But

of love is this?" Well may it * having but one Son, his only. 'be represented as the greatest dis: beloved, he sent him into the

play and exertion of the Father's world," that we might live through "Love : « God so loved the world, him. How glorious is he! how

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insignificant, how unworthy are thing will so draw the heart in love we! The only worthy object to be to God, as a believing view of his proposed in such a work must have person, his glories, his character, been the magnifying his own wis- and work of redeeming love. No. dom, the manifesting of his justice thing will so crucify the flesh, with and his truth, or the displaying of its affections and lusts : so crucify the exceeding riches of his grace me to the world, and the world to and mercy. These purposes are, me. (Gal. vi. 14.) Spirit of Jesus! indeed, admirably effected in the bear this witness to my heart, and redemption of the Lord Jesus enkindle the corresponding affeca Christ : and the more wretched, tions there! guilty, and unworthy we appear, But here, also, let us renew the greater are the wonders of his and deepen our conceptions of the sovereign grace and love!

holiness of the divine law, the jusBut we see, also, the Holy Spirit tice of God, and the vast maligconcurring in the work. By his nity of sin. Never could there be almighty power he was formed and so convincing a display of these conceived in the wornb of the vir- truths as that which arises from gin mother : he bare his testimony this view of the Redeemer. That to him in his dove-like appearance such a provision should be made at his baptism; and filled his hu- in the eternal counsels, such a man nature without measure with Person appointed to redeem and the gifts of his grace, and thus save, and such a work be performprepared and arrayed him for his , ed, to honour the law, display the work, “ The Spirit of the Lord justice of God, and put away our sin, God,” says he, as is upon me, be must give us a very striking view of cause he hath anointed me to the divine holiness and truth, and preach good tidings to the meek, of our guilty and ruined state. to bind up the broken-hearted,” Surely the blessed Redeemer &c.” (Isaiah, lxi. 1.)

did not suffer more than was net · Now, that same Spirit of grace cessary, “when it pleased the Fadelights to apply his redemption, ther to bruise him, and to put him and testify of the person, glory, to grief;" “ when the sword awoke grace, and salvation of Jesus, to against the fellow of the Almighthe hearts of his people. Again, ty, when, in the cold night, in we say, What manner of love is the garden of Gethsemane, he this?” “ There are Three that bear "sweat great drops of blood;" or record in heaven to this divine when, in the unknown agonies of truth ---- the Father, the Word, and his soul upon the cross, he cried the Holy Ghost; and these three out, “ My God, my God, why hast are one. And there are three that thou forsaken me?” But why was bear record on earth--the Spirit, this? - Only because « he was and the water, and the blood ; and wounded for our transgressions; these three agree in one.” (1 John, he was bruised for o'ir iniquiv., 7, 8.) Well, then, might the ties; the chastisement of our peace Apostle say (ver. 5, 6), “ Who is was upon him, that by his stripes he that overcometh the world, but we might be healed” (Isa. liii, 5); he that believeth that Jesus is the and because " he bare our sins in Son of God?“ This is he thate his own body on the tree.” Look, came by water and blood, &c. and my soul, at that scene, till thou it is the Spirit that beareth witness, art more suitably impressed with because the Spirit is truth.” The the holiness of the divine law, the Apostle, therefore, lived the life righteous indignation of Godagainst which he lived in the flesh by the sin, and his justice in its punish. faith of the Son of God; and no ment:--till thou art suitably affect

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with thine own state of guilt-till the sins of all the world heaped thou canst abhor thyself, and ab- upon one guilty head, and were hor thy sin, which caused that there ten thousand times ten thoumysterious transaction of love for sand such, to need the virtue of thy redemption.

his offering, the blood of Christ But, thou trembling sinner, be- sprinkled on their hearts would hold here, also, the fullest evidence make each and all of them as white as to the all-sufficiency of that work as snow. (Isaiah, i. 18.) The sin of Jesus to redeem thy soul. If against the Holy Ghost must evithe Son of God would not suffer dently, therefore, include impeninor do more than sufficient for the tency, and a rejection of the Saglory of God, assuredly he would viour; or the blood of the Saviour, not do nor suffer less than sufficient which saves even to the uttermost, for redeeming his people. There would be sufficient for the remis fore we are told, « by his one of- sion even of that most accumulated fering he hath perfected for ever guilt. them that are sanctified;" and there We may from hence, also, form is “ no more offering for sin;" no some imperfect idea of the mediamore is requisite nor demanded. torial glories of the Redeemer in (Read the whole of that beautiful his kingdom. There the Son of passage, Heb. x. 14-12.) There God sits enthroned, our nature taá he made," as our church strongly ken into union with the divine, in expresses it, “ a full, perfect, and participation of his glories, 'never sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and more to be separated. satisfaction for the sins of the It is, indeed, “ that glory which whole world;" so that “ whosoever he had with the Father before all believeth on him shall not perish, worlds," but received again in our but have everlasting life.” Nothing nature; that (if we may so concan be added, and nothing must ceive) he might be the more intebe taken away from the work of rested in conducting the affairs of Christ. He came not to save his brethren-connecting the pity those who are able in part to save of his human nature with the powthemselves ; but he is an almighty er and glory of his divine. How, and all-sufficient Redeemer and then, should the redeemed ever Saviour for the helpless; “ those withhold their praises, when they who have no helper.” He invites see their nature thus exalted, thus all to come to him, promises to united, thus glorified, and this as cast out none who do come, and the cause and security of all their none shall be deceived in their ex. glory and felicity! Lift up your pectations who trust in him, but heads, then, ye gates, and be ye shall have everlasting life.” What- lift up ye everlasting doors, that ever my guilt may be, I remember this King of glory may come in !" that his blood hath an infinite vir- and let the crowns of nature, creatue, and his righteousness an infi- tion, providence, and redemption, nite merit; whatever is my weak- adorn his head for ever and for ness, whoever are my enemies, his ever! arm has an infinite, an almighty But it is the most engaging, the power. As man he suffered, most glorious effect arising from but as God he supported those such a character of the Saviour, sufferings, endured through them, that, if he be the Son of God, we and gave efficacy and virtue to are also become children of God, them. Though nothing else could as, in, and through him. United to have equalled our sin and guilt, the Son of God, 6 we are all the these are infinitely beyond in effi- children of God, by faith in Christ cacy and merit. Yea, were all Jesus." “ He is not ashamed to

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