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for He. thật hath meřey on them emblem of his all-healing, proshall lead them, even by the springs těcting, and satisfying grace. ‘of water shall he guide them." Happy they who are among his

(Isaiah, xlix. 9, 10, &c.). And, people : taken out of the waste with a closer reference to this cha- hdwling wilderness, entered by the ‘racter : “ As a shepherd seeketh Door into the fold, admitted to out his flock in the day that he is all the privileges of his flock, they among his sheep which are scat- go in and out secure in his protered, so will I seek out my sheep," "tection, and satisfied with the &c. I will feed them in a good abundance of his never-satiating pasture, and upon the high moun- provisions. Within the inclosure tains of Israel shall their fold be ; of his covenant love, in God's there shall they lie in a good fold, own church, they dwell under the and in a fat pasture shall they feed 'grace and government of the Reupon the mountains of Israel. (Ez. deemer. Under their Shepherd's xxxiv. 11, 16, &c.) Nay, such is care, they feed with quietness and cheir security, that he spreads a in plenty, as faith can receive it, table for them, even in the “ pre in the pastures of salvation. Oh, to 'sence of their enemies," who can be in Christ, and to know by faith not interrupt the enjoyment of his the principle of being so ! (Zech. people when faith realizes the 'x. 12.) power, the fulness, and the cove- - Soon shall this Door open into nant love of their Redeemer. But the fold above. In the hands of the enlarging upon this point will 'Jesus' are the keys of death and fall more immediately under the the grave; when he please, the character of the Shepherd. door shall unfold, and disclose the

Let us only, to enter a little wonders of the world of glory. further into the beauty of the al. There, wearied of the toils of life, lusion, present to ourselves the shall every believer enter; “ they weary flock, after the wanderings shall enter into peace," perfect of the day, retiring, under the peace, eternal peace. From thence

shepherd's guidance, to the shel. 'every enemy, every sin, every sor"tered and well-guarded fold. How row, is excluded; yea, every dan

peacefully, how securely, they lie ger and every fear. The presence down and rest! Or, rather, let us see of JEHOVAH JESUS 'without a veil them, after long and painfully tra- shall add confidence to security; versing the dreary desert, entering and eternal communion and enby an unexpected opening into joyment be the source of unchang, some delightful valley, beautiful ing and eternal blessedness! What as the paradise of God; the sun a door is Jesus ! Enter, thou troushining in splendour dries their bled conscience! it opens to predripping fleeces; or, if weary with sent peace; to the tabernacles thirst and hunger, the clear springs where grace resides on earth ; to afford the refreshing draught, the the mansions where glory' reigns verdant pastures springing all above. But how shall I enter? around, where they may lie down says the humble inquirer. A quesand feed, where all is beauty, tion of great importance, and peace, and abundance.

which, though we have in a mea. These, however, afford but a sure anticipated it, deserves perfaint resemblance of that joy the haps a more explicit answer, for 'weary sinner feels when first the the direction of the mistaken, or discovery, of the Gospel presents the consolation of the fearful peto faith the fulness of the Redeem- nitent. .A door is designed for 'er. All the beauties of nature are entrance, and if it promise any sebut the shadows of his glories, the curity or advantages, we must ena


186 On the Names and Titles given to our divine Redeemer. [JUNE, ter, in order to enjoy them. As ness of his atonement, in confaith is the appointed means of Dexion with the covenant promises entrance, it is also spoken of un- çf his word, excite a humble reder the same allusion (Acts, xiv. liance on him for all the blessings 27): “ He hath opened the door of salvation. A sense of personal of faith unto the Gentiles;" for interest may at first be wanting, " without faith it is impossible to which is the effect of stronger please God, since he that cometh faith, and clearer views of the fulto God must believe that he is, ness and freeness of redeeming and that he is a rewarder of them grace: but no where else can the that diligently seek him.” He believing penitent find hope. Here, must, therefore, have a discovery therefore, he will rest his soul, of the appointed means of access, and, though with trembling hand, and the only Mediator between still hold fast his confidence. God and man, through whom alone Happy believer! he has entered he hath promised acceptance and by the Door, and shall never be blessings.

cast out again.-Have we thus enThis faith, as it is the purchase tered? Let us endeavour, then, of the blood of Christ for his to make it more evident by strong people, is the gift of God, and er faith, firmer reliance, and more the work of his Spirit. When abundant fruits of faith in joy and that Spirit brings into the con- love. But, if trusting in any thing science a conviction of sin in its beside, no wonder if we can obguilt and curse, and all its alarm- tain nò consolation, nor sense of ing consequences, this discovers security. When a door is fixed in the sinner's need, together with any building, it is evidently the his total inability to redeem or de design of the master that we liver his own soul. And none will should enter there, and not at ever come to Christ but those who tempt to force an entrance in any have been thus taught. But that other manner; and he who does same Spirit which convinces of sin, would be treated as a thief and a fixes on the mind the truth of such robber. Hence the expression declarations as these : “ No man (ver. I), “ He that entereth not in cometh unto the Father but by by the door, &c. the same is a me;" 56 Other foundation can no thief and a robber.” He endeaman Vay than that which is laid, vours to rob God of his authority, which is Christ Jesus." He brings in prescribing this as the only way sinners to see that this, there of salvation; to rob Christ of his fore, is God's great Gospel com- glory, as the only and all-sufficient mandment, “ that we should be. Saviour; and the Spirit, of his office lieve on the name of his Son Je- in glorifying him in this character, sus Christ;" because he that and applying his salvation to the hath the Son of God hath life, heart. Though we may by some and he that hath not the Son of other way enter into the visible God hath not life.” Hence the fold, of his church, it will at last penitent sinner discovers, what is be found that there is no entrance God's appointed way of salva- but through him. into the true tion, while a conviction of guilt, church, the pasture of his grace concurring with believing views of below; nor into the heavenly the Saviour's glory, leads him to church, the heavenly Jerusalem, discern a suitableness of excelthe assembly of the just abové.

lency in such a Saviour and such But this is the glory of our Je · a salvation. The guilt of sin leads Bus, he is, an open door; not so

him to Jesus; and the glories of properly, therefore, considered as his person, together with the fuls a door 28. a door-way; though for

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security he is a door to shut. Io er! use him daily; use him only, this view he is presented to thy and never depart froin him, nor faith, doubting and contrite sino wish to go out again into the wide ner. Look through where he field of a wilderness and disorder. opens the way into the inclosure ed world. The weary sheep lie of his grace; behold the rich pas- down in the field, and are satisfied ; tures that spread themselves around, só should you. Where should we even all the promised blessings of go but unto thee, thou dear Rehis Gospel ; look where the throne deemer! thou hast the words of of grace presents a reconciled God eternal life. The view, the temwith every gift of mercy and of per, the language of the humble grace. Go in, thou blessed of the suppliant at this Door are thus Lord; why standest thou without? beautifully represented by the ProHesitate not whether you may, phet: “ In those days, and in that and, above all, hesitate not whe- time, saith the Lord, the children ther you will or not. No half- of Israel shall come, they and the hearted penitent can enter there, children of Judah together, going who holds his lusts and the world and weeping; they shall go and in one hand, while he seems to re- seek the Lord their God. They linquish them with the other. But shall ask the way to Sion with every willing penitent is welcomed their faces thitherward, saying, to his complete salvation. A time, Come, and let us join ourselves to indeed, is coming, when this door the Lord in a perpetual covenant, shall be shut; when all who are in that shall not be broken." Happy shall never go out, and all who are bond, that thus unites to Jesus! Is out shall never enter in; when thy heart thus surrendered to, is thy many shall come and say, “ Lord, faith thus resting upon, him? In Lord, open unto us : but he shall all thy daily need the same Door profess unto them, I never knew is open, the same free access and you; depart from me, ye workers entrance granted. Knock by daily of iniquity.” The door is, shut, supplication, and thou shalt find and there is eternal security and its truth. In all the concerns of blessedness to his people; it is thy soul, in all thy trials and diffi. shut, and all who have rejected culties, in all which regards the him are eternally secluded from peace of thy conscience, the sanc. the benefits of admission. `0, en-, tification of thy heart, and the di. ter ye in then at the strait gate. rection of thy conduct, have respect The only things, indeed, which to him. And in all thy approaches make it so strait and difficult, to God, for all things, give honour are our love of sin, and unwilling- to this appointed Mediator, as the ness to enter. Let the Lord the only object of thy faith, and ground Spirit remove theni, and no impe- of thy hope, and thou shalt never diment stands between us and Je- come in vain, nor fail of obtaining sus; we may enter and enjoy its thy request, according to his will. INFINITE ADVANTAGES. Let faith Experience will testify that he is close, then, with that dear Re- the ever new and living way; the deemer: Lord, give me thy salva, never-failing Intercessor for his tion, and take my heart and all its people; the Door through which powers a willing offering for thy- our persons and all our prayers self. Here the believer has daily find admission to the Throne of access; it is always open to the Grace, and whereby all blessings faith of the believer, that he may flow down from a reconciled God enter into its privileges and enjoy- to us. This Door shall surely adments. Use him, then, O believe mit us by faith into all the privi.

leges of his Gospel and his chureh present, and equally your eyerbelow, and open an happier and ' lasting salvation. It did not exist

an abundant entrance into the first when it was made known to : kingdom of his glory above! you at your conversion, when you i

tomi believed it;

believed it; but was made when

you knew it not. If yo'ı doubt ... ON UNION WITH CHRIST. .

this, then believe it as revealed for John, xvii. 20, 21. .

you in these following Scriptures : Neither pray I for these alone, but Ephes. i. 4 ; Matt. xxv. 34 ; Titus,

for them also which shall believe i. 2; 2 Thess. ij. 13; 2 Tim. i. 9;. ive me through their word; that Ephes. iii. 11. Do you now doubt, they all may be one, as thou, Fa- and disbelieve this doctrine for ther, 'art in me, and I in thee, yourself? I conclude, surely not. that they also may be one in us ; Concerning the reality of this that the world may believe that important doctrine of your union thou hast sent me.

with Christ, observe these followALL those who profess and calling circumstances. It is an indisthemselves Christians, and pray to soluble union : it will never be disbe led into the way of truth, and solved, neither in this world nor wish to be not merely almost, but in the next. It is founded on the altogether Christians, should charge indissoluble union between the Fatheir souls to pay particular atten-. ther and the Son. Can theirs be tion to the scriptural doctrine of dissolved ? -No, it never will, it UNION with Christ; and this never can. (John, xvii. 21.) Eterbecause their eternal salvation de- nity belongs to your salvation as pends upon it, is connected with much as to the Saviour himself; it, belongs to it, is inseparable there is no salvation without it. from it, and is the security of it. For this see 1 John, iv.; 1 Pet. i.

This union is a cord never to be 20. Yours, like theirs, wil} last,
broken; it is a knot tied, never to ' to all eternity.--See John, xvii.
be untied. See then, that, led by 20 and 24 ; Jude, 21; John, x.
the Spirit, as a convinced, to be a 27 ; 1 John, v. 11, 20; Ps. Ixxxix.
saved sinner, you are come to 2 Sam. xxiii.; John,v.39; Heb, xi..
Christ, are received by him, wash- 15; John, iv. and vi. Were this
ed in his blood, clothed with his union ever to have been broken, it
righteousness, and renewed by his need not, it would not have been
grace, experimentally. You have made.
then union with him, as he with Your union with Christ will ne-,
you. Prove your union by its ver be broken, neither on his part,
fruits, and you prove your salva- nor on yours, because, as I will
tion for ever.

now show you, the very great and : That yoų may understand the certain care he and his Father (the subject, and I may treat it scrip- husbandman, John, xv.) will take · turally, therefore rightly, I imme- of you, and keep you safe in it, diately ask you, when was this and do for you every thing needful union made with you? I will say, to be done, to preserve you through in answer, for you, it existed be- this world to the next, saying, fore you did, before you were “Behold, I, and the children which born, before Adam was created, God has given me;' when he before Christ was born, before the “brings his many sons unto glory." world was made. (Prov. viii.; John, He remembers his own union with xvii. 24.) It was made when the you, and yours with him ; and, “ council of peace” was had be- therefore, to preserve both, contween the Father and the Son for sult Ps. lvii. 2; and cx xxviii. 8; your salvation. Then began your Phil. i. 6, and iv. 19; 2 Tim. iv,

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18; Jude, 1. To prove what I after he himself is conquered, can have said, observe these following he conquer you?- No; he cannot: instances. . .

his head is bruised before your heel 1. You will need his spirit. You is; his wound is mortal, yours is shall have it: he will give it you. curable. Mind Heb. ii. 14; Rom.

See John, xiv. 16, and xi. 26, xvi, 2; 1 John, ii. 14; James, iv. - and xvi. 7; Rom. viii. 14, 26; 1 7; 1 Pet. v. 8, 9; Ephes. vi.; Matt.

Cor. ii. 9; 2 Cor. v. 5. Therefore xvi. 18. pray for it.—Luke, xi. 13.

8. Are you afraid of coming to 2. You will want a standing mi- want, not having enough of temnistry for the means of grace. He poral provision ? -Not if you conwill give it; he has appointed it. sider and believe, surely, Matt. vi. See Matt. xviii. 18, 19; xxviii. 19, 33; 1 Tim. iv. 8; Heb. xiii. 5; 20; Mark, xvi. 15; Rom. x, 13; Matt. iv. 4. Col. i.; Ephes. iv. There is the Are you afraid of any other sabbath; he is the Lord of it for things or persons, which you think you. Use his day, house, table, may prove a means of your union and his presence. Read for this with Christ being dissolved, which also the Acts of the Apostles. I have not here named, you may

3. Are you afraid that your sins see by what I have here named in are not, and will not be forgiven? what ways you may get rid of your The number of Scriptures which fears in other respects and cases, prove they will be, and are for- and so they may be removed, viz. given, appear too many to be in the like scriptural manner; and named; and you cannot but know if you miss finding particular scripthem. So I here name no parti- tural passages to answer your fears, cular ones, because they are so take these which follow, text and nearly countless.

context; and especially when 4. Are you afraid of death, its temptations, troubles, sufferings, circumstances or consequences ? and various trials, make an attack What! when you observe Heb. ii. upon you : as, Rom. viii. 28 and 14; 1 Cor. xv.; Rom. vi. 4 ; John, 31, and onward; Heb. xiii. 5; 1 xi.; Job, xix.; John, v. 29 ? Tri- Pet. i. 6; iii. 12; iv. 12; v.6; umphant will be your death, and Phil. iv. 6. Now, then, after all glorious your resurrection. this, I ask you, if God be a God

5. Are you afraid of falling, of veracity, faithfulness, and truth, and not persevering, and enduring as a promise-keeping God, dealto the end, and so of being lost at ing with you according to his last ?_But read John, ii. 14, and word, and you dealing with him xvii. 11, 12; Jude,' 24; 1 Pet. according to his oath (Heb. vi. i. 5; 2 Tim. i. 12; Titus, îi. 11; 2 and Psa. lxxxix.); how can you Tim. iv. 18; Heb. x, 39; 2 Pet. i. fear or believe that your union 10; and Rom. viii.

with Christ can ever be dissolved 6. Are you afraid of sinning?m in this life or in the next?-I trust See Rom. vi.; 1 John, iii. 4, 9; you cannot. Now learn on, imMat. i. 21; Acts, iii. 26.' And so prove, and apply. - lest you should not be holy, and 1. All this brings your everlastlive a godly life, and do good ing salvation to a certainty.—Then works ? --- But observe the meaning see 2 Pet. i. 13; Heb. vi. 19; 1 of Ephes. ii. 10; Phil. i. 11; John, Thess. i. 5. xv.; Rom. vi. 22; 2 Tim. vi. 18; 2. See the necessity and importTitus, iii. 8, 14; and 1 Cor. xv. 58. ance of believing the doctrine of

7. Do you fear Satan, lest he union with Christ. should tempt you, should deceive 3. Those who have union with you, and destroy you? What! Satan should use means to have CHRIST. GUARD. VOL. VI.


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